?5?p^^5^?|^;;^Sj5^5'''^^^^^^ If-- "^^^ &^ TURNER'S PiBLIC SPIRIT 1 ^°et,lO/ j FOETY-PIEST YEAE, SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1909, NO, 44. PEIOE POUE CENTS. w re - J&^&^'^^I^^'^^i^^.^^^yy^ %t^°^^l^ -w Hart SchS^ner & 't patterns and weaves to seleft froTmuJ^hr^l^c^it^es^'S^-i^leslndPil^^^^^^ <^ '. Prices from $8 00 to $22.00 '3 We also, have a complete Line of Furnishings, Hats. Caps. Boots and Shoes Model 17 Buick, $1750. P. W. Fletcher &.Son, Opp. Depot.. Ayer, Mass The Alliance meeting with Mrs. L. Model 10 Buick, $1000. Double Rumble J. Farnsworth, on July 8, was; largely attended. .Mrs. E. B. Heald of Pepper­ Seat $1050. Toy Tonneau with Doors, $1200. ell. the guest,of the afternoon, spoke most interestingly of the life and work ^M^I^n^r^^'^^"^^^^^^'^ °^™^ I^ATESTVULCANIZERSAND of her father. Rev. Charles Babbidge. T.r-rn^xT^tf^° ™ °° ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ REPAIR OX CASLVGS. CAN The next regular meeting w-ill be on 'RtUftBie ^rTm.^^ll^' ALL STYLES OF CASES, CLINCHER, FISK BOLTED-ON, July 22, at the honie of Mrs. SY. B. Wilson. Miss Barbara Hazen will CL«>TTtieR rtAtSa- ?vn ^T^^i;l^Jo^'^'^^• I'L'^^'f^OP. ETC., ALSO FIAT AND ROUND TREAD speak upon college settlemfents. il^-n^^y ^^^^^^- ^"'^ DEPARTMENT IS IN CHARGE OFACOMPE- Harry Hocquard has given his auto­ yaT^Ja- ^^^ ^^^ ^^'"^^ ^'O^' ^^'Il^L BE SATISFIED WITH OUR mobile in exchange for H. O. Peasley's horse. Adolph Suhlke is now at the home I have a number of second-hand Cars for of his wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs James Gately, after recovering from sale, prices $75 to $500. Runabouts and an operation for appendicitis. Hid Summer Touring Cars. wire is spending the summer with her parents. Men's and Boys' Apparel A LARGE SUPPLY OF TIRES, SUPPLIES AND SUNDRIES FOR AUTO­ Dr. Charles J. Pierce is in Spring­ MOBILES AXD BICYCLES KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. field on a business trip and before re­ of every; kind that makes turning will visit Sunapee, .N. H. AM GETTING A DELIVERY OF ABOUT ONE BUICK A W'EEK, SO DO .Mrs. Simpson of Clinton with daugh­ for summer comfort. If Is OT HAVE TO KEEP MY CUSTOMERS WAITING. ter were visitors first of the week kt the home of her daughter, Jlrs. Alberi you are hot in mind or Deardon. body, we bring you news E. O. PROCTOR . Henry D. Martin of Clinton, a for-' u-er well known and respected resi­ of the comfort in.vStore for ^ Ayer, Mass. dent, has just issued another book, of EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR BUICK CARS IN ACTON, AYER, GROTON ^^;hich he is the author, entitled o -4. r- , s. ., you. Our line of Summer Progress and profit for mill men." isuits, finely tailored from thin fabrics^ in two orthrep HARVARD, LITTLETON AND SHIRLEY Mr. .Martin has presented a copy to'the piece models. ^ sji LI iree Shirley public library, and a copy to SUMMER^ tbe Sunday school library of tbe Con­ gregational church. Our Straw Hats, our Negligee Shirts, our thin Un- . -Mrs. A. A. Bronsdon, who has Keen spending a week in Keene, .\. H has' tv^TlwtZr':^!rnlT'^'^'^ "" «^^^' *°-f-'-« Ayer Autoinobile Station returned. • " ,hf p;.'^;,^^ bronsdon, with boys ot Robert Murphy & Sons, Props. the Phi Alpha Pl fraternity, have ar­ orS-'^oTr home coSr' °^^°"^ "^'.'°' your vacation - trip rived home-from their camping trip '"A at .Mt. -Monadnock. They report Here are Serge Suits AutomobileSandSupplies good^ weather and a splendid time. ^ The boys were delighted with the trip. Good Blue Serge Suits, always in good taste, well made and good fitting FULLY EQUIPPED MACHINE SHOP AVITH FIRST-CLASS REPAIRMEN --i. VULCANIZING DEPT. Runaway Accident Fred Sanderson had his milk wagon Here are Outing Suits "^^'^ ^'°-°°'. ^'^•°°' *'S'°° -^.$18.00 RETREADING, SECTIOXAL AND TUBE WORKS sraas'ied to pieces, Tuesday morning while in the vicinity of the .Munson T»o.pi.ce Suiu. com hall Ibrf. T,o„,.„ oon. with turned np bot- railroad crossing delivering milk. His We cam- in Stock the following Motor Car Acceissories: horse became frightened at the noise of a passing train and started at a Ammeters Gas Lamp Rubber Tubing Lreak-neck speed around the corner Here are Outing Trousers '^""^ ^^•^'^' ^^°'°° ^^^ «I2 00 Asbestos Sheet and Wick Packing Greases of all Kinds by Frank Snell's new house, and In Acetylene Burners doing so ran Into the curbing, upset- Goggles t ng the team, spilling all the milk bot­ Auto Soap Hand Soap tles. The team was broken completely Batteries Horn Reeds. .n halves and was a mass of splintered Battery Connections Hose Couplings wood, beyond all hope of repairs. The Battery Terminals horse was caught In the square at the Here are Straw Hats'"'""' ^''^^- *^^^°' *3'°°- S3.50 and $4.00' Hose Connections watering trough, where he had stopped Bulbs for Horns Hexagon Cap Screws and Xuts t.. quench his thirst, and aside from Balls (Steel) Lock Washers being in a frightened condition, wa= ^i^ne Pa^^mar^ ^'^'^ '''"'^ ^°'' ^'°' ^^' '"'^ Children. Good line of Gen- Belting (Fans) Metal Polish otherwise uninjured. Blow-out Patches Prices. Men's, 50c.. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2 50 Oils Baseball. Brake Lining Oil Cans Children's. 25c. and 50c ^^.ov Cable The Shirley baseball team went'to Packing ^vinchendon last Saturday afternoon Cable Terminals Patches and played a good game with the Win­ • Panamas, $4 00, $5,00, $6.00 and $8 oa CJai-'blde Pliers chendon team, winning the contest by Here are Negligee Shirts ^ ^ Carbon Cleaner I Pumps a score of 9 to 1. The Shirley team Cements scored five runs in the first inning All the new patterns and colorings. They come in the coat style ' Set Screws three In the third and one in the Cotter Pins Spark Plugs eighth. The Shirley boys did some with attached cuffs, or regular style, with detached cuffs. Also the Cotter Pin gxtr^ctors Switch Coil good all-round ballplaying. The spe­ soft golf shirts, with attached collars and attached cuffs-'^A snlendirl Cotton Waste cial feature of the game was the bat­ assortment to select from. Big values • Spark Plug Brushes ting of Lilly. Friction Fabric Taper Pins Graphite SHIRLEY A. A. Tife Lugs bh tb po Here are Thin Coats ^"'''^^ ^^^•' ^"^^ ' ^^^^ ^' 00 ^"^ $] 50 Grease and Oil Cups Tire Tape Sibley, rf %^ \ 4 a 2 Connors, .ss 4 1 1 1 2 Thin Coats in cotton, sateen, alpaca and serge Gas Bags Tire Valves St. GeorKe, 2b .... .i i 1 1 2 Gaskets Cook, cr 5 1 220 Tubing Copper and Brass Collyer. lb 4 :• 2 3 13 Gas Tubing- Connections Bourgeault. If ....5 1 2 2-1 ,H.. - ^^ - ,, . "^"^^^ ^Oc, $1.00. $2.00, $3.00 and $4 00 Valve Grinding Compound Leboeuf, 3b 5 1 0 0 1 Gas Tanks (Prest-0-Llte) Wrenches ^Voodcombe. c i, 0 0 0 4 Here is Thin Underwear ^"^-^yj Warner, p 3 0 0 0 I INNER TUBES AND CASINGS In Balbriggan, Porosknit, Nainsooks and Jerseys, in long and short U 9 12 14*26 15 sleeves. Also, Umon Suits , WINCHENDON A. A. tb po a Prices, 2 piece 25c. and 50c. a garment. Boys"25c. a'garment' BICYCLES, TIRES AND SUNDRIES ^^ llllams. If 4 0 0 0 2 0 Heldel. c 3 0 1 1 6 2 Phones: Day 86-3; Night 86-2. M.iy. rf ^4 0 0 0 ,1 2 Union Suits, Men's 69c., $1.00 and $1.50. Boys' 5^cTSh Fielder. 3b 4 0 0 0 2 3 East Main St. Ayer, Mass. Cirenler. cf 4 0 n 0 0 0 Here are Children's Wash Suits Davis. 2b 4 0 1 13 2 Olea.'<on. .'».s 3 0 Q 0 1 3 A good assortment in both Sailor and Russian Blouse styles SHIRI^EY. I o'clock. In the evenine tt aoven Mr. Bernier. lb 4 0 ' 2 S 0 Desjardlns will deliver an address to Slack, p 3 1 5 0 0 1 »w School SoperJntendent | women, but all are invited to attend ss 1 4 4 27 13 S Here are Cloth Hats ^'"'"'^^ ^°''- •^^^•' ^^'00 and $I.50 The Joint committee of the Ayer dis­ the service. Special music will be „ J,","'"ff3 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 trict school union, which comprises rendered. .Shirley A. ,\ 5 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1—9 Cloth Hats for- Men, Boys or Children, in a variety of styles and colora Ayer, Shirley and West Boylston, held Rev. Allen A. Bronsdon will occupy "Inchendon A.A. 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 a special meeting at the home of Wil­ TXJZ° t?."* "Jj's—Sibley. Collyer. Sac­ liam H. Wilbur last w-eek Friday aft­ his pulpit at Congregational church rifice hlt«—Connors, Collyer. Slack Here are Summer Neckwear P"ces ,20c. and 50a on Sunday morning, July 18, at 10.4.5 cf«„*.' O" ballB-By Warner Heldei; ernoon, when the committee appoint­ G'enson: by Slack, Warner. .Strulk ed to consider the applications for the o'clock. Regular meeting ot the C. 0"«—by Warner. Fielder. Davl..,. Glea- Wash Ties and Silk Ties of every descriptrd*; 'in latest sliaU position of superintendent of schools E. society in the vestry at seven, sub­ ?«"• Slack: by .Slack. Cook. Collver LI- and colorings o^^ww reported, and recommended the ap­ject, "The palace beautiful." Slack 2. Pased ball. Heldel. tmplre— , ..'• >'''''""'""e. Time—1 hr.. 4.f mln pointment . of J. C. Davis, superin­ .Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Lynch and Attendance—400. tendent of schools for the Dighton three children, and .Mrs.
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