ES ti CO' '''45 THE SOUND ENGINEERING MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 1976 $1.00 IN THIS ISSUE: The Whites of their Eyes Dynamic Control Of Sibilant Sounds Psychoacoustics +.a*£4:,:. : . , ttr - Next best thing to a sound proof booth. Shure's new headset microphones are coming through loud and clear. With their unique miniature dynamic element placed right at the end of the boom, Shure's broadcast team eliminates the harsh "telephone" sound and stand- ing waves generated by hollow -tube microphones. The SM10 microphone and the SM12 microphone /receiver have a unidirectional pickup pattern that rejects unwanted background noise, too. In fact, this is the first practical headset microphone that offers a high quality frequency response, effective noise rejection, unobstructed vision design, and unobtrusive size. Shure Brothers Inc. 222 Hartrey Ave., Evanston, IL 60204 In Canada: A. C. Simmonds & Sons Limited WA SI-IUFRE Manufacturers of high fidelity components, microphones, sound systems and related circuitry. Circle 10 on Reader Service Card month The coming of spring is tradi- 0 0 tionally celebrated in song. So, what is good enough for Mendelssohn is THE SOUND ENGINEERING MAGAZINE good enough for db music is our ... FEBRUARY 1976, VOLUME 10, NUMBER 2 March theme. Inventor Harald Bode provides a richly detailed explanation of FRE- QUENCY SHIFTERS FOR PROFESSIONAL AFPt.ICAT1oNs. of special interest to those who arc into electronic music. 20 THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES Marc Saul discuses methods of Martin Dickstein testing for harmonic distortion in mus- ical reproduction in UNDERSTANDING 25 PSYCHOACOUSTICS HARMONIC DtsroRTIoN. Daniel Queen Another lesson in Feedback comes 28 SCIENTIFIC CALCULATORS from Norman Crowhurst, the third in Philip C. Erhorn a series. 33 THE DYNAMIC CONTROL March will also bring the first article OF SIBILANT SOUNDS in a valuable series by Patrick S. Fin- Sidney L. Silver negan of Broadcast Audio. Mr. Finne- gan has spent a long career in broad- cast audio engineering and we're sure 2 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS you'll lind his expertise of interest. His first article will cover broadcast 4 LETTERS stereo separation. 6 FREE LITERATURE 8 THEORY AND PRACTICE Norman H. Crowhurst 12 THE SYNC TRACK John Woram 14 SOUND WITH IMAGES Martin Dickstein 16 NEW PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 17 CALENDAR 37 CLASSIFIED 40 PEOPLE, PLACES. HAPPENINGS db is listed in Current Contents: Engineering and Technology Robert Bach Larry Zide PUBLISHER EDITOR Bob Laurie John Woram ART DIRECTOR ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eloise Beach Hazel Krantz CIRCULATION MANAGER COPY EDITOR Lydia Anderson Ann Russell ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGER PRODUCTION GRAPHICS Crescent Art Service Painstakingly researched figures db. the Sound Engineering Magazine is published monthly by Sagamore Publishing Company. In Enlirr bring history in the -media contents copyright r 1976 by Sagamore Publishing Co., Inc.. 1120 Old Country Road. Plainview, L.1., N.Y. to life multi 11503. Telephone (516) 433 6530. db is published for those individuals and firms in professional audio. presentation of "The Battle of Bunker recording, broadcast. audio -visual, sound reinforcement, consultants. video recording, film sound. etc. Appli- cation should be made on the subscription form in the rear of each issue. Subscriptions are $7.00 per year Hill" produced for the Bicentennial in ($14.00 per year outside U. 5. Possessions, Canada, and Mexico) in U. S. funds. Single copies are 51.00 each. Controlled Circulation postage paid at Harrisburg, Pa. 17105. Editorial. Publishing. and Sales Offices: Massachusetts. 1120 Old Country Road. Plainview. New York 11803. Postmaster: Form 3579 should be sent to a hove address. 1 =gets Audico 13 Audiotechniques 11 B &K Instruments 31 Bose Corporation 23 Brigham Young University . 18 Broadcast Electronics . 10 California Switch & Signal 12 Communications Company 6 Crown International . 7 dbx, Inc 9 Electro -Voice Cover 3 Garner Industries . 14, 19 Infonics 6 Interface Electronics 12 Lexicon 2 Modular Audio 19 R. A. Neilson Co 16 Ramko Research 3 Recording Supply Corporation 14 Shure Brothers . Cover 2 Sound Workshop 35 Sparta 15 Standard Tape 4 Willi Studer America . 27 TEAC Corp. of America . Cover 4 Telex Communications . 