Consolidated Contents of Mayflower Descendant Volumes 1-68; January, 1899 - Summer, 2020 Compiled by, and Copyright © 2004-2021 by Dale H. Cook This file is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this material directly from, the site you are looking at is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact [email protected] so that legal action can be undertaken. Any commercial site using or displaying any of my files or web pages without my express written permission will be charged a royalty rate of $1000.00 US per day for each file or web page used or displayed. [email protected] Revised January 7, 2021 As this file was created for my own use a few words about the format of the entries are in order. The entries are listed by MD volume. Each volume is preceded by the volume number and year in boldface. Articles that are carried across more than one volume have their parts listed under the applicable volumes. This entry, from Volume 14, will illustrate the format used: 14 (1912):45-48, 180-185, 203-209 (Cont. from 7:57, cont. to 15:45) Bridgewater, Mass., Vital Records {Vital Records of Bridgewater, Mass.} George Ernest Bowman The first line of an entry for an individual article or portion of a series shows the MD pages for an article found in that volume. When a series spans more than one volume a note in parentheses indicates the volume and page from which or to which it is continued. The second line shows the title of the article. Some series that began running in the early years of MD had the series title changed partway through their run. In those cases I have listed all of the articles in the series under the titles used for each portion, and have indicated alternative titles in curly braces. The third line lists the author. An initial section lists all series that were continued across more than one volume. In that section the series titles have been rearranged to indicate the town or family that is the focus of the series, and all volume and page numbers for the series are shown. I have listed only articles with genealogical or historical content of interest to the genealogical researcher. I have not included articles and series such as "Reports from State Societies" and "Proceedings of the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants," or book reviews. This file will be revised twice each year as I receive new issues of MD. Please address comments and corrections to the author at the email address given above. Consolidated Contents of Mayflower Descendant Alden: Theories on English Ancestry / Alden Alicia Crane Williams 39 (1989):111-122; 40 (1990):133-136 Alden Notes George Ernest Bowman / Other Authors 9 (1907):145-151; 10 (1908):76-83; 12 (1910):72-75; 14 (1912):140-142; 41 (1991):137-142; 42 (1992):9-12, 125-130; 43 (1993):21-30, 133-136; 44 (1994):27-30, 181-184 Barnstable County Deeds / Unrecorded George Ernest Bowman 9 (1907):239-242; 10 (1908):238-241; 11 (1909):225-227; 13 (1911):107-109; 14 (1912):76-79, 175-180, 210-213; 15 (1913):92-100, 154-159, 201-208; 16 (1914):1-13, 90-97, 174-178, 218-225; 17 (1915):10-18, 124-128, 173-181, 203- 213; 18 (1915):23-28, 