THAYUMANAVAR’S POEMS THAYUMANAVAR’S POEMS. 1. திவ வலாச பரசிவ வணக அகி ெகனாதப எபர காசமா ஆனத தியாகி அெளா நிைறதெத தனெவளேள அகிலாட ேகாெயலா த பகிைச ைவய யரா தைழதெத மனவாகின தடாம நிறெத சமயேகா கெளலா தெதவ எெதவெம ெற ெதாடெததி வழகிட நிறெத எக ெபவழகா யாதி வலஒ சிதாகி இபமா எைற உளெத ேம கபக அறநிற எைலள ெத அ கதி கிைசத தேவ கடன எலா ேமான உெவளய தாக கதிஅ சலிெசவா. 1 1. OBEISANCE TO THE OMNIPRESENT DIVINE SHIVA What is it that fill the earth, the universe and the firmament with all-encompassing effulgence, brimming Bliss, loving grace, omnipotence and illimitable immensity overspreading with a presence in such a manner as to dissuade one from uttering that it is neither here nor there? What is it that has willed to shelter the immense number of worlds, the life of life and its essence in the vastness of its grace? What is it that is measureless by the mind and unknowable by speech? What is it that diverse faiths contend with one another claiming that it is ‘our divinity’ and ‘my divinity’? What is that in this interminable dispute, predominates as ascendant” All powerful Supreme Intellect and Eternal joy?” Besides, what is it on which neither night nor forgetfulness falls and without which the day or remembrance does not dawn? It is the Almighty that accords with the mind of one and all. Hence, let us deem all physical phenomena as this image we all see and as the still sweep of His silence by meditating on Him and paying Him obeisance. [This poem highlights the place and stature of God. Compare this with what JEWISH priests proclaim: “God is not in place, but place is in God”.] ஊ அனத ெபற ேப அனத உறவன த வைனயனா உட அனத ெச வைன அனத க 1 THAYUMANAVAR’S POEMS ேதா அன த ெபறேப சீஅன த ெசாக நரக அனத ந ெதவ அனதேபத திககிற சமய அனத அதனா ஞான சிசதியா உண கா அன தேகா வத ெதன அப கவ ேதகேவ கதய ஆனத மைழ ெபாழி கிைல ந கடைள யவைவ ேபஅன தேபசி மைறஅன தெசா ெபயம னதிைவைப ேபச அனதபத ஞானஆ னதமா ெபயெபா ைளபணவா. 2 Immeasurable is the count of the lands wherein births have happened. Numberless is the score of the names given in manifold births. Incalculable is the throng of kith and kind around. Uncountable is the tally of the embodiments born out of the cause and consequence of past deeds. Incompatible is the sum of doings done by such bodies; countless is the fund of thoughts emanating from the minds of such bodies; Inestimable is the fame and honor gained; unmeasurable is the acuteness of the agonies to be feared in Hell. Limitless is the hope of attaining Heaven. Good god’s and difference are innumerable. Measureless is the horde of the confusing creeds. Seek Him who by the blessing of Parasakthi (Feminine Deity of Total Power and Energy) (the embodiment of True wisdom) rains on his devotees joyous bliss like a heavy laden cloud flooding their hearts and eyes; who is our Lord in Turiya state, who is our great treasure of silence extolled in varied scriptures with adulatory epithets, who being ineffable is Endless Bliss, High Wisdom and Supreme Being. Let us all worship Him. அவத வைவ ெசாரகா சதினைய அமைறக ரசைறயேவ அறிவ கறிவாகி ஆனத மயமான ஆதிைய அனாதிேயக தவ ெசாபைத மதசம தெபறா சாலப ரகிதமான சாவத கல நிராலப ஆலப சாதபத ேயாமநிைலைய நிதநி மலசகித நிரப செபாைள நிவடய தமான நிவகா ரைத தடதமா நிெறாள நிரசன நிராமயைத சிதஅறி யாதப சிததி நிறில தியேத ேசாமயைத சிபர ெவளவள தபரம தானபர 2 THAYUMANAVAR’S POEMS ேதவைதைய யசலிெசவா. 3 That which is nondual, that which is the unique Light of Word, that which the scriptures loud proclaim. As the wisdom of wisdom, as the Bliss that fills, as the Primal One. As the Ancient One of Tattva Form – that which faiths contend after, that which is sought for support, that which is Permanent, that which is Fullness, that which is without support, that which is our support, that which is Peace, that which is the state of Void, that which is Eternal Pure, that which is untouched by the materiality of the universe. That which is unaffected by events, that which is changeless, that which shines as impassive neutrality, that which is Blemishless, that which is Formless, that which is in thought, without thought cognizing it, that which is Divine Light Effulgence, that which is Uncreated, that which flourishes in the jnana void, that God Supreme, let us in meekness worship. 