DERAL VOLUME 12 NUMBER 107 Washington, Friday, May 30,1947 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE after provided, will tend to effectuate the CONTENTS declared policy of the act. * PERSONNEL (2) It is hereby further found that Agriculture Department Pas® Chapter I— Civil Service Commission compliance with the notice, public rule See also Sugar Rationing Admin­ making procedure, and effective date re­ istration. Part 3t— Appointment, Compensation, quirements of the Administrative Pro­ Proposed rule making: and R emoval of H earing E xaminers cedure Act (Pub. Law 404, 79th Cong.; Grapes, Tokay, in California__ 3537 60 Stat. 237) is impracticable and con­ Milk handling in Lowell-Law- CONDITIONAL REAPPOINTMENT OF HEARING trary to the public interest in that the rence, Mass., area------;------- 3535 EXAMINERS time intervening between the date when Peaches, fresh, in Georgia------ 3538 Section 34.1 as set out below is hereby information upon which this section is Rules and regulations: added to the regulations in part 34. based became available and the time Citrus fruits, limitation of ship­ § 34.1 Conditional reappointment of when this section must become effective ments: hearing examiners. Pending promulga­ in order to effectuate the declared policy Lemons in California and tion of final regulations by the Commis­ of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Arizona____________ ____ 3509 sion, incumbents of positions that are Act of 1937, as amended, is- insufficient Oranges, grapefruit, and tan- - bearing examiner positions on June 11, for such compliance. gerines in Florida---------- 3507 1947, may be reappointed conditionally (b) Order. (1) During the period be­ Alien Property, Office of on that date. Any eligibility for per­ ginning at 12:01 a. m., e. s. t., June 2, Notices: manent appointment of incumbents that 1947, and ending at 12:01 a. m., e. s. t., Vesting orders: njay be granted in the final regulations June 16,1947, no handler-shall ship: Agrar & Commerz Bank------- 3544 shall be based on the status of incum­ (1) Any oranges, except Temple Ahrberg, Irmgard_________ 3544 bents on June 11,1947. (Sec. 11, 60 Stat. Aktienbrauerei zum Lowen- 244; 5 U. S. C. Sup. 1010) oranges, grown in the State of Florida, brau in Muenchen et al___ 3540 which grade U. S. Combination Russet, Ande, Kanichi________ _ 3541 [seal] United States Civil S erv­ U. S. No. 2 Russet, U. S. No. 3, or lower Bode, Heinrich F__________ 3544 ice Commission, than U. S. No. 3 grade (as such grades Boehlken, August Karl_____ 3541 H. B. M itchell i are defined in the United States stand­ Borst, Aloise, and Cecelia President. ards for citrus fruits, as amended (11 Greiner_______________ 3545 IF. R. Doc. 47-5143; Filed, May. 29, 1947; F. R. 13239; 12 F. R. D ); or • Bosch, Robert, A. G. and 8:47 a. m.] (ii) Any orangés, except Temple Rajah Co______________ 3540 oranges, grown in the State of Florida, Cords, Friedrich Heinrich which are of a size larger than a size that Ferdinand______________ 3545 will pack 126 oranges, packed in accord­ Dichter, Jakob___________ 3540 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE Gersting, Herman, et al_____ 3546 ance with the requirements of a stand­ ’Hausman, Sophie K—______ 3542 Chapter IX—-Production and Marr ard pack (as such pack is defined in the Hensel, Klara, and Margaret aiforesaid amended United States stand­ keting Administration (Marketing Reiger____ _____________ 3546 ards) , in a standard box (as such box is Hohl', Kilian___ „__________ 3542 Agreements and Orders) defined in the standards for containers Hoshino, R----------------------- 3546 [Orange Reg. 121] for citrus fruit established by the Florida Lavner, Robert____________ 3542 Part 933—Oranges, G rapefruit, and T an­ Citrus Commission pursuant to section 3 Lingner Werke A. G. and Odol gerines G r^ w n in F lorida of Chapter 20449, Laws of Florida, Acts Corp__________________ 3539 of 1941 (Florida Laws Annotated Oehmann, Marie---------------- 3545 limitation of shipments § 595.09)). - Oldendorf, MarieJ--------- — 3543 § 933.347 Orange Regulation 121—(a) (2) As used in this section, “handler,, Puschner, Josef and Julius, Findings. (1) Pursuant to the market­ and Lightning Fasteners, and “ship” shall have the same meaning L td_________ — ---------- 3539 ing agreement, as amended, and Order as is given to each such term in said Sandhagen, Heinrich E. F___ 3543 No. 33, as amended (7 CFR, Cum. Supp., amended marketing agreement and Schmidt,.' Anna___________ 3543 933.1 et seq.; 11 F. R. 9471), regulating order. Schmidt, Harry John_____ _ 3543 the handling of oranges, grapefruit, and (48 Stat. 31, 670, 675,49 Stat. 750,50 Stat. Seidel, Emil_______ — 3547 tangerines grown in the State of Florida, 246; 7 U. S. C. 601 et âeq.) Seismos Gesellschaft m. b. H. effective under the applicable provisions zur Erforschung von