Volume 62 WARBURTON, VICTORIA, OCTOBER 20, 1958 Number 42 I••••••••• .•••••.•••••• CHOIR SINGING LEADS TO Afjfdye at the inainite" "Let all my life be music! * C. FLORA FORD Ah! Let the heart of me Be as a harp— Where joy and pain With the inspiration of the previous and inspiration to us, and each member Are blended harmony.. night's programme still with us, we of the choir felt the responsibility that were of great courage as we set out was his in keeping up the good reputa- HE LAST BARS of the theme early Thursday morning on the second tion that had been gained. song ended on a note of exhila- phase of our tour. This day brought Dr. Dailey-Scarlett said the choir's q[ ration and triumph. It was the many changes in the scenery. As we recital was "a model of choral singing final practice before the Avondale passed rolling surf beaches and beauti- . their highly disciplined work consti- Symphonic Choir set off on its twelfth ful bushland settings we were struck tuted a challenge to our own choir annual tour. with the marvellous handiwork of God. standards. Singing some sixteen Was this last triumphant note pro- Nearing Lismore, our destination, those items, all from memory and the ma- phetic? We hoped it was. We prayed from the southern states and overseas jority unaccompanied . the choir that it would prove to be so. were interested in the many banana proved to be a well-balanced group . Wednesday morning, August 20, plantations laden with fruit which was their vocal tone being good and expres- dawned on a scene of bustling activity. covered with blue plastic bags for pro- sion excellent. It was centred around the large red tection. "Their programme comprised items and cream Toronto bus stationed out- Friday, the 22nd—to Brisbane! Over ranging from Bach and Schubert, side the college chapel. Various com- the border, and off came many coats. through Mendelssohn, to modern items mittees (into which the choir members An enjoyable rest was spent at Surfer's . they were trained sufficiently well were formed) hastened at their par- Paradise, where we had a swim and a to get their pitch without any instru- ticular duties. Robes were packed in welcome lunch. We finally arrived at mental help, and to maintain it plastic bags, luggage and choir stands the modern premises of the Queensland throughout the unaccompanied items. stacked away, food tins placed in stra- Conference and were welcomed by the Their part singing was very clear and tegic positions, and innumerable other secretary-treasurer, Mr. 0. Twist, who there was never any doubt as to the de- items were attended to. had arranged for our billeting. tails of the phrasing. At last all was ready. The fifty-eight Sabbath morning at 11.00 found the "Their attacks and releases were choir members and their conductor, Brisbane Central church, a fine modern razor-edged as such things ought to be Alan G. Thrift, were comfortably building, crowded with loyal members. but often are not." seated, and to the sound of hearty fare- Lined up in the front porch the choir We were thrilled too with the grand wells the bus started on its long journey. prepared for the processional—"The accompaniment of the pipe organ We would like to share with you some Lord Jehovah Reigns"—which was fol- played by Mr. Jack Stephens of Brisbane. experiences of this missionary tour. lowed by a choral programme. At 8 p.m. we were happy to support Our first destination was Port Mac- The biggest thrill of the tour came the evening meeting for the Teachers' quarie, where we were warmly wel- at 2.15 in the afternoon when we had Institute at the Central church. comed by the mayor on Wednesday the privilege of presenting the full Sunday, the 24th, we bade farewell evening. After a very successful pro- choral programme in the City Hall. A to Brisbane and set off for Ipswich. On gramme at the civic hall, sincere appre- large audience of 2,000 people listened the way we stopped at Lone Pine sanc- ciation was expressed by the Methodist intently, among them Queensland's tuary where we were delighted to see at minister, the Reverend Mr. Bates, who notable music critic, Dr. Robert Dailey- close range many of Australia's interest- mentioned the indefinable manner in Scarlett. His praise and appreciation ing native animals. which the choir rendered its numbers. of the choir, as reported in the Courier At 2 p.m. we sang to a friendly This we attributed to divine inspiration. Mail, was of particular encouragement audience at the Ipswich City Hall. (Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a