MNBBA - Master Species List with Safe Dates and Habitat, by Begin Date Safe Dates BREEDING SPECIES Code Habitat Begin End JANUARY Great Horned Owl GHOW 01/20 07/01 Semi-open deciduous and mixed forest. Shelterbed/hedgerow. FEBRUARY Rock Pigeon ROPI 02/15 11/15 Urban; small towns; farmsteads. MARCH Barred Owl BADO 03/10 07/20 Upland deciduous and mixed forest. Northern Hawk Owl NHOW 03/15 08/01 Conifer and mixed conifer-deciduous forest and wooded swamp Great Gray Owl GGOW 03/15 08/01 Upland and lowland conifer and mixed forest. Peatland - semi-open forested bog. Boreal Owl BOOW 03/15 08/01 Upland coniferous and deciduous forest - adjacent to coniferous bog. Gray Jay GRAJ 03/15 07/01 Upland coniferous forest. Lowland coniferous forest and semi-open bog. House Sparrow HOSP 03/15 08/10 Urban, suburban, small towns, farmsteads Eastern Screech-Owl EASO 03/20 08/10 Semi-open deciduous. Suburban - wooded residential. Orchards. APRIL Ruffed Grouse RUGR 04/01 07/20 Deciduous and mixed upland forest. Regenerating/early successional cutovers. Spruce Grouse SPGR 04/01 08/10 Lowland coniferous forest. Upland coniferous forest. Sharp-tailed Grouse STGR 04/01 07/10 Peatland - open bog. Alder and willow shrublands. Greater Prairie-Chicken GRPC 04/01 07/10 Open - grassland; upland prairie. American Woodcock AMWO 04/01 08/01 Deciduous or mixed forest - alder openings; cutovers. Northern Saw-whet Owl NSWO 04/01 08/01 Upland deciduous and mixed forest. Downy Woodpecker DOWO 04/01 08/01 Upland deciduous and mixed forest. Suburban and small town - open space parks. Hairy Woodpecker HAWO 04/01 08/01 Upland deciduous and mixed forest. Pileated Woodpecker PIWO 04/01 08/01 Upland deciduous or mixed forest. Suburban - large forested parks. Black-billed Magpie BBMA 04/01 08/01 Rural - agricultural landscape, adjacent peatlands. Common Raven CORA 04/01 07/01 Upland coniferous forest with cliffs. Horned Lark HOLA 04/01 08/01 Rural - agriculture. Cultivated row crops; short grass pasture. White-breasted Nuthatch WBNU 04/01 08/01 Upland deciduous forest. Small towns - open space parks. European Starling EUST 04/01 08/01 Urban; small towns; rural farmsteads. Canada Goose CANG 04/10 08/01 Lakes and ponds - shores and edges. Red-bellied Woodpecker RBWO 04/10 08/01 Upland and lowland deciduous forest. Suburban - wooded residential. Black-capped Chickadee BCCH 04/10 08/01 Upland deciduous and mixed forest. Urban and small towns - open space; residential. Tufted Titmouse TUTI 04/10 08/01 Upland and lowland deciduous forest. Small towns - open space parks. (Southeast Minn.) Red-breasted Nuthatch RBNU 04/10 08/01 Upland coniferous and mixed forest. Northern Cardinal NOCA 04/10 08/01 Small town; suburban - residential; open space. House Finch HOFI 04/10 08/10 Suburban, small towns - residential, open space Killdeer KILL 04/15 08/01 Open - human-altered upland and lowland grassland. Wilson's Snipe WISN 04/15 08/01 Wetland - sedge; lowland grass. Wet prairie. Semi-open cutovers. 