Excavations on the Site of Balmerino House, Constitution Street, Leith Ross H M White & Chris O’Connell With contributions by Sue Anderson, Dennis Gallagher, George Haggarty, Derek Hall, Andrew Heald, Adam Jackson, Dawn McLaren & Catherine Smith Scottish Archaeological Internet Report 41, 2009 www.sair.org.uk Published by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, www.socantscot.org.uk with Hi storic Scotland, www.historic-scotland.gov.uk and the Council for British Archaeology, www.britarch.ac.uk Editor Helen Bleck Produced by Archétype Informatique SARL, www.archetype-it.com ISBN: 9780903903585 ISSN: 1773-3803 Requests for permission to reproduce material from a SAIR report should be sent to the Director of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, as well as to the author, illustrator, photographer or other copyright holder. Copyright in any of the Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports series rests with the SAIR Consortium and the individual authors. The maps are reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown copyright 2001. Any unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Historic Scotland Licence No. GD 03032G, 2002. The consent does not extend to copying for general distribution, advertising or promotional purposes, the creation of new collective works or resale. CONTENTS List of Illustrations. v List of Tables . vi 1 Abstract . 1 2 Introduction. 2 3 Historical Context . 4 4 Excavation Results . 5 4.1 Phase 1: medieval pits and a well . .5 4.2 Phase 2: late medieval or early post-medieval midden deposit . .5 4.3 Phase 3: early post-medieval quarry pits . 5 4.4 Phase 4: skeletal remains and overlying midden layer . 6 4.5 Phase 5: Balmerino House construction . .9 4.6 Phase 6: demolition and modern levelling . 12 4.7 Uncertain phases . 12 5 Human Skeletal Remains, by Sue Anderson . .14 5.1 Introduction . 14 5.2 Demographic analysis . 14 5.3 Metrical and morphological analysis . 14 5.4 Dental analysis . 14 5.5 Skeletal pathology . 15 5.6 Summary and discussion . 17 6 The Finds . .19 6.1 Pottery, by Derek Hall and George Haggarty . 19 6.2 Clay pipes, by Dennis Gallagher . 21 6.3 Ceramic building material and fired clay, by Sue Anderson . 21 6.4 Stone, by Adam Jackson . 22 6.5 Glass, by Sue Anderson . 22 6.6 Metalwork, by Sue Anderson. 23 6.7 Vitrified material, by Dawn McLaren and Andrew Heald . 23 6.8 Worked bone, by Catherine Smith . 24 6.9 Animal bone, by Catherine Smith . 24 6.10 Overview of the finds and dating evidence, by Sue Anderson . 27 iii 7 Site Narrative. .29 7.1 13th- to 15th-century occupation . 29 7.2 15th/16th-century abandonment or cultivation? . 29 7.3 16th-century sand quarrying . 29 7.4 Late 16th-/early 17th-century burial ground . 29 7.5 17th-century manor house and gardens. 29 8 Conclusions, with Sue Anderson . 31 9 Acknowledgements. .32 10 References . .33 iv LIST OF Illustrations 1 Site location plan. 2 2 Phase 1 plan . .6 3 Phase 3 plan . .7 4 Phase 4 plan . .8 5 SK4. 9 6 SK5. 9 7 Phase 5 plan . 10 8 The foundations during excavation. 11 9 Balmerino House in the 19th century. 12 10 Probable clay pipe wear on the mandibular canine and first premolar of SK5. 15 11 Two well-healed and remodelled fractures in a right mid rib of SK5 . 16 12 Depressed fracture on the right side of the frontal bone of SK5. 16 13 Pottery . 20 14 Glass stem . 22 15 Knife . 23 v LIST OF TABLES 1 Radiocarbon dates. .9 2 Age and sex of human skeletons . 14 3 Animal- and bird-bone species quantification by phase . 25 vi 1 ABSTRACT The remains of the front of Balmerino House, built late to post-medieval pottery were recovered, as well in 1631, were uncovered during an archaeologi- as iron objects, glass and bone. The human remains cal excavation at St Mary’s Star of the Sea Roman comprised six adult males, although some were Catholic Church, Constitution Street, Leith. The incomplete due to later disturbance. Of importance work also revealed several phases of medieval to to the history of clay tobacco pipe manufacture in post-medieval activity, and a small burial ground Scotland is a small assemblage of clay-pipe wasters which predated the house. The earliest feature and kiln waste dated c 1630–40. The work was uncovered by the excavation was a well containing sponsored by Gregor Properties Ltd. 13th- to 14th-century pottery. Large quantities of 1 2 INTRODUCTION Excavations carried out at St Mary’s Star of the Sea An evaluation (White 2004) was undertaken in Roman Catholic Church, Constitution Street, Leith February 2004 and uncovered the remains related (illus 1, NGR NT 2711 7616) identified the remains to the eastern elevation