SECOND WORKSHOP ON MARS VALLEY NETWORKS 73 TERRESTRIAL INVERTED CHANNELS IN UTAH: ANALOGS FOR INVESTIGATION OF MARTIAN SINUOUS RIDGES. R. M. E. Williams1, 1Planetary Science Institute, 1700 E. Fort Lowell, Suite 106, Tucson, AZ 85719, [email protected]. Overview: Many sinuous ridge landforms on Mars wide; [10]). Proposed interpretations include wrinkle have branching planimetric patterns similar to terre- ridges, exhumed igneous and clastic dikes, lava flows strial rivers and continuity relationships with Martian features, and linear sand dunes [see references in 10]. valley networks. These attributes support the interpre- It is the continuity relationship of sinuous ridges with tation that these landforms are water carved drainage valley networks and their planimetric pattern (e.g. networks now preserved in inverted relief [1]. In or- branching networks, meandering) that suggest most der to accurately interpret the Martian fluvial history sinuous ridges are former fluvial channels now pre- preserved in these landforms, a better understanding served as inverted landforms. based on terrestrial analogs is needed. Multiple ex- A catalog of sinuous ridge locations has been amples of inverted paleochannels are present within compiled by the author based primarily on nonsyste- the state of Utah. This report will describe two sites: matic MOC, THEMIS and CTX image review. Pre- lava-capped paleochannels near St. George and ex- sently, there are ~250 sinuous ridge systems within humed, cemented paleochannels of the Cedar Moun- the catalog, which continues to expand based on new tain Formation (CMF) located southwest of Green data. The spatial distribution and geologic setting of River. Evaluation of paleohydrologic models for the sinuous ridges differs from that of valley networks. CMF paleochannels demonstrates the applicability of While both landforms are predominantly located on empirically and theoretically-derived models from the cratered uplands, valley networks are preferential- modern terrestrial streams to inverted channels. Ap- ly located at surface elevations >2 km [2] and sinuous plication of these models to Martian sinuous ridges ridges are found at a range of elevations, including will yield additional insight into the amount of water many examples that are located on terrain below the 0 and duration of fluvial activity at various locations. m Martian datum [5]. Unlike valley networks, several This information, combined with the geologic setting sinuous ridges have been identified on crater floors. and morphology, is fundamental to assessing how the There are regional clusters of these landforms includ- fluvial environment and flow conditions changed with ing on the plains proximal to Valles Marineris and time and/or geographic location. nearby chasmata, along the dichotomy boundary in the Sinuous Ridges on Mars: Martian sinuous ridges eastern hemisphere notably associated with the Aeo- range in size, but are commonly tens to a few hundred lis/Zephyria Plana region [11], in northwest Arabia meters wide and hundreds to thousands of meters in Terra and along the northern rim of Hellas basin [5]. length. Although most sinuous ridges are smaller Osterloo identified chloride-bearing materials, po- than typical valley networks (few kilometers width, tentially chloride salts that formed via evaporation, in 20-200 km long; [2,3]), there are several examples of THEMIS daytime infrared images (100 m/pix) and a valley networks that are laterally traceable to positive- few of these locations were associated with sinuous relief sinuous ridges [e.g. 1]. Sinuous ridges exhibit a channels [13]. Preliminary analysis of an updated cat- variety of planimetric patterns ranging from single, alog of 635 chloride locations (Osterloo, pers. comm.) curvilinear ridge forms to branching networks. indicates that the vast majority of Martian sinuous Interpretations for sinuous ridges have varied. ridges do not correspond to the same locations, al- Many researchers have invoked running water in their though the scale of many sinuous rides may be below formation but differ in the source of the water: 1) THEMIS resolution. precipitation-fed surface runoff created former fluvial Rudimentary ages can be assigned to valley net- channels formed by continually flowing water, now works and sinuous ridges based on cross-cutting and expressed in inverted relief due to differential erosion superposition relationships, respectively, with mapped [1,4-6], and 2) meltwater generated within, beneath or geologic units [14,15]. Thus, this method yields for- adjacent to a glacier [e.g. 7-11] or derived from im- mation ages for valley networks and maximum ages pact into a volatile-rich substrate [12]. for sinuous ridges. Some sinuous ridges may have In addition to these hypotheses, nonfluvial