Downed by the Devils Crash, boom, bang Seeking students Men's soccer loses close one at Senator tries to collect input for Stomp performs this weekend at McFarlin. Duke. search committee. Sports 11 Arts & r.ntcrtainnicnt 9 News - 4 THE DAILY CAMPUS Thursday, November 3, 1994 The independent newspaper servihg the SMU community since 1915 • Dallas, Texas Vol. 80 No. 43 NATION WORLD Warhol's OJ Candidate supporters face off NEW YORK — The mania over O.J. Simpson, which inflat­ Student panel argues ed prices on virtually everything he ever signed, has bypassed the art world.An Andy Warhol por­ state election issues trait of the former Buffalo Bills star sold at auction Wednesday By KIRSTY HARPKR for S34.500, right in the middle Contributor to The Daily Campus of Sotheby's presale price esti­ mate of $30,000 to SMU students crowded [he Hughes- S40,000.Simpson had auto­ Trigg Student Center Commons at graphed the back of the portrait noon Wednesday to hear members of the SMU Democrats and College after Warhol finished it in Republicans debate critical issues in 1978.The Simpson portrait the Nov. 8 gubenatorial election. attracted an "absolutely average" The debate, sponsored by SMU crowd, said Sotheby's Democrats, was an effort to increase spokesman Matthew student participation and encourage Weigman.Bidding started at voting. SI5,000 and was over within two "The numbers here today dispell the HUGHES'TRIGC minutes. myth that this campus is apathetic," said John Kempisty, president of College Republicans. Missing boys The debate panel consisted of Kempisty and College Republicans DC PHOTO BY GORDON SHATTLES UNION, S.C. — What had members Andrew Boyd and Dustyn appeared to be a miraculous Eudaly against SMU Democrat mem­ History Professor Hal break in the case of ^wo boys bers Tim Glassco, Jennifer Ritter and Williams moderated missing for eight days evaporated DC PHOTO BY GORDON SHATTLES Wehtahnah Tucker. The student pan­ Wednesday's debate. Wednesday, sending frustrated SMU Democrats was represented by Jennifer Ritter, Tim Glassco and Wehtahnah Tucker elists discussed issues such as candi­ spending per student," Kempisty said. police door-to-door in search of date experience, juvenile crime, edu­ The Democrats countered that SAT new clues. cation, jobs and state spending. scores in the state of Texas were the Republicans addressed crime, say­ Police also searched the home highest in eight years. ing that Richards has never worked of Susan V. Smith, who reported Both parties agreed that Texas needs for change in the juvenile justice her sons missing on Oct. 25. At someone in office who places educa­ code. tion as a top priority. the time, she told authorities a "There has been a 52 percent Students who attended the debate man commandeered her car and increase in juvenile crime in the state had mixed reactions. ordered her out and left with her of Texas," Kempisty said. "We have "I thought that t"he College sons, 3-year-oid Michael and 14- younger and younger criminals who Democrats did an excellent job denn­ month-old Alex, still strapped in are just getting a slap on the wrist. ing the issues for Texas and that their safety seats. The fact is that Ann Richards' penal Richards is the far better candidate," code makes it easier to commit crimes Earlv Wednesday. Seattle said senior history major Krisli in Texas." authorities reported finding a boy Peterson. "I was very disappointed in The Democrats rebutted the allega­ the Republicans' lack of considera­ who bore a striking resemblance tion by saying that Richards docs not tion for anything beyond business." to the description of Alex. A man have sole control of the Texas State Third year law student Scott Dye driving a car with South Carolina Penal Code. disagreed. license plates had left the boy at "Ann Richards is not weak on "I don't think the Democrats have a motel and asked a clerk to look crime; you're not running against a shown any leadership in office, and I after him. The boy turned out to Kay Bailey Hutchison," said Ritter, think they are going to pay for it on president of the College Democrats of be someone else. Nov. 8." America. Professor of History Hal Williams Democrats changed the direction of moderated the deabte and said he was the debate by linking juvenile crime pleased with what he saw. STATE LOCAL to poor education. "It went superbly, I thought. It was Republicans attacked Richards' edu­ an open exchange of views on very cation record citing low test scores important issues. Both sides of the TCU arrest across the state, despite increased panel were thoughtful and informing. funding. The audience was large and lively," DC PHOTO BY GORDON SHATTLES "SAT scores have stayed stagnant Dustyn Eudaly, John