Office of the Assistant Director, Local Government and Rural Development Department Battagram Notice Inviting E-Biding Tender

Office of the Assistant Director, Local Government and Rural Development Department Battagram Notice Inviting E-Biding Tender

OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BATTAGRAM NOTICE INVITING E-BIDING TENDER Sealed tenders based on MRS-2019 / Non MRS Items for below mentioned works are hereby invited on the basis of Single Stage Single Envelope procedure from the government contractors registered with PEC and enlisted with C&W Department as per Centralized Enlistment Policy of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for current financial year: ADP No - 666 LEAST DEVELOPED DISTRICT UPLIFT PROGRAME (2019-2020) Estimated S.No Name of Scheme Cost (Rs.) Package - 1 1 PCC Road from Chapergram Mills to Chapergram 700000 2 PCC Road at Markhani 1500000 3 PCC Road at TV Boster 1000000 4 PCC Road from Chapergram Gat Sar to Sarhad Colony 500000 5 PCC Road at Sultan Shah, Sattar Shah Muhalla Noshara 1000000 6 PCC Path and Retaining Wall at Sharyar Koroona Ajmara 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 5200000 Earnest Money 2% 104000 Package - 2 1 Repair of DWSS at Tamai 1500000 2 DWSS at Saleem Tamai 500000 3 DWSS at Jamroz Chapargram Muhalla 500000 4 Installation of Rotary Drilling at Orangzaib Koroona Ajmera 500000 5 Installation of Rotary Drilling at Tuheed Abad Hashmi Ajmera 500000 6 Construction of Wooden Bridge Punjab 1500000 7 Construction of Retaining Wall at Amir Sohail Koroona 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 5500000 Earnest Money 2% 110000 Package - 3 1 PCC Road at Takia Thoroo Khan 500000 2 PCC Road at Banaris Plain Dedel 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 1000000 Earnest Money 2% 20000 Package – 4 1 Installation of HP's in UC Banian 500000 2 Installation of Rotary Drilling at Ghulam Akbar Koroona Taya 500000 3 Installation of Rotary Drilling Nazeer, Nisar Koroona Taya Jaded 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 1500000 Earnest Money 2% 30000 Package – 5 1 PCC Road at Koshgram Muzafat (Suburbs) 4000000 Total Cost in Rs. 4000000 Earnest Money 2% 80000 Package - 6 1 DWSS at UC Banna 1000000 2 DWSS at Ghareeb Abad Habib Koroona Koshgram 1000000 3 Construction of Retaining Wall at Karak Pain 3000000 Total Cost in Rs. 5000000 Earnest Money 2% 100000 Package – 7 1 DWSS at Abdul Rabb Muhalla Bateela 700000 Total Cost in Rs. 700000 Earnest Money 2% 14000 Package – 8 1 PCC Road at Kass Kohani Mobashir Koroona 500000 2 PCC Road at Arghoshri Haider Zaman, Istefanosh Koroona 500000 3 Extension of PCC Road Ahmad Abad Qalla Battagram 1000000 4 PCC Road at Khwarga Qalla Road UC Battagram 1000000 5 PCC / Culverts / Retaining Wall at Inaam Ullah Koroona Village Battagram 500000 6 Pavement of Street / Retaining Wall Geroli Bazar Battagram 500000 Page 1 of 10 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BATTAGRAM 7 PCC Road at Lal Muhammad Koroona Jaba Battagram 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 4500000 Earnest Money 2% 90000 Package – 9 1 Construction of Dug Well at Fida Koroona Gulli Bagh Battagram 500000 2 Construction of Retaining Wall and PCC Road / Path at Zia Khan Battagram 1000000 3 Construction of Sewerage Line at Sanda Sary Battagram 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 