United Nations CTOC/COP/2020/INF/2/Rev.2 Conference of the Parties to the Distr.: Limited 30 October 2020 United Nations Convention English/French/Spanish against Transnational Organized Crime Tenth session Vienna, 12–16 October 2020 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS1 States Parties Afghanistan Head of Delegation Khojesta Fana EBRAHIMKHEL, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Members Fazull Mahmood Rahemee PAJWAK, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Isabella NERI, Political Specialist, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna* Albania Head of Delegation Silvana BANUSHI, Director General, Regulatory and Compliance for Public Order and Safety, Ministry of Interior* Members Eduart MERKAJ, Director, Department for Border and Migration, State Police* Alma KASA, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Algeria Chef de la Délégation Faouzia MEBARKI, Ambassadeur, Représentante Permanente, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies, Vienne Membres Réda HAMIANI, Lieutenant-colonel, Chef, Service Central de Investigations Criminelles, Commandement de la Gendarmerie Nationale* Salim CHARITI, Commissaire Principal, Sous-Directeur, Affaires Criminelles, Direction de la Police Judiciaire* Isma AISSIOU, Magistrat, Direction des Affaires Pénales et de Grâces, Ministère de la Justice* Hocine TAKK, Procureur, Tribunal de Hocine Dey* __________________ 1 Due to COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent restrictions, the meeting was held in hybrid/in-person format. Delegates marked with an asterisk registered to join the meeting virtually. V.20-06234 (E) *2006234* CTOC/COP/2020/INF/2/Rev.2 Redouane LEBAILI, Judge d’instruction, Tribunal de Sidi MHamed Cour d’Alger* Abdelmalek TIGHARGHAR, Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies, Vienne Mokhtar NAOUN, Représentant Permanent Suppléant, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies, Vienne Andorra Head of Delegation Jaume SERRA SERRA, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna* Members Alexandra CORNELLA, High Court Judge, Supreme Court of Justice* Marta SALVAT BATISTA, Special Envoy on Policy and Security Issues, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna* Angola Head of Delegation Orlando FERNANDES, Secretary of State for Justice and Human Rights* Members Teodolinda Rosa RODRIGUES COELHO, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna* Anisabel COSTA, Director, International Exchange, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights* José Paulo ISABEL, Assistant Coordinator, Installation Commission, National Authority for Arms Control and Disarmament (ANCAD)* Fernando MARQUES, First Secretary, Alternate Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna* Joana FRANCISCO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Argentina Jefe de la Delegación Maite FERNANDEZ GARCÍA, Ministra, Encargada de Negocios a.i., Misión Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas, Viena Miembros Pablo BARBUTO, Subsecretario de Política Criminal, Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos* Zaida GATTI, Coordinadora Nacional, Programa Nacional de Rescate y Acompañamiento a las Personas Damnificadas por el Delito de Trata* Norma MAZZEO, Coordinadora General, Programa Nacional de Rescate y Acompañamiento a las Personas Damnificadas por el Delito de Trata* Francisco DE ANTUENO, Ministro, Dirección de Seguridad Humana, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto* Aldana ROHR, Dirección General de Consejería legal, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto* Leonardo ANDRÉS MARTÍNEZ, Asesor, Subsecretaria de Política Criminal* Armenia Head of Delegation Armen PAPIKYAN, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Alternate Head of Delegation Elen HARUTYUNYAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna* 2/49 V.20-06234 CTOC/COP/2020/INF/2/Rev.2 Members Davit MANUKYAN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Edgar ARSENYAN, Deputy Head, Department of Supervision over Legality of Pre-trial Proceedings, NSS Prosecutor General’s Office* Kristina HOVHANNISYAN, Head, Equal Opportunities Department, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs* Sophie BOSTANCHYAN, Head, Human Trafficking and Women Issues Division, Equal Opportunities Department, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs* Australia Head of Delegation Richard SADLEIR, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Alternate Heads of Delegation Emil STOJANOVSKI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna* Members Mike BYERS, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna* Stephen MCGLYNN, Minister-Counsellor, Department