It seems that if the small amount of drill used in ical Association should hold its annual Convention in the American schools will cause curvature and asymmetry, the very the healthiest City upon Continent. As the official of the I extend to great amount in use at West Point and Military representative city, you a cordial greeting. The Municipal Government Schools and in at ' generally, regiments army posts bids you welcome, and says to you, If you seek a would bring about such a state of asymmetry that healthy city, look around you.' Our people have an- the whole United States Army would be one-sided, ticipated your coming with pleasure, and, with their have for en- and present a uniform lateral curvature. And if the characteristic hospitality, prepared your tertainment. Your brethren of the Association have normal effect of the drill is to cause asymmetry it heralded your advent with pride and exultation, and seems that the with which cadets are selected care have made every provision for your pleasure and en- is not only useless but absurd. But as, on the sug- joyment. The home of McDowell, Pope, Hodgen, gestion of Dr. Henry I. Bowditch, the discussion on and many other honored members of your profession, welcomes for own sake. The which this subject was adjourned for a future meeting of you your calling you have selected is a noble one. The science of the we may leave the matter for the Section, present, medicine has been revered from all ages, and its ex- and hope to present the subject more fully in a future pounders have been highly and worthily esteemed. issue of The Journal. The art of curing disease is co-ordinate with the ac- cidents and infirmities to which mankind is liable, and some rude forms of the art of were Notice to New Members of the American Med- applying healing practiced by the most barbarous of people. The ical Association.—We have letters from received early history of medicine is so mixed up with myth- l several who became members of the Association for ology that it is difficult to distinguish truth from fic- the first time at the meeting in St. Louis, expressing tion. The idea was prevalent in the early ages that disease was a indicted a that they have not begun to receive punishment by high power, disappointment its was to The after the and consequently treatment relegated Journal immediately adjournment. priests, and was attended with superstitious rites. To We would remind all such that we cannot know at what extent that idea prevails at the present day, and this office what new members are entitled to The how far those practices have been handed down from is none the less Journal until the Treasurer has had time to go over the past, it is difficult to say, but it true that he who ministers to the wants of the entire registration list and to furnish us with the physical man is many held in as esteem as he who names and addresses of all new usual- by high members,which ministers to his spiritual wants. The history of med- ly requires from one to two weeks. As soon as we icine is the history of science, religion, society, pro- receive the list from the Treasurer, the names are gress. No science is more worthy the attention of no nobler can be in. added to the mail list, and the journals are sent. mankind, and study engaged No brighter intellects have adorned history than those which grace the rolls of your profession. ' Peace hath her victories not less renowned than war.' M any AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. of the discoveries of your predecessors have been in advance of the age in which they lived, and have race. Chiron, Annual held at St. Louis, proved of untold value to the human Thirty-seventh Meeting, with his the father of May 4, 5, 6 and 1886. pupil ^Esculapiusj Hypócrates, 7, rational medicine; Praxagoras, the discoverer of the Official Report. relations between the pulse and the general condition The Association assembled in the Exposition Build- of the system ; the great Galen, whose doctrines were and until ing at 11 a.m., May 4, 1886, and was called to order implicitly accepted for twelve centuries, by Dr. LeGrand Atwood, Chairman of the Com- Esalius, the anatomist, joined issue with them; Har- mittee ofArrangements. The President, Wm. Brodie, vey, the discoverer of the circulation oí the blood; M.D., of Detroit; Vice-Presidents, Drs. S. Logan, I (aller, the physiologist; Jenner, with his discovery La., A. Y. P. Garnett, D. C., Chas. Alexander, Wis.; of vaccine virus, are a few of the immortal names the Permanent Secretary, Dr. Wm. B. Atkinson, Phila- which have honored your profession, and which you delphia; the Assistant Secretary, Dr. Wm. C. Glasgow, delight to honor. For the sake of your profession, and its we welcome Mo. ; the Treasurer, Dr. R. J. Dunglison, Phila- its achievements, objects do you, delphia, and the Librarian, Dr. C. H. A. Klein- and not alone for that. That is reflected light, and schmidt, D. C., occupied their respective positions. although soft, pleasant, and to a high degree illum- can not with the Prayer was offered by Rev. M. Schuyler, D.D., of inating, it long keep step rapid Missouri. march of the present day. To have done is to hang The Chairman, Dr. Atwood, introduced Hon. D. out of fashion. As your brethren have in the past R. Francis, Mayor of St. Louis, who welcomed the kept pace with the spirit of their times, so in the pro- Association as follows: gressive age of to-day is your profession abreast with the of science. The world is almost THE MAYOR'S ADDRESS. vanguard daily electrified by the discovery of some important princi- " It is highly appropriate that the American Med- ple or its application in some new branch, and in no Downloaded From: http://jama.jamanetwork.com/ by a Simon Fraser University User on 06/16/2015 profession have these occurred more frequently than once Vice-President of the Association, and the first in yours. In no age of civilization or society have to deliver a lecture west of the Mississippi ; Charles the principles of your science been so and A. Pope, who during his life was first surgeon and generally and others so successfully taught, and put into effective practice first gentleman of the Mississippi Valley, as in the present. Hygiene is to-day more intelli- who had conferred immeasurable benefits on the pro- gently observed than ever before, and, thanks to your fession and the public. If the spirits of the illustrious thoughtfulness and advice, it is being enforced in the dead are permitted to revisit the scenes loved by them construction of our abodes, and in the rou- on earth, there were present in their midst the spirits practiced had tine of our daily life. You are continually discover- of these and of other illustrons surgeons who ing and disseminating information which preserves joined them on the other shore. If so, he had no health, prevents suffering and prolongs life. For your doubt their advice to members of the association own sakes, therefore, are you thrice welcome. We would be to preserve the National Code of Ethics as recognize among you many whose names are already the Palladium of their honor and to regard the open prominent in the world of science, and we trust that enemy of it as a Pandora with her box open, and the this Convention may result in bringing forward many secret enemy as a serpent which, with its deadly wiles, others. These annual assemblages of the medical had crept into Paradise. There was nothing left for profession can not but be productive of much good. him to do but to extend ten thousand welcomes to Besides promoting acquaintanceship and cultivating the members of the Association. friendship, it opens up new fields of research and di- Ex-Presidents Drs. N. S. Davis, J. M. Toner, D. verts thought into new channels. The ramifications W. Yandell, T. G. Richardson, H. F. Campbell, and of medicine are so extensive, and its possibilities are P. O. Hooper, by invitation, were seated upon the so great that specialties are daily becoming more platform. numerous. Occasions like this are valuable to you, The programme and other arrangements for the and of course are appreciated and taken advantage session were read and approved. of. I cordially welcome you here and trust that your It was announced that protests had been entered deliberations may be harmonious and satisfactory, against the delegates from the Philadelphia County beneficent to your association, promotive of science Medical Society, the New York Academy of Medi- and conducive to the good of the community." cine, the Tri-State Medical Society, the Mississippi Dr. Atwood on behalf of the profession, delivered Valley Medical Association, and the Davidson Coun- an address of ty Medical Society. Dr. D. J. Roberts, of Tenn., protested against WELCOME FROM THE PROFESSION. the Tennessee State Medical Society. Dr. Atwood said, after the excellent speech of the The Chairman offered a list of Members by In- he felt it difficult to add on behalf of vitation, who were, on motion, elected. Mayor anything then took the medical men of St. Louis, His Worship having Viciv President Dr. S. Logan the practically covered the whole ground. The local Chair, and The PRESIDENT, Dr. Wm. Brodie, de- profession had made public in every way the fact that livered the Annual Address.
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