February 2013 Volume 86, Issue 4 Proceedings and Addresses of The American Philosophical Association apa The AmericAn PhilosoPhicAl AssociATion Pacific Division Program University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 www.apaonline.org The American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Eighty-Seventh Annual Meeting Westin St. Francis San Francisco, California March 27–30, 2013 Proceedings and Addresses of The American Philosophical Association Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association (ISSN 0065-972X) is published five times each year and is distributed to members of the APA as a benefit of membership and to libraries, departments, and institutions for $75 per year. It is published by the American Philosophical Association, 31 Amstel Ave., University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716. Periodicals Postage Paid at Newark, DE and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Proceedings and Addresses, The American Philosophical Association, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716. Editor: Amy E. Ferrer Phone: (302) 831-1112 Publications Coordinator: Erin Shepherd Fax: (302) 831-8690 Associate Editor: Dominic McIver Lopes Web: www.apaonline.org Meeting Coordinator: Linda Smallbrook Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, the major publication of the American Philosophical Association, is published five times each academic year in the months of September, November, January, February, and May. Each annual volume contains the programs for the meetings of the three divisions; the membership list; presidential addresses; news of the association and its divisions and committees, and announcements of interest to philosophers. Other items of interest to the community of philosophers may be included by decision of the editor or the APA board of officers. Microfilm copies are available through National Archive Publishing Company, Periodicals/Acquisitions Dept., P.O. Box 998, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-0998. (http://www.napubco.com). Certain back issues may be obtained from the APA. All correspondence should be sent to the APA, 31 Amstel Avenue, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, directed to the appropriate staff member as follows: Erin Shepherd for inquiries and publication copy concerning programs of the divisional meetings, general issues of the Proceedings, announcements, awards to members, and advertising; Janet Sample for membership information, address changes, and memorial minutes; and the executive director for letters to the editor. Copyright © 2013 by The American Philosophical Association ISSN 0065-972X Table of ConTenTs Important notIces for meetIng attendees .......................................1 Letter from the secretary-treasurer ..............................................2 pacIfIc dIvIsIon commIttees, 2012–2013 .........................................7 maIn program ..................................................................................8 group program .............................................................................64 maIn and group program partIcIpants ..........................................88 abstracts .....................................................................................119 pLacement servIce InformatIon ....................................................185 paper submIssIon guIdeLInes ........................................................192 mInutes of the 2012 pacIfIc dIvIsIon executIve commIttee meetIng ....................................................................................196 mInutes of the 2012 pacIfIc dIvIsIon busIness meetIng................200 agenda Items for the 2013 busIness meetIng ...............................202 LIst of advertIsers ......................................................................203 forms ..........................................................................................221 advance regIstratIon form ....................................................223 hoteL reservatIon InformatIon ..............................................225 pLacement servIce regIstratIon form ....................................227 apa regIstratIon poLIcy .............................................................228 ImporTanT noTICes for meeTIng aTTendees Proceedings no longer dIsTrIbuTed To members aT regIsTraTIon APA members no longer receive a duplicate copy of this issue of the Proceedings at the Pacific Division conference registration desk. All registrants will receive a Pocket Program with session titles, times, and locations. Only non-members will receive a copy of the Proceedings at registration. Therefore, if you plan to attend the meeting and wish to consult the full program, please bring this copy of the Proceedings to the meeting or use the online program at apa-pacific.org. InTerneT aCCess aT The ConferenCe hoTel The Pacific Division has negotiated complimentary in-room Internet access for those who book rooms at the Westin St. Francis using the APA room rate. The APA room rate can be obtained by booking online at http://apa-pacific.org or by phoning (415) 397-7000 and asking for the “American Philosophical Association Pacific” room rate. Please note that those who book rooms at the conference hotel through third-party suppliers cannot take advantage of this offer. The deadline for bookings is February 23, subject to availability. follow The annual meeTIng on TwITTer or faCebook For real time information as events unfold during the annual meeting, follow us on Twitter at @apa_pacific or Facebook at facebook.com/ apapacific. leTTer from The seCreTary-Treasurer To All Members of the Association: The executive committee of the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association cordially invites you to attend the 2013 annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division. The meeting will be held at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco from Wednesday, March 27 through Saturday, March 30. 1. ConferenCe hoTel The APA Pacific Division will meet at the Westin St. Francis Hotel in Union Square, at the heart of San Francisco. The Pacific Division’s hotel contracts now include a clause requiring the hotel to confirm a year before our meeting that a collective agreement will be in place with the labor unions at the time of our meeting. The current collective agreement between the conference hotel and Unite Here Local 2 extends beyond our spring 2013 meeting date. The union asks us to patronize the hotel. Here are three more reasons to book into the conference hotel at the APA rate. First, the Pacific Division obtains free meeting space in exchange for guaranteeing a block of room sales. Second, six percent of your room charge will be rebated by the hotel to the Pacific Division. These funds have been earmarked for graduate student stipends. Finally, free in-room Internet access has been negotiated for anyone booked into the hotel at the APA rate. The convention rate is available until February 23, and members are strongly advised to book early. Visit http://apa-pacific.org for online reservations, or call (415) 397-7000 and give the name and dates of the meeting to obtain the convention rate of $179 for a double or single room. 2. loCal aTTraCTIons One of the handful of classic and historic deluxe hotels in San Francisco, the Westin St. Francis has its own cable-car stop and a view overlooking Union Square. The hotel is also a favorite stop for afternoon tea, and the Onyx Lobby Bar expands the locations where philosophers can enjoy each other’s conversations. The hotel is within walking distance of Chinatown, the theater district, Yerba Buena Center, the Museum of Modern Art, and several smaller museums, as well as dozens of San Francisco’s finest restaurants. North Beach is a few minutes’ ride away on the cable car that stops in front of the hotel. A short ride on the bus or a one-station ride on BART brings you to the Civic Center, home of the symphony, the ballet, and the Asian Art Museum. Those traveling with children should note the new Disney Family Museum in the Presidio, near the Golden Gate Bridge. Letter from the Secretary-Treasurer 3 The nearby Palace of the Legion of Honor displays an extensive European painting and sculpture collection and a world-famous print collection. The de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park is worth a visit for its architecture by Herzog and de Meuron as well as its collections. In addition to these large museums, San Francisco has many small ones, including at least five within easy walking distance of the hotel. 3. Travel InformaTIon Parking: There is parking in the garage under Union Square. Less expensive garages are down Geary, nearly to Van Ness, but it’s a long walk back. By Air: From San Francisco Airport (SFO), numerous shuttles will take you to the hotel door. SuperShuttle has wheelchair-accessible vans, but these should be reserved in advance. Taxis will get you downtown much more quickly. San Francisco has many wheelchair-accessible taxis, which can be obtained through the any taxi dispatcher outside baggage claims; no prior reservation is necessary. The BART rapid transit system links the airport to downtown as well. The airport BART station is located on the Departures/Ticketing Level (Level 3) of the International Terminal or from any other terminal by riding SFO’s free AirTrain. Take BART to the Powell Street Station in San Francisco and walk two short blocks to Union Square. BART also provides a direct connection from SFO to Caltrain at the Millbrae station. BART is wheelchair accessible
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