Maintaining the Genetic Integrity of the American Cream Draft Horse by Dr

Maintaining the Genetic Integrity of the American Cream Draft Horse by Dr

,,ii: ,tr ,,. 1500# Model Wins lst Place in Pageant [q 'ii.i. U)-,-r fllt (lr.anr Tes,lalies and gutlenau it can Ix dow! After all, I drtr it! dtn't tahe this i,,i lrr(ri \'!i li lln, tlw arng uW, aftrr all, I an not cne of 'st 'in I nsi,.le this issue, ttose c&-tq, yonr face' wdels who allo.rx her am nnity to nu ter hfe. 'You l5aa ! I1.,l.l \\'ih l\r I)].(c F Kri\ Pcnn\l rnll Anrcrc.r Crcrnr see, am not ytrw 'alaE, nn-oltfu- I ntrc Srsdr (t,(k.. lrd rhr I'er.r (i{nprn\ 7\artg Qll,er. I aw an !trneiclc.n Srof. U()d.1 Ho^. ",ill' N1rreh.rnJ,.c, (lh*rticJ' 1 Ateaw I)raft mre, nd ny uw ts mny ywn,"Fau Stu,e racr. tle leai of tfie L'hital Staf€s fo & i"'wrtaLaed a,s a hnJ.rrr!ut,l Eqrrines I .Srgar &rlia Si,lan, you way ru,lc, dil nattcetiry fot Brcyu, In lQQ6, le tldel. Wll, obr.'iously, hr fnf reason ltrtr; \1c.rin!r Ini(ir.rrri,in I lxcone a model rn lle place? + frst resignd lris position to begin his raut urls tlat sle absohtely alom nz (b,rt .{rrliq!. l:,nn Imflt.rcnr. + W, i all start whm wy wuet, c,:npay nith the intmtirn of wbing a lets & hrnest lete ... c,s yn hwrle, tht (f, pnlutt |lte discinircting hone &n:illions of otfur ione Irnn tht tlrncr'' Scrt 5 IGis lj-"n f,o^ Seafotl, ,lec'trd for wlel ouen in lfu to mter a ctrntlst that tlu T)eter 3tue collector and hone laet. lkd, his atistic LLS lm,e ffieir iones, td], so tlat ralsorr STALLI()N IAR{I)E Aupary lrc wch yen ulld '& Tal ht@uud. and. atlmtin to detnil has in itseifjnst uuvt eaoagh) 'lhen unr Hcl1, t,,r Rrrc I{r,rsc. \0o"t Tt to k a ll'ldel'. A wule hk lne of nalel hones sonu of fle the that I ary uell, to yttt it blwtly, ", Hotse fact 9 liule nore tucfonud lvrc wy k in .rrl,st sought aftet in tfu cowtry. l1ar, ln a looker/ I lwu o lxautiful |ifut (\,npany,lvad- kcla to m1 sfory. Kis had to u,ite an creanr conf soft pi'1& afl/lllrse dt,rp f,,r Annruntcnrtnt lt odu ... the Fetu Stone s[i'\ qnrteted in ShrpshaLr,l,:la, Il1 is a nalper essay ns to rlhy sle thoughl I shou? fu dwl gorEow' a *t eyes for uhich the A(lDH (lInJ.,. Ini,'rnrrn(,n of collectible plastic ndel honr,s. For chosm otcr all tie Laaiilions of irorses in jlr*ica P,r* See 1500$ Modeion Pg s 1l (lr1,l!,1 (lr1,1iD! B Maintaining the Genetic Integrity of the American Cream Draft Horse by Dr. phirip sponenbers, DVFI, phD A ()r ()tiicers Tfrc gtnttic inregriq ot thc s(r[Ie levtl irn(jthcr has becn thur rvill l.c l.rooJmares L,rrt Anrerican Clr eirm Dr.rft Ilorse t)fical ()i thc' hisror) ot