Nues Pt"jlio Lirxy .6960 Cakton StréCt. --;i1e fl1.6Q6R Nues Village Board honors3-4 gallon blood donors . byDlrneMiIki : gift of .apprdcuatuon from the . .Wade, blood coordinator for the in depth 'which are Ùnder'coo- ...Board'appéovèd the rezooisg The NiIù Village Board on -village.. Village of Niles, orgenresidesis sideration. Kes Scheel, sillageof the'pròperty at 7457 Waukegan 1Qodoy evening honored a Nues . The. Village of Niles s a par- ., -. to call her at 967-6100 and sigoup manager, will seek options, rd. from B-2 to R.4 for fàthèr and Matwo Sons fòr a total ticipaot in the Michael Reese . a 3-flut for this mont worthwhilecaase. regarding thd re-sohdlvision and buuldiag. ' blood dodatioñ o 110 gallons. Blood Program and it was noted So other business considerahle. present fisem to the board-next. ...Okayed the.Plat of Sob- Commended by the hoard were 1.1101. apidoniñsately5% of the . discussion bob place among the mosth It. wan aléo'noted that' it. divlsioo_ for', Shiba's," First Ad- Pool Sehjntd, 1048 N. 0000dm,' ',illage,qdotacoveringils i. board members regarding the re- would cost $2,000,,,to ss000 for ' for donating Çgalloos of blood .''ditionätß74flStolting,rd. residents add their immediate,oobdiyldiog of the property heI- ssrveylng' the propertiésand'ut' ' ...Dis'caus iso' 'wes'held 'amoog .. and his two noon Robert and Jobo fandilies has been donated. The ween Washington and Prospect would also he' oecessary to gelhoard memhers"regardiogthe . who have doijated 3 gallons each. nent -blood drawing will be held._from Oaktos lo Mesroe. There permission from the homeowners'request for 'remosarsf the . Each ofIhe gentlemen recetvèd oon Th!r.oddy, March 20. Sharon No are approximately 10 lsts, 164 ft., involved .' , ' .Contlsrnednnpnges5' Delay referendum baet'oirnng 'e5e Village of Niles p!àns ' r , until Fall Edition I District 63 -966. 8746N.ßHERI;NulSILL opposesplans , 20$ percopyr VOL 23 NO 37 THEBUGLE THURSDAY FFRRL,tIIY2S.I9I for McDonalds Local libraries.. ' by Eileen : ",' 'jFrÓiii the' , , Members of East Maine School'lengthier green light os Dem- ' '-receive - - '-- - - - stale--- -'-, District t3 béard directed,their' potersi. ' - attorney to espresé cóñcern Atoo, qaesti000_of fire safety LEFT HAND u n s .' ' ' '' - ' -,about -a proposed McDoizatdsad -easy access to Latheran '' f' ' ' drive-in restaurant to be located' by David (Bud) Brnnrr Alan J. Dioon, Secretary of General Hospital, Park Ridge, State and State' Librarian, has at the northeast corner of Grace are being considered. Students Three weeks away from the homebase io long enough. At- announced that 74 libraries In and Demputer ois. duriog o,most affected would he from ter two weehs on the tonriog circoit we begin to look regularly scheduled meetingMaine East high school and , Cook . County have received Tuesday m'Apollo school, 10100 homeward. .,, eqoalizatioo aid a d/ pe Gemioi'sehooL capita grants bassist m the un-D e d Des PIa p' hi said MeDoIdo n Jerosatem aod Rome took up mont of oar tane. Despite a Patton leichter, member ofcomiog st us' (thé village of' provement of local hbrary'ser- -the' Riles Planning Commissioo, rampant inflation Israel is bsildiog everywhere Inside the vices. Locallibrariesincluded: Niles)Inthe hardest wy Old City the Jewish quarter has been completely renovated. said to board members, "Our. p050ible:'Z He cited examples of ' Des Plaises Public Library -', Outside, the newer cityhas golden Jerosalemotone sprouting conceru io that cban'giog'lhe light'that firmhiring nuzoerom enper-, $12,522.57 ,, up everywhere A park dedicated lo Hubert Humphrey and Lincolnwood Pubbc Library'-and traffic 'patterm could canoe lu and also a coort reporter lo American centennial has risen in the heart ofihe city. It is a Diulriet$2,7f9.70 difficulties for childreo." takedownlohrhoursof Feichterreferredto lovely arbor only a new city coaid plan so its more valuable Morton Grove Public Library - thé teutimoiiy. He said the zonmg ' land. suggestion of a McDooalds safety change will be voted on Mooday' $5,635.91 .,u .1,,, ,.. , Continaedon Page 22 '"'"' Cnatlmieden-PagetS ' ; . Rome, losely Rome, waswarm and very springlihe during ":' " " oar five days there. Other tourists can tell yoo about the ' ' musenmu and the ruins andthe many classic treasores,which abound in thin beaatifal city. But I'll remember Rome's Terräpin Synchro School .' opdcial style. It's women ... they are just very elegast stylish andveryenpeosively dreoned, wearing boots and long ukirix, and coato'owirliog in the breeze as they wend their way down the streel,,And their menare equally conlisenlal. ' AttIse opera last Frido'y night the man seated two rows in . ' front ofme came back loioeet a lady friend sealed alongside , 5f me. He took her bond and held il ever so artfully, while he , spoke softly to her. If lIned a similar thrust I'd look libe the' " toaoz bumpkin. But the Staliao meo have a grace, on elan, « which