170 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 6 JANUARY, 1942 ADJUSTMENT ORDERS. No. 2. POOLE, George Caluctt, of 3, Arcade Build- ings, Brighton, in the county of Sussex. RACE- No. i HUNT, Ethel Annie (Spinster), 8, Douglas HORSE'TRAINER and DEALER in HORSES. Road Derby Road, in the city of Nottingham, and 9, Clinton Street West, Nottingham afore- Date of Order—Dec. 18, 1941. Court— said. COSTUMIER. Date of Order—Dec. BRIGHTON and LEWES (at Brighton). No. 22, 1941. Court—NOTTINGHAM. No. of of Matter—W.H72. Matter—W.4535- 2 of 1941. Date of Order—Dec. 31, 1941. Date THE BANKRUPTCY ACTS, of Filing Petition—Dec. 31, 1941- 1914 AND 1926. TWYFORD, Alice (Married Woman), Dore Cafe, Maiden Road, New Maiden, Surrey, and lately RECEIVING ORDERS. residing at 5, Cambridge Road, New Maiden, No. 2. MEEKS, Leslie Martin, 16, Marsh Road, Surrey. Court—KINGSTON- UPON-THAMES. Rode, Somerset, Brewers' Labourer, formerly No. of Matter—17 of 1941. Date of Order— residing at 24, Richmond Street, Southchurch, Dec. 29, 1941. Date of Filing Petition—Nov. Southend, Essex, and carrying on business at 25, 1941- 631, Southchurch Road, Southend, Essex. ALEXANDER, George, 30, Hampden Street, in the FISHMONGER. Court—FROME. Date of city of Nottingham, Air Raid Precautions Filing Petition—Dec. 31, 1941. No. of Matter Worker, lately residing and carrying on busi- —2 of 1941. Date of Receiving Order—Dec. 31, ness at 44, Dryden Street, in the. city of Notting- 1941. No. of Receiving Order—i. Whether ham. NEWSAGENT and GENERAL DEALEK. Debtor's or Creditor's Petition—Debtor's. Court—NOTTINGHAM. No. of Matter—15 of No. 3. ALEXANDER, George, 30, Hampden Street, 1941. Date of Order—Dec. 31, 1941. Date of in the city of Nottingham, Air Raid Precautions Filing Petition—Dec. 31, 1941. Worker, lately residing and carrying on business at 44, Dryden Street, in the city of Nottingham. AGUIRRE, Anthony John, Belgrave, Clwyd NEWSAGENT and GENERAL DEALER. Court Avenue, Prestatyn, in the county of Flint, and —NOTTINGHAM. Date of Filing Petition- lately residing at 105, High Street, in the city Dec. 31, 1941. No. of Matter—15 of 1941. Date of Oxford, and _formerly residing at Wapping, of Receiving Order—Dec. 31, 1941. No. of Long Crendon, "Aylesbury, in the county of Receiving Order—13. Whether Debtor's or Bucks, and then at 19, Wellington Square, in the city of Oxford. Court—OXFORD. No. of Creditor's Petition—Debtor's. Matter—2 of 1941. Date of Order—Jan. 2, No. 4. BRENNAN, John Patrick, 20, Westholme 1942. Date of Filing Petition—Sept. 4, 1941. Gardens, Ruislip, in the county of Middlesex, CHEMIST, and lately carrying on business at EVANS, R. (Male). 226, Hatfield Road, St. Albans, B.B. Technical Laboratories, Bideford Road, in the county of Hertford, lately residing and Peri vale, in the county of Middlesex. Court— carrying on business at " Mohrcroft," Holcombe WINDSOR. Date of Filing Petition—Sept. 29, Avenue, King's Lynn, in the county of Norfolk. 1941. No. of Matter—7 of 1941. Date of BUILDER. Court—ST. ALBANS. No. of Receiving Order—Dec. 31, 1941. No. of Matter—2 of 1941. Date of Order—Dec. 31, Receiving Order—9. Whether Debtor's or 1941. Date of Filing Petition—Feb. 28, 1941. Creditor's Petition—Creditor's. Act of Bank- ruptcy proved in Creditor's Petition—Section APPLICATIONS FOR DISCHARGE. i-i (G.), Bankruptcy Act, 1914. YOUNGER, Arthur, residing at 27, Yew Tree Drive, Blackburn, in the county of Lancaster, carrying on business at 5, Victoria Court, Blackburn afore- FIRST MEETINGS AND PUBLIC said. DRAPER. Court—BLACKBURN and EXAMINATIONS. CLITHEROE. No. of Matter—9 of 1935. Day MOODY, Thomas Fish, 62, Percy Park, Tynemouth, Fixed for Hearing—Feb. 16, 1942. 