2000000 Earnest Money 2% 40000 Package - 10 1 Extension of PCC Road Habib Banda 2000000 2 Widening of PCC Road, Shingri to Rajmera 2000000 3 Repair of PCC Road at Ziarat Habib Banda 3000000 4 Pavement of PCC Street Bazargay, UC Battamori 1000000 5 PCC Path at GHS Battamori 1000000 6 Extension of PCC Road at Mulana Abdul Khaliqe Battamori 1000000 Total Cost in Rs. 10000000 Earnest Money 2% 200000 Package - 11 1 Construction of New Road Chitta Batta to Akohri Batangi 500000 2 DWSS at Jesol 1500000 3 Construction of Sewerage Line at Jesol Village 500000 4 Construction of Sewerage Line at Shingri Village 1000000 Total Cost in Rs. 3500000 Earnest Money 2% 70000 Package - 12 1 Repair of Road at Biari 2500000 2 Construction of New Road Biari to Gabri Kandaw 5000000 3 Repair of Retaining Wall and Repair of Water Channel Biari to Pokal 1000000 Total Cost in Rs. 8500000 Earnest Money 2% 170000 Package - 13 1 DWSS at Biari 4000000 2 DWSS at UC Biari 600000 3 DWSS Pokal Haji Abad 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 5100000 Earnest Money 2% 102000 Package - 14 1 Repair of RCC Bridge at Biari 3000000 2 Construction of Wooden Bridge at Kalsoona 1000000 4 Construction of Suspension Bridge at Biari 2000000 5 Repair of Suspension Bridge at Biari Baila Bazar 1000000 Total Cost in Rs. 7000000 Earnest Money 2% 140000 Package - 15 1 PCC Road at Mera Khankhail 1000000 2 Construction of New Road Malang Koroona Gijbori 1000000 3 PCC Path at Bar Paw Gijbori 500000 4 Construction of Irrigation Channel at Jabba Shagai Gijbori 1000000 5 Construction of Retaining Wall at Noor Ul Wahab Gijbori 500000 6 Pavement of Path at Ghulam Rashid Koroona Shingli Bala 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 4500000 Earnest Money 2% 90000 Package – 16 1 PCC Road Kass Pull Kaly 1000000 2 Construction of Water Tank and Repair of DWSS Kass Pain 500000 3 Construction of Retaining Wall Ibrahim Koroona Kass Pain 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 2000000 Earnest Money 2% 40000 Package – 17 Page 2 of 10 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BATTAGRAM 1 PCC Road from Kandaw to Sorgai Khawar 2000000 2 Construction of PCC Road, Kareen Khani Bacha Paiza 800000 3 Extension of PCC Road, Paiza Hutal 3000000 4 Extension of PCC Road, Terkhay Road 2000000 5 PCC Road at Ali Rahman Hutal Batkool 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 8300000 Earnest Money 2% 166000 Package - 18 1 Construction of New Road at Zar Faiz Batkool Kaly 500000 2 Construction of New Road Faqeroo UC kanai 1500000 3 DWSS Banda Road To Qalla Khurshid Ali 1000000 4 DWSS at Dosti Hutal Batkool 800000 5 DWSS at Usman Koroona Kanai 500000 6 DWSS at Faraiz Koroona Kanai 500000 7 Construction of Retaining Wall At Aban UC Batkool 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 5300000 Earnest Money 2% 106000 Package - 19 1 Construction of Retaining Wall and Path at Paizagai 700000 2 Construction of Sewerage Line at Naik Muhammad Pazagai 1000000 Total Cost in Rs. 1700000 Earnest Money 2% 34000 Package – 20 1 Construction of New Road at Noor Muhammad Kund 500000 2 Construction of New Road at Jabri Bala Pazzang 2000000 Total Cost in Rs. 2500000 Earnest Money 2% 50000 Package - 21 1 PCC Road at Matta Kuzabanda 700000 2 PCC Road at Manan Shah Muhalla Bilandkot 800000 3 PCC Road at Mazullah Khan Ghorati Kuzabanda 