TUGboat, Volume 23 (2002), No. 3/4 319 ascelike Unofficial LATEX class and bibliography style- The Treasure Chest files for ASCE documents (American Society of Civil Engineers). bibfind in biblio/bibtex/utils Reads a .bib file and prints those references match- ing a search string. It works a bit like grep,onlyit Packages posted to CTAN prints the whole reference (paragraph) and not just Did you know that CTAN has two different pack- the line that matches. ages for balancing columns? (At least two: balance comprehensive in info/symbols in .../other/preprint and flushend.sty in This is a major update to the Comprehensive LATEX .../sttools.) That there are packages for drawing Symbol List. Not only does it contain hundreds graphical clock faces and dice? (clock and dice3d of new symbols, but the symbol tables have been in fonts/dice.) That there is a tool for determining reordered into a more logical structure; the docu- if all files needed by a given package are installed? ment begins with a“frequently requested symbols” list, and there is a new, quick reference table for (Appropriately enough, named diagnose.) That Latin 1. The result is that LATEX symbols should there is a package for typesetting exams, along with be easier to find than ever before. theiranswerkeys?(examdesign) Or that there is esvect Write vectors with an arrow different than the even a “toolbox” of macros “for various tasks often Computer Modern one. needed in T X programming”? (toolbox of course.) E gellmu in support A veritable “Treasure Chest”, no? LATEX-like markup for writing XML documents. This is a list of packages posted to CTAN from hypernat Allows use of hyperref and natbib. July 2001 through June 2002, with descriptive text in pulled from the announcement or researched at need iahyphen language/hyphenation Hyphenation patterns for Interlingua. and edited for brevity. All errors are ours. jadetex Processes the output from Jade/OpenJade in Each month’s list of packages are in alphabetic TEX(-t) mode. Development has moved to http: order; a package is only listed in the last month in //jadetex.sourceforge.net. which it was updated. Leading slashes are omitted latable in support from URLs, since the prefix will depend on the par- Anear-WYSIWYG editor for LATEXtables. ticular CTAN server you use. To save space, we have lineno Adds line numbers to selected paragraphs with omitted the directory name macros/latex/contrib references possible via the standard LATEX \ref and for packages residing there (a large proportion), and \pageref cross reference mechanism. those in subdirectories of that branch are denoted MiKTeX-WinEdt-TrueType-Anleitung in info/german by ...; for example, url.sty (in macros/latex/ German information about MiKTEX, WinEdt, and contrib/misc) would be shown as being in .../ TrueType. misc. Furthermore, when we list an entire direc- mpattern in graphics/metapost/macros tory, we don’t repeat the directory name. Patterns in METAPOST. This edition of Treasure Chest was split be- neuron in bibliography/bibtex/contrib tween the authors: Mark wrote the entries for July – A bibliography style for use in submitting manu- December 2001, and Will for January – June 2002. scripts to the journal Neuron (www.neuron.org). Will is bowing out as of this column — a big thank pdfcrypt.sty in .../oberdiek you from the editors. Mark will continue for future Allows the setting of PDF encryption options for installments. pdfTEXandVTEX. Hopefully this column and those which follow pkfix in support will help to make CTAN a more accessible resource Replace pk fonts with Type 1 in PostScript files. to the TEX community. SIunits Typeset physical units following the rules of the International System of Units (SI). July 2001 t-angles Draws tangles, trees, Hopf algebra operations, and other pictures. 2in1 in .../misc LATEX style file for printing two pages on a single August 2001 landscape page. amstex in macros AMSTEX version 2.2. alphanum in biblio/bibtex/contrib arraymaker in support Bibliography style that omits the year, and uses a This Tcl/Tk program is designed to take some of number instead of a letter. the tedium out of constructing arrays, diagrams 320 TUGboat, Volume 23 (2002), No. 3/4 and tables. LATEX code is entered into an array of musixps in fonts/musixtex/ps-type1 blank boxes and arrows can be added with a mouse This package provides PostScript (Type 1) fonts click. The program then outputs an array that can (PFB format), and dvips and dvipdfm map files for bepastedintoaLATEXfile. MusiXTEX. binhex in macros/generic/kastrup ps2eps in support Convert numbers into binary, octal and hex. A tool to produce EPS/EPSF files from typical one- paged PostScript documents. Requirements: Perl, bitfield Draws bitfield diagrams. Ghostscript and an ANSI C compiler if your plat- biocon Aids typesetting of biological species names, and form is not Linux, Solaris, Digital UNIX or Win- of taxa below the species level. dows 2000/9x/NT (binaries included). booklet Provides some aids for printing simple booklets revtex