AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Putting Together the Puzzle See pages 14-16 1 C ONNECTIONS — S PRING 2 0 0 2 Welcome, Kori Thol… CAHE’s New Assistant Director DATES TO REMEMBER of Development April 4 E. Paul Catts Memorial Lecture – Todd Hall 133 7:30 p.m. ori Thol has been appointed to For the next 12 Animal Science Recognition Pro- Kthe position of assistant director of few months, gram – University Inn, Moscow development for the College of Agri- Thol will be 13 CAHE Awards Banquet culture and Home Economics. She stationed in Mom’s Weekend Fashion Show assumed her duties in February 2002 Pullman while 2 shows at noon and 2 p.m. replacing Phyllis Baxter, who became learning more Thesis Exhibition by Andrea director of development for the College about the Col- Eklund in the Special Collections Room in Holland Library “Chal- of Sciences. lege. She will lenging the Experts’ Advice… Kori, formerly development coordi- then move to Fashionable Plus Size Women’s nator for the WSU College of Liberal an office on Apparel” Arts, is no stranger to CAHE devel- the west side, 15-16 Outstanding Alumni Award – opment. In 1998, while working on most likely at Kori Thol Joseph Jen, Undersecretary of her master’s in student affairs adminis- the Puyallup Agriculture tration, she did her internship in the Research and Extension Center. 15 Human Development Awards CAHE development office. “The development work is basically Reception “I’m excited to be a member of the same as in Liberal Arts as far as 24-25 Golden/Diamond Grad Reunion CAHE Alumni and Development team working with alumni and donors and May and the College of Agriculture and matching their gifts to scholarships and 11 WSU Commencement Home Economics, which is an integral research. There will be a lot of product 12 Hort/LA Annual Graduate and vital part of WSU. This position knowledge involved in being able to Luncheon will allow me the opportunity to relate donors’ needs to CAHE’s mission work with alumni, faculty, friends, and and needs.” August 23 Hort/LA Graduate Welcome corporate partners to create positive In addition to her fundraising activ- Luncheon change and advance current efforts on ities, Thol will be working with the National Lentil Festival the west side.” research and extension centers on the 26 Classes begin She brings a wealth of experience west side in an effort to increase aware- to our development office. After a ness and visibility for our alumni and October childhood spent in Boise, Idaho, Thol potential donors. 3 Thursday evening and October attended the University of Idaho on As assistant director for CAHE she 4, Friday morning – Career Forum an academic/athletic scholarship receiv- will actively pursue major funding for ing a B.A. in secondary education. Her undergraduate and graduate scholar- 16-17 2002 All Extension Conference – Pullman eight years of teaching were followed ships, research, teaching and extension. by four years with WSU Student Affairs/ Kori Thol can be reached at Career Services. [email protected]. For a complete Extension calendar go to: 2 http://ext.wsu.edu/calendar/index.asp Look for the CAHE Alumni and Development Web Site at: www.cahealumni.wsu.edu On the cover: Agricultural Economy Collage created by Jessica Evans C ONNECTIONS — S PRING 2 0 0 2 C ONTENTS Update on Changes in Land-Grant Day Around the College 2 Research Impact 7 4-H turns 100 8 Wine industry 12 s stated in the fall issue of Connections, case their research, artistic and scholarly Cover Story: ALand-Grant Day as celebrated in the efforts. All of the colleges are invited Agricultural Economics 14 College of Agriculture and Home Econom- to participate, with the probability that ics has changed. CAHE will join in a uni- CAHE, Veterinary Medicine, Liberal Arts Pavilion 17 versity-wide approach to celebrating our and Sciences will be the first to actively Alumni Notes 19 land-grant heritage. pursue this opportunity. Private Giving 22 A proposal has been drafted which Part of the proposal suggests the col- states the purpose will be to demonstrate leges’ advisory boards hold their board Dean’s Message Inside Back Cover Washington State University’s continuing meetings during the selected weekend. The ability to transform the state of Washing- educational events are proposed with the ton through the quality of its land-grant college advisory board, alumni and donors mission: research, teaching and public being considered the primary audience. C ONNECTIONS service. It is intended for all of the We will inform alumni and friends of colleges to use this opportunity to show- the actual date and events scheduled. Issue Number Ten • Spring 2002 Connections is published two times a year by the College of Agriculture and Home Economics Alumni and Development Office. Readers are encouraged to share their ideas for articles and to contribute items by writing to: College of Agriculture and Home Economics Alumni and Development Coordinator Washington State University PO Box 646228 Pullman, WA 99164-6228 Connections Staff Publisher: James