Journal of Air Law and Commerce Volume 30 | Issue 4 Article 8 1964 Bibliography Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.smu.edu/jalc Recommended Citation Bibliography, 30 J. Air L. & Com. 401 (1964) https://scholar.smu.edu/jalc/vol30/iss4/8 This Bibliography is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Journals at SMU Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of Air Law and Commerce by an authorized administrator of SMU Scholar. For more information, please visit http://digitalrepository.smu.edu. BIBLIOGRAPHY CURRENT LITERATURE ON AVIATION Books and Pamphlets Aerospace Industries Association. AEROSPACE FACTS AND FIGURES, 1964. Los Angeles, Aero Publishers, Inc., 1964. 133p. $3.00 Air Cargo, Inc. AnR FREIGHT DIRECTORY. Summer Edition, 1964. Washington, Air Cargo, Inc., 1964. 51p. Ashley, Charles A. THE FIRST TWENTY-FIvE YEARS; A STUDY OF TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES. Toronto, Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1964. 75p. $1.75 Clare, Kenneth G. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL AIRPORT STUDY. South Pasadena, Calif., Southern California Laboratories, Stanford Research Insti- tute, 1964. 274p. (SRI Project No. IS-4200) Cohen, Maxwell, ed. LAW AND PoLmCS IN SPACE: SPECIFIC AND URGENT PROB- LEMS IN THE LAW OF OUTER SPACE. Montreal, McGill University Press, 1964. 221p. $5.00 Constitutes proceedings of the McGill Conference on the Law of Outer Space, sponsored by the Institute of Air and Space Law, McGill Uni- versity. Conference on the Law of Space and of Satellite Communications. Proceedings. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1964. 2 05p. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Special Publication 44) $1.50 Davies, R. E. G. A HISTORY OF THE WORLD'S AIRLINES. New York, London, Oxford University Press, 1964. 53 6p. $17.50; libraries $12.25 Gibbs-Smith, Charles H. THE WRIGHT BROTHERS; A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THEIR WORK, 1899-1911. London, Her Maj. Stationery Off., 1964. 32p. $ .50 Institut du Transport A6rien. U. S. Am TRANSPORT POLICY DEVELOPMENTS: THE TRANSATLANTIC ROUTE RENEWAL CASE. Paris, Institut du Transport Arien, 1964. 21p. (Its ITA Studies 64/7-E) JAHRBUCH DER LUFT- UND RAUMFAHRT 1964, hrsg. von Karl-Ferdinand Reuss. Mannheim, Sfidwestdeutsche Verlagsanstalt GMBH, 1964. 4 6 8p. DM 19.80 Minnesota, Department of Aeronautics. GENERAL AVIATION IN MINNESOTA, 1963. St. Paul, 1964. 12p. Norling, H. H. FUTURE U. S. TRANSPORTATION NEEDS. Cambridge, Mass., United Research, Inc., 1963. 302p. Photocopy obtainable from Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., price $19.75 Pourcelet, Michel. TRANSPORT AiRIEN INTERNATIONAL ET RESPONSABILrIT. Mon- treal, Presses de l'Universit6 de Montreal, 1964. 269 p. REGISTER OF CIvIL AIRCRAFT; REGISTRE ARONAUTIQUE; LIBRO REGISTRO. Paris, Bureau Veritas, 1964. 1 v. 402 JOURNAL OF AIR LAW AND COMMERCE SELL'S BRITISH AVIATION 1964 (17TH YEAR). London, Business Dictionaries, Ltd., 1964. 254p. Shamburger, Page. TRACKS ACROSS THE SKY: THE STORY OF THE PIONEERS OF THE U. S. Am MAIL. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott, 1964. 179p. $4.95 U. S. Civil Aeronautics Board. ECONOMIC AND SAFETY ENFORCEMENT CASES OF THE CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD. June-December 1961. