The membership newsletter of the Historical Society of Alberta Suite 325, The Lancaster Building, 304 8th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB. T2P IC2 No.3 Telephone : 403-26 1-3662 J uly 1996 Fax: 403-269-6ll29 Tour of Major Sites of the North­ In this issue West Rebellion an Unqualified Success Major Sites Tour 1 by Jim Mackie Past President The Alber ta Historical Society Members & Donors 2 President's Report 3 The Central Alberta Historical Society's mel at Fort Nomandcau, just west of Red Elise Corbet - A Tribute 3 "Tour of the Major Sites of the North- West Deer, for an orientation. The next morning, Editorial 4 Rebellion in Saskatchewan," was a great a bus load of keen history huffs departed AB Early Arts Clubs 5 success. On Sunday June 2, 1996, following from the Red Deer Museum at 7:00 am. My Carbon Mystery Weekend 5 a very successful Annual Genera l Meeting wife Ilelen and I were part of this group. Book Reviews 6&7 Satu rday Book Publishers 7 in Red Deer of the Historical Society of After a picnic lunch at Tomahawk Park, HSA Chapter Reports 8&9 Alberta and Conference sponsored by the in Cut Knife, we visited the Poundmaker Historic Calgary Week 10 & 11 Central Alberta and the Chinook Country Reserve. We c1imhed a high hill and which HSA Calendar of events & Historical Societies, memhers of the Tour was Ihe site of the Cut Knife Baltic where Crossword 12 on May 2, 1885, Chief Poundmaker and his r--------- ----------- ----, band defeated the forces of Colonel Otter, Chief Congratulations Poundmaker's grave is located on the top of this magnificen t site, which had Hu gh Dempsey a 360 degree view of the In May, his book The Golden Age of tile country side. Canadian Cowboy, won the 14th Annual Literary Award for Non-Fiction. continued on Page 4 Alan Armstrong Wanuskewin Visitor Cen tre, designed by Douglas Cardinal. Alan is President of the Cen tral Pho by Ilclen Mackie Alberta Historical Society. li e won the Red Dee r Mayor's Recognition Award for his work in heritage preservation, especially with the Museum Association. We also app reci ate his " Wanuskewin eff ort s in cstuhli shing the Central Heritage Park .. .its Alberta Chapter last year. stunning VISitor EDIIS Centre, design ed The Edm onton and District II isrorical by Douglas Society's late st puhlicat ion. Edmonto n: The Life of a City , Cardinal, the story recently won the Edmonton Book of the Northern Prize for work s contrihuung III the Plains Indian understandi ng of that ci ty, Culture is told" Sculpture at entrance 10 Wanu skewin Visitor Ce ntre. Photo by lIc1en Mackie The Historical Soc iety of Alberta is Welcome to new member. a registered charitable organization. Donations are gratefully received to Lillian James-Davies, Calgary Mrs. V. Irene Barker, Red Deer help further the work of the Society Trevor Davies, Calgary Mamie Williams, Red Deer which includes the publication of John James-Davies, Calgary J. Mauthe, Lethbridge Alberta History and this newsleller, Rae James-Davies, Whitehorse Ernie and Goldie Snowden, History Now. Donations are tax Glen James-Davies, Calgary Lethbridge deductible and will be acknowledged in Joan Christianson, Gem Richard Shockley, Lethbridge History Now, unless otherwise Philip and Norma Haig, Calgary Christopher Zinkan, Calgary requested. Diane and Rob Osberg, Priddi s Lois McCluskey, Calgary History Now is published quarterly. Ernest McCraw, Calgary Mary Westcott, Airdrie We welcome information about your Tom Hoskin , Red Deer Ellie Gillis, Calgary upcoming or past events, activities, Gail Pocock, Calgary Dan Gallagher, Calgary publications, etc. They should be in the Marian R. Allison, Edmonton Else Holz, Calgary hands of the editor prior to deadline. Maxine O'Riordan, Red Deer Marilyn Rhodes, Edmonton Submission deadlines: Walter and Catherine Travalia, Peter J. and Shirley Savage, Calgary Mar 1 for Apr-Juri issue Lethbridge Robert D. Marko, Calgary Jun 1 for Jul-Sep issue Dianne Violini , Lethbridge John Courtney, Calgary Sep 1 for Oct-Dec issue Myl es Flaig, Calgary Charlie Stephen, Calgary Dec 1 for Jan-Mar issue Elaine R. Fox, Calgary John Stephen, Leduc Send copy to: Ken Allred, SI. Albert Catherine M. Lerouge, Red Deer Sherring Amsden, Michael Tomyn, Vegreville Richard Chapman, SI. Albert Editor, History Now, Burt Krull, Edmonton Penny Young, Calgary Historical Society of Alberta #325, 304 8th Avenue SW Genevieve Janssen and Donald Gerald and Mary Hendricks, Calgary, AB T2P 1C2 Burgess, Calgary Lethbridge Phone: 403-261-3662 Daniel Buteau, Calgary Dr. Robert