1000000 4 PCC Road at Bajji Gull Koroona Bilandkot 500000 5 PCC Road at Fanoos Syed Batangi Shareef Abad Bilandkot 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 3500000 Earnest Money 2% 70000 Package - 22 1 Construction of New Road at Asif Abad Kuzabanda 1000000 2 DWSS at Ameer Nawab Shah Muhalla Bilandkot 800000 3 Construction of Sewerage Line and PCC Path Mian Abad 700000 4 Repair of Road and Retaining Wall at Nooran Shah Bilandkot 500000 5 Construction of Retaining Wall at Ishaq Shah Bilandkot 500000 6 Construction of Sewerage Line at Tikri Aman Ullah 1000000 7 Construction of Sewerage Line at Cham Saidan Faheem Shah Kuzabanda 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 5000000 Earnest Money 2% 100000 Package - 23 1 Installation of Rotary Drilling at Khwaja Abad Pora 500000 2 Construction of Sewerage Line at Pora Khwaja Abad 500000 3 Construction of Culvert at Pora Khwaja Abad 1000000 4 Construction of Culvert Bahader, Gull Rahman Kuzabanda 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 2500000 Earnest Money 2% 50000 Package - 24 1 Construction of Water Channel Largram Shamrad 1000000 2 Construction of Water Channel Paikoo Shorgarah Shamrad 800000 3 Construction / PCC Road at Koshgram to Largram Kandaw 3000000 4 PCC Road Village at Shamrad Ali Zafar and Ayoub Khan Bajargram 900000 Total Cost in Rs. 5700000 Earnest Money 2% 114000 Package – 25 Page 3 of 10 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BATTAGRAM 1 DWSS at UC Pashtoo 1000000 Total Cost in Rs. 1000000 Earnest Money 2% 20000 Package - 26 1 Extension of PCC Road at Seri Peshora UC Peshora 2000000 2 Construction of New Road from Ghoryar to Pomang Peshora 500000 3 DWSS at Shad Muhammad Peshora 500000 Total Cost in Rs. 3000000 Earnest Money 2% 60000 Package - 27 1 Construction of PCC Road at Jailony Paghora 800000 2 PCC Path at Ali Syed Paghora 500000 3 PCC Road at Muhalla Seri Abul Manan Paghora 700000 4 PCC Road at Jabri Barah Khan 1000000 Total Cost in Rs. 3000000 Earnest Money 2% 60000 Package - 28 1 PCC Road at Kolai Syed Abad Paghora 1000000 2 PCC Road at Chaloni Wajid Abad Muhalla Nillishang 700000 3 PCC Road at Cham Kander Kolai Paghora 500000 4 Construction of Retaining Wall Kolai 700000 Total Cost in Rs. 2900000 Earnest Money 2% 58000 Package - 29 1 Repair of Road at Gali Maidan 2000000 2 Construction of New Road at Kalsoona Ajmal Rashang 1000000 3 Construction of New Road from Gali Maidan To Ajjri Kandaw 5000000 Total Cost in Rs. 8000000 Earnest Money 2% 160000 Package - 30 1 PCC Road at Sarkundai Ganter 2000000 2 Extension of PCC Road at Nala 3000000 Total Cost in Rs. 5000000 Earnest Money 2% 100000 Package – 31 1 DWSS at UC Rashang 1000000 2 Repair of Bridge at Palang 1000000 Total Cost in Rs. 2000000 Earnest Money 2% 40000 Package – 32 1 PCC Path at Sorkary Sakargha Ashar 500000 2 DWSS at UC Sakargha 1000000 Total Cost in Rs. 1500000 Earnest Money 2% 30000 Package – 33 1 PCC Road at Dhooth Pati Shamlai 800000 2 PCC Path at Mian Khan Shamlai Paty 500000 3 PCC Road at Musa Khan Zareen Khait 500000 4 PCC Road at Dhaba Pairr Ghulam Akber, Ghulam Muhammad Koroona Shamlai 500000 5 PCC Road at Riaz Khalid Hill 500000 6 PCC Road at Jabba Sir Biland Shamlai 1000000 7 PCC Path at Syed Donga Hill 500000 8 PCC Road at Haider Abad Bansair 500000 Total Cost in Rs.

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