Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1929-12-04 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1929). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1427. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1427 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE XAVERIAN NEWS THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS, ST. XAVIER COLLEGE VOL XV. CINCINNATI, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1929 ~RICE Sc NO. 12. Cyril Bolger Chosen As Haskell Tribe Finds Xavier Basketball Team Ready Most P~pular By Fans Pale F~ces Difficult To Scalp ·For Busy Court ,Season Sophomore Full Back Walks Away With /. Frank O'Bryan and Tom Daugherty, They Shall Not Pass! First Call For Xavier all playing their last inter-collegiate Although Haskell scored again .In the Hoopmen Contest Sponsored by "X". News. , Weight of Indian Team ls A game, at St. Xavier, the team turned last half, St. Xavier displayed a better To Be Issued In Near Future Deciding Factor. In a very creditable performance and brand of football than they exhibited wound up the 1929 sea8on In a blaze of in the opening period. Twice the pleasant work. And the writer can glory. The score of ; the game was powerful visitors were held In the BALLOTING HEAVY 13-0. NO CAPTAIN AT PRESENT. take his shop with him wherever he shadow of the goal posts by a scrappy goes. I am one, however, who mUBt MUSKETEERS BATTLE HARD. A Rushing Business Musketeer eleven. Their touchdown CHESS SIR! Cyril Bolger, fullback on this year's be entirely away from people or there's With the football togs tucked away football team, was adjudged the most At the beginning of the game, the came as a result of a 35 yard pass, no work done. That ls why I go out popular football player in "The Xaver­ Musketeers launched ~ strong offen­ Smith to Grant, who caught the oval Jn the mothballs and the hardy yank• to some remote spot and stay. there, all sive drive which netted them several over the goal l!ne. · ers, who bruise themselves for the glory lan News" popularity contest conducted alone. It seems to be the only way Last Game of College Career For Pawns, Kings and Queens Set at the Thanksgiving game. Bolger Is first downs and put hope into the At the start of the second half it of the Alma Mater· and the fair lady, I can work. hearts of their followel's. The Indians seemed l!ke the Indians were going to a sophomore and the present year was With all good wishes for yourself and Three Letter Men. For Serles of Skirmishes able to masticate sweets and s~okes his first on the squad. soon settled down to business and from roll up a huge score. Taking the ball all my friends ,at the college, and stay out late at night, the student Many Votes Cast then on, St. Xavier· took the defensive. in midfield the Indians rushed It for­ Faithfully yours, · By .John Nolan The Blue and White performed nobly ward. but were held for downs. Mor­ In Chess Club. body and appreciative puouc must be When the votes were counted Bolger Harrison Conrard. in this department of the play and as r!ssey's kicking temporarily averted the had a substantial lead ·over his nearest A whooping band of Haskell Indians kept awake. So the powers that be went on the war-path last Thursday a result, held the Redmen scoreless danger but each time, Haskell came The St. X Chess Club has started Its rival for the honor, Thomas Daugher­ have declared that we shall h~ our Many Institutions Send Greetings at Corcoran Field and when the smoke­ for the entire first quarter. back stronger. The feature of the annual tournament. It has been the ty. Following Daugherty In close or· game occurred In this quarter. With desire of the club to get enough play­ annual basketball team. A tentative der were Markiewicz, McDevltt, O'Brien The college authorities received many of battle cleared away,- the Redskins The Musketeers were'.unable,to with­ schedule of sixteen games has been other letters of congratulation on the headed for the plains of Kansas with stand the terr!f!c onsiaught of their the ball in the Redskins' possession on ing material together to have a yearly and Stotsberry. The contest was to Xavier's 34 yard l!ne, Fullback Smith tourney and to participate In intercol­ arranged by Coach Joe Meyer who in­ have been staged on Homecoming Day, occns!mi. of the dedication of the Biol­ the scalps of the St. Xavier Musketeers opponents in the 2nd quarter and suf­ tends to call out the candidates for the ogy Building. Presidents