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1964. 1122p. (Civil Aeronautics Board Reports. Vol. 34) $3.75 U. S. Civil Aeronautics Board. HANDBOOK OF AIRLINE STATISTICS. 1963 Edition. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1964. 554p. $5.75 U. S. Federal Aviation Agency. FAA AIR TRAFFIC ACTIVITY, FISCAL YEAR 1964. Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1964. 214p. $1.25 U. S. General Accounting Office. UNNECESSARY COSTS INCURRED IN TRANSPORT- ING IST-CLASS MAIL BY AIR, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. May 1964. Wash- ington, General Accounting Office, 1964. 31p. Wegerdt, Alfred and Karl-Ferdinand Reuss. DEUTSCHE LUFTFAHRTGESETZGEBUNG. 4. vbllig neu bebarbeitete Aufl. Stand 1. Januar 1964. Mannheim, Siidwest- deutsche Verlagsanstalt GMBH, 1964. 568p. DM 27.80 Wheatcroft, Stephen. AIR TRANSPORT POLICY. London, Michel Joseph, 1964. 197p. 25s Zhukov, Gennadii P. and others. KosMos I MEZDUNARODNOE SOTRUDNICHESTVO. Moscow, Komissiia po pravovym voprosam mezhplanetnogo prostranstva, Akademiia nauk SSSR, 1963. 255p. Periodical Articles Air Cargo '64. Distribution Age, Aug. 1964; 63: 35-46. Air Freight Is Coming of Age. Sperryscope, First Quarter, 1964; 16: 19-23. Air Freight-Profit,Potential? By Marvin A. Chatinover. Exchange, May 1964; 25: 6-9. Air Transport Development, by B. S. Shenstone. Flight Int'l, July 9-16, 1964; 86: 45-46, 91-92. Airline Efficiency; BOAC and BEA Compared with Other Leading World Airlines. Flight Int'l, June 11, 1964; 85: 960-963. Antitrust Aspects of Recent Transportation Mergers: Interplay Between Compe- tition and Regulation in-Recent Agency Decisions, by Carl H. Fulda. Minne- sota L. Rev., Mar. 1964; 48: 723-746. Automating Air Cargo. Distribution Age, July 1964; 63: 31-32. Automating Air Cargo Distribution, by R. Beaufort. Aeroplane and Commercial Aviation News, June 4, 1964; 107: 15. Aviation Law Under the Federal Tort Claims Act, by Milan M. Dostal. Federal Bar J., Spring 1964; 24: 165-196. Britain's Internal Airways; the Pioneer Stage of the 1930's, by Derek H. Aldcroft. Business History, June 1964; 6: 113-123. BIBLIOGRAPHY 403 Comments on Recent Important Aviation Cases, by Thomas F. Lambert, Jr., and Robert H. Joost. NACCA L. J., 1964; 30: 380-403. Competition, Market Structure, and Regulatory Institutions in Transportation, by John R. Meyer. Va. L. Rev., March 1964; 50: 212-230. Conflict of Laws-Babcock Rule Applied to Determination of Limitation in Wrongful Death Action. Fordham L. Rev., May 1964; 32: 841-845. Case note on Gore v. Northeast Airlines, Inc., 222 F. Supp. 50 (S. D. N. Y. 1963). Control of Outer Space, by Leonard E. Schwartz. Current History, July 1964; 47: 39-46. Data Processing, Changes in Legislation Seen Needed for Jet Age Facilitation,by James W. Lockett. Air Cargo, Oct. 1964; 8: 19-22. The Development of Legislation for Hovercraft, by A. R. Barrowclough. J. of the Royal Aeronautical Soc'y, July 1964; 68: 467-476. Dyment on the SST, by John T. Dyment. SAE J., July 1964; 72: 30-3 5. Effects on Employment of Mergers and Agreements for Co-Operation in Civil Aviation. Int'l Labour Rev., Jan. 1964; 89: 78-82. 