98-104, 132-134, 217-220; 19 (1917):10-16, 84-89, 119-121, 152-154; 20 (1918):46-48; 21 (1919):133-134; 22 (1920):142-144, 167-169; 24 (1922):69-70; 26 (1924):184-189; 33 (1935):50-60 Barnstable County, Mass., Probate Records / Abstracts of {the} George Ernest Bowman 2 (1900):176-178; 3 (1901):176-178; 4 (1902):179-181; 10 (1908):6-8, 100-103; 11 (1909):26-28; 12 (1910):38-40, 88-90, 187-190; 14 (1912):116-119; 15 (1913):76-80; 16 (1914):58-61; 18 (1917):58-61, 134-138; 19 (1917):43-45; 22 (1920):185-188; 23 (1921):61-69; 24 (1922):59-64; 27 (1925):35-39; 31 (1933):33-36, 106-109, 185-187; 32 (1934):81- 84, 133-134, 165-167; 33 (1935):137-140, 171-175; 34 (1937):54-57, 130-133 Barnstable County Probate Index, 1686 to 1850 Scott Andrew Bartley 53 (2004):29-45, 149-170; 54 (2005):31-47, 152-164 Barnstable, Mass., Vital Records George Ernest Bowman 2 (1900):212-215; 3 (1901):51-54, 71-73, 149-152; 4 (1902):120-122, 221-227; 5 (1903):72-75, 171; 6 (1904):97-99, 135-140, 236-239; 10 (1908):249-250; 11 (1909):95-100, 130-132; 12 (1910):153-156; 14 (1912):86-89, 225-227; 19 (1917):77-83, 125-128, 154-156; 20 (1918):41-43; 23 (1921):125-129; 25 (1923):129-133, 147-150; 27 (1925):5-10; 31 (1933):6-15, 81-47, 139-142, 147-152; 32 (1934):51-60, 148-156; 33 (1935):23-29, 116-128, 162-171; 34 (1937):17-21, 115-119 Barrington, Nova Scotia, Vital Records Alfred A. Doane 8 (1906):138-142, 221-224; 9 (1907):27-29, 78-80, 142-144, 199-202 Baxter Notes George Ernest Bowman 12 (1910):218-222; 13 (1911):247-249 Berkley, Mass., Vital Records Scott Andrew Bartley 51 (2002):25-48, 130-165; 53 (2004):52-66, 116-133; 55 (2006):116-139 Bible Records 37 (1987):73-74; 38 (1988):3-4, 153-155; 39 (1989):35-40, 151-156; 40 (1990):15-20; 41 (1991):179-184; 42 (1992):45- 52; 43 (1993):75-84; 44 (1994):143-148; 45 (1995):41-46; 46 (1996):71-74, 167-170 Bowman Files / The George Ernest Bowman, transcribed by Alicia Crane Williams / transcribed by Shirley Robinson Pizziferri 36 (1986):11-16, 161-162; 37 (1987):143-148; 38 (1988):31-32, 151-152; 39 (1989):71-72, 175-178; 40 (1990):27-30, 159-160; 41 (1991):61-64, 189-192; 42 (1992):31-34, 149-154; 43 (1993):45-48, 169-174; 44 (1994):61-64, 169-172 Bradford Notes George Ernest Bowman 16 (1914):114-120; 17 (1915):254-256 Bradford's Letter Book / Governor 5 (1903):5-16, 75-81, 164-171, 198-201; 6 (1904):16-17, 104-109, 141-147, 207-215; 7 (1905):5-12, 79-82 Brewster Book / The George Ernest Bowman / Simon Neal 1 (1899):1-8, 71-77, 168-174, 193-197; 2 (1900):21-24, 112-113; 5 (1903):24-27; 60 (2011):10-26 Brewster, Formerly the First Parish in Harwich, Mass. / Records of the First Parish in George Ernest Bowman 4 (1902):242-250; 5 (1903):17-20; 6 (1904):152-156, 215-220; 7 (1905):33-36, 93-99, 146-151; 8 (1906):119-121, 247- 248; 9 (1907):207-210; 10 (1908):123-124, 130-134, 251-253; 12 (1910):52-54, 156-158; 13 (1911):36-39, 98-102, 135- 141 Bridgewater, Mass., Vital Records {The Vital Records of Bridgewater, Mass.