4 The Japan Times Tuesday, November 18, 2014 Oman national day strengthening partnerships, friendship Khalid Al-Muslahi and prosperity to Their Impe- the two countries on all levels the two nations has been grow- For Japan, Oman has always AMbAssAdor of the sultAnAte rial Majesties Emperor Akihito and fields. A joint communiqué ing rapidly on various levels, been a reliable and stable of Oman to JApAn and Empress Michiko, and to on the “strengthening of the not only economically, but also source of energy supplies. In the members of the Imperial Comprehensive Partnership to- politically and culturally. 2013, oman was the eighth Nov. 18 marks family, as well as the govern- wards Stability and Prosperity The economic and trade ties largest crude oil supplier to the happy oc- ment and the friendly people between Japan and the Sultan- between Oman and Japan has Japan, which imported 28.7 casion of the of Japan. ate of Oman,” was issued fol- been the backbone of the long million barrels of the Omani 44th National Let me also express my sin- lowing the historic visit and and fruitful relationship that crude, accounting for 2.2 per- day of the Sul- cere appreciation to the Hon- covered cooperation in the po- continues to prosper and grow. cent of its crude oil imports. tanate of orary Chairman, H.e. Prime litical, security, economic, edu- Japan was one of the first coun- oman was also the eighth larg- oman, and the minister Shinzo Abe, of the Ja- cation and culture fields. tries to receive Omani crude est LNG supplier to Japan, ac- people of pan-oman Society, for his sup- oman and Japan share 400 oil, and the export of oil and counting for 4.6 percent of oman cele- port and encouragement of the years of friendly contact and liquefied natural gas (LNG) has Japan’s total imports of the brate this significant occasion relations between Oman and more than four decades of of- increased over the years, mak- product, which reached 4.01 in the nation’s modern history Japan. It is the desire of the ficial diplomatic relations. I ing Japan one of the most im- million metric tons. with a great deal of pride and government and people of was honored in 2012 to cele- portant markets for oman’s although oil and LNG rep- joy. The nation expresses its oman that under his leader- brate the 40th anniversary of hydrocarbon exports. resent 99 percent of Japan total heartfelt gratitude to His Maj- ship, the friendship and part- official Oman-Japan diplomat- In 2013 Oman was ranked imports from Oman, imports esty Sultan Qaboos bin Said for nerships between our two ic relations. We celebrated the 31st among Japan’s trading of marine products and agri- his visionary guidance and na- countries will be further His Majesty Sultan Qaboos milestone with many events partners and the third biggest cultural products from Oman tion-building endeavors. strengthened, and we wish bin Said and activities in both Tokyo market for Japanese exports in are also significant. Out of Ja- on this memorable occa- him success in his significant and muscat. the Middle East and North Af- pan’s total imports of these sion, I have the honor, on be- task of providing leadership to The two leaders expressed their The historical and modern rica. Japan is also among products from the Middle East half of H.m. Sultan Qaboos bin the government and people of satisfaction with the continu- relations between Oman and oman’s top trading partners, and North africa, oman is said, his government, and the Japan. ally growing bilateral relation- Japan are exemplary. Founded with bilateral trade between third in marine products and people of Oman, to convey the Prime minister abe visited ship, as well as the intent to on mutual respect, reciprocal the two nations, which has fourth in agricultural products. greetings and best wishes of oman in January and met with further strengthen the partner- trust and friendship, interac- been expanding over the years, oman is also a major im- good health, success, peace H.m. Sultan Qaboos bin Said. ship and cooperation between tion and cooperation between reaching $8.83 billion in 2013. porter of Japanese automo- biles, machinery, chemicals and appliances among other H.M. Sultan Qaboos bin Said welcomes Prime Minister Shinzo products. A number of Japa- abe in Muscat on Jan. 9. eMbAssy of the sultAnAte of oman forward-looking foreign policy nese corporations are engaged in important major projects in The basic principles of Oman’s and concern for others and ducive to development and oman in the fields of oil and foreign policy stem from the keen on positive interaction prosperity for everyone. gas, electricity generation, strategic vision of H.m. Sultan with them — it also embodies Inspired by the thought of water desalination and ship- Qaboos about peaceful coex- a clear vision about how rela- H.m. sultan