of various dangllng at their belts. fered the Indians to cross their goal on seven consecutive plunges advanced legiate matches. The year before last a week previous to the Thanksgiving it to the 1 yard l!ne where the Xav!er­ saw the beginning of the club and the first practice of the year as soon as game, but. due to Irregularities in the colleges and universities throughout The annual Tm·key Day skirmish l!ne. Sensational ball toting by Charles found the Indians, as in the majority and Weller turned the trick. This pair !tes held miraculously and received the completion of the first contest. The possible. The schedule of games for system of casting ballots, It was de· the counti·y sent their best wishes to of the preceding games, simply too pigskin on downs. Neve1· before has winner was W!ll!am O'Donnell. Since the winter court season is as follows: cided to postpone it until the final St. Xavier when the new unit was for­ reeled off yard after Y,ard by dazzl!ng strong for the Musketeers. Led by sprints. The Musketeers were unable such an exhibition of fight been seen then Interest has flagged, but this year Dec ..14-Cedarvllle, here. game of the season. mally added to the campus group. Let­ ters were received from the following: Captain Weller and "Buster" Charles, to stop them and after carrying the on a local gridiron as wag staged by has picked up to a rather unusual ex­ 17-Gem·getown, here. As a prize Bolger was given a cam· ''The Carnegie Institute of Technol­ the visitors completely avenged their ball to the 1 yard l!ne,'1Fullback John­ the Musketeers. tent. Nearly every college ls the pos­ 20-Kentucky Wesleyan, here. el's hair overcoat donated by Geo1•ge sessor of a chess team. and there ls A. Mulv!h!ll, Clnelnnat! clothier. The ogy wishes for the occasion the great­ tl'Ounc!ng of last yea1·. son slashed off tackle for Haskell's This alone would have been enough Jan. 11-Kenyon, here. From start to finish, the Musketeers first touchdown. Weller kicked goal to make the game a success as far as great hope this year that St. X will award "Was made on Thanksgiving est success." 14-Loyola, there <tentative). "Dr. Ray Lyman W!lbur sends con­ stubbornly fought their heavier rivals and the half ended three minutes later Xavier was concerned but the team have one. However this depends on 15-St. Viator, there (tentative). · night at the Pow-wow held in the 1 gratulations and good wishes." Dr. to a standst!ll. Led by Hal Stotsbery, with the score 7-0. , <Continued on page 4> the outcome of the competition. About 18-Dayton, here. Marie Antoinette ballroom of the Ho- fifteen students have entered and the tel Alms. · Ray Lyman Wilbur, Stanford Univer- 21-Centre, here. sity. , Club w!ll be open to any one who Reporters' Choice ;,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 UJ 1111111111111111111111111111 &: 23-Loyola of Chicago, here. "Cordial congratulations on this Im­ cat•es to join, Those scheduled to play Feb. 1-0hlo Wesleyan, here. ' The newspaper representatives who portant addition to your plant.'' Ed­ E At Civic E M. s • t. p d § Lar1e Caat ·§ in the first round are mentioned below. 8-Dcnlson, here. Men mentioned first have white. covered the game for the local publi­ ward S. Parsons, President, Marietta 12-Wittenberg, here. cations were given ballots to declare College. i Theater i asque • oc1e y repare i ~.ii:c~'! i Playing will continue until each mem­ 15-Dayton, there. their choice of the most popular Mus­ ber has met the other, and the final "Permit me to congratulate the 21-Detroit, there. keteer grldder and, by coinc!dence, the President, Trustees, and Faculty of St. = Dec:::iber& =For "T ·1n ' th Sh '' = Annual = standing w!ll be computed from the vote taken in the press-box was almost § 12th 13th § am g 04 . e reW § Production § total number of games won, lost and 22-Westcrn Reserve, there. Xavier College on the completion of 28-Dctroit, here. the same as that In the stands. The your new biological bu!ld!ng In the ii1111111111111111111111111111 iiIll Ill II Ill II II II Ill Ill 11111111111111111111111111111, 11111IIIll111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111 i: drawn. Four prizes w!ll be awarded. reporters declared themselves for Bol­ name of the Graduate School Faculty By .John Anton the or!glnal El!zabetha(l fla var so par- The Shrew." Round I No Captain ger as first choice, McDevltt as second of the University of Cincinnati.'' DI'.
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