Mathematics (MATH) 1 MATH 103 College Algebra and Trigonometry MATHEMATICS (MATH) Prerequisites: Appropriate score on the Math Placement Exam; or grade of P, C, or better in MATH 100A. MATH 100A Intermediate Algebra Notes: Credit for both MATH 101 and 103 is not allowed; credit for both Prerequisites: Appropriate score on the Math Placement Exam. MATH 102 and MATH 103 is not allowed; students with previous credit in Notes: Credit earned in MATH 100A will not count toward degree any calculus course (Math 104, 106, 107, or 208) may not earn credit for requirements. this course. Description: Review of the topics in a second-year high school algebra Description: First and second degree equations and inequalities, absolute course taught at the college level. Includes: real numbers, 1st and value, functions, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and 2nd degree equations and inequalities, linear systems, polynomials logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions and identities, laws of and rational expressions, exponents and radicals. Heavy emphasis on sines and cosines, applications, polar coordinates, systems of equations, problem solving strategies and techniques. graphing, conic sections. Credit Hours: 3 Credit Hours: 5 Max credits per semester: 3 Max credits per semester: 5 Max credits per degree: 3 Max credits per degree: 5 Grading Option: Graded with Option Grading Option: Graded with Option Prerequisite for: MATH 100A; MATH 101; MATH 103 Prerequisite for: AGRO 361, GEOL 361, NRES 361, SOIL 361, WATS 361; MATH 101 College Algebra AGRO 458, AGRO 858, NRES 458, NRES 858, SOIL 458; ASCI 340; Prerequisites: Appropriate score on the Math Placement Exam; or grade CHEM 105A; CHEM 109A; CHEM 113A; CHME 204; CRIM 300; of P, C, or better in MATH 100A. CSCE 155A; CSCE 155E; CSCE 155H; CSCE 155N; CSCE 155T; GEOL 200; Notes: Credit for both MATH 101 and 103 is not allowed; students with MATH 104; MATH 106; METR 100; METR 140; MSYM 109; PHYS 141; previous credit in any calculus course (Math 104, 106, 107, or 208) may PHYS 141H; PHYS 151; PHYS 260; PHYS 261; SOFT 160; SOFT 160H not earn credit for this course. MATH 104 Applied Calculus Description: Real numbers, exponents, factoring, linear and quadratic Prerequisites: Appropriate score on the Math Placement Exam; or grade equations, absolute value, inequalities, functions, graphing, polynomial of P, C, or better in MATH 101, MATH 102 or MATH 103. and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, system of Notes: Credit for both MATH 104 and 106 is not allowed; students with equations. previous credit in any version of Math 106, 107, or 208 may not earn Credit Hours: 3 credit for this course. Max credits per semester: 3 Description: Rudiments of differential and integral calculus with Max credits per degree: 3 applications to problems from business, economics, and social sciences. Grading Option: Graded with Option Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisite for: CHEM 105A; CHME 204; CRIM 300; MATH 102; Max credits per semester: 3 MATH 104; METR 100; METR 140; MSYM 109; PHYS 260; PHYS 261 Max credits per degree: 3 MATH 102 Trigonometry Grading Option: Graded with Option Prerequisites: Appropriate score on the Math Placement Exam; or grade Prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; ACCT 200; ACCT 201; ACCT 308; of P, C, or better in MATH 101. ACCT 309; ACCT 313; AECN 465, AECN 865, NREE 465, WATS 465; Notes: Credit for both MATH 102 and 103 is not allowed; students with AGRO 361, GEOL 361, NRES 361, SOIL 361, WATS 361; AGRO 472, previous credit in any calculus course (Math 104, 106, 107, or 208) may AGRO 872, NRES 472, NRES 872, SOIL 472, WATS 472; ARCH 333, not earn credit for this course. CNST 305; ASCI 340; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; Description: Trigonometric functions, identities, trigonometric equations, BSEN 355; CHEM 109A; CONE 221; CRIM 300; CSCE 155A; CSCE 155E; solution of triangles, inverse trigonometric functions and graphs. CSCE 155H; CSCE 155N; CSCE 155T; ECON 215; ECON 215H; ECON 311A; Credit Hours: 2 ECON 311B; ECON 312A; ECON 312B; FDST 363, MSYM 363; FINA 361; Max credits per semester: 2 FINA 361H; MATH 104; METR 100; METR 140; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; Max credits per degree: 2 MRKT 341H, RAIK 341H; MSYM 109; PHYS 151; PHYS 260; PHYS 261; Grading Option: Graded with Option SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H Prerequisite for: AGRO 361, GEOL 361, NRES 361, SOIL 361, WATS 361; ACE: ACE 3 Math/Stat/Reasoning AGRO 458, AGRO 858, NRES 458, NRES 858, SOIL 458; AGRO 472, AGRO 872, NRES 472, NRES 872, SOIL 472, WATS 472; ASCI 340; CHEM 109A; CHEM 113A; CRIM 300; CSCE 155A; CSCE 155E; CSCE 155H; CSCE 155N; CSCE 155T; GEOL 200; MATH 104; MATH 106; METR 100; METR 140; MSYM 109; PHYS 141; PHYS 141H; PHYS 151; PHYS 260; PHYS 261 2 Mathematics (MATH) MATH 106 Calculus I MATH 107H Honors: Calculus II Prerequisites: