Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 12-9-1977 Spectator 1977-12-09 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1977-12-09" (1977). The Spectator. 1536. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/1536 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. Happy Holidays! )/"""^ Ifall- TNI' \ r /A Vw^A THE SPECTATOR Vol. XLVI. No. 10 Friday, December9, 1977 Seattle University Seattle, WA Fivestudentsgain senate seats It appearsS.U.s internationalstudents Shahram Ghaedi, a sophomore econo- foreign studentsif he was elected. sophomoreGeorgeDechantfor senate seat will be better represented on the ASSU mics major, garnered the senate seat one UNIFICATION OF and better under- three.Final vote count for that race was senate with the election Tuesday of two post overjuniorDavid Wilson, 160 to 114. standingbetweeninternationaland Amer- 185 votes forLaigoand84 for Dechant. senatorscarrying platforms representing In aninterviewlast week Ghaedi said he icanstudentsisalsothegoalofReneLaigo, Inother senate races, Clayton Lav, a internationalstudent needs. would encourage a louder voice for S.U. a junior humanities major who defeated sophomore accounting major, ran unop- posedforsenate seat two.Hereceived206 votes.In the senate seat four race, Mark Damon,sophomorebusinessmajor,defeat- Senate Santa ed freshmanDebbieFuss by a 159 to 105 Contradiction margin. KevinColuccio isthe new freshmanclass president. Coluccio, a general studies for Tabard major,downedPaul Satushek, abusiness theupcoming holidays major,73-44. Maybe Christmas board positions were filled by had something to do with the Judicial ASSU persons running unopposed. Mauna senate's generous attitude toward money four with179 votes, PaulPasquier duringMonday'ssenate meeting. Arzen won 193 votes, Korte had 163 First the senators reached into their received Chris votes andBret Daugherty won with 172 Santa'ssack to allocate $3,400 for renova- tions toTabardInn.Themoney is destined votes. for expansionof Tabard's counter area. Glen Synder, Tabard Inn manager, will S.U. dorms beginremodelingduringChristmasbreak. SENATOR REX ELLIOT said Tabard madeabout $250 profitmonthly thisyear. andlibrary to close He suggestedthat Tabard'sprofits also be used to finance renovations. S.U.s Bellarmineand Xavierresidence Showing a true sense of the holiday halls with close for Christmas break at spirit of giving, the senate also voted to noononDecember 15. Students who wish removefromtherecordsa$340debtModel to stay in Campion Tower, which will United Nations (MUN) owed the ASSU. remain open during the vacation period, The money owed waspart of a $700 loan shouldsignupinJudy Sharpe'soffice.The MUN received from the ASSU last year. other dormitories will reopen at 9 a.m. No mention was made of the source of January 3, the day before winter quarter money to erase the debt. classes begin. In other senate action: " SENATORSAPPROVEDchartersfor The A.A.Lemieux Library willbe open bothanInternationalRelationsCluband a weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pep Club. Shahram Ghaedi presented the December15-22. Thelibrary willbeclosed proposed International Relations Club CHRISTMAS means different things to different people. December 23-January 2, and will reopen constitution. He said international stu- photoby Larry Steagall January 3 for winter quarter. dents need an organizationthat willlook out for their needs. " KAREN SMITH, speaking as a Pep Clubrepresentative,saidthe club's goalis toincreaseschool spirit atathletic events. SheplanstosellT-shirtsand pompomsand Candy company busy withyummies providetransportationtobasketballgames to further this endeavor. " BILL DEHMERwas approvedby the senate as an appointment to seat nine. by Christine Bierman they shopped in a grocery store. The syrup,350,000 poundsof chocolate,100,000 ASSUPresidentTomParkersaidDehmer SocieteCandyCompanyinBellevueis as annual shopping list contains: 4.5 million poundsof Spanish nuts, 75,000 pounds of 25,000 was chosen over 12 other applicants busy cooking up candy this fall for the Virginiapeanuts, poundsofseedless "because he demonstrates really good Christmas seasonasSt.Nicholasis making raisins and 10,000 pounds of processed leadership qualities." Parker attributed toys. apples. Thousands of pounds of other the six-weekdelayinmaking the appoint- EvenwithoutSanta, Societe is a magical ingredientsare needed for Societe candy tastes, mount up to menttothelargenumberof applicantsand place of delicious, sweet colors of recipes, which nine million other ASSU business that took his time. the rainbow and wonderfularomas. pounds annually. " JIMRICE, ASSU first vice president, MACHINES AND 150 