New World Mathematics Awards by Pei Lu Mathematics and mathematics education are of Qualification great significance in human pursuit of knowledge This program is open to all undergraduate, mas- and truth. They are the foundation of science and ter and PhD mathematics Chinese students. technology. In 2007, Dr Henry Cheng, Managing Di- The submitted thesis must be successfully de- rector of New World Development Company Limited fended and accepted by the students’ college/univer- and Professor Yau Shing-Tung, an outstanding math- sity in 2016 or 2017. Students have to prepare to pro- ematician, co-initiated the “New World Mathematics vide proof of defended of thesis. Awards” (NWMA). The goal of this program is to en- The topics of thesis can be pure mathemat- courage outstanding Chinese mathematics students ics, applied mathematics, probability and statistics, worldwide in their pursuit of mathematical truth. biomathematics, etc. 2017 NWMA is sponsored by the New World De- The award winners will be announced around De- velopment Company Limited and China Young Lead- cember 2017. Award ceremony is tentatively sched- ers Foundation, organized by Tsinghua University, uled in 2019, at Beijing. To claim the award, awardees co-organized by the International Congress of Chi- have to be present at the NWMA award ceremony. nese Mathematicians. Chinese undergraduate, mas- Visit http://ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/nwma/. ter and PhD mathematics students from around the world who have completed or defended their thesis in 2016 or 2017 are qualified to participate. The topics International Committee of theses can be Pure or Applied Mathematics, Prob- Shing-Tung Yau ability and Statistics, Biomathematics etc. Professor Shing-Tung Yau is the William Casper Application Process Graustein Professor of Candidate’s submission should have three parts: Mathematics at Harvard the thesis, an application form, one letter of rec- University. He is the inau- ommendation. Student should fill in the application gural Director of the Math- form online and upload the thesis on the webpage ematical Sciences Center of NWMA. The application deadline is September 30, of Tsinghua University. 2017. Professor Yau has made fundamental contribution to differential geometry, Selection Process differential equations and All submissions are subjected to two rounds of mathematical physics. review: A scientific committee chaired by Professor Professor Yau is honored by numerous prestigious Shiu-Yuen Cheng, and then an international commit- prizes and awards, including Oswald Veblen Prize tee chaired by Professor Shing-Tung Yau. Members of (1981), John J. Carty Award for the Advancement these committees are all world-renowned mathemati- of Science (1981), Fields Medal (1982), Humboldt cians. The results will be announced around Decem- Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foun- ber 2017. dation (1991), Crafoord Prize (1994), United States JULY 2017 NOTICES OF THE ICCM 93 National Medal of Science (1997), China International member of Council of the Royal Society during 1992– Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award 1994. Professor Coates was elected a fellow of Em- (2003), and Wolf Prize in Mathematics (2010). He is manuel College in Cambridge twice, a fellow of the a member of the United States National Academy Royal Society of London in 1985 and awarded Senior of Sciences, a member of Russian Academy of Sci- Whitehead Prize by the London Mathematical Society ences, a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of in 1997. Professor Coates is the first receipt of the Sciences, and a member of Academia Sinica. ICCM International Cooperation Award (2004). Björn Engquist Ben Andrews Professor Björn Engquist Professor Ben Andrews is Director of the Paral- is a senior fellow of lel and Scientific Comput- Mathematical Sciences In- ing Institute. Engquist cur- stitute, Australian Na- rently holds the Computa- tional University. Profes- tional and Applied Mathe- sor Andrews works on matics Chair at the Insti- differential geometry and tute for Computational En- related partial differen- gineering and Sciences at tial equation and is well the University of Texas at known for his work in Austin. He has been a lead- geometric evolutions. He ing contributor in the ar- is a leading international eas of multiscale modeling and scientific comput- geometric analyst, who ing, and a productive educator of applied mathemati- specializes in Riemannian geometry, submanifold cians. His research field is computational and applied geometry, heat flows, image processing, interface mathematics and numerical methods for differential model and reaction-diffusion system. In 2011, Pro- equations with applications to multi-scale modeling, fessor Andrews solved one of the most celebrated electromagnetism, and fluid mechanics. Engquist has open problems in mathematics, the fundamental authored more than 100 scientific publications and gap conjecture for the eigenvalues of the Laplacian, advised 31 PhD students. He is a recipient of nu- and he proved Firey’s conjecture on the shape of merous