Ge- of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Done at Washington, D. C., this 28th birgschichten und nutz­ Act of 1937, as amended, and upon the day of May 1947. baren Lagerstatten_______ 3541 basis of the recommendations of the com­ [seal] - • S. R. Sm ith, Thoss, Lena________ _____ 3547 mittees established under the aforesaid Director, Fruit and Vegetable Zimmermann, Guenter__— 3547 amended marketing agreement and or­ Branch, Production and Mar­ Civil Aeronfrutics Board der, and upon other available informa­ keting Administration. Notices: tion, it is hereby found that the limita­ (F. R. Doc. 47-5236; Filed, May 29, 1947; du Pont. A. Felix, Jr. and All- tion of shipments of oranges, as.herein­ 9:43 a. m.] American Aviation, Inc------- 3548 3507 3508 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Power Commission Pa£® Sugar Rationing Administration PaSe FOOUÌ&ÌKHSTB Notices : Rules and regulations: '»3« «ÿjr Colorado Interstate Gas Co., Administration; delegation of t'M U O v hearing__________________ 3548 authority to regional sugar Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Fish and Wildlife Service executives and branch office and days following official Federal holidays, Rules and regulations: directors with respect to rice by the Division of the Federal Register, the Alaska Game Commission ;. es­ price control..--------------- --3511 National Archives, pursuant to the authority tablishment of Arctic Slope Sugar rationing (2 documents) _ 3512 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Pur Management Area_____ 3534 Veterans* Administration amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Organization and procedure; delegation of authority____ 3534 Rules and regulations: ♦ ' tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Office of Executive Assistant mittee; approved by the President. Distribu­ Housing Expediter, Office of tion is made only by the Superintendent of Administrator, organization; Documents, Government Printing Office, Rules and regulations: central and branch offices___ 3516 Washington 25, D. C. Rent regulations: The regulatory material appearing herein is Consolidation of areas____ _ 3509 War Assets Administration keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Decontrol actions (2 docu­ Rules and regulations: which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant ments) __-------- :___ 3510, 3511 Disposal agency offices for filing to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Interior Department declarations of surplus prop­ amended June 19, 1937. erty by owning agencies; lo­ The F ederal R egister will be furnished by See also Pish and Wildlife Service. mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Proposed rule making : cation___________________ 3513 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Alaska, protection of animals, vance. The charge for individual copies birds, and game fishes___ 3535 CODIFICATION GUIDE (minimum 150) varies in proportion to the Rules and regulations: size of the issue. Remit check or money A numerical list of the parts of the Code order, made payable to the Superintendent Delegations of authority: of Federal Regulations affected by documents of Documents, directly to the Government Alaska Commercial Fisheries. 3534 published in this issue. Proposed rules, as Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Condemnation proceedings— ,3534 opposed to final actions, are identified as There are no restrictions on the republica­ Interstate Commerce Commis­ such in parentheses,, tion of material appearing in the F ederal R egister. sion Title 5— Administrative Person- Pase Notices : Cars, lightweighing at Wee- nel hawken, N. J _________;____ 3548 Chapter I—Civil Service Commis­ 1946 SUPPLEMENT sion: Navy Department Part 34—Appointment, compen­ to the Rules and regulations: sation, and removal of hear­ Allowances, servicemen’s de­ ing examiners_____________ 3507 CODE OF FEDERAL pendents ________________ 3514 REGULATIONS Enlistments.-_______________ 3514 Title 7— Agriculture Naval Academy, admission of Chapter IX—Production and Mar­ The following book is now candidates as midshipmen__ 3514 keting Administration (Mar­ available: Naval Establishment: keting Agreements and Or­ Organization and functions: ders) : Book 1: Titles 1 through 8, Bureau of Medicine’ and Part 93?—Oranges, grapefruit, including, in Title 3, Presiden­ Surgery..^___________ 3516 and tangerines grown in Flor- tial documents in full text with Miscellaneous amend­ • ida_____________ 3507 appropriate reference tables and fc ments____:_____. _____ 3514 Part 934—Milk in Lowell-Law- index. Procedures; miscellaneous rence, Mass., marketing area amendments. ___________ 3514 (proposed)_____ ... ---------- 3535 This book may be obtained from the Naval Reserve Officers’
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