- Wednesday,December 22 1993 LEADERS of the Frontline states have ex­ pressed their readiness Frontline States to contribute to an en· larged UN monitoring Man arrested contigen! in Angola. ready to help The leaders who met at aone-day summit held in Zimbabwe last Mon­ UN in Angola day also called on the international community It reaffumed the va­ a prerequisite confidence to increase the level of lidity of the peace ac­ building measure to for Omitara all forms of assistance to cord and the relevant guarantee propects for Angola especially with resolutions of Ihe UN future peace and stabil· regard to humanitatrian Security Council and ity in Angola and urged needs. urged the international Vnita to respond posi­ According to a com­ community to ensure the tively. , ," munique, the summit implementation of these The summit ap· urged Unita to speedily accords and resolutions. plauded the interim Con­ child murders cease all forms of armed Further it called for stitution rcachcdby nine­ hostility and facilitate the national reconciliation in leen parties that took p¥t realisation of peace in Angola and noted that Cont. on page 2 Two suspects expected in court today AMAN suspected of killing lO-year-old murder scene - farm The original investi­ Chris Hochobeb and his brother Lazarus Ondehaka - almost daily gating team, headed by aged 11 is due to appear in court today, in a search for clues. InspeclorGerrit Viljoen The murder of the two and Deputy-Commis­ rharged with tbe boys' murder. boys, who were bludg­ sioner Koedoe Kruger. Police arrested the 50.. Monday's arrestin the eoned 10 death and then was taken off the case. A jear-old suspectal about Omitara area came aflee buried in shallow graves new police leaITI moved 09hOO Gn MoPdarln '11 week-of hard work by - one.possibJy stilLaEv !D 'm Decembl-r:-13 and 'Omitaradistncland yes- the new investigating of­ at the time - shocked the progress seemed 10 be te rd ay afternoon said fieers. They visited the nation. quicker after what a pa­ mey were close 10 grab­ lice slatement late yes­ bing a second suspect. terday called "inlensive Both are expected in investigation by the court in Windhoek this newly-appointed team." moming. The police statement More than seven hours wa<;onlyissuedat I7hOO after the arrest on Mon­ last night, 32 hours after day.aseniorpoliceCom­ the arrest. missioner told The According to the state­ Namibian " there has ment the two brothers been no arrest, no We'll catch were killed with an axe, progress anH there's 0"0 which had been used to story". smash fractures in their The same officer said child ldller' skulls anti jaws. me first investigating The boys disappeared !earn had been taken off onOctober25 while herd­ d'Ie case after six weeks ing goats. They lived with parents 8enjamin and of investigations. and FLASHBACK ... lo The Namibian's story in Md done all they could November, after the boys' bodies were to find the killers. discovered. Cont. on 2 Police set-up Pohamba's plea . '. I road blocks to drivers TWO HUNDRED will be maintained until Home Affairs Minister has pleaded with drivers poli(:c officers were January 20. Hifikcpunye Pohamba 10 "avoid indulging in al· mobilised yesterday 10 cohol", 5I!{-up roadblocks and "When driving, avoid patrol the streets or unnecessary and untimcd Katutura and other overtaking. unnecessary arcas or Windhoek. speeding and over-load­ District Commissioner ing, as these are prime for Windhoek, Egbert contributors to road acci­ Shikercte. said the police dents," Pohamba said. would check the road "As a young, develop­ worthiness ofve hIcles and search for stolen goods. ing country, Namibia Shike.rete announced ON THE BEAT _ Part ottbe 200-strong police needs to preserve the lives \hat roadblocks would be force moblllted to patrol streets and run of all its people. Let's Ktupona!! main roads in _ In ~ ......t"""e!1 ~ 'chrls avoid ' this unnecessary "', ( '.. andoutofWiodhoek.. the 1'Q8.ds." '\ 2 Wednesday December 22 1993 THE NAMIBIAN Angola Frontline Fewer SA Abuse centre 'success' 'I wing elemems poses po­ From page 1 :l tentially the greatest The success of the centre couN , in the Multi Party Nego­ threat to future.peace and " ~E;~::ottbepublkseemthe services at the to 'I tiating Process which slability in SoUth Af­ tourists and CbOd Abuse centre, lion between centre lays out the framework rica," the comminique I which was established by tbe respective Criminal ln~::~:= for the transition to a said. THE NUMBER of South African tourists Namiblan poUce in July this year. Departments. This Cl democratic and non-fa- "The continued corn- visiting Namibia this year was less than last Around120crimlnalcaseshavc allowed personnel of the centre cialSouthAfricathrough mitmenttothe succesful year, according to the assistant director of been reported In five months at provide contlnous support to I elections based on uni- implementation of the Tourism, Wikkie Van RooyeD. tbeW~nandCbUdAbuseCen- victim tbr"ugho,,' "''"". ....., ... versal