Barnett, David. "Index." The Theatre of Tennessee Williams: Languages, Bodies and Ecologies. London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2014. 295–310. Bloomsbury Collections. Web. 29 Sep. 2021. <>. Downloaded from Bloomsbury Collections, www.bloomsburycollections.com, 29 September 2021, 17:43 UTC. Copyright © Brenda Murphy 2014. You may share this work for non-commercial purposes only, provided you give attribution to the copyright holder and the publisher, and provide a link to the Creative Commons licence. INDEX Major discussions of plays are indicated in bold type . Williams ’ s works are entered under their titles. Plays by other authors are listed under authors ’ names. Actors Studio 87, 95 “ Balcony in Ferrara, Th e ” 55 Adamson, Eve 180 Bankhead, Tallulah 178 Adler, Th omas 163 Barnes, Clive 172, 177, Albee, Edward 167 268n. 17 Alpert, Hollis 189 Barnes, Howard 187 American Blues 95 Barnes, Richard 188 Ames, Daniel R. 196 – 8, Barnes, William 276 203 – 4 Barry, Philip 38 Anderson, Maxwell Here Come the Clowns 168 Truckline Caf é 215 Battle of Angels 2 , 7, 17, 32, Anderson, Robert 35 – 47 , 51, 53, 56, 64, 93, Tea and Sympathy 116 , 119 173, 210, 233, 272 “ Angel in the Alcove, Th e ” Cassandra motif 43 4, 176 censorship of 41 Ashley, Elizabeth 264 fi re scene 39 – 40 Atkinson, Brooks 72, 89, Freudian psychology in 44 104 – 5, 117, 189, 204, political content 46 – 7 209 – 10, 219 – 20 production of 39, 272 Auto-Da-Fe 264 reviews of 40 – 1, 211 Ayers, Lemuel 54, 96 Th eatre Guild production 37 Baby Doll 226 , 273, 276 themes and characters 35 Bak, John S. 3, 5, 205 – 31 violence in 36 Baker, Christopher 264 Beauty Is the Word 270 Bakhtin, Mikhail 244 Beckett, Samuel 221 Rabelais and His World 243 Behrman, Samuel N. 38 295 TTheatre.indbheatre.indb 229595 110/11/20130/11/2013 110:28:420:28:42 AAMM Index Bentley, Eric 116 – 20, 215, 219 Cagney, James 21 Th e Dramatic Event 225 Cairo! Shanghai! Bombay! 271 Best Years of Our Lives, Th e 193 Caldwell, Erskine Bigelow, Paul 53 Tobacco Road 41 Bishop, Elizabeth 51 Caldwell, Zoe 168 Black, Clara Atwood 51 Camino Real 23 , 32, 85, 91, Blake, William 93 – 106 , 121, 217 – 18, “ Ah! Sun-fl ower ” 157 273 – 4 Blanchett, Cate 6 and Casablanca 97 Boccaccio, Giovanni homosexuality in 101 Decameron , Th e 91 Lord Byron in 102 Bowden, Charles 139 production of 95 – 9, Bowles, Jane 97 273 – 4 Bowles, Paul 97, 99, 122, 149 reviews of 104 – 5, 217 – 19 Brando, Marlon 85 – 7, 89, revision of 105 – 6 111, 181 stage design of 96 – 7 Bray, Robert 207, 268n. 13 symbolism in 91 Bresnahan, Alyssa 265 theme of 98 Bretzfelder, Anne 25 transgressive sexuality in Britneva, Maria, the Lady St 94 – 5 Just 2, 122, 152 – 3 writing of 94 – 7 and Suddenly Last Summer Canby, Vincent 263 122 Candles to the Sun 9 , 12 – 15 , Brook, Peter 95 16, 210 Brown, John Mason 104 production of 271 Brown, Pamela 86 sexuality in 23 Browning, Robert Case, Claudia Wilsch 211 “ My Last Duchess ” 55 Cash, Wilbur Joseph Brustein, Robert 147, 