January 8, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H31 they should make their loans to? Fifty businesses, great new infrastructure, a cation, and health care cost more and percent of the loans made in 2013 will beautiful new airport, and the trans- more. They are the kind where people not be made for 2014 with these guide- formation of Dixie State College into a work harder but fall farther behind. lines. 4-year university. That is not the America I grew up in. Mr. Speaker, we call for this rule to Mayor Dan is a true representative of My America—our America—is one be delayed for a year to allow Congress the Dixie spirit. His volunteerism was where those who work hard and play by to improve it. shown in 2005 when they had severe the rules can afford the basic neces- f flooding along the Virgin River. He and sities of life and then have a little left other city council members joined over for wants, not just needs. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE other citizens in sandbagging the river It is time for Congress to spend more (Ms. HAHN asked and was given per- to prevent severe damage and more time working for these hardworking mission to address the House for 1 flooding. Americans and less worrying about minute.) I am pleased to call Mayor Dan a those who either don’t need govern- Ms. HAHN. Mr. Speaker, last month, friend, and I am grateful for his fine ex- ment or already have a government many of us stood here and pleaded with ample and for his many years of serv- that works for them. Speaker BOEHNER to act to extend un- ice. I wish him and his family the very f employment insurance for 1.3 million best in their future endeavors. hurting Americans, including over WAR ON POVERTY f 213,000 in California alone. (Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of Everyday Americans, people like b 1215 New York asked and was given permis- Vincent, who have lost their jobs ENDING POVERTY TODAY sion to address the House for 1 minute.) through no fault of their own, will be Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New devastated if we do not right this (Mrs. BEATTY asked and was given York. Mr. Speaker, today is the 50th wrong. Vincent is 57 and worked at permission to address the House for 1 anniversary of President Lyndon John- Bank of America in my home State of minute.) son’s historic war on poverty, but late- California. He says that he has inter- Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, during ly it seems more like a war on the viewed with other organizations since President Lyndon Baines Johnson’s poor. being laid off but that he has not found State of the Union address 50 years Earlier today, at a meeting organized a job. He has not given up, but Vincent ago, he declared a war on poverty to by Congresswoman LEE, President worries that he may have to start create an opportunity for families and Johnson’s daughter, Lynda Johnson sleeping in his car and going to food Americans to have stability in eco- Robb, said that she accompanied her pantries since losing his unemploy- nomic development, health care, and father on his historic tour of Appa- ment benefits on December 28. education. Fifty years later, I stand on lachia. She said: Mr. Speaker, we have the ability to this House floor with his daughter, When Daddy came to this town and was help these people. Congress has ex- Lynda Johnson Robb. sworn in as President, the poverty level of tended unemployment insurance time There are 46 million families living our country was at 20 percent. When Daddy and time again with wide bipartisan in poverty and 16.5 million of them left this town, it was at 12 percent of the support because it was the right thing children. I say today: Let’s end this population. to do. As human beings and as legisla- war on poverty. Let’s support $40 bil- He made a big difference working tors, we must do that again. lion for SNAP. Let’s make a difference with this body in a bipartisan way— Earlier, many of us stood with Presi- in the lives of Americans. We deserve and we can do it again. dent Johnson’s daughter Lynda John- to provide them the opportunity to Mr. Speaker, let’s pass a jobs plan, son Robb as we marked the 50th anni- have that opportunity that President raise the minimum wage, restore nutri- versary of President Johnson’s declara- Lyndon Baines Johnson talked about. tion assistance and affordable housing tion of an unconditional war on pov- Thank you to his daughter for re- assistance, and extend unemployment erty; and in this ongoing war on pov- minding us of his legacy. Thank you to benefits to help those families get by erty, extending unemployment benefits the Congressional Black Caucus and while they are looking for work. to Americans who have lost their jobs Congresswoman BARBARA LEE for lead- As Lyndon Johnson did five decades is one of our greatest weapons. ing our charge in making a difference. ago, let us again declare an ‘‘all-out f I ask all Democrats and Republicans war on human poverty and unemploy- to join me today to pledge that we will ment in these United States.’’ CONGRATULATIONS, MAYOR PIKE take care of those children and fami- f AND MAYOR DAN lies living in poverty as we move for- (Mr. STEWART asked and was given ward. PROTECTING AMERICANS’ PERSONAL INFORMATION permission to address the House for 1 f minute and to revise and extend his re- (Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas asked marks.) START WORKING FOR WORKING and was given permission to address Mr. STEWART. To my fellow Mem- AMERICANS the House for 1 minute and to revise bers and my fellow Americans, I wish (Mr. MESSER asked and was given and extend his remarks.) you all a successful and blessed new permission to address the House for 1 Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. year. minute.) Speaker, this week the House will con- Mr. Speaker, before we begin the po- Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, there has sider a bill offered by Representative litical battles of the year, I would like been a lot of talk today about the im- PITTS that would require the Obama to take a moment to congratulate the portance of unemployment benefits. administration to notify Americans newly elected officials in Utah’s Sec- The truth is that too many Americans who had their personal information ond Congressional District, specifically are out of work. But my constituents stolen after signing up for health insur- Jon Pike, the new mayor of St. George don’t just need jobs; they need good- ance through ObamaCare. in Washington County. I look forward paying jobs. As someone who has made protecting to working with Mayor Pike to con- The President touts the job gains in Social Security numbers a priority, I tinue to grow the economy and to cre- our economy. Unfortunately, many of am deeply concerned about an increase ate new jobs. the jobs gained over the past several of identity theft through the flawed I also want to take a moment to spe- years aren’t the kind needed to get ObamaCare Web site. Social Security cifically thank Mayor Dan McArthur, Hoosiers back on their feet. They are numbers are the key to identity theft. who tirelessly served the people of St. the kind that require long hours of Yet CMS, which is the same agency George for more than 20 years. Under work for little pay, with few or no ben- that runs health care, has failed to pro- his tenure, the population nearly tri- efits. They are the kind whose pay- tect seniors’ identity by refusing to re- pled in size, and the city had an expan- checks don’t go as far as they used to move Social Security numbers from sion and the creation of many new because necessities like gas, food, edu- Medicare cards. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:19 Jan 27, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\JAN 2014\H08JA4.REC H08JA4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H32 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 8, 2014 That is why Mr. PITTS’ bill, along also create jobs at Michelin and MTU I am very proud of my association with H.R. 781, the Medicare Identity in South Carolina. with Weber State University. My fa- Theft Prevention Act, which I intro- Additionally, promoting our brave ther-in-law played football there. My duced with my Democrat colleague, men and women in uniform, military wife and daughter are graduates. Even LLOYD DOGGETT, are two simple yet ef- families, and veterans must remain at one of our colleagues, Representative fective ways we can protect Americans the top of our priority list. We must JENKINS of Kansas, is a graduate of and keep their private information just protect our heroes who risk their lives Weber State. My son worked for the ad- that—private. to protect us. ministration, as well. I urge my colleagues to join our ef- In conclusion, God bless our troops, Its first president was a renaissance forts. We must do what is right for and we will never forget September the immigrant from Germany, Louis Americans. 11th in the global war on terrorism. Moench, who composed my favorite f f hymn. Its second principal, David O. McKay, became a leader of my church.
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