suffrage. peace process was noted He attributed the drop to economic factors, indud- tre, according to a PJ.;e$S release the statement However, the leaders and encouraged" the ing the recession in South Africa. issued yesterday. ;; .."' . For better C(H)rdinatlon in expressed co!,\cem at the com.minuque said about Van Rooyen said it was possible that Namibia's A progress report said manyof centr(l, regular dl~uslons decision by some 'key Mozambique. crimeratecouldhavealsodeterredtourists,butpointed the cast6 handled by tbe ceJltre p~ between the sodal out that crime was a world-wide problem and that and important segments Itcalled forthe speedy crime in Namibia had dropped slightly. were. referred by scboolst clinks, of the South African po- implementation of the Van Rooyen said the ministry. in conjunction with bospitals,poUcestad,.o~employ~ litical spectrum not to demobilisation process members of travel organisations, would hold work- ers,privatedoctors,sodaberVke endorse the democratic to prepare for the gen- shops in Cape Town region in February to promote and Idso Don governmentorgani~ political process. eral elections. The de- Namibia's tourism. Similar workshopswouldbeheld satioD$. they would feel at ease Bnd The leaders called on layed implementation of in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Durban between May Cases dealt with at the centre talk to someone who would all parties to join the tran- thePeaceAccords would and AuguSL included rape, attempted rape, C8l;efuUy and sitionprocesswhilstcon- not be tolerated by the The Federation of Namibia Tourist Associations Indec:entassault,sodomy,abduc~ Itfs tinuing to re-negotiate intemationalcommuruty (FENATA) and the Hotel Association would work lion and o(tences under the CbU~ In different d together to draw up a programme for the workshops, d ' A~ th t foranalJ-embracingcon- because of limite re- (~~~~~~~.:...::,Van added. _______.:..-,..:: ~ren~~,~,::::.=:=::",=~=:~~~~ ~~e~ ~co~un:::~ry!, , ~, '-C~=::",~---I ' ;; stitutional dispensation. sources. .. " , TlJey called on the in- TIle imemationalcom- Omitara arrest 1be Namibia Society of , ' tem'afional commlmity munilY. was urged to ex­ Composers and Authors t~ supPort" ike ·s~t"c~s fu":::"·e~it the . ~ qu.isite pressure of Music (Nascam) was I. From page I ", I Copywright realisation of the teansi- on Renamo to ensure the launched yesterday with lion process and to assist speedy implementation the help of an N$8 000 Frederika at next-door donation from the Minis­ :1 South African political of peace. ,I fann Merino. On October try of Information and parties 10 work towards The summit was at­ 31 the graves and the Broadcasting which will the creation of a climate tended by HeadsofState youngsters' corpses were be paid out to local musi­ society of tolerance which will of Zimbabwe, Bot- ~ ! found on the farm ciansforcopywri ghtfees. " guarantee a free and fair swana, Tanzania, An- Ondehaka. The shallow At a press conference :i expression of the pea- gola. Foreign Ministers graves were about 100 held at Club Thriller on pie's democratic will from Mozambique and metres apart. Post- MondaY,theexecutivedi- through the ballot. Zambiarepresentedtheir monemsshowedtheboys rector of NASCAM, launched The summ,', further countne'Rs. epresen ,dieda- after being bludg- Nicro Hoebeb said coned with a bluntobjecL Nascam was registered in noted that continued es- tives of the DAU and casting. Several musi­ Namibian mus;o',d,,,,,1 There were also large July this year. It had ap­ FRANNA KAVARI calating violence posed UN also attended the gashes in a nearby tree plied for membership of cians approached by 1be and was not a a grave thrcat to the tran- meeting. Namibia was and police even cut out the international copy- Nascam has decided it Namibian said they hoped people trying to Nascam was committed money by using I • ri ght organisation which will charge N$5 per to the development of the musicians. _s~;,~;o~ncip~"Oppositionroc~e~s~s,~~~,=--~r~e~p~re~s~e~n,~e~d~b~y=p~r~;~m~else~,,~;o~n~s~o~flhe~~Iree~,~o~se~n~d~ by right- for forensic ellamination. should be approved by minute. On Monday, J~::=l~;'~~re-that ~ N~a!ll, wa! u~ilble)~ '.~';·"'l.. ' ~ _ k f he supply reponers With a reco,..,. were ept 0 t . f be d k fN 'b' . IIslo mem rsan any Special! Special! wor 0 ami lan musl- information about how ~~i~~ :;~ p~a~:ri~s~~~ ~:t ~~n~~~~!~:: ~~~ eign countries. Why pay more for good Nascam has also en- composers.Nacamexecu­ {ered into contracts with tive were scathing about quali~~? boththeNBCandthenew how little music from lo­ station, Channel Seven as cal musicians was played well as M-Net and disco­ on local radio stations. theques in the country. According to interna­ Apparently, the NBC tional standards at least has been unable to pro­ 40 percent of the music vide Nascam with copy· play:d by radio stations right information as their should be from local mu~ figures were incomplete.
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