Appropriate score on the Math Placement Exam; or grade Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by of P, C, or better in MATH 102 or MATH 103. invitation; and a grade of "B" or better in MATH 106 or equivalent Notes: Credit for both MATH 104 and MATH 106 is not allowed. Description: For course description, see MATH 107. Description: Functions of one variable, limits, differentiation, exponential, Credit Hours: 4 trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, maximum-minimum, Max credits per semester: 4 and basic integration theory (Riemann sums) with some applications. Max credits per degree: 4 Credit Hours: 5 Grading Option: Graded with Option Max credits per semester: 5 Prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; ACCT 200; ACCT 201; AGRO 361, Max credits per degree: 5 GEOL 361, NRES 361, SOIL 361, WATS 361; AREN 211; BIOC 440; Grading Option: Graded with Option BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372H; BSEN 244; CHME 202; CHME 331; Prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; ACCT 200; ACCT 201; ACCT 308; CRIM 300; CSCE 155A; CSCE 155E; CSCE 155H; CSCE 155N; CSCE 155T; ACCT 309; ACCT 313; AGEN 112, BSEN 112; AGEN 225, BSEN 225; CSCE 156; CSCE 156H; ECEN 211; ECEN 224; ECON 311A; ECON 311B; AGRO 361, GEOL 361, NRES 361, SOIL 361, WATS 361; AGRO 472, ECON 312A; ECON 312B; ENVE 210; FINA 361; FINA 361H; MATH 208; AGRO 872, NRES 472, NRES 872, SOIL 472, WATS 472; ARCH 333, MATH 208H; MATH 221; MATH 221H; MATH 309; MATH 310; MATH 314; CNST 305; ASCI 330; ASCI 340; BIOS 316, MATH 316, NRES 316; MATH 314H; MECH 223; MECH 223H; METR 100; METR 140; METR 223; BIOS 316L; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; BSEN 355; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MRKT 341H, RAIK 341H; PHYS 141; PHYS 141H; CHEM 109A; CHME 114; CIVE 221; CNST 241; CNST 242; CNST 251; PHYS 151; PHYS 211; PHYS 211H; PHYS 212; PHYS 212H; PHYS 260; CNST 252; CNST 306; CONE 221; CRIM 300; CSCE 155A; CSCE 155H; PHYS 261; SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; SCMA 350H; STAT 380, CSCE 155N; CSCE 155T; CSCE 156; CSCE 156H; CSCE 235; CSCE 235H; RAIK 270H ECEN 103; ECON 215; ECON 215H; ECON 311A; ECON 311B; ECON 312A; ACE: ACE 3 Math/Stat/Reasoning ECON 312B; ENVE 210; FDST 363, MSYM 363; FINA 361; FINA 361H; MATH 107R Analytic Geometry and Calculus II GEOL 200; GEOL 410; MATH 106; MATH 107; MATH 107H; MECH 220; Prerequisites: A grade of P, C or better in MATH 106. METR 100; METR 140; METR 205; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; MRKT 341H, Notes: Open only to students who previously completed the 5 credit hour RAIK 341H; MSYM 109; PHYS 141; PHYS 141H; PHYS 151; PHYS 211; MATH 107 at UNL and wish to improve their grade. PHYS 211H; PHYS 260; PHYS 261; SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; Description: Integration theory, techniques of integration, applications of SCMA 350H definite integrals, series, Taylor series, vectors, cross and dot products, ACE: ACE 3 Math/Stat/Reasoning lines and planes, space curves. MATH 107 Calculus II Credit Hours: 5 Prerequisites: A grade of P, C or better in MATH 106. Max credits per semester: 5 Description: Integration theory; techniques of integration; applications of Max credits per degree: 5 definite integrals; series, Taylor series, vectors, cross and dot products, Grading Option: Graded with Option lines and planes, space curves. Prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; ACCT 200; AGRO 361, GEOL 361, Credit Hours: 4 NRES 361, SOIL 361, WATS 361; ASTR 204; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; Max credits per semester: 4 BLAW 372; BSEN 244; CHME 202; CHME 331; CRIM 300; CSCE 155A; Max credits per degree: 4 CSCE 155E; CSCE 155H; CSCE 155N; CSCE 155T; CSCE 156; ECEN 211; Grading Option: Graded with Option ECON 215; ECON 311A; ECON 311B; ECON 312A; ECON 312B; FINA 361; Prerequisite for: ABUS 341, MRKT 341; ACCT 200; ACCT 201; AGRO 361, FINA 361H; MATH 107; MATH 208; MATH 221; MATH 221H; MATH 314; GEOL 361, NRES 361, SOIL 361, WATS 361; AREN 211; ASTR 204; MECH 223; METR 100; METR 140; METR 223; MNGT 301; MNGT 301H; BIOC 440; BLAW 371; BLAW 371H; BLAW 372; BLAW 372H; BSEN 244; MRKT 341H, RAIK 341H; PHYS 141; PHYS 141H; PHYS 151; PHYS 211H; BSEN 321, CIVE 321; BSEN 321H, CIVE 321H; CHEM 109A; CHME 114; PHYS 212; PHYS 260; PHYS 261; SCMA 331; SCMA 335; SCMA 350; CHME 202; CHME 331; CRIM 300; CSCE 155A; CSCE 155E; CSCE 155H; SCMA 350H CSCE 155N; CSCE 155T; CSCE 156; CSCE 156H; ECEN 211; ECEN 224; MATH 189H University Honors Seminar ECON 215; ECON 311A; ECON 311B; ECON 312A; ECON 312B; ENVE 210; Prerequisites: Good standing in the University Honors Program or by FINA 361; FINA 361H; MATH 107; MATH 208; MATH 208H; MATH 221; invitation; placement score on the Math Placement Examination (MPE) at MATH 221H; MATH 309; MATH 310; MATH 314; MATH 314H; MECH 223; the MATH 104-level or above.
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