6 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1912 THE HOOD RIVER NEWS TAFT-SHERM- J. F. WATT, M. D., AN CLUB THINKS ORCHARDING niUJtHII WEDNMDAY HUKNINO T UNITED DIVIDED Physician and Surgeon MOOD KIYLR NtWS COMPANY, Inc. WE WE IS ORGANIZED HERE A PRAYERFUL ART Office, Hume Phone, SO Roe. 30-- Hood Rivu. Ouoom Oregon Lumber L STAND FALL . Hood River :: Oregon R. B. BENNETT Eorroa At h meeting held at the court Hon. E. I.. Smith, Hood River' U ft. BENNETT rhwmraa HtKAOU bouwe Saturday afternoon n Taft-Sheriua- u "grand old mau," I the auhject of a Dr. at Sharp Dr Edna U. Sharp L ('lull for llool lilver c. uni- biographical sketch In the October It WHOLESALE and RETAI Subscription, $1.50 Year In Advance DRS. SHARP ty wax organised ami It In planned numlter of Sunset and Pacific Month- R. R. BARTLETT Osteopathic Physicians antered a serend-clae- s aietter. 10, 1909. at to make nn active campaign here In ly magazine. Just published. Some Ft. ARCHITECT Graduate of American Osteopathy. LARGE STOCK OF pest Hood Rieer. re-- the School of the eW at Onra. iN'halfof Mr. Tftft'n f lection. of Mr. Smith' Idea on the Influence Kirk.ville. Mo. anderthe Aet of March a. 187. - Heilbronner Building Office in Ruildinic J. L. Carter opened the meetlng-an- d of fruit growing on character are In- Eliot HOOD RIVER. OREGON PSone-Otf- lce ML Residence 1H-- called for the election of u per- cluded In the write-up- , which la given Hood River. Oi WOODROW WILSON manent chairman. K. Smith wan lu part herewith: Phone l Band Sawed Lumber on Hand Last week the News gave a unanlniouMly choxen for thU position. Here where Nature ruua riot, the E. D. KANACA Mr. Smith well brief statement of what it be- In accepting the position Honorable E. L. Smith may WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT REASONABLE FIGURES having Iteen a claim KELLY BROS. Physician and Surgeon lieves to be the peculiar qualifi declared that after that the environment of the Republican for 51 year he wn not horticulturist I one that acceutuate Office in National Bank Buildins cations of three leading can HAY and OATS the goiug to devllne to help the party the noblest qualities of man. He fol Rolled Barley, Bran, Shorts Phone, Office 36 didates for President The during the preent caiupnlgn In any low up with the aertlou that the and Straw Res. S8-- B Hood River. Oregon CEDAR POSTS statement was made from as way pooolHe. very planting of a tree I a prayerful Phone 227-- M nonpartisan a standpoint as pos- W. K Hanxon wait xeere-tar- act, a the horticulturist bed It In Fourth Street between Oak and State H. L. DUMBLE CEDAR SHIP LAP and SHINGLES the ground aud witches It a sible. So as the News is the Physician and Surgeon far An executive committee of live una mother her baby tucked In the cra- having followed the Calht promptly answered in town or country, day concerned, appointed lv Mr. Smith a follow: dle. The root, dry aud thirsty. ROBT. T. NEWHALL or mirnt. Telephones-Residen- ce 111 an open LiH-flH- . til. Jfflc Estimates Furnished. Call on Either Phone campaign thus far with J. I. W. I.. Clarke. J. M. take up the food and drink provided Telephone 277-- Uuud liver, Oregoi Office in the Brasilia Building. mind, it be!:eves that Wood row Sen mel tier, J. P. Watt, and W. II. in the soli; lu the air nnd sunshine REPRESENTING develop DEE, OREGON Wilson is the best qualiried and Walton. the tree trunk, branches, MILTON NURSERY CO. O. meeting Mr. culminating In DR. E. DUTRO Before the adjourned bud, blossoms, the THIRTY-THRE- safest candidate of the three. E YEARS few tttlrrlng OK RELIABLE Physician and Surgeon independent Smith made a remark. fruit. You see the whole operation TREES The News is an demanding to know what cauxe at once a the lecturer warm to hi Office in Smith Buikllna Republican paper, but so far Hours 1 to 4 p. m. br appointment phone 71 there wn for wietitng a change of subject. Kee. Lewie House. (Well Phone Odil la Hood River Banking & Trust Co. as the national issues are con- administration and recounting Hume He Include health, contentment, Wire Wound Continuous Stave Calls promptly answered in country day or night cerned it has hesitated about of Mr. Taft' accompllHlimeiit and aud the upbuilding of character WOOD STAVE PIPE Extends a cordial invitation to you, personally to call and his chumctertrttlcH, which, he declar among of hor- open accepting either of the ex- the uucouuted value KELLY BROS., Agents DR. MALCOLM BRONSON ed, made him the lietit president ticulture, lie say It develop some a checking account. Any amount will