Qaboos, the ping. This vast and voluminous istence between all peoples, tions with other nations should omani diplomacy has accord- trade and investment relation- neighborliness, noninterfer- be. It is a vision that has always ed attention to friendship with ship makes Japan an important ence in the internal affairs of manifested wise leadership, the world through good, bal- partner to oman. others and mutual respect for farsightedness and strong anced ties with each country While economic relations national sovereignty. keenness to build the best ties that takes positive steps on the have been based in these key While oman’s foreign and with all countries in a manner way to cooperation and com- areas and industries for years, domestic policy embodies the that enhances peace, security mits itself to international From left, Iranian Foreign Minster Mohammad Javad Zarif; EU the nature of this relationship traits of the Omani identity — and stability in the region and charters and u.N. principles representative Catherine Ashton; Omani Minister Responsible is far more complex and is set known for calmness, frankness provides a climate that is con- for achieving progress and for Foreign Affairs Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah; and U.S. to grow and diversify even fur- consolidating the foundations Secretary of State John Kerry share greetings before the ther in the upcoming years. of international stability. trilateral meeting on Iran’s nuclar program held in Muscat on on oct. 23 and 24 Tokyo Hence Oman foreign poli- oct. 9 and 10. eMbAssy of the sultAnAte of oman hosted the Oman Investment cy’s response to all events that Forum, which saw the partici- omani Minister of Heritage and Culture H.H. Sayyid Haitham took place in the region and states in its capacity as a teem, both as a leadership and pation of more than 200 repre- bin Tariq Al Said (left) and H.i.H. Crown Prince Naruhito attend the world has been prudent peace-loving nation that is al- as a state. Oman’s benign ef- sentatives of corporations and the third Sultan Qaboos Scientific Chairs Symposium on Oct. 2 and enlightened; so these ways bent upon resolving dis- forts and endeavors succeed- government agencies from at the University of Tokyo. eMbAssy of the sultAnAte of Oman events, even at the height of putes through positive ed many times in both countries. omani dele- their hostility, did not influ- dialogue and by peaceful rapprochement of views and gates presented Oman’s eco- their Japanese counterparts nese industries is set to ence Oman’s foreign policy in means. Oman spares no effort overcoming disputes between nomic diversification plans possible cooperation in invest- become a major aspect of this the ninth round of talks among Iran and P5+1 (u.S., Russia, any negative way. in fostering peace, security states in the region and be- and the various developmental ments, technology transfers new area of economic relations China, France, U.K. and Germany) toward a comprehensive on the grounds of this clear and stability in its surround- yond. This earned Oman more and infrastructure projects tak- and human resource develop- between the two nations. agreement on the Iranian nuclear program takes place on Oct. and deep vision, Oman estab- ings because it has gained respect at all levels. ing place, and discussed with ment. Cooperation with Japa- Continued on page 5 11 in Muscat. eMbAssy of the sulAtAnAte of oman lished its relations with other friendship, credibility and es- PAGE: 4 The Japan Times Tuesday, November 18, 2014 5 Oman national day H. m. Sultan Qaboos confers the oman Civil order “Second Class” on prime minister Shinzo abe at the Baraka palace in muscat on Jan. 9. embassy Of the sultanate Of Oman t he omani Corner at Komaba museum, a permanent exhibition of omani culture, opens in the university of tokyo on Sept. 29. embassy Of the sultanate Of Oman Ongoing cultural exchanges Continued from page 4 two nations. Finance is another area of o ne such special event held potential that was discussed at this year was the Third sym- the forum, as Japanese invest- posium of H.m. sultan Qa- ments and financing in omani boos academic Chairs on projects continue to expand “managing Water resources and provide mutual benefits. fors ustainable development,” To create a more conducive en- hostedy b the university of vironment for such activities, Tokyo on oct. 2 and 3. The the Japan-oman agreement event was opened by H.I.H. on Avoidance of Double Taxa- the Crown Prince of Japan Na- tion was signed in January this ruhito and H.H. sayyid year, and an agreement was Haitham bin Tariq al-said and reached for a bilateral agree- was attended by prominent ment for the protection and officials and professors from promotion of investment.
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