5 White Instruments 4 P Woram Audio 18 Our V Heinz Hall for the Performing Arts, sales offices second - Pittsburgh, o o a Delta -T THE SOUND ENGINEERING MAGAZINE generation installation. New York 1120 Old Country Rd. delay system is Plainview, N.Y. 11803 516- 433 -6530 first in sound reinforcement Roy McDonald Associates, Inc. Dallas Stemmons Tower West, Suite 714 Which should come as no surprise. After all, Lexicon pioneered the first Dallas, Texas 75207 214- 637 -2444 all- electronic audio delay system. Now our second -generation Delta -T 102 is the digital delay system most specified by acoustic consultants and Denver leading sound contractors. They find the Delta -T 102 System significantly 3540 South Poplar St. improves the intelligibility and naturalness of sound reinforcement installa- Denver, Colo. 80237 303 -758 -3325 tions by acoustically synchronizing sound from multiple speaker locations. in The modularity of the Delta -T 102 allows the ultimate system flexibility. Houston Proprietary digital techniques give such important advantages as 90 dB 3130 Southwest Freeway dynamic range and 0.2% total distortion. A five -position LED headroom Houston, Tex. 77006 713 -529 -6711 indicator with 40 dB range assures straightforward and simple level setting. These systems are easy to install and extremely reliable. Most important, Los Angeles they are the best performing digital delay units available today at any price. 500 S. Virgil, Suite 360 To get the full story, circle reader service number or write Lexicon, Los Angeles, Cal. 90020 213- 381 -6106 Inc, 60 Turner Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154. Or call 617- 891 -6790. Portland 2035 S. W. 58th Ave. Portland, Ore. 97221 503 -292 -8521 Write on your letterhead for free 14 -page application note. exicon AN -2. on sound reinforcement. San Francisco 60 Tur ner Street Suite 265, 5801 Christie Ave. Waltham, Massachusetts 02154 Emeryville, Cal. 94608 415 -653 -2122 N 1617) 891 -6790 Circle 12 on Reader Service Card Our new E series audio equipment will improve your sound and cut your costs ... or your money back! TURNTABLE MIC & LINE PREAMPS AMPLIFIERS AUDIO DISTRIBUTION AMPLIFIERS AUDIO CONSOLES & CONTROLLERS AUTOMATIC TAPE CARTRIDGE & CASSETTE LOADERS STUDIO MONITOR REMOTE POWER CONTROLLERS AMPLIFIERS TEN DAY FREE EVALUATION AND 2 YEAR GUARANTEE INSURE YOUR UNCOMPROMISED SATISFACTION TURNTABLE PREAMPS power supply, metering & headphone Winders also come in higher speed models (ACL - Preamps costing almost 3 times more will not corn. monitor. Will accept up to 10 slide in 60 series). Same operation as above but winds at pare with these units. RIAA /NAB equalized ±1db, modules. Each module has 2 inputs 60 IPS. Accepts 14" pancakes. & B 0.5MV sensitivity at 1KHz for 4-4dbm out, balanced outputs. Individual output level ACL- 60T, "E (tone stop only) $266 outputs, controls & selectable meter switch. Up -75db s/n at 10mv in, 0.05% distortion, ACL -60B /E (Blank tape loader) 5331 21dbm max. out. Internal power supply. to 20 in /80 out. ACL- 60BT /E (for both prerecorded and MP -8E DA- 2080/E Main Frame $150 Mono 586 SP -8E Stereo 5137 blank tape) S375 DA- 2080/E Modules 2 in /8 out $135 ea. MIC & LINE AMPLIFIERS STUDIO MONITOR AMPLIFIERS AUDIO CONSOLES Sr CONTROLLERS Dual function and superb performance. Inputs for Exceptional reproduction! Internal muting. ±2db Our new series 35 audio controller introduces a mic and line, +05db response 10Hz- 20KHz, 67db response from 20Hz- 40KHz. 25w music power, 20w gain on mie channel(s) -I 26db new concept in audio mixing. Allows separation of gain on line inputs. RMS into B ohms. Hum & noise 65db below rated ... controls from the audio functions. Controls can be Balanced inputs & outputs, 21dbm out max, 0.1% outputs. distortion. Internal power supply. placed in any convenient location in the studio, while electronics may be mounted anywhere for Distortion less than 0.25% at less than 20w out, MEA -1E Mono 598 easy maintenance & hookup. Remote DC control 1% or less at 20w. Works into 4- 16ohms. Balanced MLA -2E Dual Mono /Stereo $139 for completely unaffected audio. bridging inputs, variable bass contour, internal over- load & short circuit protection. This versatility gives you a custom designed con- AUDIO DISTRIBUTION AMPLIFIERS sole at a standard production model cost. SMA -50 /E Table top (mono) 5125 Features include; B channels, mono, SMA -500,E Rack mount (mono) $142 from 1 in /6 out to 20 in,'80 out in one small pack- dual channel age. Whatever your distribution requirements we mono, stereo, dual channel stereo, or combina- SMA -1000 /E Rack mount (stereo -40w) 5196 have an answer. All units meet or exceed the fol- tions; paralleling 2 units for quad, fail safe power lowing specifications: Balanced bridging /matching supply & plug in interchangeable cards. REMOTE POWER CONTROLLERS (DUAL) inputs, balanced (r00ohm outputs, ±0.5db re- Performance specifications are; 0.3% or less dis- sponse 10Hz- 20KHz, ± 3db 5Hz- 40KHz, 26db gain, tortion, 124dbm equivalent noise on low level chan- Safe, transient free means of controlling 110V /AC. -21dbm out. max. capability, 0.1% or less distor- nels, approximately 25w power consumption, Turntables, on the air lights, etc. tion, outputs isolated by 80db, hum and noise 90db -70db crosstalk, balanced bridging /matching in- PR -2 (toggle switch on /off) $39 down referenced to -21dbm out. Internal power puts & response within 4-2db 20Hz- 20KHz. Series i PR -26 (momentary contact actuation) $54 supplies. 35 audio controllers start at $1200. DA-6/ E Table top. 1 in /6 out. 5131 Give us a call or write today for further details. AUTOMATIC TAPE CARTRIDGE AND CASSETTE DA-6R/E Rack mount. I in /6 out. $149 You'll be and LOADERS money performance ahead.
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