imumpT California State Ltora:7 Sacra, to 9 Float Themes Showers Predicted Entry themes and drawing for The weatherman predicts partly Homeeoming floats, sponsored by cloudy weather and a few scat- independent and (;reek founda- tered showers fur Santa Clara tions, must be turned in today to Valley residents today. He fore- the Student Union. Before placing sees little change in temperature, the plans in Box H. they must be with the high running between 73 dated by the Student Union recep- - RI degrees, and southerly tionist. winds frum 10 to 20 miles per Queen candidate applications hour. 'rhe as been rather heavy are also due today and should be rain at point along the Northern placed in Box If before noon. Pic- California coo and over the Sis- tures of the candidates should be hiyou Range dting the last two turned in as soon as possible. days. VOL. 45 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1957 Number I? U.S. To Fire Earth MOON 'ROCKET SOON? Council Advises 47 Satellite This Year Loan to Flying 20, Ike Says 'Sputnik' Poses No Danger To Americans Student Aviation Club WASHINGTON (UNPresident Eisenhower announced yester- day that the United States will start firing earth satellites into outer 'Request Goes to Control Board space in December. Eisenhower told his news conference that in his opinion, based Valley satellite on long conferences with American scientists, the Russian Councilmen Objections Denied; now circling the earth poses no threat to American security. PROPELLED 500 MILES By RAY BARCH Is Subject The President said, however, A $2147 loanbelieved to be a recordwas recommended EXPERT that the rocket which propelled by the Student Council yesterday for the Flying 20, student aviation the Russian satellite more than club. Of Lecture 500 miles above the earth's sur- The recommendation, pasted over objctions by treasurer Chuck Miller and senior representative Bill Sturgeon, will be face means that Soviet scientists "The most extraordinary slides sent to the a very Board of Control for further study have in their possession students at this school will ever The Flying 20 asked for the money last week. Club horrible threat. see" have been promised by Rich - represents- the .to,ta appeared befote the eUllitell He also seriously questioned and Hartesveldt, assistant profes- satellite and requested the loan so the club fact that the Russian sor of biology and science educa- could buy new equipment, weighed more than 180 pounds. He tion. EXPLORER said that if this was true it was a The loan would also enable the Colored slides are part of an club to enter air shows source of great astonishment to Shown above is an artist's drawing of a camerii-equipped as an SJS rocket, illustrated talk American scientists. on which tests are being completed at Eniuetok Pacific proving entitled "Death representa Lice. The President said that in a I. The rocket %%wild be fired through is balloon 100,000 feet Valley the Year 'Round" by Ralph If approved, the interest - free the sense the Soviet Union. in air. A TV camera would Ne1111 back pictures of the moon loan will be paid back over a 14 - political %%Idle Other scientific data uas being transmitted.International. F.. Wells, ranger naturalist, at 8 month period at $150 per by firing the first earth satellite, p.m. tonight, in the Concert Hall month. had possibly gained a world po- I Miller opposed the loan on of the Music Building. litical advantage. But he doubted grounds that the student body whether had gained any mprovemen s tonnnue Wells, a former SJS student, only has some $10,000 In reserve lives and works the year around funds. what Miller scientific advantage over the Unit- SJS continues to be beautified, In other changes around the called "a mini- in Death Valley where he studies mum reserve." ed States. even as the semester progresses. campus, the installation of a walk - Bighorn sheep for the National lie was Joined by RUSSIAN ICBM Byron Bollinger, supervisor of con- wait traffic control light at 9th Stiirgmin Dispatches from NIUlle0V1 credit Park Service. Who said the council to, Professor Peter Kapitza with As for the Russian claim that struction and repairs, stated that and San Antonio. safely regulates might setting a bad preeedent development of Soviet Iturailsrs the Soviet Union had successfully the old section of the Science auto and pedestrian movement. Ilartesveldt said that Wells ha,i l, niak- ing the loan. earth satellitc.photo by Inter- fired an intercontinental ballistic Building now is being painted to The new light replaced a regu- had a chance few others have had "It (the eounvili is national. no loan agency," missile, the President said this match