-FEATURES- -SPORTS- Consider yourself an art The men's basketball team critics? Works of art like defeated Loyola (right) this one have been on "-. last week and American display proudly at the art Tuesday night, 72-63. gallery, pg.5 Rick Smith led the way with 13 points, pg. 16 (CIRCLE VOLUME #53 ISSUE #9 GOOD LUCK ON FINALS EVERYONE!!! DECEMBER 9, 1999 Campus systems ready for the next millenium byERICDEABILL known as the Y2K issue is a shut down or suspend opera- software. simulated. Staff Writer. • '• problem that has existed for over But how is Marist College pre­ Wendy Duncan, the project While Marist students are 30 years now. It is'due to the pared to handle the Y2K Crisis manager for the Y2K.project dreamily looking forward to the fact that computer date refer­ while students are.on winter from Information Technology, end of classes and winter break, ences have been restricted to break? -•. said the college is well prepared a little bug with a big bite is com­ only two digits, thus indicating Since the change over to the for the Y2K problem. ing to bring them back into real­ that computers would read 00 year 2000 has not yet taken "Marist has done an excellent ity. as 1900 rather than 2000. This place, only possible effects on job in providing solutions," she cnsis ...please seeY2K, pg. 4 The millenium bug, otherwise could cause certain systems to their computer hardware and campus life could have been TKE vs. Marist: The saga continues they have dedicated time to in­ byJEFFDAHNCKE clude the Juvenile Diabetes StaffWrite'r Association, American Lung Four years after being dis­ A^owatiQ'nv^alJ«tirAn_ATOLy-, missed rrom' campus," the Tau and Clearwater. ... ~ Kappa Epsilon (TKE) fraternity But while Steve Sansola, ad­ is wondering when it might ministrative advisor for the again get some attention from Greek Council, said that commu­ Marist College. nity service could be one way Since losing their status as a to regain the trust of the college, Marist organization in 1996, the he has not seen any behavior brothers of the fraternity feel from TKE that would warrant a that they have done everything change in their status.. that a recognized fraternity is "The history with TKE with required to do. this college is not positive," "We know we're doing 10 Sansola said. "Any organiza­ f'n no n. jrtts> Ofim if fn[i.inj(i(*i I Miii. 'i n times more than other fraterni­ tion that has not been" recog­ Downtown Dublin where some Marist students visit when studying in Ireland. ties, and we don't have to," said nized by the college, and con- Rick Winters, TKE president. ...please see TKE,/>g. 3 Community service causes Abroad program byCHRISTYBARR Ireland had to make their own along witli two clectiye,cpurscs Staff Writer-riff?'?.! :Jyz..program;lincludingimdin :•' g theip;:>?^Stadente:in;th$prpgra n are After much sri|dent)interest,^i own^housing",an'dituitibh^ ^pia^edVln^ihomes^^with'an the Marist Abroddftograin'ek-^ ^Wsh^riiveKity5:is^;f-< > "^j>vi>; flpsh'^faniily^JandSqurses.are .panded to^|inciudejirelmdi\but; ;.i:The^r^ ;^taken>with';LSBTCoilege in :tiSe^fystsenje^ter^.was not with;, ,;^n§_ists^f'i.M^cr^0n]fem- : ': outprolbiems! %-^Ki-.S':-i5f' .V:.ship^Ian4i- ""0 njne^ f:.- Studentc'ompIainK%bqutthe ^ftlrelajnd^^s^added X6< the1; CQursewb'rTc:^ Students Hake a;>'Rrogram^mclurfc^trayc; r ;;abro^p%grarn's; qptionsjlastj:: fq^ndatiqn;cbursejcalled?rnsri" ^tanceifrqm^e hqmestays to the .''spnng;!;^ Cultare'and'SQciery; vvhichiri-: s center of:the*:city,'library ana* • "-':'' •• photo courtey Malt Halpen |Wh"6:_}wanj^:tp/study'abroad_iri^ ; i..ple^eseeJS^fiS^fpg.4 Members of TKE find administrators hard to work with. ^tto^ucefc^em^to;the"c^uhr^.- v WEEKLY-POLL SGA President looking to next semester by CHRIS GROGAN "One of the things we tried to INSIDE News Editor do this year is really deal with There are some hefty goals issues that affect the student TODAY: Would you student government is hoping body, and not get tied down . to achieve within the next semes­ with the mundane things," he considerjstudying said. hi:52 abroad? . ter, according to Student Body President Ryan Hunter. One of the biggest things SGA lo: 35 has been involved with this se­ Community. 