2. பரணானத வாசாக யகய அறி ஒ சாதன மேனாவா நிவண வாலாய மாக பழகியறி ேய ற மாகதி இைசேபால ேநசா சாயா வவக ேப அத நிைனைவ மறதேபா நிதிைரெகா ேவ ேதக ந என எனேலா ெநச தயேவ ேபசாத ஆனத நிைட அறிவலா ேபைத ெவரேம ேபாண அறிதித நாெமா வழிெபய ேபப நிைடயவா பாசா டவேள ெசலா தவக பெதா ேதவதேவ பாமிட எெமா நகமற நிைறகிற பர ணானதேம! 4 Except by way of words and rituals I had not practiced even casually anything to contain mind and breath. As though I was longing for renunciation I had serious discussions. And when I forget all thoughts of it, I go to sleep. 3 THAYUMANAVAR’S POEMS When I think, I will have to shuffle this body I swoon in fear, my heart trembling. Long, long indeed is the distance between the blissful state of Transcendent Silentness and this ignorant one. Knowing the devilish ways of this lowly cur. Grant Thou a way to contemplation of supreme bliss. Oh! Thou, the heavenly wishing tree that grants all ripe rich boons to those who enter not the forest of pasas. Oh! Thou who filleth all visible space in unbroken continuity! Thou, the Bliss that is Perfect Full. ெதளவான ஊவன நடபன பறபன ெசயெகா பனத ேததக ளதைன ேமாகெகா ெபளதிக ெசமித வாகிற வவாய தக ஒேறாெடா றாயழி ேமெகாட ேசசமேவ ெவெவள நிராலப நிைறய உபசாத ேவதேவ தாதஞான பயாத ேபெராள பறகிற அ ெபேறாக ெபற ெபைம பறவாைம எைற இறவாைம யாயவ ேபசாைம யாெமனேவ பவா எனந அறிவக வதேத பபாக காலமலேவா பாமிட எெமா நகமற நிைறகிற பர ணானதேம! 5 All visible life that is clothed in body vesture, all that crawl, walk, fly and have their being, all, that nature in propagative urge created will perish. The elements mighty will die away one after another. What will remain is: the vast Empty Space, unsupported, unrelieved Void, Theupasanta that is peace beyond understanding the jnana of Veda-Vedanta, the mighty Light that leaves not. Of them that receive it are the souls blessed with Grace. Great indeed are they; born they will never after be; nor dead be; but in Silentness steeped remain. And this Thou came in compassion to tell me. Is this not a sign that I am ripe for it? Oh! Thou who filleth all visible space in unbroken continuity! Thou, the Bliss that is Perfect Full. ஆரா ேவைளய பரமாதி யானா ஐயஒ ெசயமிைல அைமதிெயா ேபசாத ெபைமெப ணசர 4 THAYUMANAVAR’S POEMS ராஎன இதேப ேநராக ஒேகாப ஒேவைள வர அத நிைறெவா மிலாமேல ெநய த டழிள வா வசன நிவாக ெரேப ராய மாஒ ேபமிட ஒைற லவா சிவராதி ேபாய ேலாஎற வரதிய அறிய ேபாேல யயவா பாராதி தனள ெசயெலலா வேல பாகிநி ெசயலலேவா பாமிட எெமா நகமற நிைறகிற பர ணானதேம! 6 When surveying meditatively, O Lord I find that even the Gods with Brahma as their Head can do nothing on their own. Even though persons are observing nobility, a vow of tranquil silence and are esteemed like the moon in the nobility of their character, when justifiably anger manifests itself, the calmness of those persons disappears and in a state of acute excitement they lose control over their speech and blabber incoherently. Even those regarded as masters of the art of speaking and research will deviate from their line of argument and speak disjointedly. Those pledged to keep awake on Sivarathri night will sleep in semblance of wakefulness. Therefore ruminating deeply all that happens in the universe. O, Supreme joyousness, pervading without void and with perfection all espied places. அடபகி ரட மாயா வகாரேம அமாைய இலாைமேய யாெம அறி டபா அறிகிற அறிவைன அறி பாகி எைச வளஒ ெதவஅ ளலாம இைலெய நிைன யாெனன தறய நிைறவாகி நிபேத இபெம அ கடன எலாஅல எக டைனெச கவகர ணகஓய க ஒகண மிகஎ றாபாத கமக ேபாராேத பைட கமேம கதா எெபய பசநா இசிேனா பாமிட எெமா நகமற நிைறகிற பர ணானதேம! 7 5 THAYUMANAVAR’S POEMS The Cosmos and the countless universe vast are but diverse manifestations of maya.
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