S A I N T N I C H O L A S B U L L E T I N W I N T E R 2 0 1 8 З И М А Issue#183 January, February & March / јануар, фебруар и март CHRIST IS BORN! ХРИСТОС СЕ РОДИ! С РОЖДЕСТВОМ ХРИСТОВЫМ! In this issue: BISHOP LONGIN’S CHRISTMAS GREETING Reminder: PLEASE, SEND OR BRING YOUR CHRISTMAS DONATION Save the Dates: SUNDAY, JANUARY 28TH: SAINT SAVA PROGRAM & BANQUET MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH: GREAT LENT BEGINS In ANTICIPATION OF CHRISTMAS The joyous holidays of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ are again upon us. We extend our sincere gratitude to all those who participated and supported us in our church endeavors and work glorifying God and serving His people. Nativity (Christmas) is a time of sharing gifts of God. Our St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church turns to all of its devout faithful for contribution to help us continue God’s work and remain on His righteous path keeping His Commandments. Our church congregation is solely supported by donations from the faithful and especially during this holy season. That is why we ask you to remember your Church and be generous in heart and spirit with your special Christmas gift (an envelope will be enclosed in the January-February-March Bulletin, which can assist you with your Christmas donations). May the Merciful Lord fill you with the Holy Spirit that you might, with Peace in your soul spread peace and unity among men; with love in your hearts that you might show love towards your neighbors; that you might bring others to Him by your example of the true Christian life. Let your gift be accompanied by your presence at worship in Church, so that you may receive from Him the gift of grace that Christ’s Nativity brings. Schedule of Christmas Services January 6th – Christmas Eve: Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM (Confession at 9:00 AM) Vigil at 6:30 PM, with the blessing and lighting of the Yule Log (Badnjak) Followed by a light Lenten Dinner. January 7th – Christmas: The Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ-Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM (Pitch-In lunch, please bring something) January 8th – 2nd Day of Christmas: Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos – Divine Liturgy at 9:00 AM. January 9th – 3rd Day of Christmas: St. Stephen, Archdeacon Protomartyr – Divine Liturgy at 9:00 AM. ИШЧЕКУЈУЋИ БОЖИЋ Сверадосни дани Христовог рођења опет су пред нама, па из тог разлога желимо да се најсрдачније захвалимо свима онима који су великодушно подржавали наше напоре и труд у славу Господа Бога и у част Српске православне цркве. Божић је време када делимо благодати добијене милошћу Божијом. Зато се и ове године наша Света Црква обраћа својим верним и оданим члановима да је материјално што више и богатије обдаре. Наша црквена општина и свети храм се искључиво издржавају од помоћи наших верника, а нарочито у ове божићне дане, када се сваки Србин и Српкиња сећа своје Цркве. Зато молимо све наше верне и одане да не забораве своју Цркву у ово празнично време и да је дарежљиво обдаре својим богатим даровима (у билтену за јануар, фебруар и Mart биће приложен коверат, који можете искористити за ваш божићни прилог). Не заборавите да у своје домове унесете бадњаке, који символизују улазак Христа у наше душе. Зато, нека се свака душа поклони Богомладенцу Христу и Њему нека се покори. У име тога Јединога Спаситеља рода човечијега Црква нас позива све на покајање, на лично исправљање, измирење и свеопште радовање. Вера у Њега никога до сада није постидела, нада у Њега никога до сада није изневерила, нити је ичија Љубав према Њему остала до сада ненаграђена животом, радошћу, миром и вечним спасењем. Достојно се припремите за дочек овог великог празника постом, молитвом и добрим делима. Распоред божићних богослужења: 6. јануар – Бадњи Дан: - 10:00 – Света Литургија (9:00 – Исповест) - 6:30 – БАДЊЕ ВЕЧЕ –Беденије, благосиљање и паљење бадњака и послужење посном вечером 7. јануар – Божић – Рођење Христово: - 10:00 – Света Литургија 8. јануар – Други дан Божића – Сабор Пресвете Богородице: - 9:00 – Света Литургија 9. јануар – Трећи дан Божића – Св. Архиђакон и Првомученик Стефан: - 9:00 – Света Литургија CHRISTMAS GREETING OF HIS GRACE BISHOP LONGIN We worship Thy Nativity, O Christ, show us also Thy Divine Theophany! As this Nativity season approaches, dear brothers and sisters, we wish to greet you and congratulate you this joyous feast – the birth of the only Persona of His kind in the history of the world, Christ the God-man. He who is full of grace and truth, who came to dwell among us and made his abode within us, returns to us every