persons work SOCIETEGETSits minty, fruity, spicy reported that 295 students voted in the here,not elves and magic, producing one flavorsby theexpensivegallon.One gallon $700, primaryelectionand that the use of paper millionpoundsof candy amonth duringthe of cinnamon flavor costs about but ballots for voting workedwell. candy industry's busiestseason. only one drop flavors the average bag of Senators asked Rice to investigate the It seems Societe makes every kind of candy. possibilityof creatingcommitteestostudy Christmas candy imaginable except the TheSociete creamand gum department presidential appointments, selection of candycanes whichit distributesunder the makes cast creams, such as for chocolate name speakers and the qualityof SAGA's Societe name. creams,andproducescentersof Christmas food. Societe's buyers would turn heads if pounds of sugar, 4 millionpounds of corn (continuedon page four) Page Two/Friday, December 9, 1977/The Spectator opinion Bob Hutchinson 1977 TheSAGA torture Ilooked blankly at the plate the S.S. peoplecomingin.Icouldtellwhatshe was (SAGAserver)girlheldout tome.She had thinking. By now, after two months of just finished throwingathree-inch square SAGA "food," of finding bubblegum in Spectator of dried-out roast beefonit. lasagna,of drinkingsour milk and eating "Want somepotatoes?" she growled. soybeanhamburgers,they werebecoming "WhatI'dreallylike is another piece of immune.SAGA waswinning.Noonecared meat." if they werebeing treatedlike cattle. "You can come back for seconds," she Iwas stillhungry.Even aquarterof an repliedwithoutlookingup. ounce of beef jerky wouldn't fill me up. I Gift List IFELTlike throwing the plate at her. tried to get out of my chair. Icouldn't. But at the sametime, Irealizedit wasn't The tables were so full by then and so reallyher fault.She wastryingtosurvive. crowdedtogetherthateverytimeIraised SometimestheheadKapo, mean-looking my armto drink Iknocked thegirl behind year promise, year surprises a 1977 has been a of a of and a Persian whoseonly jobseems tobe to look me inthe head.Our chairs were touching. year of both good and bad happenings throughout the world. sour and to terrorize the S.S. girls, Inorderformetogetout, shehadtoexhale Keeping the spirit of Christmas in mind, there are several occasionallygaveher extrahours for rigid andpullher chair tightly againstthe table. individuals we want to single out on The Spectator's gift list legalismaboveand beyond— thecallofduty. IT WASN'T worththe effort.Igave up. for 1977. Icouldn'tblame her sheneededher job. Thegirlnext tome,however,didn't.She " PARKER, - IgotoutofthekitchenassoonasIcould gotinline for seconds. Obviously,thisone FOR TOM ASSU president A K-Mart andlookedformygirlfriend.Iwas worried had just arrived with the new shipment record ofhis latest hits, including"I'llDo it MyWay," "Dixie," abouther.TheHighCommand haddecided this fall. She was still young, still naive. "Turn, Turn, Turn," "MacArthur (McCusker) Park" and "Hail to waituntil the weatherwent below zero She stillbelieved. to the Chief." before theyturned offthe heatinCampion — After 25 minutes, the poorgirlreturned " FOR ASSU SENATORS — Scissors to cut the strings Konzentration Lager ("C" barracks), exhausted.At 5:45LineTwowasstill30 where she lives. feetout intothe main area.Icould tellshe that keep thembound to decisions made by the ASSU admini- Ifinally spottedher scurryingover to a was angry. Shamefully, she showed stration. window seat in order to avoid the everyone at the table her prize, an even " FOR WILLIAM SULLIVAN, S.J., University president inevitableswarm. Ijoinedher. smaller(anddrier) pieceof meatthanIhad — new game called "Wreck a Building." The game is "What 'ja get?"Iasked. originallyreceived. A board "The girl almost gave me a big piece, "Damnit," shesaid,"I'mgettingsickand played by spinning a wheel listing small departments on Bob, she almost did. But then the Kapo tired of being treated like a stupid cow. campus. Whichever department comes up has its building walked by and yelled at her. It was so They giveyouenough foodto feed a dead introduced to a wrecking ball. close," she said. fly and then tell you to come back for " FOR VIRGINIA PARKS, S.U. vice president for busi- seconds. Who's gonna wade through that ness and finance — a new copy of the book "How to Cut "HOW BIG a piece was it?"— line twice? I'd just as soon starve!" "Youshouldhaveseenit! I'llbetcha'it "That's the idea," answered my girl University Expenditures Without Causing a Student Revolt." was almost a quarter of an ounce." friend quietly. The chapters in her current copy on "Reducing Heatingand "No way!IftheKapocaughta
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