F.......-.oy R:_ONIIt-CIIMIIIII 6 In/t: i2 dB, 30 H 18 kHz 7·112 In/l. ~ dB, 40 Hz 1&kHI 3-314 In/ • dB, dB. 50 HI 1.& kHz FI FEATURES: S Pa~n~ '5 In/I below 0.08110 rIM DkH:ast umlnum top-plllt8, high IpMd convelWion 1 tl2 Inl below 0.'" rms between ~ nch .rid % nch tape, low lrnpedance 3-3/41n/. below 0 IK mw heeds. Jewel nnll ~ flu11 IdIenr. .1110­ tranJca madulal plutt-In fram the front. _-up PIIIybIcIc Timing Aal:uqay: Justman15mede from thlt front, plug-In equallzel'l, .~ C:t:3.6 18COf1d1ln 30 mlnutal rec:ording three edll moo., Id malntlmlnce, 10-Xt-lnch CllP8Clty. 1I!II!~~Jrr.i:''4il AG-44().8 MASTER RECORDER/REPRODUCER The highly ratlable AG-440 II IIV8I Ie In n en.tIIIk: fl.tr.c:k configuration UIIng one-Inch hIP" Thll B than 86 dB lit 600 Hz fine Instrument 'atu,. all the relleblHty and rnalntanance .­ of the IbIndard AG-44OB. Tha ribbed, dla-a.t top lehl provides rigidity n­ AG-446B tl to permanent tnlc:k111ll alignment. Thl new REPRODUCER AG-440-8 has operating t tu,. of tha 1 to 4­ units, plug-In high torque reallng motOR Reproducer-only \Alman of the AG-440B nd Instrumenhltlon type locking holddown knobs the AG-446B h. the saml fOlltU,. .rid .......m,·.. for NAB tOoloS Inch reel 110,. and the lame high qu /lty. Th I SPECIFICATIONS: convanibla between \to·lnch nd Xt-Inch lint _Ilabl. In co..,1 or unmoun SIgnII/No_ Ratio: The uma bask: overbridgll electron accept from ana to four channell 1·1/2,1& In/I: BOdB reproduce electroniC&. Appllcatlont F.........v RIIIpO.......annll: mated IlIdlo tlons. comrnarc:lal and IndtllltJiII 15 In/I: ±2 dB, 30 Hz 18 kHz music systems and am.,. where the h 1'/2 in/I: ±2 dB, 40 Hz to '0 kHz; 2 dB pia k of prerecorded Infonnll1fon Ie ... dB, 40 Hz to '6 kHz FluttIr: 15 In/I' low 0.08'lL rI1'II 7 1/21n/.: below 0.1'" rmI AG-500 SERIES RECORDER/REPRODUCER A full studio qual tv sol ta prote.lonal .... SitINI/Notae Ra 0 : con:lar. the AG-600. Ie ..pplled In rugged &6 dB at ,& and 7·112 In/t Chalf portIbl c=-I or for k mounting. It .. _II ,. kl In tlngl. or two channels R choice of dual 60 dB at 15 and 7 1/2 In/I IfuJl lItI'IInQIImen o.lgned for bt uw. dI. &6 dB 3-314 In/lCfull I AG-SOO also tel 'for lChaoll, motion plc:ture ltudlOI, government operatlo,. and madlc:el and Flutter and Wow: Indultrial reh. L_ than 0.16'" at 151n/1 0.18" rmI at 7 1/2 In/I FEATURes: 0.25'" rmI at 3-3/4 n/I Precllion milled dl lop-pIa • relav 1OJa. WeWtt 6DIm Rold operated, remote control labia, eddy CUlftltt 1 channel I 2 lb' 20 nah clutch_, fJonl penal alectronic IIdJustrnlln four nc:heI D Ie 14-5/81nc:heI H pOI lion h ad aslem Iy, wo I n. Inputt p.r 2 channel po B2 Ib 20 nchel channel. Inch Dx 111-118 rnc:l* H SPECIFICATIONS: 0wer8II Frequanay RtIIIpoNe: Iii nit: i2 dB. 30 Hz 18 kHz 7·1/2ln/l: 2 d8 ~ dB. 30 Hz 11i kHz 3-314 In/I: 2 dB ~ dB, 40 Hz 8 kHz • "-Inch .,.