forma- undergone burial and exhumation, processes which tion mechanisms have been proposed for sinuous can complicate age assessments from crater statistics. ridges in select cases, such as the large-scale sinuous Although this approach is problematic [16], compari- ridges in Argyre Planitia (10-200 km long, 1-4 km son using the same approach employed in prior stu- SECOND WORKSHOP ON MARS VALLEY NETWORKS 74 dies yields an interesting difference in apparent ages mapped as heavily eroded or degraded regions includ- for these landforms (Table 1). ing the Aeolis/Zephyria Plana region and northwes- Carr [2], expanded by Hynek et al. [17],both de- tern Arabia Terra [18,19]. These locations are win- termined that the vast majority of valley networks dows into the Martian stratigraphy and provide a more have a maximum age of Noachian. Williams [5] complete temporal record of fluvial activity. looked at a smaller sample size of sinuous ridges and Altogether, these observations suggest that fluvial found equal numbers in the Noachian and post- activity was more prevalent in the post-Noachian time Noachian time periods. Assuming the age assessments period than previously recognized. Small-scale fluvial are valid, the youngest sinuous ridges are generally activity appears to have occurred periodically, at least not associated with high slopes or volcanoes (presum- in locations, throughout Martian history. Further ably sites of high geothermal gradients), as was ob- study of these landforms has the unique potential to served for Amazonian-aged valley networks [2]. assess temporal changes in fluvial style on Mars. The The drainage density (stream length per unit area, investigation of inverted fluvial systems on Earth is Dd), of valley networks is a few orders of magnitude useful for recognizing diagnostic attributes of inverted less than terrestrial river systems, perhaps due in part paleochannels both in terms of induration agent (i.e. to differences in mapping scale [2,17]. However, lava-capped versus cemented) and to distinguish these some sinuous ridges have drainage densities an order landforms from other hypothesized formation me- of magnitude higher than has been observed for valley chanisms. Additionally, field observations enable the networks [5]. These values coincide with the lower evaluation of hydrologic models for terrestrial inverted range of observed terrestrial fluvial systems at the paleochannels. same scale. The space-filling distribution of some si- Field Sites nuous ridge networks is additional evidence in support St. George vicinity, Utah Lava flows originate at of overland flow in producing these landforms. cinder cones located at the base of the Pine Valley Table 1 Mountains and flowed several miles down ancient Valley Networks Sinuous drainage pathways of the Virgin River [20]. These ridges cinder cones formed at various elevations due to re- Carr Hynek et Williams gional uplift and were intermittently active over the (1995) al. (2008) (2007) past few million years. The lava-capped channels [2] [17] [5] blocked drainage creating lakes and alternate flow Total # 827 ~29001 175 pathways. Commonly, parallel drainage developed on -1 2 Max. Dd (km ) 0.02 0.14 2.3 either side of the lava flow. Over time erosion at the Noachian 90% 84% 51% lateral margin of the lava flow results in a sinuous Hesperian 5% 10% 31% ridge. The inverted valley was further degraded into a Amazonian 5% 6% 18% series of mesas and buttes present today. 1Number of valley segments, not networks, which likely reflect a Southwest of Green River, Utah The longest slight increase in number of valley networks, but no more than a factor (spanning ~12 km) known inverted paleochannel sys- of two from Carr’s [2] assessment (Hynek, pers. comm..) 2 tem on the Colorado Plateau consists of four conglo- Williams et al., 2005 [1]. meratic/sandstone-capped ridges, some with bifurca- Recent review of THEMIS VIS images have iden- tions along route, and numerous shorter ridges seg- tified ~150 sinuous ridge sections in the Aeo- ments within the Ruby Ranch Member of the Cedar lis/Zephyria Plana region [11], which are presumed to Mountain Formation. Harris [21] mapped the site, be Amazonian in age but were not wholly accounted located 11 km southwest of Green River, and found for in the Williams 2007 study. Further investigation individual inverted paleochannel segments with of this site will determine the number of individual lengths that range from 4.5 to 8 km. The inverted systems as the discontinuous VIS coverage did not channels stand 30 to 40 m above the surrounding permit continuity relationships between segments to plains. Multiple stages of paleochannel activity are be assessed. However, these preliminary results
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