} George Ernest Bowman 2 (1900):90-93, 144-147, 241-244; 3 (1901):8-10, 142-143; 5 (1903):247-250; 6 (1904):7-8; 7 (1905):55-57; 14 (1912):45- 48, 180-185, 203-209; 15 (1913):45-50, 84-92, 168-174, 195-200; 16 (1914):39-45, 97-105, 185-191 Note - Town records, vol. 1 2:90-3:10; vol 2 3:142-16:191 Bristol County Probate Abstracts H. L. Peter Rounds 45 (1995):13-24, 159-164; 46 (1996):39-44, 171-174; 47 (1997):13-18, 133-136; 48 (1998):59-64, 129-134; 49 (2000):22- 33, 125-143 Caswell of Taunton and His Descendants / Thomas George Freeman Sanborn, Jr. 35 (1985):111-120; 36 (1986):1-10, 125-133; 37 (1987):11-22, 189-194; 38 (1988):69-80, 125-132; 39 (1989):5-14; 40 (1990):71-80, 145-154; 42 (1992):63-66 Chatham, Mass., Vital Records George Ernest Bowman 4 (1902):182-185, 198-202; 5 (1903):120-122, 141-143; 7 (1905):137-143; 9 (1907):33-36, 179-182, 221; 10 (1908):194- 198; 11 (1909):39-42, 119-121; 12 (1910):171-176, 215-218; 13 (1911):27-31; 15 (1913):130-135; 16 (1914):212-217; 17 (1915):87-99; 24 (1922):64-68, 101-103 Chatham, Mass. / Gravestone Records in the Oldest Burying Ground in Arthur E. Linnell 8 (1906):236-239; 13 (1911):76-79 Chilton-Winslow Notes George Ernest Bowman 10 (1908):52-55, 106-111; 12 (1910):129 Church of Boston / The Settlement of the Estate of Deacon Benjamin George Ernest Bowman 8 (1906):54-58; 10 (1908):119-122 Cooke Notes George Ernest Bowman 10 (1908):44-46; 15 (1913):136-139; 16 (1914):148-156; 17 (1915):55-60 Dennis, Mass., Vital Records Mary Abba Baker 6 (1904):2-6, 91-95, 165-169, 251-254; 7 (1905):3-5, 66-72, 159-162; 8 (1906):50-54; 10 (1908):36-38, 116-118, 209-213; 11 (1909):211-214; 12 (1910):40-44; 13 (1911):14-18, 120-126, 254-256 Documentation Files - California Society of Mayflower Descendants 36 (1986):135-140; 37 (1987):43-48, 161-168; 38 (1988):25-30, 155-158; 39 (1989):67-70, 139-140; 40 (1990):41-46 Documentation Files - General Society of Mayflower Descendants 35 (1985):19-28, 131-140; 36 (1986):27-36, 151-160; 37 (1987):33-42, 149-156; 38 (1988):9-16, 133-140; 39 (1989):45- 50, 133-138; 40 (1990):47-56; 41 (1991):23-28, 155-164; 42 (1992):23-28, 167-172; 43 (1993):49-56, 195-204; 44 (1994):65-72, 149-152; 45 (1995):67-74, 143-152; 46 (1996):55-60; 47 (1997):65-70, 157-168; 48 (1998):33-42, 159-166; 50 (2001):148-153 Documentation Files - Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants 35 (1985):9-18, 121-130; 36 (1986):17-26, 141-150; 37 (1987):49-58, 123-132; 38 (1988):17-24, 141-146; 39 (1989):51- 56, 129-132; 40 (1990):21-26, 137-144; 41 (1991):71-80, 147-150; 42 (1992):17-22, 139-146; 43 (1993):57-60, 163-168; 44 (1994):73-76, 163-168; 45 (1995):75-80, 153-156; 46 (1996):137-142; 47 (1997):43-48, 139-144; 48 (1998):27-32, 117-122; 49 (2000):34-42; 50 (2001):40-47; 51 (2002):62-70 Duxbury, Mass., Vital Records George Ernest Bowman 8 (1906):231-234; 9 (1907):24-26, 107-109, 171-175, 229-232; 10 (1908):184-186; 11 (1909):22-25, 78-82, 148-151, 235- 241; 12 (1910):29-34, 118-126, 161-170; 24 (1922):81-82; 29 (1931):62-67, 172-183; 30 (1932):37-44, 79-86, 172-182; 31 (1933):66-69 Duxbury Marriages from Town Reports Donald and Rebecca Ford 35 (1985):69-72, 167-168; 36 (1986):63-66; 37 (1987):61-64, 183-184; 38 (1988):63-64, 159-160; 39 (1989):61-62, 169- 170; 40 (1990):85-88 Duxbury, Mass.
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