-­ 1ve 1 FEATURES: TWosl8lll:er aywtWn n tuned eru:IOIUre. MpaI8t8 ••tnlble ..,.1zen, 1101 electron ~ fllft tram 86 HI to 10 kHI. 15- U ou1put SPECIFICATIONS: 0verII1 Frequancy RIIPO" f..01I....h ~tIanv flat ICOUItIcaIlV, fa be than 81H' 10 Hz AM·10 • STEREO/MONO MIXER Llrwlnput: 12 1iI8m output I.,.,. '- _ 0. SO H;! 10 kHz ero.tIIlkR 85 dB &00 Hz. Gnllltw than .to ell FEATURES: 2O H, 20kHz '.ii-- ••• ---of..,mm SPECI FICATIONS: dIIIgn I m leal and .a devk:el IIIP-IJN ....: dupllcatad to provide troubfe.frM b Ional Qpenltlon (unldlrec:1lonat modell IIa liliiii1 1 112. 1& fn/I: 86 dB full, 83 dB helt, end rn dB qulrtet' ttIICk la'. The ABA 10 offers dependllbl_, unattended opanItiOn at low COlt for t S IlUlol11lbld 3-314 In/a: 83 dB full, B3 dB heH. Ind broadcelt syst8mL It IICCIP from &'Inch to quarter track J 1Q.,..lnch reall, nd can be orderad with your '-7/S n/I: 45 B half. and 42 dB qu IIIll1Ct1on of lCf)acenr ipeed pain from I range 15/18 nla: 40 dB half, and 40 dB from 16/18 Inll to 15 nl.. A completely tapant18 aervCH:o",rolled t mlon system tomaticllily Freq&MnCy RIIPO'-: Fluttr. ad/UIIl reel moror lorquO to tho COIl1IC1 rapa 161n/s: i2dB,30Hz 1BkHz 0_' '110 lenslon. Quick l8pO start limBS f1II"TIlr moro 7-1/2 In/a: ±:z dB, 40 Hz 16 kHz 0.15'1 pnc:l., cuo control. 3-3/4 In/s: ±:z dB. 40 Hz to kHz O.lB'IIo 1·7/S in/s: ±3 dB. 40 Hz 10 kHz 0.26'" FEATURES: 15/16 In/l: ±3 dB, 100 Hz 6 kHz 0.4'" BI dlroclional drive, ,Jrecite, automatic tape tp8IId SwtTIme: control, varlabl fast forward/l1l\ltlrStt .arch con­ Operatlnll speed attained In 0.1 1IICOnd. trol, -V callbrat on and optlllltlon, quick stop! IlIIrt tlmllll. MINI-MIXER ACCESSORIES Tha Mlnl·M xer (Cat. No. 4020279) Iii an ABA M...a.n-.. Aac.lDrles: Series caory Ilmllar In size and shape to the Portable casas, elocttonlcs modules, I11Ilntenance recorden' Control and Electronics modulllll. III kl th dugau.urs, cleener, 0111 nd IP8Clei purpose is to add a mixing capability to an ABR ac:cesorilll DVallable. See compononts and acce. RlCordar If tho need aria.. The input to a Mini­ IOnDII ovallablo. See compononts and IJCC8BIrles Mixer moy be e thor a microphone, phonOQnlph pnc shaut or price shoat for specific products. plck-up, or balanced or unbalanced I ne inpu Prof_OM Microphones: Up to four inputs are acceptad, and ac:ceaory Modol 802 omnidlroctioRIII dynll/Tllc mlc, 50­ plug-in amplifiers or transformllf'S can be added 20,000 Hz, hlllh or low Impedanco. Modal 803 as requlrad. cardioid mlc, 46-16,000 Hz The Mini·Mixor contains two dual-lnpLit ampllflen Remote Control.: for mOd r""l~rdiFfr/l·8DlrodIL1cen - whose outOUtl may be teparata or summed by Available Ampex meanl of a panel rocker switch, !hOi providing reproducorL See prleo sheetl for • capability for four Inpull to a singla output or two MIcrophone P.... mplifl.: .' inputs to oach of two outputs. Activa c1n:uh Plug-In