}OLGKorean Government Scholarship Program For GraduateDegrees ApplicationGuidelines 2oL6€+á€el +?! El|+f,ja+€ E.EsU 20L6.2. IIIDWW,W^MWffiffi MINISTRY ÜF EÜT.,TATION REP{JBLICCIF KONüA INDEX II. TOTAL I\UMBER OF GRANTEES:815 CA¡[DIDATES'............ """"""""""" 1 III. AVAILABLE T]NIVERSITIES AI\D FIELDS OF STI'DY .,".....4 1 VI. APPLICATION vrl. SCHoLARSHIPrNFORMATrON......... """"""""""12 VIII. PERIOD OF SCHOLAR .""""I4 IX. KOREAN LAI\GUAGE PROGRAM.......""'"'" X. OTHER XI. CONTA AppendixB. ContactInformation of the KoreanEmbassies """"""'26 AppendixC. ContactInformation of KoreanUniversities """""""""' """"""""""32 2016Korean GovernmentScholarship Program For GraduateDegrees Application Guidelines I. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Korea for international The Korean GovernmentScholarship Program is designedto provide higher educationin mutual friendshipamongst the studentswith the aim of promoting internationalexchange in education,as well as participatingcountries. II.TOTALNUMBEROFGRANTEES:Sl5CANDIDATES (General+ KoreanAdoptees) |. 2Ol6KGSpeuota Reservedfor the EmbassyTrack: 490 Candidates (l) EmbassyTrack Quota for GeneralApplicants 1 Wurnffi"ffi,ffiffiíffiffiffi o Applicantswho decideto apply for the scholarshipthrough the EmbassyTrack must submit their applications to the Embassyof the Republicof Koreain their respectivehome countries, listed above. (Refer to the section VI for the detailson the applicationprocedure) o The quotaallocation is decidedbased on the mutualagreements between Korea and the countriesabove. o Among the assigned490 candidates,15 are reservedfor the overseasKorean adopteesfrom 12 countries, separatefrom the quotaassigned for the generalapplicants. (See below for moreinformation.) (2) EmbassyTrack Quota for OverseasKorean Adoptees The UnitedStates France Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Netherlands,Norway, Sweden.Switzerland Total t5 O OverseasKorean adoptees who graduatedor areexpected to graduatefrom Koreanuniversities are eligible to apply. 2.2016 KGSPQuota Reserved for the UniversityTrack: 325 Candidates General Total Indonesia,Vietnam 8 t2 Uzbekistan 8 ll I Mongolia 6 4 l0 2 9 I Thailand -¿ ; Cambodia,Kazakhstan, PhiliPPines 3 5 J 8 5 Ethiolf a, Mafaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Rlssia -:- n ) Bangladesh,Braz]1, Mexico, Nepal, Nige:iu 5 2 1 ; t 6 Ghana,India, KYrgYzstan ; f ; c R;;;, s.i Lu"tu, T u;iwan, T anzan'ia,TurkeY 4 i "reroon, 4 4 6 Egypt,Polard, Romanf1 The UnitedStaJes, U8anda, Yem€n J 8 Azerbaijan,Colombia, Guinea, Hungary, Laos, Liberia, Peru, Senegal 3 *W\ 2 S{lnnqwwxrlp.Sp O Applicantswho decideto applyfor the scholarshipthrough the universitytrack mustsubmit their applications to the designatedKorean universities, listed in the sectionIIL (Referto the sectionVI for the detailson the applicationprocedure). O Amongthe total of 325 candidates,265will be selectedfrom all eligiblefields of study. O All applicantsin the University Track must choose"General" as the type of applicationon the application form. (Referto Form l) O Additional 60 are reservedfor the regional university applicantsin the field of Natural Scienceand Engineeringfrom selectedcounfies. Refer to the tableabove for the availablecountries. Refer to the tablein the sectionIII for the list ofavailableregional universities & 3 WllEntrtrffiF¡Psfi III. AVAILABLE UNIVERSITIESAND FIELDS OF STUDY l. AvailableUniversities: 66 universitiesor institutionsdesignated by NIIED Ajou University,Chung-Ang University, Dongguk University, Ewha WomansUniversity, ! GachonUniversity, Gwangiu Institute of Scienceand Technology,Hankuk Universityof I ForeignStudies, Hanyang University, Hongik University,Inha University,KAIST (Koreai Advanced Institute of Science and Technology),KDI School of Public Policy and Management,Konkuk University, Kookmin University, Korea Polytechnic University, KoreaUniversity, Kyunghee University, Myongii university,POSTECH(Pohang University 3l of