15th Annual Local Air Service Issue. Flight Magazine, June 1964; 53: 50-96. A Future for the Fast Air Bus, by E. Colston Shepherd. New Scientist, July 16, 1964; 23: 149-151. Future Trends in Aviation Insurance, by J. H. Hine. Airways Int'l, May/June 1964; 1: 19-20, 22. Hague Protocol: an Abuse of Executive Discretion? By Eliezer Ereli. U.C.L.A. L. Rev., March 1964; 11: 358-381. Hildred Urges New Lures for IATA Market, by James R. Ashlock. Aviation Week & Space Technology, Sept. 14, 1964; 81: 38-39. Intensive Lobbying Surrounds Death of Transportation Bill. Congressional Q. Weekly Report, May 8, 1964; 22: 925-930. Interest Conflicts in Transportation, by Robert A. Nelson. J. of Business, April 1964; 37: 167-178. International Law for Space, by T. M. Plaisted. Social Studies, Feb. 1964; 55: 46-52. International Space Law and Free World Security, by Richard N. Gardner. Air Force and Space Digest, July 1964; 47: 58-63. The Issues and Challenges of Air Transportation:the Impact of New Technology, by Edward T. Chase and Emile Benoit. Technology and Culture, Winter 1964; 5: 57-66. Legal Control of Outer Space. Kentucky L. J., No. 2, 1964; 52: 404-421. Legal Liabilities Arising out of Crop Spraying Operations, by J. L. Brooks. J. of the Royal Aeronautical Soc'y, Aug. 1964; 68: 553-559. Limitation of Adjective: Promotion as well as Regulation Is the Duty and Func- tion of the CAB in the Present-Day Situation Regarding the Air Carriers, by Alan S. Boyd. Public Utilities Fortnightly, June 18, 1964; 73: 15-21. 404 JOURNAL OF AIR LAW AND COMMERCE Loopholes in the FAA Laws, by M. B. Spaulding. Air Transport World, July 1964; 1: 25. Manpower Utilization in Aerospace, by Eli Ginzberg. Law and Contemporary Problems, Spring 1964; 29: 453-467. Mergers in Regulated Industries, by G. E. Hale and Rosemary Hale. Nw. U. L. Rev., March/April 1964; 59: 49-61. MATS' Role in Naval Logistics, by J. A. Rebentisch, Jr. U. S. Naval Institute Proc., June 1964; 90: 76-87. The Military Air Transport Service. Air Force and Space Digest, Sept. 1964; 47: 104-106, 109-110. The Military Role in Space, by George C. Sponster. Bull. of the Atomic Scientists, June 1964: 31-34. Noise and Vibration of Jet Aircraft as a Constitutional "Taking or Damaging," by Wayne C. Booth, Jr. Washington L. Rev., June 1964; 39: 398-403. Case note on Martin v. Port of Seattle (Wash.), 64 Wash. 2d 324, 391 P.2d 540 (1964). Outer Space Co-Operation in the United Nations in 1963, by James Simsarian. Am. J. of Int'l L., July 1964; 58: 717-723. Planning for Profitability. Part I: The Basis, by R. A. R. Wilson. Airways Int'l, May/June 1964; 1: 50, 52, 54. Pricing Policies of Publicly-Owned Air Commerce Airports, by Kenneth G. Clare. Municipal Finance, May 1964; 36: 150-152. The Private Turbulence of Eastern Air Lines, by Irving Ross. Fortune, July 1964: 172-174, 216-224. Problems of a Space Law in the United Nations, by F. B. Schick. Int'l and Com- parative L. Q., July 1964; 18: 969-986. Qantas; Airline Profile, by J. M. Ramsden. Flight Int'l, July 9, 1964; 86: 50-54. The Rationalisationof Transport, by R. Beeching. Institute of Transport J., March 1964; 30: 316-322, 332. Second Cargo Forum Finds Bright Future. Air Cargo, July 1964; 8: 13-15. Seeking Long-Term Remedies for Canadian Carriers' Ills, by R. Littlejohns. Cana- dian Aviation, June 1964; 37: 18-20, 41. Some Views on Legislation and Regulation in Agricultural Aviation, by W.
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