Design and Access Statement Contents Introduction Purpose of the Document 01 Description of the Application 02 Site Location and Context 03 Background to the Application 04 Analysis Site Context 05 Site Constraints 05 Views of Site and Surrounding Area 07 Design Development Vision 12 Development Process 13 Development Options 14 Proposed Scheme 19 Illustrative Masterplan 20 Design Statement Use 22 Amount 22 Scale 22 Layout 23 Indicative Appearance and Materials 24 Infrastructure Landscaping 27 Sustainability 36 Access Statement 37 Proposed Development Application Summary Plan 38 Design and Access Statement Page 03 Contents Purpose of the Document This Design and Access Statement has been prepared on behalf of the applicant, Gateway 14 Limited, and Jaynic Properties Limited in support of a hybrid planning application for the development of the site known as Gateway 14, Stowmarket, Suffolk. This document considers the existing site analysis and site influences. It sets out the design development of the site, reviewing the options considered and the issues associated with the site that has led to the submitted scheme. The issues considered in the document include the details of the proposed framework landscaping, road infrastructure and ground remodelling works, and scale parameters for future buildings. Detail site layouts, design of buildings, design of the on plot landscaping, appearance and materials will be subject to separate Reserved Matters applications. We have developed a separate Design Code document which indicates how these elements will be developed when specific plots are brought forward for planning permission. Please note that although diagrams are included in the document, they are not to scale. This statement accords with the national information requirements set out in the National Planning Practice Guidance and the form and content of Design and Access Statements which are prescribed by the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015. Site Locality Design and Access Statement Page 01 Introduction 0 25 50 100 200m Scale 1 : 2500 Status PLANNING Description of the Application APPROVAL N 0 25 50 100 200m The Application is for part Full Planning Permission (with full details Scale 1 : 2500 Legend Status provided of ground remodelling, the installation of the framework Application boundary PLANNING Extent of outline application APPROVAL N landscaping and the road, cycleway and footpath network) and part Extent of detailed application Overlap of detailed and outline applications Outline Planning Permission (with all matters reserved except access). Legend Area subject to discussion with Network Rail Application boundary The description of the Proposed Development (the “Proposed Final route of footpath diversion and drain Extent of outline application Development”) is set out below: run to be subject to planning condition Extent of detailed application * Gateway signage - design to be subject to Overlap of detailed and outline applications planning condition Area subject to discussion with Network Rail Final route of footpath diversion and drain run to be subject to planning condition * Gateway signage - design to be subject to Hybrid planning application for the phased 34employment-led f i s h i n g p o n d s planning condition redevelopment of Land at Mill Lane, Stowmarket (Gateway 14) including: 34 3 m high palisade f i s h i n g p o n d s fence to close off 35 underpass to A14 3 m high palisade 36 fence to close off 35 i) Full Planning Permission for Site Enabling Works Phase comprising underpass to A14 36 site enabling works, ground remodelling, utility diversions,37 installation 36 37 36 of framework landscaping,37 diversion of existing public38 rights of way 37 38 38 and creation of new footpath38 links, installation of primary substation, 39 39 f a r m l a n d f a r m l a n d 39 highways works including39 stopping up of Mill Lane, new all modes 40 40 link from the A1120 Cedars40 Link to Mill Lane, new footway/ cycleway 41 40 over the existing A112041 overbridge, installation of toucan crossing 42 f a r m l a n d A 1 4 on the A1120 Cedars42 Link, footpath connection to the Gipping Valley 43 f a r m l a n d Way, foul and surface water drainage infrastructure and outfalls and A 1 4 associated works;43 44 45 ii) Outline Planning44 Permission with all matters reserved (except for Telegraph Pole access) for the erection of buildings comprising employment and 41 * * C l a m p F a r m B a r n Gateway Road 46 commercial 45use, open space and landscaping, car and cycle 40 R i v e r G i p p i n g parking, highway works, and other associated works. Telegraph Pole 41 * C l a m p F a r m B a r n 39 * 38 47 Gateway Road 37 sub-station 46 36 The Application Summary Plan included opposite indicates the areas 35 34 40 Gateway Drive 33 which are the subject of the detailed and outline planning application. 