APPENDIX 2 Site SA Schedules Site name: Swindon Road, Cheltenham and Surrounding Industrial Estates LUC ID: 2 Area (ha): 68.97 District: Cheltenham © Crown copyright, All rights reserved. 2009 Licence number 100019134 SA Objective 1: Health and well-being SA Judgement: -? Existing residential: Within 250m of existing residential properties -? Proposed residential: Uncertain due to lack of spatial information ? Schools: Within 250m of a school -? Hospitals: Over 250m from a hospital 0 Offices: Within 250m of offices -? Faith centres: Within 250m of places of worship -? Objective 1 A large site within an existing Industrial Estate close to a built up area of Cheltenham and sensitive justification: receptors within 250m include residential properties to the south west and south east, and a smaller residential area to the north. The site is close to two schools (Swindon Village School 220m and St Benedict's School 320m ). The GCC site assessment highlights a playing field, church, BMX track, play area and University of Gloucestershire buildings as other sensitive receptors. Therefore development of a waste facility on the site could have the potential for negative effects on health and well being. SA Objective 2: Educate and maximise community participation SA Judgement: +? Objective 2 Potential indirect positive effect on education opportunities, as new waste facilities may include justification: education centres within the site. If the site were to be allocated for a new household recycling centre then it could also have an indirect positive effect on encouraging involvement and participation in recycling. However, this effect is uncertain at this stage in the planning process. SA Objective 3: Amenity of local communities SA Judgement: - Existing residential: Within 250m of existing residential properties - Proposed residential: Uncertain due to lack of spatial information ? Schools: Within 250m of a school 0 Hospitals: Over 250m from a hospital 0 Offices: Within 250m of offices - Faith centres: Within 250m of places of worship - Cumulative impacts Adjacent to existing waste management facilities - on community: Gloucestershire Waste Core Strategy Page 1 of 619 Land Use Consultants Potential Waste Sites SA April 2009 Site name: Swindon Road, Cheltenham and Surrounding Industrial Estates LUC ID: 2 Area (ha): 68.97 District: Cheltenham Objective 3 The site is within a large Industrial Estate and is located in a built up area of Cheltenham within 250m of justification: a variety of sensitive receptors, thus it has the potential for a negative effect on local amenity. In view of proximity to an existing waste management facility (Cheltenham Borough Recycling Centre and Depot) there may also be the potential for a cumulative effect on the local community. SA Objective 4: Sustainable economic deveopment SA Judgement: +? Industrial estates: Within or adjacent to existing industrial estate +? Waste Local plan: More than 250m from Waste Local Plan site Proximity to existing Adjacent to existing waste management facilities +? waste facilities: Objective 4 This site within a large (69ha) Industrial Estate contains five main areas that include industrial, retail, justification: business and mixed uses, as well as an existing waste facility. The site is included in Cheltenham Borough Council's Employment Land Review, thus it has potential for positive effects on sustainable local economic activity and scope to encourage complementary activities to waste management. SA Objective 5: Manage waste in an economically sustainable way SA Judgement: 0 Objective 5 At this stage it is difficult to assess how the location of new large scale waste facilities may affect this SA justification: objective. However it is important to note that certain sites will be more efficient than others (e.g. in terms of reductions in transport movements & costs), given their proximity to the main sources of waste arisings and to transfer stations and/or any other facilities that may service them. Additionally, the type of facilities eventually proposed on sites once allocated in the Waste Core Strategy may differ in terms of cost but this will not be known until the planning application stage. SA Objective 6: Employment opportunities SA Judgement: + + GCC employee Assessed as ‘high’ by GCC Highways in relation to opportunities for future employees to use + + transport: sustainable transport to travel to the site for work. Objective 6 This site has been assessed as having high potential for employees to use sustainable transport to travel justification: to work at the site, therefore a significant positive effect on this objective is expected. SA Objective 7: Safety of commercial or military aerodromes SA Judgement: -? Aerodrome Within aerodrome safeguarding area -? safeguarding