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V « - V - Ar * - •%..%.* V ^ *- *•- PPfe^?53^vHiXi>cc<c!2S? * SS!SSk?$sSS^v 'X\vOvCv5 T he Kaldro n OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE BEING A REMEMBRANCE BOOK Done at the Printing Parlors of McCOY & CALVIN at the Sign of the Star on Chest nut St. in Meadville Pennsylvania OF THE YEAR COMPILED BY THE KALDRON BOARD AND PUBLISHED BY THE FRATERNITIES THE YEAR OF OUR LORD MCMV. VOLUME THE SEVENTEENTH T h is B o o k is D e d i c a t e d t o M iss I d a M . T a r b e l l , a n a l u m n u s o f A l l e g h e n y C o l l e g e WHO, BY HER DISTINGUISHED LITERARY ACHIEVEMENTS HAS BROUGHT HONOR TO HER A l m a M a t e r . » Foreword ENTLE readers, had you been so many G e S S a> we coul<l Lave handled you with no *f!S2^ greater care. You, giddy co-ed, who were photoed n e g lig ie ; you, pompous Senior, who fought for “ honorable mention” in our pages ; you, old bear of a professor, who were always pressing our abused noses closer and closer against the flinty scholastic grindstone — you are all of you forgiven. The most scathing of your well-deserved rebukes have been charitably smothered in the recesses of our copious editorial waste-basket. Vos amamus omnes. In a word, we have aimed to be mild rather than malevolent, inclining to benediction rather than to malediction. May our endeavors please you. We make our bow. T h e E d i t o r s . The Kaldron Board Editor-in- Chief, John Raymond Crawford, g K V Associate Editor, Francis L. LaBounty, g K 'lr Business Manager, Frank L. Knapp, <I> E A Assistant Business Manager, Frederick A. Shaffer, g/’A Literary Committee, Edith Rowley, 0 2' John R. Giblyn, 6 A V Amy Courtenay, K A 0 Art Committee, Frank R. Frost, 2’ A E David A. Bolard, A T A Amy Lusk, A X it Arrangement Committee, Harry E. Stone, g V A William S. Taft, g A 0 Josephine Howe, K K E s (Meets of Hbmintstration DURBIN HORNE President of the Hoard of Trustees William S. Smith....................................... Meadville Board of Trustees John V. R itts , ......................................... Butler Charles Miller............................................... Franklin Allegheny Ex-Officio. John S. Craig..................................................... Norman T. Arnold, . Ridgway His Excellency S a m u e l W . Pennypacker, Noah F. Clark, .... Oil City Governor of the Commonwealth. Edward H. Utley, Pittsburg Pittsburg Hon. John P. Elkin, H arry G. Sampson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Austin Blakeslee......................................... Du Bois Truman D. Collins, .... Nebraska Hon. Hampton L. Carson, Attorney General. Clerical Trustees. Rev. James R. Mills, D.D., Cleveland, O. Lay Trustees. Rev. Joseph Horner, D.D., LL.D., Pittsburg Samuel B. Dick..................................... Meadville Rev. William H. Crawford, D.D., LL.D ., Meadville Harvey Henderson, Allegheny Rev. Thomas H. Woodring, D.D., Johnstown Frank P. R ay,* .... Meadville Rev. Andrew C. Ellis, D.D., Erie William Thomas, Meadville Rev. Joseph W . Mills, D.D., McKeesport John J. Henderson, LL.D., Meadville Rev. James M. Bray, A.M., Westfield, N. Y. George W. Haskins, Meadville Rev. William P. Bignell, D.D., Greenville Theodore L. Flood, D.D., LL.D., Meadville Rev. Russell F. Keeler, D.D., Middlefield, O. Jonathan Hamnett, D.D., . Meadville Rev. Thomas N. Boyle, D.D., Crafton John A. Wood, . Pittsburg Rev. Noble G. Miller, D .D ............................. Blairsville William Foltz, .... New Castle Andrew L. Dunbar, Meadville Officers of the Board. John G. Holmes,* . Pittsburg Durbin Horne, President James W. Lee, .... Pittsburg John J- Henderson, • Vice-President John C. Bardall, Moundsville, W . Va. William H. Crawford, Chairman Executive Committee Frank A. Arter, Cleveland, O. Frank P. Ray, . Secretary James P. Colter, Meadville William S. Smith, Treasurer James W. Kinnear, Pittsburg Gorton B. Chase, Greenville John M. Stull, . Warren, O. John E. Rigg, M.D., Wilkinsburg Durbin Horne, Pittsburg Edward Appleyard, Jamestown, N.Y. Robert B. Murray, Youngstown, O. Wesley B. Best, Meadville Jesse C. McDowell, Pittsburg ♦Deceased. Joint Board of Control Pittsburg Conference. Rev. T. N. Eaton, D.D. W. S. Horner. Rev. J. F. Murray, Ph.D. A. M. Schoyer. Eric Conference. Rev. E. F. Edmonds, D.D. George