typO, variable gain, 600 ohms output, for mixing II u.d to minimize signal-to-nOlIll degrade­ high and low Impedance mlCL See price sheet 'or tlon and power Iii obtainad from the elac1ronict tpGCific produCL chosls. To accommodate other than line lavel LIne Input Trarwforrnen: Input "gna'I, a microphone preamplifier or a Bal nClld brldlJtl or mutch ng 8OO-ohm typ81 lor phonograph proamplifier II ruqulrad. Balanced line all Ampex pro-audiO equipment. SOlI price sheet Inputl may be accommodated with the u. of for specillc product. 20,000 ohms bridging transformer or a 6()().ohm tow and Rebuilt H....: matching transformer. For roptacament or spara. Sao price shoet for specific prtlducts or head price sheet. SE-20 • AUTOMATIC TAPE DEGAUSSER A fullV outDl11ltlc, heavy duty, bulk tJIpe de­ gaUSll8f. The SE-20 I. limple to operate: plllCtt e reel on th spindle, clDle the drawar, and p th START bunon. In 30 lIIConds, a DEGAUSS COMPLETE indicator hghll up. Exceeds govern­ mllnl lulrements to deliver 98 dB mtnimum eralUro on taplll Ufl to one Inch wide, 86 dB on two-Inch tapIII. Accepll up 10 1S-lnch reels with lltlllldard NAB hub&. Tha SE· 10 hes III own tabI.top InclOlUra With rack mounting adapters; II can moved 881lly to "Nice racom.n In dlHerent locations. STANDARD TEST AND ALIGNMENT TAPE A line of standard reproducer alignment tlllt UIpGI and flutter 18&1 tIP era available for NAB, eCIR, IEC, AIM, EIA and DIN standards. E h II an original f1ICOrdlng, nol a du Comple Infotmlltion Includld In booklet Intitilld "T T Applications." RECORDING TAPE Ampex prof_onel lIudlo tape II lIP cl IIV formu­ Acotelll lilted and manufactured t meet the exacting 621 " '.0 631 "and" 1.6 Pol.,.. requlram nts for perfoJmllnc8 lind dapond bUltv 641 %and 1 0 Polv-tttr IPtIClflad for mntorlna, duplicating nd brood ost 661 14 0.5 Poly eppllcatlons. A wi variety of configurations Is 661 " 0.5PoIv-m Ploy avnilabla 10 maet your xact requlrllmonts In 5­ 661 160 MIL 0.6 Polyester n:-.w and 7 Inch plostl resls ( Inch tapu). lG-%" n h 1.0PolylJilt1lr metal rOllla (all widths) Bnd In bulk with plastic or 681 " metal hubs. 404 SERIES: Low n I most r no tape for 1111 1TIIIIt8ring r 0 600 SER IES inll Including endluss loop and oth eppllCfltlo Guner I purJlOlO prof_lonal racordlng tape for "II rlKlulrlng ttlll ultimol In lop performance. prof_lonel recordars such as used In broadclISling. FEATURES: duplicating. oducallon. Induslry Dnd madl Ino_ Hloh signal In-nuise rello fur freedom from I "hiss" and purltv of rnc:ordlld ion I Ex IIUtI FEATUR ES: high frequoncV rOSJ'ollSQ for lrull rnproductlon a Uniform tal' oumut for cunslstoncy of record­ IIhort wavolunOlhs. Wide. undl5tormd dynamic rn Ing. Mnximum dvnamlc rnnlJll for fidulity at for moximum tidlllity lIt 1111 raconhng lovel varying recording IlMIls.
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