Includes styles for the journals of the Ameri- or signatures for longer books. can Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, bundledoc in support and Optical Society of America. This post-processor for the snapshot package bun- ruhyphen in language/hyphenation dles together all the classes, packages, and files for Updates to this package for Russian hyphenation. building a given LATEXdocument. slideshow This is a set of METAPOST macros which As an added bonus, this distribution includes a simplify creating a PDF presentation using META- small script called arlatex,aLATEX-specific archiv- POST and Ghostscript. ing program that combines a bunch of files into a uiucthesis University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign single .tex file. When the .tex file is run through thesis style. latex, all of the original files are recreated and the warning This package provides a command that gener- A LTEX document is built. ates a list of warnings that are printed out at the crossreference Cross-referencing package to help pro- very end of the logfile. This is useful for notes such vide traceability for technical documents, especially as “Rerun for this or that reason” or “This is draft, Software Requirements Specifications. change this before the final run”. dashbox Draws dashed boxes. xl2latex in support Convert Excel (97 and above) tables to LAT X. datenumber Provides commands to convert a date into E a number and vice versa. September 2001 ebezier An extension of the (old) package bezier.sty boites Defines environments that allow page breaks in- A which is currently part of LTEX2ε. It defines lin- side framed boxes. A few examples are included ear and cubic Bernstein polynomials together with (shaded box, box with a wavy line on its side, etc.). some plotting macros for arcs. brushcr in fonts examples in info/metapost This Type 1 font, named BrushScriptX-Italic, sim- A few hundred example pictures drawn with META- ulates hand-written characters. POST , ranging from very simple (lines and circles) circuit macros in graphics to rather intricate (uncommon geometric transfor- A set of macros for drawing high-quality electric mations, fractals, bitmaps, etc.). circuit diagrams containing fundamental elements, filecontents The environments filecontents and amplifiers, transistors, and basic logic gates to in- filecontents* enable a LATEX source file to gen- clude in TEX, LATEX, or similar documents. Some erate external files as it runs. However, these envi- tools and examples for other types of diagrams also ronments have two limitations: they refuse to over- included. write existing files; and they can be used only be- combine The combine class lets you bundle individual fore the \documentclass declaration. This package documents into a single document, such as when removes these limitations. preparing a conference proceedings. float Improves the interface for defining floating ob- frankenbundle in support jects, such as figures and tables. Introduces the Allows an author to maintain and distribute a bun- boxed float, the ruled float, and the plaintop float. dle of one or more LATEX packages, classes, BibTEX framed in .../misc bibliography styles, documentation, etc. Creates framed or shaded regions that can break frankenstein A collection of LATEX/BibTEXmacros. across pages. ifvtex.sty in .../oberdiek greenpoint in fonts Looks for VTEX, defining the conditionals \ifvtex, METAFONT implementation of the logo commonly \ifvtex<mode>,and\ifvtexgex. known as “Der Gruene Punkt” (“The Green JavaBib in biblio/bibtex/utils Point”). In Austria, it can be found on nearly every A BibTEX reference manager written in Java. bottle. It should not be confused with the “Recy- register Typesets the programmable elements in digi- cle” logo, implemented by Ian Green. tal hardware, i.e., registers. TUGboat, Volume 23 (2002), No. 3/4 321 TkTeXCAD in graphics tt2001 in fonts/ps-type1 A Tk-Python script which provides a graphical user This is a TEX .pfb font collection that contains al- interface to the picture environment. most all the EC (European Computer Modern) and TC (Text Companion) fonts in all possible design October 2001 sizes, all the AMS fonts in all possible design sizes, belleek in fonts plus some more. The Belleek fonts described in Richard Kinch’s pa- underscore Package update adds a [nohyphen] option per at TUG’98. and compatibility with babel’s active characters. bibweb in biblio/bibtex/utils A utility for automatically retrieving bibliograph- November 2001 ical information from the American Mathematical adrconv Converts BibTEX databases of addresses to the Society’s MathSciNet program. address format used in scrletter and akletter.It clock Provides various graphical and textual clocks for includes a TEX file to print the addresses in different TEXandLATEX2ε. Renamed from texclock. layouts. cm-super in fonts/ps-type1 anysize A simple package that can be used to set up Update to the huge CM-Super font package.
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