area: Objective 7 GCC site assessment indicates that the site lies with the Gloucesteshire Airport consultation zone, and justification: there could be potential for negative effects on aircraft safety. SA Objective 8: Biodiversity SA Judgement: -? SAC: More than 500m from SAC 0 SPA: More than 500m from SPA 0 Ramsar: More than 500m from Ramsar site 0 National Nature More than 500m from NNR 0 Reserve: SSSI: More than 500m from SSSI 0 LNR: More than 500m from LNR 0 Key Wildlife Sites: More than 500m from Key Wildlife Sites 0 Gloucestershire Waste Core Strategy Page 2 of 619 Land Use Consultants Potential Waste Sites SA April 2009 Site name: Swindon Road, Cheltenham and Surrounding Industrial Estates LUC ID: 2 Area (ha): 68.97 District: Cheltenham BAP species: Within 500m of BAP Species - BAP habitat: Within 500m of BAP Habitat - Ancient woodland: More than 500m from Ancient Woodland 0 GCC ecology Scored as 0 by GCC Ecologist and GCER 0 assessment: Objective 8 There are BAP Priority species recorded within 500m of the site according to the more detailed GCC justification: Ecology assessment. However, the assessment notes that the overall impact on biodiversity could be potentially negative, uncertain or positive and has scored this effect as (0) neutral for this site as there are no international, national or locally designated sites of nature conservation. There is potential for a minor negative or uncertain effect on important ecological constraint (e.g. BAP Priority species Great Crested Newt, Viviparous Lizard, Kingfisher, White Letter Hairstreak) which are recorded within 35m and up to 250m distant in proximity to the site. SA Objective 9: Landscape SA Judgement: 0 Industrial Estates: Within or adjacent to existing industrial estate 0 AONB: More than 1km from an AONB 0 Locally designated for Uncertain due to lack of spatial information ? landscape quality: ? Landscape Uncertain due to lack of spatial information Sensitivity: Objective 9 The GCC site assessment notes the site is entirely on previously developed land within the urban area justification: of Cheltenham, and is not adjacent to an AONB. It is more than 1km from an AONB, and within an existing industrial estate thus it should have a negligible effect on landscape. SA Objective 10: Screening and/or innovative design SA Judgement: ? Prominence: Uncertain due to lack of spatial information ? Objective 10 The site is in an existing industrial estate containing waste management facilities, and positive effects justification: through innovative design could be achieved, but the effects are uncertain until the exact nature and design of the proposed facility are submitted with a planning application. Due to the large nature of the site and the surrounding industrial, business and retail uses there could be potential for positive effects through innovative design. SA Objective 11: Material, cultural and recreational assets SA Judgement: +? Open space/ Within 250m of a leisure, recreational facility or open space - recreation/leisure: PROW: Includes a PROW - - GCC PROW Assessed as having an opportunity for major enhancement and/or additional routes to be + + assessment: constructed Objective 11 There are a number of footpaths linking to Swindon Farm and the northern boundary, and the GCC justification: PROW Team assessment scores positively against this objctive, and indicates that footpaths may need diversion, although enhancements are unlikely. There could be potential for minor positive effects on recreational access in relation to this objective. SA Objective 12: Geodiversity SA Judgement: 0 SSSI: More than 500m from SSSI 0 Gloucestershire Waste Core Strategy Page 3 of 619 Land Use Consultants Potential Waste Sites SA April 2009 Site name: Swindon Road, Cheltenham and Surrounding Industrial Estates LUC ID: 2 Area (ha): 68.97 District: Cheltenham RIGGS: More than 500m from a RIGGS 0 Objective 12 There are no recorded geological features on the site or within 250m of the boundary according to justification: GGT assessment, therefore the site scores neutral for this objective. SA Objective 13: Heritage SA Judgement: - Scheduled Ancient More than 100m from a Scheduled Ancient Monument 0 Monuments: Historic Parks and More than 250m from a Historic Park or Garden 0 Gardens: Listed Buildings: Within 100m of a Listed Building - Conservation Areas: Within 100m of a Conservation Area - World Heritage Sites: More than 250m from a Registered Battlefield 0 GCC Archaeology Scores negative (-) in GCC Archaeology Team site assessment - assessment: Objective 13 This site is within an existing industrial estate and within 100m of the Swindon Village Conservation justification: Area, and a number of Gd II listed buildings. The GCC site assesment
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