t.h. Chesterton & sons Chartered Surveyors ' Auctioneers & Valuers ESTATE AGENTS -: .:: , .i :a¡ ' þ. iì 116 Kensington High Street ;l London Wg 7RW Tel.01-937 1234 rå-l 2 Cale Street Chelsea Green ¡', London SW3 3OU ;1 Tel.01-589 5211 þ ,i I 40 Connaught Street Hyde Park London WZ 2AB YOTJN(i S'I'RDtìT, LOOt(INC; NOR'I'H, JUNIi 189() Tel. O1 -262 7202 26 Clifton Road Maida Vale London W9 1SX Tel. 01 -289 1001 ..:i--. Hornton House Drayson Mews London WB 4LY Tel.01-937 8020 Building Surveying Division 9 Wood Street Cheapside London EC2V 7AR Tel.01-606 3055 Commercial and lndustrial Departments THE KENSINGTON SOCIETY Annual R.port 197 0-7 L The Kensington Society t'.-\'11ìo\ II.R.II. PIìI\CIìSS AI,IC.]D, COLI\TIìSS OI. A:IIII,ONIì I'RIlSli)tlN',l' 'l'IIlì lìI(;II't' I lO\. I,ORD IIURCOll13, t;.c.tr., r<.n.n. VI('Ii-I'IìLSIDEN'TS 'I'IIìi I)O\\I..\(II.]Iì fI.\IìCIIION].]SS OF CIIOLN'IONDIìLEY ,I'IIIi R]" RIì\¡, 'fIIIì I,OIìD BISIIOP OF IitìNSING'ION 't'lIIr) l,AI)Y Sl'OCKS T. COI )NCII, F. r'.r'.s.,r. Nfiss Jean '\lex¡ntler \Ir. \\¡illi¿m Glimes, Jlr'. I lrrr.lr' ,\rrtics Sir John Pope-Ht'nness)', c.B.E., F.Iì..4,., tr.S.r\, 'l'he Ifun. \lr. .Justice lJ¡rrv Tl-rc IIon. NIr. Justice liarminski \lr. \\/. \\:. ììclle¡", F.Iì.III51.s., I-.It.I.tl.¡. trIr. Oliver \'Iessel, c.l.n. Sil Ilugh C'asson, R.I).I., Ir.tr.I.tt.r\, L:rcl¡' Norn"ran, ¡.e. '/. (llifton-'frllor Sir Duncan Oppenheinr '/, Iir. .\lcr: Sir 'l'r'encharcl Cor, c.n.l., r'.s..1. Lorcl Spens, K.B,E., e.c, T IIr. S. J. L. Iìgcrtolì Plof.,\rnolcl'lovnbee, D.LITT., D,c.L., F.B.A. t\tìcu t'tYtt collllll"llìD crrÅrrì]r¡\N : 'l'IIlì L.\DY S'l'OCIiS vrcrì-crrAnìrtAN: llll. I'lì)\\¡ÀRD SIiELIìY IIr. (ìeoflrel'Atncs' NIr. Cl. FI. Ciibbs-Smith, F.ì\L.{., n.e.s \Iiss Ilnlirn f Ir, I¿n Grânt, r.R.I.lì.Á. l,Ir. l). Cl-rcssorth IIr. Iieon IIugl-res N{rs. ('i. ('hristi¿trscn Dr. Stephen P¿rsmore lir. P. 1ì, C:larlie Sir Allrrn Quarter-maine, c.tl.E., tI.c. N,lr, G. lì'. I)eatbergh X{r. lì<hvarcl Seele¡' \,1r. II. G¡n<lell 'lhe Ltch' Stochs &:;. f Ir. ll. 'I'. D. \\'ilmot *"ift rro^-.'r'nr,-1surìLu: \h. Iieon IIughes a f?Ff q, rroN, sE('nEr'..\rìr': X{rs. G, Christiansen 18 Iiensington Squ:rre, \\¡.8 f lessrs. \\'right, Stevens & Lloycl ^ur)I'loRs: ')), bt'kinl ¡ Tlis illttstrtttiott, togetltt'r t':itlt tlnse on tlrJ'ntttl Ù'i'(J ttnJ uil þttle þtrntíssi'ttt ' t: i b r t t r i e s' t he Ke n s í n g t o n ti n,l C h e I s ¿ rt P ubl i L F oreword of one Each year's work of an active amenity society seems to consist Annual General Meeting ;;;;t;";tty after another' one battle after another, and not all of about them can ï" *o.t. But, in the Royal Borough, our argument THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETTNG was held in Holland park was amicably sertled by the_reasonable at the Orangery, Holland ;il;-ô;;g"ry Park, on 2nd 1970, at 6 p.m. ufpto""nifihe Greater London Council to the new situation created June, The Rt. Hon. Lord Hurcomb, c.c.B., K.B.E., president of the 4 fire in the Belvedere Restaurant. Although the Society, ¡'u'"r, accidental was in the Chair. use of one of the lawns for a limited number of tables 5 ãip.ri-.","f The Chairman, in opening the meeting, thanked princess o'clock in the evening will need to be closely watched' the H.R.H. Z Alice, Countess of Athlone, for ^¡i"r pf"" proved generally a-cceptable and does not interfere with attending ãnd then announced, giving 'the present great pleasure to all present, that Her Royal Highness had graciorrsly ,t""* ,ri" of Oralng"ty by the public' A proposal-a1d--at consented to become the Society's first patron. " than u piop"otui-to excavate a new car park in Kensington it is no more The Minutes of the last Annual C"t¿"". is tikely tã be st.enuously opposed' Apart from any other General Meeting, previously approved by the Executive Committee and circulated to mèmbers ià interference with visual amenity above ground, any encroachment- the Annual Report, were taken as read and ho*.rr", small-by approach .oâdt the pleasant meadows across signed by the Chairman. "pott The Lady Stocks, Chairman of the Executive Cómmittee, moved *ttiÀ tn" Palace ls splendidly vieweà is morã than could be afforded the adoption of the Report, saying that this excellent Report-beauti- and should not be tolerated. -^-if," fully produced-was one of the few reports which p"fi"V of the Society in regard