open an account in our by and 4th Bet. Oak tremes offered Taft place LIucoId. of the Innermost sweetnesses In life, St. and State Physicians and Surgeons 3 227-A- savings department. We pay per cent interest, compounded Roosevelt and now believes that, am low why he Phone 1 Hood River. Ore "I at a to understand aud that who approaches tree semi-annuall- Eliot Block Phone M y. We promise the best of service and satisfaction. leaving party prejudices out of there ttbould be any demand for a planting In the right spirit partake Hood River. Oregon change of of pure-hearte- d the question, the independent administration." declared the blessedtie of those C. G. VAN TRESS M. M. Hill. W. W. Remington, R. W. Pratt, voter who is neither an extreme Mr. Smith, "biiidue condition are who see Uod In HI work. C. H. D. M. D. good, people are money Mile ou mile of tree pray- JENKINS, President, Vice President, Cashier conserva- proxperoiiH, radical nor an extreme 1 eusy and mill are ruuulng full erfully planted, tended and pruned, Dentist C. H. Stranahan, Wilson Fike Woodrow Wilson Public Stenographer tive can find in lilat I'uder thene condition why liear fruit that, prayerfully gathered, Office. Hall Buildinc. over Butler Banking- Co. the man in whom those qualities hould there le a demand for change? boxed and shipped, bring price AND Office phone 28. Residence phone 28-- B Hood River. Oreg-o- are combined in a measure which "Although Mr. WIImoii might lie a from which prater at the high cost Capital good $100,000 Surplus $30,000 promises the sanest possible ad- man for the position, wedo not of living may prayerfully ask to lie Notary Public know what hU pollute would lie. delivered. The Hood River apple H. Dudley W. D. D. ministration. Pineo, S Were he elected the result would lie are world-famou- prize winners; nor A BANK ELIOT BLOCK Dentist ACCOUNT With thousands of others, the that manufacturer would be uncer- need the strawberries for which the IS A PROTI-XTIO- Office 4. and C Smith News has cherished a profound tain a to what course he would pur-ue- . 1 locally Mush for t Bids. district famous 30S-- L me Phone Office-Ho- phone 131. Residence-Ho- me 1S1-- against mistakes, frauds and for President Tast as Consequently they would cur-tal- l any lack of luselousness through admiration Hood River. Oregon needless spending. That is a man and a statesman. But their output and turn only what having been raised In a prayerful big wa absolutely necessary. Business a claim, but we are fully from beginning of the pres- atmosphere. W. prepared to substantiate it the conditions would be upset aud the Though the Honorable E. L. Smith J. BAKER DR. JUSTIN WAUGH especially if you will call at this bank. ent (campaign, and present era of prosperity would thirty-fiv- e year ha spent in the Real After you have heard our since Chicago convention, we The Da t Ion can not do (let- Valley I called Estate Eliot Building the Hood River and there proof we do not see how have perforce looked with regret ter than to re elect tootlice that ster the Father of Horticulture, he 1 Loans you can fail to open . ac- liug citizen ahd great statesman, HffW 6 an and suspicion upon those whom more than a local Institution. EAR, EYE, NOSE AND THROAT count once. William Howard of Insurance at has selected, either willing- Talt." Known the length the Pacific Taft Mr. Smith's speech wa greeted he doe not resemble even coast, the APPLE AND STRAWBERRY M. E. ly or unwillingly, as his lieuten- with applause. adopted westerner. A vague con- WELCH ants. However sincere Presi- During the course of the meeting sciousness of some previous ac- LAND A SPECIALTY Newton t larke wa called upon Licensed Veterinarian dent Taft may be in his promises to quaintance wiili him crystallizes Correspondence Solicited FIRST NATIONAL BANK to serve the people's interests read an article by Charles Milles, Into a certainty that, though you manager of campaign com be- Hood River. Oregon HOOD RIVER, OREGON first, it is palpable that in such the Taft may have known the type ouly mlttee. In which Taft was declared tween book covers, he is a pel feet WE FURNISH FRUIT a course he would be seriously to be deserving of reelection on ac- personification of the JOHN BAKER handicapped by obligations in count of the record he ha made. New England squire. Ezra Ieonnrd Attorney Law curred to the politicians, repre It wa decided to secure a roll of Smith comes logically by this ap- PICKERS AND PACKERS at political all Taft Republican In the county.
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