2 Hunter held a State of the mester is dealing with the school YES NO Campus address last Saturday administration and state officials Features 5 46 54 to discuss his administration's in understanding the new cross­ accomplishments and goals for Opinion 8 walk. Hunter said the challenge A&E 11 RELATED STORY THIS PAGE the rest of the school year. He now is in getting students in This is an unscientific surrey talenfrom 100 said SGA has accomplished a Sports 16 Marist students who smoke. Circle photo/Chris Grogan ...please see HUNTER, pg. 3 Hunter "fair amount" so far this year. THE CIRCLE THE CIRCLE DECEMBER 9, 1999 PAGE 3 DECEMBER 9, 1999 PAGE 2 TKE; Fraternity's dismissal from campus remains unclear vorite Marist sports teams. If ...continued from pg. 1 want them to be very positive enter campus housing. you have any questions, call the IN YOUR OPINION so that other students who see According to Winters, Amato Sports Director Mike Koller tinues to demonstrate behavior that look at them in a positive was open about having a dis­ x4724. and activity that is inappropri­ way." like for fraternities, but said he ate or against college policy, the One argument made by the still tried to treat them fairly. Hey Marist students call college is not interested in ex­ fraternity is that, by kicking them "He said he did not like frater­ STUDENTS FOR HILLARY ploring any communication with off campus, Marist is doing nities because they don't pro­ -CLINTON at x7154 and get in­ them." more harm than good by avoid­ mote individual thinking," Win­ volved in the future of New York Where do you not want The circumstances surround­ ing any association with off ters said. "He did not have sym­ Circle photo/Chris Grogan The Student Government state. With the upcoming 2000 ing the fraternity's dismissal re­ campus parties. pathy for TKE as an organiza­ Senate race looming now is the Unity day is an integral part of Hunter's plans Association's Housing and main unclear. Sansola said it is "If you lose control over a fra­ tion, but he did help out some best time to find out the issues Residential Life committee is to be on New Year's Eve? a private matter between the ternity, you put students at individual guys." that will affect you. Clinton currently seeking more mem-, Greek organization and their more risk," said Art Sutley, a TKE's district president Mike maybe a Democrat and not a bers. This ad hoc committee national, and he is not at liberty sophomore TKE brother. Hoffman came to Marist in re­ HUNTER: Plans New York resident but that convenes bi- weekly to address to disclose it. gards to the incident and met doesn't mean you shouldn't TKE did have a situation last and resolve student concerns with Amato and director of check out her message. Learn All that is known is it was year that involved sanctions regarding housing and residen­ housing Sarah English, but was about the issues that will affect based on actions that were in­ from the college. According to ahead for Unity Day tial life on campus. Anyone in­ unable to secure a meeting with your future! Join STUDENTS appropriate to their college and Marist security, Poughkeepsie terested in joining should con­ national guidelines. police officers pulled over a car Sansola. tact the SGA office at x2206 or FORHILLARYCLINTON2000 ...continued from pg. 1 on a successful event for a small Speculation is that it had some­ after someone reported a "kid­ Sansola said Amato was in email Travis Mason at K7HZ. by calling x7154. formation regarding the rules amount of money. So for enter­ thing to do with off campus napping" event that was origi­ charge of the matter at that time and regulations of the cross­ tainment, we're using resources gatherings involving the con­ nally reported as a hazing ritual. and he did not want to get in­ walk. that we have on campus." The Marist music department sumption of alcohol by minors. volved. The fraternity later clarified the "At this point, the law says Performances will be put on by WMCR - Marist College Ra­ presents its winter concert on "They always nail us with Cufrendy only two fraternities, original report, saying it was a that a car must yield," he said. the dance club, Asian Alliance, dio - Thursday - Tuesday, 7;00 Sunday, December 12 in.the having parties," Winters said. Alpha Phi Delta and Phi Kappa unity event involving a willful "A car doesn't have to stop, MCCTA, fencing club, Black p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Tune in for the Nelly Golleti Theater at 3 p.m. "What about the football team Sigma, remain on campus, as participant, and in no way a re­ they must yield, and I think a lot Student Union, the Gaelic Soci­ latest sports talk. Sports up­ Tickets are free for students, $5 or the baseball team or the la­ compared to four.sororities. quirement for membership. of students believe they have ety and other clubs and organi­ dates and coverage of your fa­ regular admission. crosse-team? Are our parties Sansola said he does not see the They also rebutted Marist's to stop but in essence the ac­ zations.
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