to further hotel development are both interesting and read. Seconded by Mrs. Milbourne and carried. *"ti* ,'ft" stldy and .rrppoti of all residents in the Royal Borough'.Our adoption of the Accounts was moved by the Honorary p"li"y i. of otte of blind opposition to any new hotels or _ _The Treasurer, "o,r.r., by our Mr. Hughes, seconded by Miss Bird, and carried unanimously. to any expanslon"",, ."qrrir"d to meet tourist traffic, as is shown _Keon But any The re-election of Officers and Executive Committee bloc--no attituáe tä several súch proposals mentioned in this Report' m and new nominations having been received-was moved by Miss Blackie, trot.t. should be placeiat appropriate points and their height ,r"* seconded by Miss Dunn, and carried unanimously. orooortions should have full r.g"rd io the scale and character of the be permitted The Dowager Marchioness of Cholmondeley expressed her very *f,i.h they are allowed. Piivate interests should not ãr.í.¡ real pleasure at having been elected a Vice-President of the iå å"pfoi further our public spaces, and the general public's :Pqo' Society, and in this capacity had been a member of the party which had tunity to enjoy our pa.i.s and .quut"t should not be further diminished been received-at County Hall to discuss the future of the Orangery, t tti" .r."iiott of nieh walls of buildings hedging them in on every Holland Park. After this meeting the .å.." W. glud thãt our views have so often coincided with those Society was assured that any-change in the use of the Orangery had been postponed pending a close e*uriin"- of the Borough"r" Council' tion of the whole question. Mr. Robert Vigars, Chaiiman of plan- Local socielies continue to spring up for the defence of particular the ning and Transport Committee of the Greater London ,r.". of the Royal Borough. Wå *elcorne the vigorous suppo.rt which Council, to wtder grolise{. to do everything he could to make known the srrength of those directly threatened by bad development can give the local feeling that the orangery should be retained for its presenãuse. n", wL regret it vvhen such individual bodies rob us of member- complained that the Society had not objãcted to the "ã"t".ship, as has recentlY haPPened' ..A_member ----fr" -concerrred display of a specific advertisement. He was upp.rl to those to renew their individual support assured ty the Hon. that the Secretary that had objection not been lodged by the Society the and, at least, to ensure affiliation with us' We suggest l:t1"gh' likely to advertisement would have been floodlit. The member was given every the'Greater'London council and Ministers themselves are encouragement to undertake recruitment of younger members assisted and certainly most influenced by the concentration to the ¡" S",,", Society. of opinion behind a society which, like our own' can speak tor tne The Chairman then closed the meeting proper and introduced residents as a whole. Hunco'rs. Professor Peter Hall, who gave a most intereÀting and informed talk on the subject of 'Conservation in Kensington'. she realise OBITUARY will how very grateful \tre are. Mrs. christiansen hopes to We report with deep regret the deaths of the following members: aûange a similar sale this year. Will members please start _akinåiheir Henderson, Miss W. Starkey, a iife member from 1955; Mrs' John collections! The ann '¿l sale has proved a successful way of ir"r'.Ã;;g a founder member who attended most of the activities arranged by the revenue of the society and we are grateful to *"-u"r. îlo the Society; Mrs. Florence Turtle, aged 97 years' Mrs' Turtle was a participate. founder member and until she moved to the country in recent years \{e_gratefully acknowledge the donation from the Nathan Trust after she left attended all our activities. She continued her interest towards expenses incurred by_the representation made by the S*i;y Kensington; she has been very generous to the society over the years. at the London Development plan Inäuirv. was very interested The Mrs. E]Watson, also a long-standing member who costs of the Society have gråatty increased_the more work in local history. we do the more money we requirã. printing and postage parri@larly _le_a¡y-compare th; presenr po.tug" åf :p" (7d.)"o*. with "r" SQUARE GARDEN R.{ILINGS the 2$d.
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