10.30 a.m. in the county of Northumberland. CIVIL SER- Place—The Court House, 64, Victoria Street, VANT. Court—NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. Blackburn. No. of Mattel:—9 of 1941. Date of First Meeting —Jan. 13, 1942. 12 noon. Place—The Official GREENE, Victor Maurice (described in the Receiving Receiver's Office, Gibb Chambers, Westgate Order as Victor L. Greene), of Little Balgair, Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Date of Public Ifield, Crawley, in the county of Sussex. FILM Examination—Feb. ir, 1942. 10.30 a.m. Place PRODUCER. Court—BRIGHTON and LEWES —The Court House, 56, Westgate Road, New- (at Brighton). No. of Matter—32 of 1940. Day castle-upon-Tyne. Date of Order for Summary Fixed for Hearing—Jan. 22, 1942. 12 noon. Administration—Dec. 20, 1941. Place—The Court House, Church Street, Brigh- COLLEYPRIEST, Victor, residing at 63, Shirley ton. Avenue, Southampton, in the county of Hants, WEATHERILL, William (described in the Receiv- previously residing at 41, Harland Crescent, ing Order and trading as Weatherills (a firm)), Southampton aforesaid, Bus Driver, and formerly residing at 38, Blackthorne Drive, Chingford, residing at The Limes, Binstead Hill, near £.4, and lately carrying on business at 10, Ryde, Isle of Wight, and previously carrying on King's Parade, High Street, Barkingside, business at the Pier Head Fruit Stores, Ryde formerly 134 George Lane, Woodford, and 226, Pier, Ryde, Isle of Wight, as a FRUITERER, Redbridge Lane, Ilford, all Essex. HOUSE CONFECTIONER and AUTOMATIC MACHINE FURNISHER. Court—CHELMSFORD. No. PROPRIETOR, and also at the Pier Head Cafe, of Matter—n of 1939. Day Fixed for Hearing Ryde Pier, Ryde, in the said Isle, as a CAFE —Feb. 2, 1942. ii a.m. Place—The Shire PROPRIETOR. Court—SOUTHAMPTON. No. Hall, Chelmsfor'd. of Matter—4 of 1941. Date of First Meeting— SMITH, Charlie, residing and carrying on business at Jan. 13, 1942. 11.15 a.m. Place—The Official " Hawthorne House," Hatfield VVoodhouse, near Receiver's Office, 10, Rockstone Place, South- Doncaster, in the county of York. HAULAGE ampton. Date of Public Examination—Feb. 18, CONTRACTOR. Court—SHEFFIELD. No. of 1942- 10.30 a.m. Place—The Court House, Matter—60 of 1932. Day Fixed for Hearing— Castle Square, Southampton. Jan. 29, 1942. 2 p.m. Place—County Court Hall, Bank Street, Sheffield i. ADJUDICATIONS. BOURN, Kenneth Gradvvell, de'scribed in the Receiv- The following Amended Notice is substituted -for ing Order as Kenneth Grandwell Bourn, of that published in the London Gazette of Dec. i, " Ormfield," Ridgway Road, Redhill, Surrey. 1941: — CAPTAIN in H.M. Forces. Court—CROYDON. CRINNION, James, 64, Gervase Road, Burnt Oak, No. of Matter—19 of 1941. Date of Order— Edgware, and CAPRICE, David Percy, 19, Dela- Dec. 29, 1941. Date of Filing Petition—Aug. 28, mere Garde as. Mill Hill, both in the county of 1941- Middlesex, and trading as and described in the MEEKS, Leslie Martin, 16, Marsh Road, Rode, Receiving Order as J. Crinnion & Co., Builders. Somerset, Brewers' Labourer, formerly residing (Separate Application of David Percy Caplice, at 24, Richmond Street, Sbuthchurch, South- adjudicated as David Percy Caprice.) Court— end, Essex, and carrying on business at 631, BARNE1.. No. ot Matter—3 of 1930. Day Fixed Southchurch Road, Southend, Essex. FISH- for Hearing—Jan. 27, 1942. 10.30 a.m. Place MONGER. Cour^-FROME. No. of Matter— —The Court House, Barnet, Herts..
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