newspaper) [2] 20/10/58 THE AUSTRALASIAN RECORD Hearts were touched as we started to drive off after the concert and the audience lingered on the steps of the hall to fare- well us. We were glad to sing them one Back to the Old Home Church more number while seated in the bus pre- paring for the next stage of our tour. ating the institution as a fully fledged That evening we had an appointment Seventh-day Adventist institution. This in the Toowoomba City Hall and early sanitarium is the largest we have, with next morning started on our return jour- 320 beds, and plans are now being de- ney to New South Wales. Lovely scenery veloped to build a new hospital of 100 beds greeted our eyes as we passed over the in the city of Battle Creek. The city Darling Downs. Several of our company Chamber of Commerce has offered to felt an immediate drop in the temperature raise 110,000 dollars for this building. A as the border was crossed! number of other hospitals are now affil- Eight o'clock — "0 h! Sing Your iated with the Hospital Service Founda- Songs!" was the opening number at the tion and it is their plan to bring many Inverell Town Hall. An immediate, warm more into operation in the near future. audience-response was felt as we sang While medical secretary for the Inter- through the programme. As we found American Division, our speaker built the everywhere, and especially at Inverell, Andrews Memorial Hospital in Kingston, there was deep appreciation of the choir's Jamaica, and organized a nursing school. own favourite gospel hymn, "My God and It was to this hospital that our overflow - I," by Sergei. offering went last quarter. This appreciation was feelingly ex- Dr. Clifford R. Anderson On being welcomed into the pulpit at pressed by the Presbyterian minister, the Wahroonga church on the Sabbath morn- Reverend Mr. David Ryrie, and reported ing following his arrival, Dr. Anderson in the "Inverell Times." Mr. Ryrie said: On arrival at Mascot aerodrome, Syd- made this response. ney, on September 19, Dr. and Mrs. Clif- "To steep ourselves in such music, and to "My heart is almost too full this morn- ford Anderson were met by Pastor L. C. listen to presentations as we have heard ing to even speak, for this church holds Naden and members of his family—his tonight, is to be directed towards a truly the most tender memories of my whole sister, Mrs. R. G. Cooper, and his nephews, sincere recognition of Him, the Creator of life. From this very pulpit my father Mr. Bert Cooper and Mr. Keith Anderson, a world of beauty. Tonight we have spoke so many, many times during my son of Pastor Ormond Anderson. The been led to the edge of the infinite and adolescent years, and I can see the place Wahroonga folks were very glad to see all have experienced something of the in- where the family sat—in those days fami- members of the party, for in common with spiration and wonder beyond it.- . I be- lies sat together in church, and I still all others who knew our late beloved Pas- lieve this choir is not only gripped with a think it is a very good idea. I can see tor A. W. Anderson, they revere his mem- sense of responsibility but also feels the the pews where some of the dear old ory and are grateful for the large contri- tremendous sense of its sacred task." neighbours and friends sat, and I think of bution made to the progress of the Ad- Tuesday we were bound for Tamworth, the baptistry under my feet where, when I ventist organization by this family both our final appointment. On the way we was eighteen, with my twin brother Or- in- this division and overseas. were made especially aware of the change mond and Brother Lawrence Piper, I went in climate between the two states, for just Dr. Anderson left this country as a forward in baptism one Sabbath after- out of Guyra enough snow fell to necessi- young evangelist almost thirty years ago, noon. And so this church to me is really tate the scraping of the windscreen for and after engaging in soul-winning cam- home. Of course I love the beautiful new the benefit of our bus driver. paigns with his older brother, Pastor R. A. house of worship which you are erecting, Further on we were obliged to keep up Anderson, in London, he proceeded to the but I would have been disappointed to a choir tradition by walking up the hills United States and graduated from Medi- have come here and not worshipped in while our labouring bus coughed its way cine. Through many branches of service this sacred spot.
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