1/31/2013 Page 1 MNBBA - Master Species List with Safe Dates and Habitat, by Begin Date Safe Dates BREEDING SPECIES Code Habitat Begin End Mourning Dove MODO 04/15 08/01 Suburban; small towns; farmsteads. Peregrine Falcon PEFA 04/15 08/20 Urban - tall building, bridges. Cliffs - large rivers; Lake Superior. American Crow AMCR 04/15 07/15 Urban; small towns; rural upland - open space; wooded residential. Red Crossbill RECR 04/15 07/01 Conifer and mixed forest White-winged Crossbill WWCR 04/15 07/01 Conifer and mixed forest Northern Bobwhite NOBO 04/20 07/20 Gray Partridge GRAP 04/20 08/15 Open - upland short grassland; cultivated. Ring-necked Pheasant RNEP 04/20 08/15 Open - human-altered upland grassland. Wild Turkey WITU 04/20 07/20 Fragmented forest - cultivated edge. Semi-open deciduous - disturbed/altered upland. Red-tailed Hawk RTHA 04/20 08/01 Fragmented forest. Semi-open deciduous - disturbed/altered upland. Long-eared Owl LEOW 04/20 08/01 Upland deciduous or mixed forest. Semi-open fragmented forest. Conifer shelterbelt. MAY Mute Swan MUSW 05/01 08/01 Lakes and ponds Trumpeter Swan TRUS 05/01 08/01 Lakes and ponds - shores and edges. Wood Duck WODU 05/01 08/01 Wooded ponds. Wooded-edged streams and lakes. Mallard MALL 05/01 08/01 Lakes and ponds. Pied-billed Grebe PBGR 05/01 08/01 Ponds. Emergent marsh. Great Blue Heron GBHE 05/01 08/01 Wooded lakes and ponds; Wooded rivers and streams. Bald Eagle BAEA 05/01 08/10 Lakes. Nest - adjacent forest edge. Northern Goshawk NOGO 05/01 08/15 Upland coniferous or mixed forest - mature. Red-shouldered Hawk RSHA 05/01 08/01 Upland or lowland deciduous forest with wetland openings. Sandhill Crane SACR 05/01 08/01 Extensive wetland - sedge/lowland grass; shrub. Wet prairie. Eurasian Collared-Dove EUCD 05/01 08/01 Small towns - residential Barn Owl BANO 05/01 08/01 Grasslands and farmland Short-eared Owl SEOW 05/01 08/01 Wetland - sedge; shrub swamp. Wet prairie. Human- altered grassland. Am. Three-toed Woodpecker ATTW 05/01 07/20 Semi-open coniferous - burned. Lowland black spruce forest. Black-backed Woodpecker BBWO 05/01 07/20 Semi-open coniferous - burned. Lowland black spruce forest. Carolina Wren CARW 05/01 08/15 Open deciduous woodland, farmland and suburbs Louisiana Waterthrush LOWA 05/01 07/01 Mature deciduous forest and floodplain forest - streamside edge. Red-winged Blackbird RWBL 05/01 07/20 Wetland - cattail marsh, shrub swamp Common Grackle COGR 05/01 07/20 Suburban, small town, farmstead - open space, residential, woodlot. Lake edge. Turkey Vulture TUVU 05/10 08/01 Fragmented - forest with cliff, rock outcrop. Rural open - artificial structures. Marbled Godwit MAGO 05/10 07/20 Upland or moist prairie and human-altered upland grassland. Rural - pasture; cultivated. Belted Kingfisher BEKI 05/10 08/01 Lake shores; river and stream . Nest - banks, gravel pits. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker YBSA 05/10 08/01 Upland deciduous and mixed forest. Northern Flicker NOFL 05/10 08/01 Open upland with trees. Suburban - open space parks, 1/31/2013 Page 2 MNBBA - Master Species List with Safe Dates and Habitat, by Begin Date Safe Dates BREEDING SPECIES Code Habitat Begin End golf courses. Eastern Phoebe EAPH 05/10 08/01 Small town and rural - bridges, structures; open space. Loggerhead Shrike LOSH 05/10 08/01 Rural - pasture and prairie with a few small trees. Tree Swallow TRES 05/10 07/10 Open country with nest boxes or trees; lakeshores. Boreal Chickadee BOCH 05/10 08/01 Upland and lowland coniferous forest. Eastern Bluebird EABL 05/10 08/01 Grassland - prairie; pasture; hay with scattered trees. Farmsteads; orchards. Mountain Bluebird MOBL 05/10 08/01 Open conifer and deciduous forest American Robin AMRO 05/10 08/10 Upland forests with edge openings. Urban; small towns; rural - open space; residential. Song Sparrow SOSP 05/10 08/01 Edge - cutovers, stream or lake. Rural; town; suburban - residential; open space. Swamp Sparrow SWSP 05/10 08/01 Wetland - shrub swamp. Pond - shrub edge. Eastern Meadowlark EAME 05/10 07/20 Upland grassland - prairie or human-altered. Western Meadowlark WEME 05/10 07/20 Upland grassland - prairie or human-altered Rusty Blackbird RUBL 05/10 07/20 Lowland conifer bog; shrubby stream edges. Brewer's Blackbird BRBL 05/10 07/20 Upland grassland - human-altered, hay field, pasture Great-tailed Grackle GTGR 05/10 07/20 Rural - pasture/feedlot Brown-headed Cowbird BHCO 05/10 07/20 Fragmented/edge - forest, woodlot, open space with livestock or feeders Gadwall GADW 05/15 08/01 Emergent marsh. American Wigeon AMWI 05/15 08/01 Ponds. Emergent marsh. American Black Duck ABDU 05/15 08/01 Lakes and ponds (north) Hooded Merganser HOME 05/15 08/01 Lakes and ponds. Common Loon COLO 05/15 08/01 Lakes. Red-necked Grebe RNGR 05/15 08/01 Lakes and ponds. Emergent marsh. Least Bittern LEBI 05/15 08/01 Emergent marsh. Ring-billed Gull RBGU 05/15 08/01 Lakes - islands. Herring Gull HERG 05/15 08/15 Lakes - islands, cliffs. Red-headed Woodpecker RHWO 05/15 08/01 Semi-open deciduous - savanna. Rural - grassland with trees. Cutovers - scattered trees Blue-winged Teal BWTE 05/20 08/01 Lakes and ponds. Emergent marsh. Northern Shoveler NSHO 05/20 08/01 Lakes and ponds. Emergent marsh. Northern Pintail NOPI 05/20 08/01 Lakes and ponds. Emergent marsh. Common Merganser COME 05/20 08/01 Lakes. Large rivers. Red-breasted Merganser RBME 05/20 08/10 Large lakes. Eared Grebe EAGR 05/20 08/01 Lakes and ponds. Western Grebe WEGR 05/20 08/01 Lakes and ponds. Clark's Grebe CLGR 05/20 08/10 Lakes and ponds. Double-crested Cormorant DCCO 05/20 08/15 Large lakes - islands American White Pelican AWPE 05/20 07/15 Large lakes - islands. American Bittern AMBI 05/20 08/01 Wetlands - sedge; shrub swamp. Forest - extensive wetland edge. Great Egret GREG 05/20 08/01 Wooded lakes and ponds; Wooded rivers and streams. Little Blue Heron LBHE 05/20 08/15 Wooded lakes and ponds; Wooded rivers and streams. Black-crowned Night-Heron BCNH 05/20 08/15 Wooded lakes and ponds. Wooded rivers and streams. Northern Harrier NOHA 05/20 08/01 Open - wet prairie, sedge wetland. Human-altered upland grassland. Sharp-shinned Hawk SSHA 05/20 08/01 Upland mixed forest. 1/31/2013 Page 3 MNBBA - Master Species List with Safe Dates and Habitat, by Begin Date Safe Dates BREEDING SPECIES Code Habitat Begin End Cooper's Hawk COHA 05/20 08/10 Upland deciduous or mixed forest.
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