Christmas, renewing human life and delivering eternal and unwaning faith, hope and love. His first abode was the manger. Since then and to the end of time it is the human heart that is His Bethlehem, the place where His Nativity occurs. We bow down before the Lord and the God-child Christ on this holy day on which He has visited us, wanting to illumine us and enrich us with His Heavenly Kingdom, with eternal life and with joy of His Nativity. This is the joy that the God-child delivers as He unites God with earth, people with God and with each other. It is, therefore, most important that we use the time of our lives wisely and glorify God with the beautiful hymn, “Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, goodwill among men!” Worshipping the “Young child, the preeternal God”, let us forgive each other, embrace each other in brotherly love and greet each other with the eternal greeting: Peace from God, Christ is born! Indeed He is born! Божићни поздрав Владике Лонгина Поклањамо се Рождеству Твоме, Христе, покажи нам и Божанствено Твоје Богојављење Ево нас и овог Божића, драга браћо и сестре, да вас поздравимо и упутимо честитке поводом радосног празника, рођења јединствене Личности у историји Неба и земље, Христа Богочовека. Он Који је дошао међу нас и уселио се у нас - пун благодати и истине - стално нам долази, сваког Божића, обнављајући људски живот и рађајући вјечну и неугасиву веру, наду и љубав. Прво Његово обиталиште биле су јасле, а од тада до краја века - људско срце је Његов Витлејем и место где се рађа. Поклањамо се Богу и Божићу на овај свети дан, у који нас је Бог походио и са нама остао, да би нас просветио и обдарио Царством Небеским, вечним животом и радошћу Свога рођења. Ту радост нам доноси Богомладенац, спајајући Бога и земљу, људе са Богом и људе једне са другима. Зато нам је најважније да у овом животу заједно са анђелима и пастирима непрекидно прослављамо Бога оном дивном песмом: “Слава Богу на висини, а на земљи мир, међу људима добра воља!” Клањајући се “Детету младом, предвечном Богу”, опростимо једни другима, загрлимо се братском љубављу и поздравимо вечним поздравом: Мир Божији, Христос се роди! Ваистину се роди! Благословена Нова 2018. година доброте Господње PARISH PRIEST’S REPORT AT THE ANNUAL MEETING 2017 Eve of the Entrance of the Theotokos (December 3) Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Let us first rise and sing “memory eternal” to all those who are not with us today, but have gone from this life to life everlasting. Obviously there are so many things I would like to address at this once-a-year church community meeting, but that will be impossible. Instead, at the end of the report I ask you to please ask any questions you may have. In fact, ask anything that’s on your mind and on your heart and I will make an effort to answer to the best of my ability. I greet you today with overwhelming feelings of love and gratitude, but also great thanks to our good God, His most holy mother, saints and angels. Another year has passed with yes much work, but also great blessings. Thank you for being the coworkers in the Lords vineyard (field). As the Lord directed us, our mission remains, making ourselves Holy so that we can be there for each other and all our brothers and sisters in need - being the light to the world. You may be asking yourselves, how are we making an effort in being Holy and being the light to the world? Well in many ways, but one of the things which definitely stands out in our community, thanks be to God and all of you, is that most, if not all of you make a real, sincere and great effort not to add any more difficulties to your brother and sister than what they already have. Many times in the past I have witnessed you being very careful with each other - not agitating the other, and also being more than willing to understand and even absorb. This is definitely a sign of making an effort in becoming Holy. Being careful with each other is a key element in keeping the community intact, peaceful and on the road to holiness. There is a saying: “The chain is as strong as the weakest link on it” therefore, we are as strong as the weakest person amongst us. The only difference is, but a big difference, we are linked together by Christ. As long as we focus on Him and are careful with each other, we will do good. Keeping each other on this path is what families do. This path is the best path. It brings joy, relief, strength, endurance, perseverance, peace, clear mindedness... Another thing which has been an important aspect of our community, is the awesome welcoming spirit.
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