L. Sutherland, Calgary Fax: 403-269-6029 Mrs. Alberta Harris, Edmonton Fort Macleod Historical Association Barbara Blackley, Edmonton David S. Fisher, Calgary Members of Council Barbara Bushewsky, Edmonton James D. Pukalo, Edmonton 1996·1997 Pauline Feniak, Warspite Moira Calder, Edmonton President Kathryn Ivany Lorraine Lambertus, Calgary Bob Rutberg, Okotoks tst Vice President Marcel Dirk Paul Conway, Winnipeg Shelagh Peirce, Calgary 2nd Vice President SheilaJohnston 3rd Vice President Carley Stewart Treasurer Linda Collier Thank You for Your Donalion Secretary Bill Mcintyre Past President JAN. Mackie Hilda Judd William D.P. Wyndham Committees: Sheila Daly Mr. and Mrs. G. Leslie Williams Alberta History Editor Hugh Dempsey Mrs. Mary C. Hughes H. Kathleen Taylor History Now Editor Sherring Amsden Miss Margaret Auxier Mr. F.R. Patrick Walter H. Lindenbach Dr. David R. Cornish For information contact: Edward Brado Nancy Heule Office Coordinator The Historical Society of Alberta Ian Getty Dan Gallagher #325, The Lancaster Building Aline Cox Mrs . Margaret Job 304 8th Avenue SW Norman D. Witham Donald B. Smith Calgary, AB. T2P 1C2 Diane McKenzie Ronald Whi stance-Smith Phone: 403-261 -3662 Fax: 403 -269-6029 S.R. Elliot Murray and Marilyn Younger President's Report by Kathryn Ivany Now begins the second yea r of my term as your President. Happ ily, the reporting on the lirst yea r went well at the Annu al General Meeting of the Society at Red Deer. The Cen tral Alberta Historical Society, in conjunctio n with the Chi nook Chapter, hosted a grand co nference and meeting. Many thank s to the organizing co mmittee for all their efforts on our behalf. Mem bers enjoyed interesting presentations, infor mative tours and delicious meals dur ing the conference . Tony Rces' keynote address on Saturday night rem inded us of the need to know and apprecia te our history as we co ntemplate our future actions. John Freisen gave an encyclo pedic, yet often humorou s, history of the Menn onite tradition using the evo lution of methods of transportation as an ana logy for their developm ent. On Sunday morn ing, Michael Dawe drew all our experiences of the weekend together with high lights of Red Deer 's progr ession from fro ntier to grow ing city. One othe r major accomplish me nt o f the wee kend was the laun ch of the tenth in the se ries of Alb ert a Record s Publicati on Board book s. The Preacher's Frontier, was int rod uced to our members and the publi c at a rec eption at the Red Deer and District Mu seum. Paul Voisey, Ge ne ra l Ed itor, signed sev eral hundred co pies . Th ose who ordered in ad van ce will receive their co pies soo n. There may be a limited supply of signed copi es ava ilable fro m the ofli ce if others wish to pur ch ase them . Two new member s wer e elected to the executive o f the liSA. We welcome Carley Stewart (no stra nge r to the liSA or Lethbridge members), as Jrd Vice Presid en t and Bill Mcintyre of Ca lga ry, as Secretar y. Sheila Johnston , who previou sl y served as 3rd VP, has moved into the positi on of 2nd VP. T he appoi ntment of Marcel Dirk as 1st Vice Pre sident/President e lect, which was made to fill a vaca ncy last yea r, was ratified by the mem bersh ip on the recom mendati on of the nom inat ing co mmi ttee. These new (and not so new) members join the rest of the executive who are co mpleting the second yea r of their tw o year te rms. T he new exe cutive is as follows: Presid ent: Kathryn Ivany, Ed mo nton; Past Presid ent : Jim Mackie, Calgary; 1st Vice Presid en t: Marcel Dirk , Medicine lI at ; 2nd Vice Presiden t: Sheil a Johnston , Calgar y; 3rd Vice Presiden t: Carley Stewart, Leth bridge; Treasurer : Linda Co llier, Edm ont on ; Secretary: Bill Mcintyre , Ca lga ry. Th e HSA Executive wi ll co ntinue to develop policy and progra mmes, in co nj unction with the C hap ters to ens ure the lon g term viabili­ ty and relevan ce o f the HSA. If you have any co mments or co nce rns , please do bring the m forward to us or yo ur cha pter rep resent atives. We hop e many more of you will join us next yea r for our AGM when we travel to Lethbridge to ce lebra te the 90th anniversary of the Histori cal Society of Alb ert a. We have a long history of which we should be proud and I hop e next year is the best AGM yet. Tribute Elise Agnes Corbet 1926-1996 by Fred Holbcrton, Calgary Elise Agnes Corbet, a Past President and a Life Member of the Histori cal Society of Albe rta, passed away at her home in Calgary on May 12, 1996.
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