the c,rlts rhlt lre .lcstinc,-1 f,rr gel.l- fr,rnl Trrlr,:l is rr trick\ issue. This is plrtli I'ree,.l, l ut ir( thrs foint tcnJs ro ings. Renrenrl er, rhotruh, ther l.eclrrse the rrnirlrre coLrr oi the Jilurc orrr rhc geneti. treirsure goo.l gel.lin!s rre lerr excellent pcopLe \Lr Ttu. Nan.: Lrrrh 1.rL.c.l ,rll,,us menl to thlr thc l.rcctl no\\' is. OIiir- eml.assa.lors for rhe l.reeJl c,,niirsc rtre color u irh rhe i()n5 \'irry (rn snutegics ti,r l.ree.l lJLtrr l,il,rll !-rcilnt t(J atcint nllltlngs can l.rcc.l. This l.reeLl is nruch nrititrtr:nence. s() tl)c f()lL)\ 'ing An ( i.1..1 trale tilrr oLrtconres, crelrnr t,rlt. nl()re t]rll|r l crc|rml colore.l irlcls,rrc strictLy in\' oun, irn(l ctclm liLl,v, ott-colrr colr. oti- .lrrrti h,,rse ir is rll rfrc other ofhcrs nriy *eLL .liiterenr color tilly. L)hviously. it is t)|c tr.rits ln.l mcntal trrits ()flnrrrns. ',ris- est l(J regrstel tnrl use [nc crcllm thirr (,\\'ncrs en.1 i.recJcrs r',rltrc. LJrrrr Nau Irfiill,Pr is inrportrrnt l.reeilers (Jtl.r|rinr (irnccnrreting It lirr to f;onr tlris sort oi mat- Tr \n.r.,r t r.,rL L', :, ti. r. \-..,r,,i1 lntl irtlvlncing rccogni:c tiret the inrcndc.l ing. Thc oiicolor torls shoLrl.l thilt cntirc l,rcc.] l,ackrge rs thc \,' f,. ,r .[. !r..,.r, !,..'], \.r. Illrpose ()i.liltirenr sorts oi I'e clrctr.rll) rrackcJ, u'itlr the trrrl,rJrr! N \ 1.. trfnnn.L. chirllcr-rge, rhe joh Llescrip fi,,.,'!r.rfh.) ln.l (rl ,fr \.1^rr.. ,J L,-.1 1,,! ,,,1,, nJ nlltings within the [,ree.l are colts gelJerl ith thc p,rssil.iliq rL,r ':, tion, of rhc l.rcc.lers rn.l thc \rr]l{rr arf \rii.f t\nf..trf, , ! ir,! in.lee.i .liltcrent. Thar ir, some ol r er\' t'er'" ex.eptions in thc Ass()cirti()n. C)ut.r(rssin! ilt nrntings nught prolitle iillies cilsc ol Src (irnrri.\ rn l.'!rc E l)oge 2 Americon Cream Ncus ',{, Merchandise .1 D.!dl(l'\ l r tu ........ S 4 American Cream Ner,r's rs,r \onmr:rut l)rral .. S 9 l'(n!/rr ol 'r.nb.trhrt' rn rh. Arncrian Cnarn I)r,r/t Horsr crrsjlu,li. ...........s11 $"l'hiu;mif% AJso.idrion, piihiirhrJ rfl.,rnnkrll), Mdsrtl. I).nil/9'l\JZ") . $ll Draff Hor:ee u of 2005. American Crcam Ben & Linda Corson ^!ers. _ Ne*'s uclcomcs drti.lfr, pi..1rrcr, )orth TShflr, \ M ... ........ $l I HCR 6'l Box l93 leners, anl rlrssr/r,:J,r,ls,l:alrng A,lult T.Si"rr ................... $li !0;;i#;iii'''""""' [email protected] ru irh American Oreirrrr, orhcr ilralr i@-t tong Sl.,r r Isin$ $21 4 c.o.