of Balmerino House. Based of Balmerino House, as well as areas of late to post- on these results an excavation was conducted medieval activity, including a burial site. The work to uncover the extent of the remains within the was carried out in advance of the construction of a footprint of a new building to be erected next to the new church hall. existing presbytery. An area measuring approxi- Illus 1 Site location plan, with inset showing location of the plot and Balmerino House on the 1st Edition OS map 2 mately 20m × 11m was excavated by machine to the Six phases of occupation, construction and demoli- first archaeological layer and all subsequent exca- tion were identified. In summary from the earliest vation took place by hand. The development area to the latest, these were: pits and a well; midden was most recently a tarmac car park with a garage deposits; further pits; the remains of four inhu- at the back of the present presbytery. A brick wall mations and a further midden; the construction of enclosed the western and southern boundaries of Balmerino House; and the modern levelling of the the site. site. 3 3 HISTORICAL CONTEXT Leith lies to the north of Edinburgh, at the mouth throne in 1558, the Protestant Lords of the Con- of the Water of Leith. The earliest recording of any gregation rebelled against Catholic rule and, with settlement appears in the foundation charter of the support of English troops, besieged Leith in Holyrood Abbey, issued by David I in 1128 (Mowat 1560. Ultimately the confrontation resulted in 1994, 1). Excavations by the City of Edinburgh the Treaty of Edinburgh (under which the French Council Archaeology Service (CECAS) in the 1990s agreed to destroy the fortifications in Leith and at Burgess Street and Ronaldson’s Wharf have go home), the eventual fall of the Catholic Church provided evidence for this early 12th-century set- in Scotland and the end of the Franco–Scottish tlement, with the latter providing evidence for the Alliance. The site would have lain just within the pre-Burgh settlement (Lawson forthcoming a & defences on the eastern side of the fortress (Harris b). The port grew throughout the 12th and 13th 1991). centuries, and Leith became the main trading port In the 17th century the plague struck Leith, most in Scotland after the Wars of Independence in 1333, notably in 1645, when almost half the town’s popu- although the import and export trade coming through lation died. Leith fell to Cromwell’s troops in 1650, the port was not controlled by Leithers as Leith was and was used as the Parliamentarians’ Scottish not a Royal Burgh, but was instead controlled by headquarters for much of that decade. the burgesses and merchants of Edinburgh, who A full historical analysis of Balmerino House was severely curtailed the trading activities of Leith’s beyond the scope of this project, although it would inhabitants. be merited if further work were carried out on In 1544 and again in 1547, Leith was burnt by the site in the future. In summary, it was built in English troops on the orders of Henry VIII during 1631 by John Stewart, Earl of Carrick, and sold to a period known as ‘the rough wooing’, in which Lord Balmerino in 1643 (Grant 1882). Several gen- the English king attempted to enforce the Treaty erations of Balmerinos were resident in the house of Greenwich, which betrothed the infant Queen until the fifth Lord Balmerino, who died in January Mary to his son, the future Edward VI. Henry’s 1746, seven months before his brother, the sixth aggressive tactics forced Scotland into alliance Lord Balmerino, was executed for his part in the with France and, at the instigation of the Catholic 1745 Rebellion. After this the house changed hands Mary of Guise, who ruled Scotland as regent from several times and the land was eventually sold to 1544, substantial fortifications were constructed the Church in 1848. St Mary’s Star of the Sea was in Leith, which were occupied by a garrison of built in 1853 and Balmerino House was finally French troops. When Elizabeth I came to the demolished in the 1970s. 4 4 EXCAVATION RESULTS The natural subsoil was loosely compacted, due to obstruction by overlying structural features naturally free-draining yellow sand, which was left in situ. Abutting the proposed inner face of present across the site and varied in depth from the wall and filling the foundation cut (270) was 1.8m below the present ground surface in the north a deposit of grey-brown sand (271), from which to 1.2m below the present ground surface in the the remains of a domestic fowl and a fragment of south.
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