distinctions and awards: a member of the rolling stone in 1999. He was an invited speaker Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Royal at the International Congress of Mathematicians Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and an in- in Beijing, 2002. He was awarded the medal of vited speaker at the International Congress of Math- Australian Mathematical Society in 2003. In 2012, ematicians (1982 and 1998), European Congress of Professor Andrews became a fellow of the American Mathematics (1992), and European Congress of Fluid Mathematical Society, and he was elected a fellow of Mechanics (1991). He was selected to the Norwegian Australian Academy of Science in March 2013. Academy of Science and Letters in 2011. Akito Futaki John H. Coates Akito Futaki is a Professor Professor John H. Coates of Graduate School of is the Sadleirian Profes- Mathematical Sciences at sor of Pure Mathematics University of Tokyo. His at the University of Cam- main research interests bridge. His research work are differential geometry, concerns number theory, complex algebraic geom- arithmetical algebraic ge- etry. He is interested in ometry and Iwasawa the- the existence problem of ory. He became Head of extremal Kähler metrics the Department of Pure such as Kähler-Einstein Mathematics and Mathe- metrics, and related prob- matical Statistics at Cam- lems in geometry. He bridge in 1991, served as received the Geometry Prize of Mathematical Society president of the London Mathematical Society dur- of Japan in 1990, Autumn Prize of Mathematical ing 1988–1990 and as vice-president of the Interna- Society of Japan in 2011. He was elected professor tional Mathematical Union from 1991 to 1995, as a emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2012. 94 NOTICES OF THE ICCM VOLUME 5,NUMBER 1 Dorian Goldfeld Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) in 2011, and Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS) Dorian Goldfeld is a pro- in 2012. fessor at Columbia Uni- versity. He is a member of the editorial board of Jun Li Acta Arithmetica and of The Ramanujan Journal. Dr. Jun Li is a professor at He is a co-founder and the Department of Math- board member of Secur- ematics, Stanford Univer- eRF, a corporation that has sity. Since receiving his developed the world’s first PhD from Harvard Univer- linear-based security solu- sity in 1989, he was on tions. Professor Goldfeld’s the faculty of UCLA from research interests include various topics in number 1992–1996, before joining theory. In his thesis, he proved a version of Artin’s Stanford University. His conjecture on primitive roots on the average without research interest is in al- the use of the Riemann Hypothesis. In 1987 he re- gebraic geometry; he has ceived the Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Number Theory, made significant contribu- for his solution of Gauss’ class number problem for tion to the research on moduli of vector bundles, imaginary quadratic fields. He has also held the Sloan stable morphisms and Gromov-Witten invariants. He Fellowship (1977–1979) and in 1985 he received the was the recipient of Sloan fellowship, Terman fel- Vaughan prize. In April 2009 he was elected a Fel- lowship; he was awarded the morningside medal in low of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 2001. In 2012 he became a fellow of the American Mathe- matical Society. Eduard Looijenga Professor Eduard Looi- Thomas Yizhao Hou jenga is a Professor of Thomas Yizhao Hou is the Yau Mathematical Sci- Charles Lee Powell Profes- ences Center of Tsinghua sor of Applied and Com- University. His research putational Mathematics in started in singularity the Department of Com- theory, but migrated via puting and Mathematical Torelli problems to locally Sciences at the Califor- symmetric varieties, then nia Institute of Technol- to mapping class groups ogy. Hou is known for re- and moduli spaces of search on multiscale anal- curves. Professor Looi- ysis. He is an author of the jenga was an invited monograph Multiscale fi- speaker at the ICM in 1978 and at the ECM in 1992. nite element methods. He He is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy has worked extensively on numerical analysis and of Arts and Sciences. applied analysis of the Navier-Stokes equations. His recent work focuses on adaptive data analysis. He Stanley Osher received an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in 1990. He was awarded the Feng Kang Prize in Sci- Stanley Osher is cur- entific Computing in 1997. He received the James H. rently Director of Special Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Projects at the Institute Computing from the Society for Industrial and Ap- for Pure and Applied plied Mathematics (SIAM) in 2001, Morningside Gold Mathematics (IPAM) at Medal in Applied Mathematics in 2004, and Computa- the University of Cali- tional and Applied Sciences Award in 2005. Hou has fornia Los Angeles, and also been inducted into several scholarly societies. He Director of Applied Math- was elected Fellow of the Society for Industrial and ematics.
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