gives lheirlives an entra dimeosion. Continued on Page 30 n ' Nues police warn ' homeowners Of scam ' Lt. Jubo Christie of the Niles According to homeowners ap- Police Departmentwaros proached by thepe mon, the homeowners,of a recurriog scam scheme worhn this way: Two or taking' place in the Village of three maleo in a pickup truch pull Niles during the past week. op in froot'ofa home. Two meo go Homeowners are advised to seek op to 'the front door, slaté they - properIdentificationfrom are from a utility company and ' This group of eothxsiastic swinimern were par- anyone coming to their door and tell the homeowner he ban been synchronized swinuners of the Terrapin Club overcharged on s bill. Ussally ticipanis in the Matee Efist' Terrapin Syncbro uponoored by Kathy Fullerton. The students were stating they are from the gas or School. Classes met on Saturday mornings from girls in the 4th through 8th graden In Nitos, Parh electic companies or the Water they tell him he has a t0 refund October to December, culminatIng with a short coming, bat they onli have a $21 Ridge, and Des'Plaines. AziotherSyechroSchoct Is Departmenf and ashing to check performance on Dec. 22 fer families and friends in theptaoniugforllatùrdayu inthe spring. their meters, Continued an Page 35 ofthe girls.The imtructors of the school' were TheBuglo,Theruday,Februaryls, 1* p2 Page 2 memg1e,mmsIy, February 28, 19 - . Golf Milt Merchant's LWV officers to attend IO5-aI ROCERIE Association officers Citizens'. SALE ENDS WED. luncheon Senior MARCH5 BY THE ' CARNATION 5129 President Sue Kravis and NEWS AND VIEWS FALBO'S CONTAINER Elizabeth Matteuni, secretary, LB. COFFEEMATE " wifi represent the Morton Grave- PRICE . - .iiL 1OEUFRESH NOes League nfWomen Voters at SOA.GRADEA WLB. SEVEN SEAS the f0thAmslversary Luncheon of RICOTIA the League nf Women Voters of News for all Nues Seniors frotta the 'iaoRBEsT WI.B.CREAMY Illinois.The program will hi. Trident Senior Center 65 elude LB- Size FALBO'S - ITALIAN presentationofand 8060 Oakton, Nues 967-6100, ext. 76 UR% _12i0 14 S0L statements by all randidates far - er $169DRESSING the affice nf U.S. Senator and MONNACEPCLASSFS MOZZARELLA u LB. will be heldFeh. Ill at the Palmer The spring sesutum uf MONNACEP classes are nearly upes House, Chicago. us. Registration in now in prugress. Baliruem dancing clauses STELLA REGINA The InralLeaguewas will be held fur eight weeks starting Monday, March 3, from 3 LB. ._ FONTINELLA .69c organized in 1981 in Msrtsn until 4 p.m. The csut is $7.50. Our euerdance classes will begin GROUND Grovewith 63 members. By 1910, Wednesday, March 5, trum If until 11:30 am. The cost fur the CHEESE LB.TOMATOES aOLCAN one-third of the members were sinweek cuurselu $7.50. Oilpalatiugclauses will begin Tuesday, March 25, from 9l30 astil 11;3t am. The cost fur the ten week pRIME -AGED 9 IMPORTED REGINA NOes residents and II affirially .D.A PEALED became the Morton Grove-Rites ,cuursé tu $12. Ourbasic drawtug class will begin Friday, March U LB. 'er 4th ROMANO 5LBS$98 League, enabling it ta study toral 7. It will run fur ten weehu, from93l until 11;39 at a cost uf $12. sTAN0t istthRU TOMATOES 50 OLCAN issues in both villages as well au Formére information, please call Ike center. RIB CHEESE M°OE LBREGINA manly, state,and national INCOME TAX PROGRAM RIBROAST issues. VOLPI GENOA OR TOMATO °z 89C OurvolunteerlacomeTan Assistance Prugramisin operation 3 CANS' This year a study of local at the center. ludividualu may have their stato and federal for- pRIME TOSCANO, $498PASTE government accountability has sus fitted out al nu charge ut the center. Thevuluateertan aides lJ Sn.A- A89 LB.SUN VALLEY farmed on the work. of village, are available both Wednesday and Friday mornings. Please SALAMI ' . Robert Loesch (fourth from park district, and likrary boards, manager of J. C. Penney, vice callto arrangefor an appointment. lue EYE I MAMMOTH 'f right), managerofSears, president; and Robert Wallacé,and a home rule forum is . Au income lar comultant will he available nu Friday mor- CORANDO. RIPE OLIVES ao. io w Roebuck and Company, and im- president of the Golf--Mill Stalescheduled for 2 p.m., Sunday, niugu from lt am. until unen. If you bave any queslium about 1EA$5 C mediate past president nf the Bash, treasurer. Not shown areMarch 9, at the Morton Grove iyuur tauformu, callorstup laatthecenter un Friday mornissgs. MORTADELLA FILIPPO GolfMillMerehant's Association, directors Mike Drop of Wonlwor-puhlictikrary, f140 Lincoln. i LAUREL AND HARDY MOVIES BERIO joined newly elected board mom- ta's and Pat O'Shea, manager of On the state level the League is MINELLISHOMEM CARANDO $1t199 Friday, February 29, at l;3l p.m. the movies "Du Detectives ' HAM OLIVE OIL U GAL Ii bers in congratulating re-elected GolfMillShnpping Center. studying initative, referendum, 'Think?" and "Another Fine Mess" will be shown at the center.
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