Kempisty and Andrew Boyd represented College Republicans. he said. "I thought the whole event FORT WORTH, Texas — nationally despite a $2,900 increase in spoke well of SMU." Texas Christian University offi­ cials have increased patrols after a man was arrested on campus on a suspicion of possessing a firearm. Lively No one was injured in Texas boasts eclectic elections Monday's incident in which four other men were issued criminal trespass warnings and escorted addresses By SIMONE SEELEY off campus, according to a Staff Writer of The Daily Campus Campus Police report. The suspects were "all wearing From Pappy O'Daniel throwing Faculty biscuits off the back of a truck bed red items indicative of gang col­ ors," the report said. in the 1930s to Ann Richards and Awyunah A. Williams, 23, was George W. Bush throwing insults back and forth in 1994, Texas arrested after campus officers Senate gubernatorial races have a way of questioned him for suspicious standing out in history. activity and found a loaded 9 mm Many members of the SMU com­ semiautomatic pistol in his car. Curricular review munity remember these elections Williams was being held in the fondly, while others look back Tarrant County Jail on also discussed with amazement at how peculiar Wednesday in lieu of $2,500, a Texas elections can be. jail spokesman said. By AMY CLARK DC-PHOTO BY LAURA SHELTON Sam Ratcliff, a lecturer in the his­ Staff Writer of The Daily Campus Associate Provost Marshall tory department, talked about Governor's race James E. Ferguson, who was gov­ Bill Lively, acting athletic director, Terry has asked Faculty ernor from 1915 to 1917 until he told the Faculty Senate at its meet­ Senate for more input into was impeached for embezelling DC FILE PHOTO HOUSTON — The Texas gov­ ing Wednesday that the athletic curricular review. state funds. Kissing babies did not help Clayton Williams in his 1990 ernor's race remains a dead heat department knows how not to run a Seven years later, he convinced with less than a week to go, but department but said that will change gubernatorial campaign. Lively said this was all done with­ his wife Miriam to run. She won, incumbent Democrat Ann with the hiring of a new athletic out compromising the quality of stu- and "Farmer Jim," as he called was a revolutionary campaign 1990 election between Richards Richards is gaining momentum director. dent-athletes. himself in his former political because it was more than a cam­ and Clayton Williams very clearly. over GOP challenger George W. "We know how not to do it," days, became known as the paign, it was an entertainment "It was colorful to say the least Lively said. "We've done it that "They do that very effectively Bush, according to a poll pub­ "Bedroom Governor." simply because it involved Ann way for along time." bccausc they run it as a business," spectacle," he said. lished Wednesday. "Amazingly enough, she ran Richards, who is a very colorful He said the department is looking he said. "When he ran the next time, he The poll, conducted for The again in 1932, and back then it was person herself, and because it for an athletic director with business Lively also talked about whether put a paper mache of the capitol Houston Post and Houston televi­ pretty well know that if you voted involved the gasses by Clayton and people management skills and the football team will be playing at dome on the back of his truck. You sion station KHOU, found that for her, you were really voting for Williams," he said. previous fund raising experience. the Cotton Bowl or Texas Stadium see elements of all this stuff in Richards was favored by 46.76 Jim Ferguson. Williams had a picnic with the Twelve people are currently being after this year. today's campaigns, just updated percent of voters or likely voters. She was sort of the puppet you press, and when it started to rain, considered for the vacant position, While there were benefits to both with technology." Bush was favored by 43.94 percent might say," Ratcliff said. Dennis Simon, associate profes­ he made his famous comparison of but that list will be narrowed to six facilities, including that the pri.ee The survey included 517 people, Ratcliff also talked about W. Lee sor of political science, who lived rape and rain—saying that you very shortly, he said. was about the same, the incentives including some who had already O'DanicI, or "Pappy," as most in Minnesota before coming to can't stop it, so you might as well Lively said he would like to see being offered by the Cotton Bowl cast early ballots, and was eon- people knew him. sit back and enjoy it. SMU's athletic program, with the were extraordinary, he said.
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