620_88026_ExaltedDeeds2a.qxd 8/25/03 1:43 PM Page 3 Introduction . 4 Troubadour of Stars . 78 Appendix: Index of Celestials . 191 Vassal of Bahamut . 80 Celestial Creatures . 191 Chapter 1: The Nature of Good . 5 Wonderworker . 82 Celestial-Related Templates . 191 Exalted Deeds . 5 Celestials by Challenge Rating . 191 The Straight and Narrow . 9 Chapter 6: Magic . 83 Law, Chaos, and Good . 12 Good Spells . 83 Sidebars Playing a Hero . 12 Spell Lists . 84 Exalted Deeds and Vile Darkness . 6 Exalted Characters . 18 Cleric Domains . 86 Exalted Versus Epic . 8 Sin and Atonement . 20 Spell Descriptions . 89 Celestial Monster Classes . 19 Exalted Adventures . 20 Magic Items . 112 Skylord’s Mounts . 72 CONTENTS Redeeming Evil Magic Items . 119 Sample Skylord’s Mounts . 72 TABLE OF Chapter 2: Variant Rules . 23 Irredeemable Evil Items . 120 Expanded Summoning Tables . 190 Channeling . 23 Exalted Cohorts . 24 Chapter 7: Celestial Paragons . 121 Tables Exalted Gods . 24 Celestial Paragons Table 2–1: Example Special Cohorts . 25 Exorcism . 26 In Your Game . 121 Table 2–2: Half-Celestial Heroes of the Heavens . 26 Celestial Paragons and Clerics . 123 Level Adjustments . 27 Heroic Sacrifice The Upper Planes . 123 Table 2–3: Voluntary Poverty . 31 and Martyrdom . 27 Law and Chaos Table 3–1: Nonlethal Weapons . 34 Mercy, Prisoners, in the Heavens . 124 Table 3–2: Ravages . 35 and Redemption . 28 The Celestial Hebdomad . 124 Table 3–3: Afflictions . 35 Sainthood . 29 Talisid and the Table 3–4: Good Spell Components . 37 Tithes and Offerings . 29 Five Companions . 138 Table 4–1: Feats . 40 Voluntary Poverty . 29 The Court of Stars . 150 Table 4–1: Feats (cont) . 41 Waging Peace . 31 Celestial Planar Allies . 156 Table 4–2: Ancestral Relic . 41 Words of Creation . 31 Table 5–1: The Anointed Knight . 50 Chapter 8: Monsters . 157 Table 5–2: The Apostle of Peace . 51 Chapter 3: Exalted Equipment . 33 The Deathless Type . 157 Table 5–3: The Beloved of Valarian . 53 Sanctified Weapons . 33 Aleax . 158 Table 5–4: The Celestial Mystic . 55 Nonlethal Weapons . 34 Archon . 159 Table 5–5: The Champion of Ravages and Afflictions . 34 Owl Archon . 159 Gwynharwyf . 57 Relics . 36 Sword Archon . 160 Table 5–6: The Defender of Sealtiel . 58 Optional Material Components . 37 Throne Archon . 162 Table 5–7: The Emissary of Barachiel . 60 Special Materials . 38 Warden Archon . 163 Table 5–8: Emissary of Barachiel Asura . 164 Spells Known . 60 Chapter 4: Feats . 39 Bariaur . 165 Table 5–9: The Exalted Arcanist . 62 Exalted Feats . 39 Crypt Warden . 167 Table 5–10: The Fist of Raziel . 63 Feat Descriptions . 39 Eladrin . 168 Table 5–11: The Initiate of Pistis Sophia . 64 Coure . 168 Table 5–12: The Lion of Talisid . 65 Chapter 5: Prestige Classes . 49 Firre . 169 Table 5–13: The Prophet of Erathaol . 67 Anointed Knight . 49 Shiradi . 170 Table 5–14: The Risen Martyr . 68 Apostle of Peace . 51 Tulani . 171 Table 5–15: The Sentinel of Bharrai . 70 Beloved of Valarian . 53 Guardinal . 172 Table 5–16: The Skylord . 71 Celestial Mystic . 55 Equinal . 173 Table 5–17: The Slayer of Domiel . 73 Champion of Gwynharwyf . 56 Musteval . 174 Table 5–18: The Stalker of Kharash . 75 Defender of Sealtiel . 58 Ursinal . 174 Table 5–19: The Swanmay . 76 Emissary of Barachiel . 59 Hollyphant . 176 Table 5–20: The Sword of Righteousness . 78 Exalted Arcanist . 61 Leskylor . 177 Table 5–21: The Troubadour of Stars . 79 Fist of Raziel . 62 Moon Dog . 179 Table 5–22: The Vassal of Bahamut . 80 Initiate of Pistis Sophia . 64 Quesar . 180 Table 5–23: The Wonderworker . 82 Lion of Talisid . 65 Rhek . 181 Table 7–1: Channel Celestial Paragon Prophet of Erathaol . 66 Sacred Watcher . 182 Conferred Qualities . 122 Risen Martyr . 68 Saint . 184 Table 7–2: Channel Celestial Sentinel of Bharrai . 69 Sanctified Creature . 186 Paragon Costs . 123 Skylord . 71 Swarm, Divine Wrath . 188 Slayer of Domiel . 73 Apocalypse Frog Swarm . 188 Stalker of Kharash . 75 Bronze Locust Swarm . 188 Swanmay . 76 Deathraven Swarm . 189 Sword of Righteousness . 77 Sunfly Swarm . 190 3 620_88026_ExaltedDeeds2a.qxd 8/25/03 1:44 PM Page 4 ter every drow I see and sell their goods on the open market? Introduction How do I wrest information from enemy prisoners without Welcome to the Book of Exalted Deeds. compromising my alignment? Is there any hope for the orc There is an obvious parallel between this book and its prede- whelps in the stronghold, or should we slaughter them, too? cessor, the Book of Vile Darkness. Both are named after minor Many players would just as soon overlook these questions, artifacts detailed in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, artifacts that believing they detract from the fun of the game. There’s nothing define the sharp polarity between the most abhorrent pits of wrong with that. For groups that want to address these issues, evil and the highest peaks of righteousness. While the Book of however, the Book of Exalted Deeds opens the way. At the same Vile Darkness concerns itself with all things evil, dealing with time, it presents a whole host of new opportunities for player the most reprehensible subjects ever covered in the DUNGEONS characters of good alignment and righteous conviction:.
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