of Home Affairs, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva* Lindsay BUCKINGHAM, Director, Transnational Crime, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade* Alexander CHAPMAN, Assistant Director, Transnational Crime, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade* Emily PUGIN, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Nicola LOVE, Multilateral Policy Officer, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna* Austria Head of Delegation Gabriela SELLNER, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Alternate Heads of Delegation Barbara GOETH-FLEMMICH, Head of Department, Federal Ministry of Justice* Petra SCHNEEBAUER, Ambassador, Federal Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs Members Alexander JUDMAYER, First Sergeant, Federal Ministry of the Interior Johannes MARTETSCHLÄGER, Senior Public Prosecutor, Federal Ministry of Justice Gerhard MAYNHARDT, Minister, Federal Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs Wolfgang SPADINGER, Legation Counsellor, Federal Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs Katharina ENZESBERGER, Attaché, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Gerald TATZGERN, Brigadier, Criminal Intelligence Service, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Katharina DIRNBACHER, Federal Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs Martino REVERTERA, Federal Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs Lukas MOL, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna* Theresa EDER, Federal Ministry of the Interior V.20-06234 3/49 CTOC/COP/2020/INF/2/Rev.2 Azerbaijan Head of Delegation Galib ISRAFILOV, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Alternate Head of Delegation Shahin SHAHYAROV, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Members Gulnar MAMMADOVA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna* Vasif GASIMOV, Lieutenant Colonel, Ministry of Internal Affairs* Vamig NAMANDZADA, Lieutenant Colonel, Ministry of Internal Affairs* Elchin NASIBOV, Deputy Head of Department, Ministry of Justice* Toghrul MUKHTAROV, Deputy Head of Department, Prosecutor General’s Office* Elmir ZEYNALOV, Prosecutor, Prosecutor General’s Office* Bangladesh Head of Delegation Muhammad Abdul MUHITH, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Alternate Head of Delegations Rahat Bin ZAMAN, Deputy Chief of Mission, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Member Tarazul ISLAM, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Belarus Head of Delegation Andrei DAPKIUNAS, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Members Vitali SHUMSKI, Senior Counsellor, Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Igor MISHKORUDNY, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Belgium Chef de la Délégation Ghislain D’HOOP, Ambassadeur, Représentant Permanent, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies, Vienne* Adjoints au Chef de la délégation Adrien VERNIMMEN, Premier Secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies, Vienne Pierre BERTELS, Attaché, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies, Vienne Membres Laure DU CASTILLON, Magistrat-expert, Ministère Affaires Etrangères, Département International Gouvernance, M4* Mevrouw Anja EBRAERT, Adviser, Federal Agency for medicines and health products* Mijnheer PETER BOOMS, Conseiller, SPF Affaires Etrangères, Direction Nations Unies* 4/49 V.20-06234 CTOC/COP/2020/INF/2/Rev.2 Isabelle MEERT, Premier Conseiller, SPF Affaires Etrangères, Département International Gouvernance, M4* Christel DEFEVER, Attaché, SPF Justice, Direction droit pénal, Département de la politique pénale* Jean-Sébastien JAMART, Attaché, SPF Justice, Direction Générale de la Législation, des Libertés et des droits fondamentaux* Serge MATTE, Multilatéral Assistant, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies, Vienne Stien SCHRAUWEN, Multilatéral Assistant, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies, Vienne Cédric LEUNG, Multilatéral Assistant, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies, Vienne Laura WERBROUCK, Assistant, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies, Vienne, Bosnia and Herzegovina Head of Delegation Sinisa BENCUN, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Alternate Head of Delegation Amela SUDZUKA-CERIMAGIC, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Member Mevsud CUPRIJA, Expert, Department for combatting organized crime and corruption, Ministry of Security Brazil Head of Delegation André Luiz DE ALMEIDA MENDOÇA, Minister of State, Ministry of Justice and Public Security Alternate Head of Delegation Jose
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