the new building. lar stop and go light which was to observe the effect of intense he said. not know the de- summer heat on animals and men. But Dr. government did Bollinger said that "as soon as used to control traffic over the Lowell Walters, faculty ICBM test and Wells is an outstanding dra- tails of the Russian barracks space is provided, stu- 'representative, informed the coun- of its success two former crosswalks. Details matic speaker, according to Senior Class the measurement dents will be rotated from class- cil that former councils had made accuracy on hit- learned from the SJS Executive liartesveldt who thinks listeners was a matter of rooms to barracks," in order to loans to student groups. Dean's Office show that drivers will be "spellbound." Will Sponsor ting a target. paint the regular rooms. Associated with the Aeronautics Ile said that if the Russians had turning left onto 4th, are now free The naturalist majored in drama COL. JOHN D. CRAIG Necessary classroom painting Dept., the Flying 20 club is open fired an ICBM and returned it to at SJS and was director of Revel- saris's% Forum movisi will be conmpleted as soon as pos- to do so without, ;oar of hitting to all students. Its membership is Gams Contest a specific target area it was Un- ries. sible, he said. pedestrians. restricted. however, b ec ause of San Jose State is being invaded! doubtedly a great accomplishment He started high school at 18 af- limited equipment. ter life as a cowboy, hobo and Tnvaded by hairy legs and knobby if done. Col. Toni 1111/11,1, lumbet jack. Cratg eeellilVe secre- The President told newsmen tary, knees. At least that is what the 'NEITHER SNOW, NOR RAIN' For 18 years Wells was director told the council that sale that the first American satellite of tickets to senior class had to say in a recent of the Palo Alto Community The- Will Show the Navy band to be fired in December would not show has hit a snag. letter addressed to "Fellow Leg ater, and he lectured at Stanford carry intricate instrunientation for four years. "San Jose's high schools are Lovers" and sent to all campus but would be sent in outer space Color Film Hartesveldt stated that Wells selling tickets in blocs," Burns living groups. as a test vehicle. "Hispaniola," a 90-minute color said, taught himself natural science and "and we haven't sold any." movie, will be shown by the Com- Burns said The class announced that they photography. that owners are be- munity Forum at 7.30 Sunday eve- The event, which is free to all, ing circulated downtown and on are starting a "hairy leg expose" ning in Morris Dailey Auditorium. is sponsored by the Natural Sci- the campus and called for volun- and invite the whole student body So Far SJS ence Department, Dr. Carl D. ('ol. John I). Craig, narrator- teers to man booths here. photographer, to join them. Duncan, head. returns to the For- Ile reminded the council that Has Escaped um for the third time to show the the Oct. The cause of all this commotion 20 concert, jointly spon- story of the Dominican Republic, sored by SJS and the Chamber of is the senior class's annual money "The Land Columbus Loved." Commerce, is being given for raising project, "Gorgeous Gams." Big Flu Scare Six Students This is the first of a series of SJS's benefit. If sold out at mati- Living groups on campus sponsor Dr. Thomas J. Gray, director four "World Before Your Eyes" nee and evening performances, the men whom they feel have the of the SJS health service, said To Attend movies which show historical sites Navy show would turn an esti- most "gorgeous gams." Then jars yesterday that there hasn't been contrasted with modern cosmopol- mated $2500 Into the college's gen- are set up in the Outer Quad (this a marked change in the so-far itan cities in the Caribbean's sec- eral scholarship fund, Burns said. Oct. 23 to 25) and votes CSTA Meet year from quiet flu situation on this campus. ond largest island. In other matters. Dr. Walters are cast in the form of pennies. Bill Prieur, Marilyn Daly, Claire Col. Craig. who has appeared aihked the council that student Each penny counts as one vote. "There is a rapid turnover of Strauss, Leon Spreyer, Clara Lou on TV in "I Search for groups hookIng prortaiaional en- students at the infirmary every Bond and Mildred Hall are San Adventure," will show the spot where tertainers t clear with the The present senior class has day," he said. Dr. Gray stressed Jose State's representatives at the Colum- bus landed arid his first Personnel Deati'm offiee. sponsored this contest since they the point that "if the situation state CSTA conference which is settlement in the New World.
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