J. Zuiches, Dean, CAHE Alumni and Development Director: Patrick L. Kramer Development Coordinator: Winifred Ann Tate Program Support Supervisor: Britta Nitcy Secretary: Terri Guenthner Writers/Editors: Dennis Brown, Mary Dey, Ed Sala, Brenda Congdon Graphic Designer: Jessica Evans CAHE Alumni Board of Directors President: Clay Sprague ‘80 1 Vice President: Chuck Chambers ‘59 Secretary/Treasurer: Clint J. Adamson ’99 Board Members: Andrea Howell ’95, Diana Anderson ‘94, Nancy Boettcher ‘75, Lil Freese ‘48, Alison Lane ‘93, Ginger Scobie ‘71, Maureen Sprague ’89 & ‘98, Bonnie Russell ‘00, Tedd Wildman ‘84 Mission: The College of Agriculture and Home Economics Alumni Board of Directors is the catalyst for uniting prospective stu- dents, current students, the college admin- istration, faculty and staff, industry, and alumni while upholding WSU’s land-grant mission. Web Site: www.cahealumni.wsu.edu 224593 March 2002 C ONNECTIONS — S PRING 2 0 0 2 AROUND THE COLLEGE COMPILED BY TERRI GUENTHNER AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS agement Education Coordinating Team Jason Johnston, Joseph Larsen, Ian Mur- (Doug Jose, Kevin Klair, James Novak, dock, Konni Smiley. Graduate Students: Maria Loureiro (Ph.D. ’00) received Kenneth Stokes and H. Don Tilmon) Paul Kuber, Ph.D., will be an assistant the 2001 Food Distribution Research Soci- received the American Agricultural Eco- professor in animal & veterinary science ety’s Applebaum Award for the Outstanding nomics Association’s Distinguished Group at the University of Idaho, and Darla Ph.D. Dissertation. Extension Program Award. Marks, M.S., will be working with Coop- Senior Kelli Myers was elected pres- erative Extension in Wyoming. ident of the Undergraduate Student New Hires John McNamara was selected the Section of the American Agricultural Eco- Fabio Chaddad will be an assistant Washington Science Teacher’s Association nomics Association. Kelli also received 3rd professor with teaching and research 2001 Higher Ed Level Science Teacher place in the AAEA student paper competi- emphasis in agribusiness economics. Orig- of the Year. He received the award at tion and received an honorable mention inally from Brazil, Dr. Chaddad received the WSTA Awards Banquet in Yakima in award in Ohio State University’s National his Ph.D. from the University of Missouri November. Undergraduate Essay Contest. in 2001. He received an M.S. in business Tauhidur Rahman (Ph.D. candidate) administration from the University of São was elected president of the Graduate Stu- Paulo School of Economics. APPAREL, MERCHANDISING dent Section of the American Agricultural Hayley Chouinard, assistant profes- AND INTERIOR DESIGN Economics Association. sor, received her Ph.D. from the Uni- Kristine Grimsrud (Ph.D. candidate) versity of California-Berkeley in 2001. Apparel, Merchandising and Interior has accepted an assistant professor posi- She holds an M.S. in applied economics Design began this academic year with a tion at the University of Guelph, Canada. from Montana State University, and a whole new set of possibilities. As an out- B.S. in business-finance from Montana come of capital planning decisions, the Faculty State University. Dr. Chouinard will teach department was able to double facilities Ken Casavant was Featured Policy Ana- and conduct research in agricultural and space allocations by temporarily moving lyst at the “Electrical Deregulation and resource economics. all Interior Design Studios and one major Rural Development Research Workshop” Jonathan Yoder, assistant professor, Apparel Merchandising Studio to the in October, at the University of Montana. has been an assistant professor at Okla- Engineering Lab Building. Space in Krue- Ken Duft has been appointed to serve homa State University since 2000. He gel was redesigned and another Apparel a two-year term as a member of the Lew- received his Ph.D. from North Carolina Design Studio and two new Com- iston Morning Tribune’s Community Advi- State and his M.S. in economics from puter-Aided Design Studios were created. sory Council XII. Montana State University. Dr. Yoder will Equipment and furniture were also pro- Ray Folwell received a Certificate of perform research and teaching duties in vided, creating a major leap in tech- Appreciation from USDA’s Risk Manage- resource and environmental economics. nological and ergonomics comfort and ment Agency. Eric Jessup (Ph.D. ’98), formerly with function. Faculty and students were Ray Huffaker was elected president of American Express Corporation, has joined quite excited. the Western Agricultural Economics Asso- the faculty as an assistant research pro- Plans for permanent housing are under 2 ciation. fessor. He will be conducting research in way with the expectation that new quar- Jill McCluskey was elected a director transportation economics. ters will become available within six years. of the Western Agricultural Economics Thomas Heckelei (Ph.D. ’93), formerly Financial support during the process of Association.
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