District School Board of Pasco County Bid Tabulation Bid #: 14-026-DM Bid Title: Athletic Equipment & Uniforms MUNIS Import Note #'s 5 and 70 UNIFORMS Vendor Name & Address Allen Sports Center, Inc 6585 Seminole Boulevard Manufacturer Item Item Number Seminole, FL 33772 Unit Price Manufacturer Number Rep Contact: Don Bates 727-397-0421 or [email protected] AU-6 Softball Jersey Full Button Front $26.17 Rawlings JSB AU-7 Softball Shorts $19.93 Rawlings PP350MR AU-8 Softball Jersey - 2 Button Placket $34.65 Adidas 3692 AU-9 Softball Pants $30.66 Adidas 9558 AU-17 Baseball Shirt $63.11 Rawlings RJ140 AU-18 Baseball Pants $47.20 Rawlings PPU140 AU-26 Basketball Shiny Shooting Shirt Boy's $17.98 Alleson G506LZ AU-28 Basketball Practice Jersey Boy's $13.40 Alleson 560R AU-29 Basketball Practice Short Boy's $8.15 Alleson 569PL AU-36 Basketball Shiny Game Jersey Boy's $26.00 Alleson 548W AU-37 Basketball Shiny Game Short Boy's $19.00 Alleson 548PW AU-38 Basketball Shiny Game Jersey Men's $30.77 Alleson 548W AU-39 Basketball Shiny Game Short Boy's $24.17 Alleson 548PW AU-40 Basketball Not Shiny Game Jersey Women's $30.77 Russell 2B7DPXX AU-41 Basketball Not Shiny Game Short Women's $24.17 Russell 2B8DPXX AU-50 Basketball Game Jersey Pro-Style Girl's $26.00 Alleson 539JW AU-51 Basketball Game Short Pro-Style Girl's $19.00 Alleson 539PW AU-59 Football Practice Jersey $9.65 Alleson 710 AU-60 Football Practice Pants $11.17 All Star FBP 1A Page 1 of 20 District School Board of Pasco County Bid Tabulation Bid #: 14-026-DM Bid Title: Athletic Equipment & Uniforms MUNIS Import Note #'s 5 and 70 ALLEN SPORTS CENTER, INC. Continued AU-61 Football Practice Pants Belt $1.00 Athletic Specialties PWB AU-64B Football Game Pants $24.84 Adidas 348P AU-66 Football Game Jersey $23.46 Russell S959593MK AU-71 Football Game Jersey $74.37 Adidas 7492 AU-72 Football Game Jersey $23.63 Adidas 7506 AU-77 Football Game Jersey $49.87 Rawlings FJ9055 AU-84 Football Game Jersey $63.70 Rawlings FJ9204 AU-86C Football Game Pants $33.54 Rawlings F45X AU-89 Soccer Goal Keeper Long Pants $39.77 Adidas Z11474 AU-91 Soccer Shorts Mid Thigh $3.66 Twin City FSH AU-93 Soccer Game Socks $8.22 Adidas 992550 AU-100 Soccer Goal Keeper Jersey $17.01 Adidas GK7495 AU-103 Track Jersey Girl's $20.19 Brooks 7T2HPXK AU-104 Track Shorts Girl's $17.00 Brooks AU-105 Track Sweat Tops Boy's & Girl's $27.87 Adidas 359F AU-106 Track Sweat Bottom Boy's & Girl's $26.77 Adidas 486P Volleyball Game Jersey JV/Middle School (Regular AU-107 $13.75 Alleson 506VJ Sleeve) AU-108 Volleyball Game Shorts JV/Middle School $8.11 Alleson F695LPW AU-115 Volleyball Short Sleeve Jersey $22.10 Under Armour 123839 AU-116 Volleyball Long Sleeve Jersey $33.13 Under Armour 1232840 Page 2 of 20 District School Board of Pasco County Bid Tabulation Bid #: 14-026-DM Bid Title: Athletic Equipment & Uniforms MUNIS Import Note #'s 5 and 70 ALLEN SPORTS CENTER, INC. Continued AU-117 Volleyball Spandex Shorts $17.88 Under Armour 1232843 AU-118 Wrestling Singlet Men's $48.17 Adidas AS104C-04 AU-119 Wrestling Singlets Women's $52.37 Game Gear 300P AU-124 Coaching / Golfing Shirt $18.19 Russell 933CFXO / 833CFMK AU-128 Coaching Shirt Polo Moisture Management