208, Th e Mind of the South 192 221 – 5 Cassidy, Claudia 62, 160, Th e Th eatre of Revolt: An 211 – 12, 255 Approach to Modern Castro, Fidel 274 Drama 225 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 6 – 7, 49, Bultman, Fritz 53, 55, 81 85, 107 – 20 , 121, 226, 236, Byron, George Gordon 5, 273 – 4 102 – 3 homosexuality in 24, 119 296 TTheatre.indbheatre.indb 229696 110/11/20130/11/2013 110:28:420:28:42 AAMM Index and Kazan ’ s interference 114 Cronyn, Hume 52, 86 mendacity in 112 – 14 Crowther, Bosley 189 production of 273 – 4 Cukor, George 67 reviews of 219 “ Cyclops Eye ” ( “ I have a stage design of 118 – 19 vast traumatic eye ” ) writing of 109 – 10 5, 232 – 4, 237 Cavalier for Milady, A 6, 164, 250 – 4 Dakin, Rev Walter Chalky White Substance, (grandfather) 4, 270, 273 Th e 264 death 273 Chapman, John 72, 188 – 9, and Th e Night of 218 Iguana 137 – 8 Chaucer, Geoff rey Dakin, Rose Otte Th e Canterbury Tales 91 (grandmother) 270 Chekhov, Anton 27, 42 death 55, 272 Chicago Herald American Danner, Blythe 76 (newspaper) 212 Darling, Candy 169 Clothes for a Summer Hotel 6 , Darlington, W. A. 159 161, 163 – 4 Davis, Bette 139 production of 164, 277 de Jongh, Nicholas 170 Clum, John 3, 75, 171 Demolition Downtown, Clurman, Harold 87 Th e 264 Lies Like Truth 221 Denby, Edward 55 Coleman, Robert 187 “ Desire and the Black Masseur ” Conkle, Ellsworth Prouty 9 23, 125 – 6, 144 Prologue to Glory 9 Devlin, Albert J. 2, 215 Conrad, Joseph Dewey, John 51 Heart of Darkness 150 Diaghelev, Sergei 254 Cornell, Katharine 36, 66, 79 Dorff , Linda 3, 206, 264 Corsaro, Frank 138 – 9 Dowling, Eddie 55 – 6, 65, Crane, Hart 5, 102, 277 168, 214 Crawford, Cheryl 95, 133, Dramatic Event, Th e 116 135 D u ff -McCormick, Cara 154 Creve Coeur Dumas, Alexandre fi ls 78 production of 276 La dame aux cam é lias 105 Crisp, Clement 129 Duncan, Robert 55 297 TTheatre.indbheatre.indb 229797 110/11/20130/11/2013 110:28:420:28:42 AAMM Index Eccentricities of a Nightingale aesthetic of 59 – 60 6 , 67, 73 – 6 Chicago reception 62 production of 76 drunk scene 56 reviews of 76 ending 59 8 by Tenn 264 entrapment theme 57 – 8 lighting of 62 Farber, Manny 189 as memory play 59 Farrell, James T. 51 New York reception 62 Federal Th eatre Project 9 production of 272 – 3 Feingold, Michael 180 reviews of 213 – 14 Fitzgerald, F. Scott 5, 161 stage design of 60 – 1 Fitzgerald, Zelda 5, 161, 163 Glavin, William 154 Save Me the Waltz 163 Glenville, Peter 154, 159 Foote, Horton 54 Gn ä diges Fr ä ulein, Th e 160 , Freud, Sigmund 161 – 2 , 166, 205, 226 – 7, “ Th e ‘ Uncanny ’ ” 253 264 Frost, David 170, 235, 276 artist theme 161 – 2 Frosted Glass Coffi n, Th e 151 Promethean imagery 162 Frye, Northrop 92 stage design of 161 Fugitive Kind (play) 9, 15 – 19 , Gone with the Wind 189 165, 210 Greenstreet, Sydney 97 production of 18 – 19, 271 Greenwich Village Little Fugitive Kind, Th e (fi lm) 42, 274 Renaissance 11 Greggory, David 137 Garden District 128 Grodal, Torben 185, 191 production of 274 Embodied