32 R i v e r G i p p i n g There is an area of overlap which accommodates any temporary 39 31 38 30 47 47 29 earthworks required to support the infrastructure landscaping until the 37 sub-station 28 P05 APPLICATION OVERLAP ADDED 12/01/21 CAP P04 NOTES REVISED 06/01/21 CAP 27 P03 PLANNING BOUNDARY, APPLICATION 21/12/20 CAP 36 AREAS AND NOTES REVISED final development plateaus are established. P02 HATCHING ADDED TO CLARIFY EXTENT OF 14/12/20 CAP 35 26 APPLICATIONS 46 P01 LOGO UPDATED 21/10/20 DHW Gateway Boulevard 34 25 No Revision Date Inits Gateway Drive 33 r a i l w a y l i n e Job 45 The application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement. 32 31 44 Drawing APPLICATION SUMMARY PLAN 30* 47 4329 * 28 P05 APPLICATION OVERLAP ADDED 12/01/21 CAP Client 42 P04 NOTES REVISED 06/01/21 CAP 27 P03 PLANNING BOUNDARY, APPLICATION 21/12/20 CAP AREAS AND NOTES REVISED P02 HATCHING ADDED TO CLARIFY EXTENT OF 14/12/20 CAP 41 26 APPLICATIONS 46 P01 LOGO UPDATED 21/10/20 DHW Gateway Boulevard FRANK 25 No Revision Date Inits r e s i d e n t i a l r a i l w a y l i n e 40 Job 45 A 1 1 2 0 39 SHAW 38 44 r e t a i l 37 Drawing ASSOCIATES 36 APPLICATION SUMMARY PLAN * i n d u s t r i a l 43 LIMITED 35 * Client 34 42 A R C H I T E C T S 33 32 31 Penmore House Hasland Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 0SJ Tel 01246 233255 www.frankshawassociates.co.uk 41 30 29 Scale Drawn/Checked r a i l w a y l i n e 28 FRANK 1 : 2500@A1 KJL r e s i d e n t i a l Job No Date 20012 40 01/10/20 A 1 1 2 0 Drawing Number Rev 39 SHAW 20012-FSA-XX-XX-DR-A-0107 P05 38 Application Summary Plan r e t a i l 37 ASSOCIATES 36 Design and Access Statement i n d u s t r i a l LIMITED 35 Page 02 34 Introduction A R C H I T E C T S 33 32 31 Penmore House Hasland Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 0SJ 30 Tel 01246 233255 www.frankshawassociates.co.uk 29 Scale Drawn/Checked r a i l w a y l i n e 28 1 : 2500@A1 KJL Job No Date 20012 01/10/20 Drawing Number Rev 20012-FSA-XX-XX-DR-A-0107 P05 Site Location and Context The Gateway 14 site is situated approximately midway between Ipswich and Bury St Edmunds, on the southeast edge of Stowmarket and falls in the Mid-Suffolk District Council area of Creeting Saint Peter (or West Creeting). The site is designated as employment land within the adopted Stowmarket Area Action Plan (2013). The Mill Lane Development Brief (2014) also provides detailed guidance on development of the site. Furthermore, the emerging Joint Local Plan also allocates the site for employment led development. There have been two previous applications which are still valid ref 1582/17 and 0371-15. This is one coherent application for the whole site The site currently consists of agricultural land, and is 67.13 ha, 165.9 acres in size, including existing roads. There are a number of bus services passing near the site, the closest being located on Gun Cotton Way adjacent to Tesco, and on Needham Road (B1113). These link to Stowmarket towncentre, Ipswich and Bury St Edmunds and surrounding villages. Site Location Design and Access Statement Page 03 Introduction Background to the Application National Planning Policy An area of the site to the south east is within a Minerals Consultation The National Planning Policy Framework (2019) (NPPF) is a material Area as identified within the Suffolk Minerals and Waste Plan. consideration in the determination of planning applications. It sets out the Government’s overarching planning policies for England and how Emerging Development Plan they are to be applied. The NPPF was last updated in February 2019 Paragraph 48 of the revised NPPF (2019) states that decision makers and is supported by Planning Policy Guidance (PPG), which provides may give weight to relevant policies in emerging plans according to further detail, clarification and guidance on national policy contained the stage of preparation; the extent to which there are unresolved within the NPPF. objections to relevant policies; and the degree of consistency of the relevant policies to the NPPF.
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