Greer. Rev. T. R. Thoburn, D.D. C. H. Smith. Centenary Boards East Ohio Conference. Rev. T. H. Stocking, D.D. Simpson S. Ford. Pittsburg Conference. Rev. R. M. Freshwater, D.D. A. W. Pelton. Rev. Charles W. Smith, D. D., LL. D . President West Virginia Conference. Rev. Joseph Horner, D. D., LL. D., . Secretary J. H. Holmes, ...... Treasurer Rev. M. F. Compton. H. F. Jones. Albert A. Horne. Harvey Henderson. Rev. J. S. Robinson. Edward S. Hazlett. A. C. Knox. H. C. McEldowney. Erie Conference. Visiting Committees Rev. R- S. Borland, D.D., . President Rev. J. W. Blaisdell, D.D., . Vice-President Rev. T. W. Douglas, D.D., . Secretary Pittsburg Conference. William S. Smith, ..... Treasurer Rev. Appleton Bash, Ph.D. Rev. C. L. Smith. Rev. E. F. Edmonds, D.D. W. W. Gelvin. Rev. J. D. Brison. Rev. G. D. Crissman. Rev. L. H. Bugbee. William Thomas. Rev. W . H. Crawford, D .D .,L L .D . Rev. W . W . Dale. Erie Conference. Rev. J. R- Rich. B. L. Singley. Rev. F. A. Gould. Rev. L. H. Bugbee. Rev. S. M. Gordon, Ph.D. East Ohio Conference. Rev. E. J. Smith. Rev. E. O. Buxton, D.D. Rev. William Peregoy. West Virginia Conference. Rev. J. H. Miller, Ph.D. Rev. H. D. Clark. Prof. F. B. Trotter. c s Officers of s Unstructio n WILLIAM H. CRAWFORD. D.D., LL.D. President of the College Johnathan Hamnett, D.D. <1> I t A. E r n e s t A. S m ith , Ph.D. It H //, <!> It A . Professor Emeritus and Librarian. A.II., Allegheny College, 1839; A.M., Professor of History and Economics. Allegheny College, 1843; D.D., Univers­ A.II., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1888, ity of Missouri, 1869; Professor of Latin A.M., 1891 ; Principal Valdosta Col­ Language and Literature, Allegheny Col­ legiate Institute, 1889-93; Graduate Stu­ lege, 1845-73; Vice-President Allegheny dent Johns Hopkins University, 1895-8; College, 1862-84; Professor of Mathe­ present position, 1898; member of Ameri­ matics and Astronomy, Allegheny Col­ can Historical Association ; member of lege, 1882-84; Emeritus Professor of American Economic Association ; mem­ Philosophy, Allegheny College, 1884; ber Southern History Society. Librarian, Allegheny College, 1884. C l a r e n c e F r is b e e R o s s , A .M . <!> J H , i> It A . W illiam T. Dutton, C.E. Bradley Professor iMtin language and Litera­ tu re , It H ll. A.Ik, Allegheny College, 1891 ; A.M., Professor of Mathematics and Civil Engineer­ Allegheny College, 1893; University of in g . Chicago, Slimmer Quarter, 1895-6 ; Sen­ •C.E., Dartmouth College, 1876; Pro­ ior Fellow in Greek, University of Chicago, fessor of Mathematics and Vice-Principal, 1898-9; University of Berlin, 1896-7; Pro­ C. V. S. Normal School, 1881-86; Pro­ fessor of Greek and German, Missouri fessor of Mathematics, Edinboro Normal Wesleyan College, 1901-2: Instructor in School, 1886-90; present position, 1890. Greek and Latin and Principal of Pre­ paratory School, Allegheny College, 1892-5 ; Assistant Professor, 1895; Profes­ sor, 1900; present position, 1902; mem­ ber American Philological Association. W i l l i a m A. E l l i o t t , LH.D. < fi J H, <l> I I A . A l b e r t C. K n u d so n , Ph.D. Professor of Greek language and literature. J r , <b It A . A.B., Allegheny College, 1889; A.M., Professor of English Bible and Philosophy. Allegheny College, 1892; L.H.D., Dick­ A.Ik, University of Minnesota. 1893; inson College, 1902; American School of S.T .B ., Boston University, 1896; Ph.D., Classical Studies, Athens, 1894-5; Prin­ Boston University, 11)00 ; Chair of Church cipal Preparatory School, Allegheny Col­ History and Biblical Exegesis, Denver lege, 1889-92; Professor of Latin anti University, 1898-1900; Chair of Philosophy Greek, 1892-4; present position, 1894 ; and English Bible, Baker University, member American Philological Associa­ 1900-02; Chair of English Bible and Phil­ tion. osophy, Allegheny College, 1902. C h a r l e s B. L e w i s . Physical Instructor. F r a n k L o c k w o o d , C. Ph.D. Graduate German System of Physical J '/' J , <l> II A. Training, Philadelphia, 1898; Graduate Professor of English Ixinguage and Literature. Physical Training, Harvard University A.II., Baker University, 1892; A.M., Summer School, 1903-04 ; Physical Direct­ Wesleyan University, 1902; Ph.D.
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