Scienceand Technology),Sangmyung University, Seoul National University, Seoul NationalUniversity of Scienceand Technology,Sogang University, Sookmyung Women's University, Soongsil University, SungkyunkwanUniversity, The Academy of Korean Studies,Ulsan National Institut€ of Scienceand Technology,University of Science& Technology,University Of Seoul,Yonsei University BusanUniversity of Foreign Studies,Chonbuk National University,Chonnam National University,Choiun University, ChungbukNational University, Chungnam University, DaeguUñiversity, Donga -University,University, Dongseo University, Gangneung-Wonju. University, GyeóngsangNational Hallym University, HandongGlobal University, Inje i Ko1rgiy Univeriity,-le¡u National University,Jeonju University, Keimyung Universityl i National University, KOREATECH(Korea University of Technologyand Education)'I Kumoh National Institute of Technology,Kyungpook National university, Kyungsung university,Namseoul University, Pai Chai University,Pukyong National University, Pusan National university, Semyung university, silla Univerity, soonchunhyanguniversity, SunchonNational University, Sunmoon University, University of Ulsan, Wonharang University,Woosong University, Yeungnam University : 2. AvailableFields of Study underthe o Detailedinformation about the fields andmajors offered by the universitieslisted above is available go.k' UniversityInformation section on the website,www. studyinkorea. O Applicantsmust choose their desiredfields of studyfrom the listedprograms' O Night schools,seasonal programs, online and distant-learning progftims are not included' 3. AvailableDegree Programs O Doctoraldegrees O Master'sdegrees ffi 4 ${lmnswryru"P#ff IV. ELIGIBILITY l. Nationality O Applicantsand their parentsmust hold foreigncitizenship. O Koreancitizens, including those who hold dualcitizenship, are NOT eligibleto apply. O Applicantsand their parentswho had previouslyheld Koreancitizenship must submitthe documentof the renunciationof their Koreancitizenship. 2, Age O Applicantsmust be under40 yearsof ageas of September1,2016 (born after September l, 1976). 3. DegreeRequirements O Applicantsmust hold a Bachelor'sor Master'sdegree as ofAugust 31,2016. - A Bachelor'sdegree, or a diplomaequivalent to or higher than a Bachelor'sdegree, is requiredfor a Master'sprogam aPPlicant. - A Master'sdegree, or a diplomaequivalent to or higherthan a Master'sdegree, is requiredfor a Doctorar programaPPlicant. O An Applicantwho is expectedto obtainthe offrcial diplomaby August 31,2016 mustsubmit a certificateof expecteddegree at the time of applying.The official diplomamust be submittedas soonas it is issuedby the applicant'salma mater. to O Applicantswho havecompleted a degree,Bachelor's, Master's or Doctoral,in Koreaare NOT eligible apply. O Applicantswho havebeen enrolled at Koreanuniversities as exchangestudents are eligible to apply. under O A KGSp scholarwho graduatedor are expectedto graduateas of August 31,2016 is eligibleto apply the following conditions: - Helsheis allowedto applyonly via EmbassyTrack; and - There-application is allowedonly once' 4. Grades followings: O Applicantsmust maintain a gadepoint average(GPA) higher than any ONE of the - 2,64on a 4.0 scale; - 2.80on a 4.3scale; - 2.91ona 4.5scale; or - ScorePercentile: 8070 oPleaserefertotheAppendixAfortheGPAconversiontable. disqualifiedand discarded' O Applicationswith GpA below the thresholdabove will be automatically alma mater describingthe university's O It is requiredto submitan official documentissued by the applicant's ONE of the followingcases: evaluationsystem as well asthe applicant'sacademic achievement in any or scorepercentile; or - An applicant'stranscript does not includeinformation on GPA,marks into any one of the GPA criteria - The gradeson an applicant,stranscript are difficult to be converted mentionedabove' '#," tK llrrrr qnffi*ffi K*¡,Tl&&"¿ s *|\l||E U 'r'"*o*:'flff"-: 'q.
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