THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint A1ary's OLUME 38: ISSUE 116 TUESDAY, MARCH 30,2004 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES College holds Constitution remains unfinished female majority Editor's note: This is the second part in a three-part Gender Differences series on gender representa­ tion in Notre Dame's colleges. College of By KATE GALES News Writer Arts and Letters The College of Arts and Letters -home to the highest percentage of Notre Dame undergraduates also enrolls the highest percentage of women, according to the Office of Institutional Research. Fifty-seven percent of the 2, 784 Arts and Letters stu­ dents are female, a trend that may reflect expectations of future career choices, said By Declared Majors: political science professor Christina Wolbrecht. .Men Women MICHELLE OTIO/The Observer "These issues are part of a 36% Anthropology 64% Judicial Council president Elliot Poindexter speaks at Monday's Council of Representatives meet­ broader set of issues in public ing. During the meeting, Brin Anderson was appointed next year's Judicial Council president. policy," Wolbrecht said. "Major choice influences 26.2% Psychology 73.8" on. gram events." future employment, future By MATT BRAMANTI Among the points of con­ However, some members earnings and is where the 7.4% Gender Studies 92.6" Senior StaffWriter tention was the role of the expressed concern that the wage discrepancy starts." Executive Programming proposed constitution puts the Hugh Page, assistant dean 34.4" English 6S.6% In a marathon meeting Board, a proposed body that president's executive assistant of undergraduate studies, Monday evening, members of would "facilitate the coordina­ - essentially a chief of staff - agreed that Notre Dame stu­ the Council of Representatives tion, communication and cal­ at the head of the Executive dents of both genders are 23.6% Peace Studies 76,4" inched toward finalizing the endar setting" of all student Programming Board. very forward thinking when student union constitution by government programming Brian Coughlin. the COR determining their undergrad­ 52.7% Political Science 47,3" Wednesday's deadline, but sev­ bodies. adviser from the Student uate majors. Source: Office of Institutional Research eral points were still up for Student Union Board manag­ Activities Office, said the "I found students in my MIKE HARKINS/Observer Graphic debate. er Charlie Ebersol said the arrangement introduces an classes seriously thinking of Members were initially Executive Programming Board unnecessary layer of bureau­ quality of life choices and with the choices you make - scheduled to vote on the con­ will help to minimize problems cracy into the programming their long term outcomes - are you going to be stitution at Monday's meeting, in scheduling a broad spec­ process. graduate schools, service employed?" but a procedural rule derailed trum of campus-wide events. "Everyone seems hell-bent opportunities, post-Notre These larger decisions are that possibility. Council bylaws "It's to make sure the groups on keeping a chief of staff posi­ Dame life," Page said. "There not immune to gender influ­ mandate that resolutions must don't conflict," Ebersol said. tion, but we _don't have any- is a good bit of confusion ence, as five majors in the be presented in writing 72 "It's to level the playing field about how to establish that hours before they can be voted for all organizations that pro- see COUNCIL/page 4 kind of balance, how to live see GENDER/page 6 Students coordinate book drive for charity books, Sims said. By LAURA VILIM Once books have been collected News Writer on campus, Pressly and Sims will deliver them to South Bend area In an attempt to extend the gift schools that serve low income of education to those of the South students and to educational pro­ Bend community, Notre Dame grams such as the ones held at students Nina Pressly and Marty the Robinson Community Sims have launched a project Learning Center. Pressly said that aimed at collecting books on cam­ she also hopes some books can be pus that will eventually be distrib­ donated to the Alliance for uted to local children of lower­ Catholic Education program so income families. that ACE members can bring The drive, named "Readers are books to each of the nationwide Leaders," will begin before the schools at which they will teach. Easter holiday and will continue The idea for the project came for the remainder of the spring about when Sims, a junior from semester. To collect the books, Knott Hall, contacted Howard Pressly and Sims have created freshman Pressly after reading a boxes, which will be set up in previous article in The Observer every dorm as well as in the lob­ about the book project she start­ bies of both dining halls, ed in her local area of Palm LaFortune and various other aca­ Beach County, Fla. demic buildings on campus. Sims has also had experience All books - new and used - working on book drives that ben­ that are suitable for children not efited homeless children through yet enrolled in high school can be his parish in Scottsdale, Ariz. The donated. The drive will also be drive will be sponsored by MICHELLE OTIO/The Observer accepting bookstore credit and Nina Pressly sorts through books that will be a part of the "Readers are Leaders" book drive. Drive cash donations in order to buy see BOOKS/page 4 organizers Pressly and Marty Sims will donate the books to local children of lower-income families. page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Tuesday, March 30, 2004 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: HAS THE WARMER WEATHER AFFECTED YOUR CLASS ATTENDANCE? Freshman's first year What a first year it's been! For a new student, the first year of col­ lege is a truly unique experience. Let me begin with orientation Salra Khan Anthy Green Meghan McCall liz Kozlow Laura Horne James Welcher weekend: the ladies of Saint Mary's Junior Senior Junior Freshman Freshman Freshman tend to be shy Howard Siegfried and well-man- Lisa Gallagher McGlinn McGlinn Off-Campus Pasquerilla West nered, attending each informa- "Fm a science "Fmfrom "Fm a nerd. I go "Yes ... •• "Fm from Texas . "I skip class tional meeting News Writer major. I have to to all of my This is cold. ·· and play with with only a slight Florida. This murmur of bore- go to all of my isn•t warm classes.·· the squirrels. " dom pronounced under her breath. classes. ., weather.·· One of the first weekends I spent at Notre Dame, taking the beauty of the campus in, I learned the term dis-orientation. Dubbed by the upper-classmen, I can find no bet­ ter word to describe the festivities. Freshmen are "kidnapped" by the juniors and seniors and shown a really great weekend. For most students, you know what I'm talking about. IN BRIEF For those who don't, where have you been? The department of classics is During the first few weekends of sponsoring a colloquium by September and October, the various Catherine Schlegel, "Satiric class boards put hard work into Manipulations in Horace" planning fun and safe activities for today at 4:30p.m. in room 303 the new students to enjoy, such as of the Main Buildi'ng. the Jamaica Shaka and the drive-in Refreshments will be provided. movie on the library green. Notre Dame, on the other hand, Professor Michael Nwanze of sported much more exciting dorm the department of political sci­ parties, in which as many people as ence at Howard University possible packed into a tiny room, speaks about Africa today from danced the night away, and met 4 to 5 p.m. in 119 DeBartolo. v·arious other students who they This event is part of would later reunite with in the International Festival Week. classroom setting, struggling to fig­ ure out how they know him or her. Angela Glover Blackwell, Another topic to touch on Founder and president of between the two campuses is obvi­ Policy Link and former senior ously the dating scene. Virtually vice president of the non-existent, I am hardly surprised. Rockefeller Foundation will With the people we have met on give a lecture entitled "Search countless weekends, I'm sure most for the Uncommon Common of us know how easy it is to ~ave a Ground: New Dimensions on great time with someone and not · MICHELLE OTTO/The Observer Race in America." It will take see him or her again. Sophomore Marcus Jackson, right, came away the winner of the Irish Idol 2 place Wednesday from 4:30 to Contrary to popular belief, the competition. The event was sponsored by the Class of 2005 and held at 5:45 p.m. in the auditorium of sole purpose of attending school at Legends Monday night. the Hesburgh Center. Saint Mary's is not to "find a hus­ band." After all, this is the 21st Jim Wallis, editor of century, and we are here to get an Sojourners Magazine will lec­ education like everyone else. ture Wednesday on "How will Nevertheless, college is a learning OFFBEAT · you Vote: Politics and Values experience in other ways than just in 2004." Sponsred by the school. The Saint Mary's ladies are County seeks to consider historic designation 3:30a.m. on Sunday, Thrner Center for Social Concerns, the just trying to have fun like the preserve outhouse when they meet Thesday. Lee Bingham walked up and Office of Campus Ministry and ladies of Notre Dame. STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, "It's all in the effort of pre­ confessed to taking $80 Lyons Hall, the lecture will take The college life between Saint Colo.
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