$F' horse brar&, dr c4rilJrn(nl dnd Flii;i ... S.t2 ,:rrnts derrlin! r rth .lra/t horses. itulirs Horxlrl $utrhrrts .. S29 1.lJ:r gon iPcstor:rdions tG"*y Sn"\, s,*""" Siid'rhtrtl, S.XL.......... ... .... $21 li!ery@\ Oatncrl (lanras Tote Bae. ... $ 7 iD s4 n o"nin-* Q. n*r* rof t u." (]dtr.................. VG qb"q6.OA;il;y, ra,t- Ilast.ii . .. ... S20 H.rJ lluok (r,, Lr.r.. 5J0 creamneu seditor@' Derrnu €d Betsl Aufdenkamp w,t^,,". K""h 9*".,ra, P. O. Box 642 . Gcorgck)wn, CA 95614 www. Tel (510) l3l- 1008. Fax (510) 888-0117 ,\rhertisirrg l)riccs Crist M. Nisley .20481 Delong Road. Butler, OH 44821 Bu:incs\ Card Sll . COLT: ( # 383 Forevergreen Eddy x # 55 | Nisley's Gentle l/8 P.r8c 515 Megan). Rich Cream color, white mane and tail, 3" blaze. u hitc l/4 Pagc $10 boot on rieht hind lbot - very nice colt. I/:l P rc $:l l/l Pagc $10 NOTICE: The Board and Editor wish to announce that Full Prgc $50 line ads (like the Colt ad above) will still be No Cftarge ro Color 5168 + ad members for selling Creams. [fyou have other items for l-Line Ad: S3.{x) + loc sale. or want to atlvenise services or businesses. charges per word ovcr: lincs. $ill be as seen in the price box to the left. Thoughrs'. S<,nrt ot thc many things (i,['ni.rl Willi.rmshLrrg iL'cs Did you hear thc one about the farnrcrs who chcckcrl to enhanct drt rvorl.l ro.lay, as scen lionr ycstcr.h!, lefi nre sonre fi'r nvo weeks ()n a nlarc (believe.l tt, lrc in foal) atter she th,'Lrghrs to ponJcr. The File & Dtun) (i,rp. t,tfers r *tn.lerfirl oFp()rrunit\ tirr roungsters to dcvelop thclr trrltnts rn l.orh oi rlrese l.agged up a ['it, but tleciJecl thrt shc harl sp()ntaneousl] instrlrments \'air iln ufprcnticcship pr(,grint. Sin.c horses rvere trtc.l al'ortccl rvhcn nothing happene.l, s,r returne.l to gently thc 't.rck nr,rk up Z r,r'rrr.. I)on t rtt allurshl Tht putting group ro cxrensilcly, 'r'rll ignoring her excc'1.rt uhen out hal tirr the strntling stalls.rnJ .lrringes rre prrl' somc things I ll ncvcr sct, an,.l throwing out thc occasionirl buckct of grain...only to is rntiquc srrrrey an.1 a l.r,rnJ n,:l leather an,l I'r,rs. l.rrr therc rn cliscover last week thirt there's a littlc whitc critter ttrlkrwing h:rrncss in nry hrrn luthering drrst. At r lrr,:rrk hcr*'een sl.cuktrs, her aroun.l in the snow I PLEASE rkrn't tsk irny questions, t.reqonc l.,,ml'ur,1c,l the preriorrs .rrr.l th, next spcrkers uirh ltll 'causc we clon't hrve Lynne t{,r*t qucstions. Ar rhc l-eiccstcr Lonl'rvool fr,',lLrct tal.le, I .lisc,,r'crcJ lny ansu'crs-..! mrnv .liftcrcnr sr.l p1n1ln6q5 fionr .ne rirrt l.rced of shccp, ,rnJ recrlleJ I h,l.,r liicnJ sho spins. I slroLrl.l call hcr. A l-reed.'f crnlt. rhe Sh,'rr\,'nr t)eli'n's, an ox reirn) {,rr Jisplar.

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