Men's $13.11 Badger Bcore Drive AU-129 Coaching Shirt Legacy Women's $13.11 Badger Bcore Hook AU-130 Coaching Shirt Legacy Men's $15.21 Russell 833CFMK AU-131 Coaching Shirt Men's $18.12 Badger Bcore Hook AU-132 Coaching Shirt Women's $18.12 Badger Bcore Hook AU-133 Coaching Shirt Long Sleeve Men's $11.17 Badger Bcore 2120 AU-134 Coaching Shirt Long Sleeve Women's $13.10 Badger Bcore 4164 AU-135 Track Jersey Men's $18.71 Asics TF1067 AU-136 Track Short Men's $17.22 Asics TF1068 AU-137 Track Jersey Men's $21.19 Asics TF705 AU-138 Track Short Men's $18.04 Asics TF706 AU-139 Track Jersey Women's $21.19 Adidas 4964 AU-140 Track Short Women's $18.10 Adidas 346P AU-143 Sprinter Suit - One Piece $19.11 Game Gear PT300 AU-145 Lined Custom Sewn Warm-up Set Jacket&Pants $56.10 Adidas 4964/346P AU-150 Coaches Premier Shirt Women's $26.13 Adidas 1892 Page 3 of 20 District School Board of Pasco County Bid Tabulation Bid #: 14-026-DM Bid Title: Athletic Equipment & Uniforms MUNIS Import Note #'s 5 and 70 ALLEN SPORTS CENTER, INC. Continued AU-151 Coaches Premier Shirt Men's $26.13 Adidas 1893 AU-153 Tennis Top Women's $22.17 Adidas 1920 AU-158 PE Set $11.88 Badger Bcore 4107/9/4120 AU-165 Track Singlet Women's $9.22 Game Gear PT980W AU-166 Track Short Women's $9.94 Game Gear PT678W AU-167 Track Jerey Men's $9.22 Game Gear PT980M AU-168 Track Short Men's $9.94 Game Gear PT678M UNIFORMS - ADDITIONAL COSTS Screen Printing Item # Line # Description COST(S) SPO1 AU-169 Logo Set Up (One-time Fee) $0.15 SP02 AU-170 Additional Location (Imprint Fee) $0.75 SP03 AU-171 Art / Digizing (Fee) $0.75 SP04 AU-172 Art / Digizing (1-Color) $0.25 SP05 AU-173 Art / Digizing (2-Color) $1.25 Embroidery Item # Line # Description COST(S) EO1 AU-174 Set Up Fee (Up to 8,000 stitches) $0.25 E01A AU-175 Logo Fee (Up to 8,000 stitches) $2.00 E02 AU-176 Set Up Fee (8,000 - 10,000 stitches) $2.50 E02A AU-177 Logo Fee (8,000 - 10,000 stitches) $5.00 E03 AU-178 Set Up Fee (Over 10,000 stitches) $6.00 E03A AU-179 Logo Fee (Over 10,000 stitches) $6.00 Page 4 of 20 District School Board of Pasco County Bid Tabulation Bid #: 14-026-DM Bid Title: Athletic Equipment & Uniforms MUNIS Import Note #'s 5 and 70 ALLEN SPORTS CENTER, INC. Continued EQUIPMENT AE-2 Baseball, Game $41.11 Rawlings RNFHS AE-5 Softball $54.11 Dubley Thunder 43147 AE-8 Basketball, Boys $39.17 Spalding 74169FL AE-9 Baseketball, Girls $39.17 Spalding 747359FL AE-10 Football, GST, Game Ball $54.88 Wilson GST 1003 AE-12 Football, State ball $58.11 Spalding SB1 726039FL AE-13 Football, Middle School $31.10 Spalding J5Y 629258FL AE-15 Shoulder Pad, Position Specific, High JV/Varsity $64.13 Schutt XV Flex AE-28 Football Helmet, w/Mask High School $121.13 Schutt 7890 AE-29 Football Helmet, w/Mask Middle School $75.00 Schutt 20459 AE-32 5 Pocket Lycra Girdle w/Pads $14.50 Cramer 1502HTPT AE-37 Soccer Shin Guards $7.39 Adidas F87288 AE-39 Soccer Ball / Hand Sewn/ Regular Season $17.77 Adidas F84277 AE-40 Track Spikes $8.11 Blazer AASPKN18 AE-42 Volleyball, Game Ball $38.91 Spalding TFVB5 AE-46 Coach's Portfolio Bag $24.11 Adidas 5123094 AE-51 Field Marking Dust $16.99 Jimco 2500 Catalogs Offered with Discount(s) EXCLUSION(S): Freight Costs apply