Visions: Evolution, Garfi eld, John 86 Emotion, Culture and Gassner, John 209 Film 185 – 6 Th e Th eatre in Our Times 209 Group Th eatre, Th e 36, 85 – 7 Gentleman Caller, Th e 53 – 5 Gussow, Mel 7, 241, 263 Gielgud, John 273 Gilman, Richard 150, 225 Hagen, Uta 205, 267n. 11 Glass Menagerie, Th e 2 , 6, 16, Hall, Peter 274 30, 51 – 63 , 64, 66 – 7, 160, Hartford Stage Williams 165, 173 – 4, 177, 211 – 13, Marathon 264 215, 233 – 4, 255, 272 – 3, 276 Hartung, Philip T. 189 298 TTheatre.indbheatre.indb 229898 110/11/20130/11/2013 110:28:420:28:42 AAMM Index Hawkins, William 188 Inge, William 217 Haydon, Julie 55 Isaac, Dan 12 Helburn, Th eresa 37 Hemingway, Ernest 5 Jacobson, Max 150, 275 Th e Sun Also Rises 115 Jentsch, Ernst Hepburn, Katharine 139 “ Th e Psychology of the Herlie, Eileen 154 Uncanny ” 253 Hill, George Roy 274 Johansson, Scarlett 7 H o ff man, E. T. A. Jones, Margo 55 – 6, 65, 81, “ Th e Nutcracker and the 86 – 7, 272 – 3 Mouse King ” 253 Summer and Smoke “ Th e Sandman ” 253 production 66 – 8 Holditch, Kenneth 7, 241 Jones, Robert Edmond 60 Holland, Willard 9, 12, 19 – 20 Kaiser, Georg Hollifi eld, Joseph Phelan From Morn To Midnight 29 Th e Lamp 12 Kanfer, Stefan 151, 225 Hopkins, Miriam 38 – 40 Kauff mann, Stanley 230 House Not Meant to Stand, A Kaufman, George S. 38, 219 6, 164, 254 – 62 , 277 Kazan, Elia 2, 60, 80, 85 – 7, production of 277 95 – 6, 106, 113, 133, 181, House Un-American Activities 183, 204, 215, 272 – 4 Committee (HUAC) 216 on A Streetcar Named Hughes, Elinor 211 Desire 89 Hunter, Kim 76, 87 and Cat on a Hot Tin Hunter, Mary 54 Roof 114 , 116 – 18 Huston, John 275 and revision of Camino Hynds, Reed 210 Real 98 – 9 Kazan, Molly Day Th acher 36, I Rise in Flame, Cried the 85 – 6, 106 Phoenix 52, 249 and Camino Real 99 In the Bar of a Tokyo Hotel Keathley, George 133, 154 6 , 160, 205, 233, 235 – 7 , Keith, Don Lee 205 264, 275 Keith, Th omas 255 – 6, 259 – 60, production of 275 269n. 21 reviews of 151, 225, 237 Kelly, Kevin 147 299 TTheatre.indbheatre.indb 229999 110/11/20130/11/2013 110:28:430:28:43 AAMM Index Kerr, Walter 105, 120, 180, Leigh, Vivien 86, 89, 181, 186, 217 – 20, 230, 237 189, 196, 200 – 1, 205, 273 Kiernan, Kip 136, 173 – 4, 271 Leighton, Margaret 139, 154, Kingdom of Earth (Th e Seven 167 – 8 Descents of Myrtle) 6 , 164, Lerner, Alan Jay 205, 244 – 50 , 275 – 6 My Fair Lady 268 n. 16 London production 276 Leverich, Lyle 25 Kingsley, Sidney Lewis, Robert 87 Dead End 18 Life (magazine) 151, 189 Kirche, Kutchen, und Kinder: An Lifeboat Drill 264 Outrage for the Stage Living Newspaper 9 production of 277 Londr é , Felicia Hardison 3, 5, Kirkland, Jack 160, 232 – 43 Tobacco Road 41 Lord Byron ’ s Love Letter 264 Kolin, Philip C. 3, 181, 206 Loring, Eugene 54 Kramer, Hazel 178 Lovely Sunday for Creve Krasner, Lee 55 Coeur, A 165 Kretzmer, Herbert 159 production of 277 Kristeva, Julia 243 – 4 Lowe, Frederick Kronenberger, Louis 62, 188 – 9, My Fair Lady 268 n.
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