to items marked FREIGHT ONLY Athletics-Recreation - Phys.Ed. 2014 5% No quantity breaks Alleson Team 2014 25% 25% Page 5 of 20 District School Board of Pasco County Bid Tabulation Bid #: 14-026-DM Bid Title: Athletic Equipment & Uniforms MUNIS Import Note #'s 5 and 70 NOTE: Hat World, Inc. d/b/a Anaconda Sports was awarded Uniforms Only UNIFORMS Vendor Name & Address Hat World, Inc. d/b/a Anaconda Sports 85 Katrine Lane Manufacturer Item Item Number Lake Katrine, NY 12449 Unit Price Manufacturer Number Rep. Contact: Dean Wolfe 352-345-5822 or [email protected] AU-3 Baseball Undershirt $16.80 Nike 384408 AU-22 Basketball Game Jersey Men's $29.99 Nike 553390 AU-23 Basketball Game Shorts Men's $30.00 Nike 553391 AU-24 Basketball Game Jersey Women's $29.99 Nike 239299 AU-25 Basketball Game Shorts Women's $30.00 Nike 239300 AU-64 (A) Football Game Pants $61.25 Nike 535717 AU-154 Tennis Skort Women's $22.50 Nike 399135 UNIFORMS - ADDITIONAL COSTS Screen Printing Item # Line # Description COST(S) SPO1 AU-169 Logo Set Up (One-time Fee) $0.10 SP02 AU-170 Additional Location (Imprint Fee) $0.10 SP03 AU-171 Art / Digizing (Fee) $0.10 SP04 AU-172 Art / Digizing (1-Color) $0.10 SP05 AU-173 Art / Digizing (2-Color) $0.10 Embroidery Item # Line # Description COST(S) EO1 AU-174 Set Up Fee (Up to 8,000 stitches) $0.10 E01A AU-175 Logo Fee (Up to 8,000 stitches) $0.10 E02 AU-176 Set Up Fee (8,000 - 10,000 stitches) $0.10 E02A AU-177 Logo Fee (8,000 - 10,000 stitches) $0.10 E03 AU-178 Set Up Fee (Over 10,000 stitches) $0.10 E03A AU-179 Logo Fee (Over 10,000 stitches) $0.10 Catalogs Offered with Discount(s) NONE Page 6 of 20 District School Board of Pasco County Bid Tabulation Bid #: 14-026-DM Bid Title: Athletic Equipment & Uniforms MUNIS Import Note #'s 5 and 70 UNIFORMS Vendor Name & Address Bob's Athletics 323 Industrial Parkway Moultrie, GA 31788 Manufacturer Item Item Number Unit Price Manufacturer Rep. Contact: Chad Eunice Number 22-873-2571 Email: [email protected] AU-1 Baseball Game Jersey $24.00 Bobs IGTJ AU-2 Baseball Game Pants $23.24 Bobs IGTP AU-4 Baseball Game Jersey $30.00 Bobs DF3 AU-5 Baseball Game Pants $24.00 Bobs Pistol 2 AU-10 Softball Sleeveless Jersey $47.00 Bobs 734 AU-11 Softball Pants $37.00 Bobs 126 AU-12 Softball Shorts $26.00 Bobs 82 AU-13 Sofball Jersey - Full Button w/ tackle twill $47.00 Bobs BFLSH265 AU-14 Softball Shorts $25.00 Bobs BFLSH263 AU-42 Basketball not shiny, Warm-up Top Men's/Women's $46.00 Bobs WD44 AU-43 Basketball not shiney, Warm-up Pants Women's $36.00 Bobs WD45 AU-48 Basketball Game Jersey Pro-Style Boy's $30.00 Bobs DF44 AU-49 Basketball Game Shorts Pro-Style Boy's $25.00 Bobs DF45 AU-52 Basketball Game Jersey Boy's $40.00 Bobs M12AB AU-53 Basketball Game Shorts Boy's $32.00 Bobs M12B AU-54 Basketball Game Jersey Girl's $40.00 Bobs M12A AU-55 Basketball Game Shorts Girl's $32.00 Bobs M12G Page 7 of 20 District School Board of Pasco County Bid Tabulation Bid #: 14-026-DM Bid Title: Athletic Equipment & Uniforms MUNIS Import Note #'s 5 and 70 Bob's Athletics Continued AU-56 Basketball Boy's/Girl's Top Middle School $32.00 Bobs ELITE 102T AU-57 Basketball Boy's/Girl's Bottom
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