![II~IIC.PI~I [ERSO 1M CO Lleg [E M ~ [Q]R£1N1gle](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
II~IIC . PI~I [ERSO 1m CO llEG [E M~ [Q]R£1n1GlE I ·' Table Of Contents CAMPUS LIFE 8 ORGANIZATIONS 34 ADMINISTRATION 48 STUDENTS 68 SPORTS 108 .d~~\...... - ADVERTISEMENTS 136 I Picnic Featured Durong a sp1rot week wh1ch In­ cluded "Sock 11 to 'em Day," "Hats off to the Bulldo~ Day" and "Overall Sp1rot Day," stu­ dents were treated to an even­ Ing meal in the park. Lou Kelly had h1s staff brought the cafeteroa to the park. and students liked eat1ng hamburgers and strawberry shortcake outside on a pleas­ ant fall even1ng. Afterward. many enjoyed play1ng catch or frosbee. wh1le others headed back to school to h1t the books. 1 Lou Kelly shows h•s o;p•nt on ··sock •t to 'em Day " 2 The deswrt table came complete w1th cake strawbernes ;md plenty of wh1pped cream 3 Sandy Sharp and John Hoftm;m '<'¥ ere among mJny who enJOyed the e~o~en•ng pecnte ·' 12 1 Students ate anyth•n& and every­ th•ng offered 2 Joan Cunn ck sneaks a ntbbtc ~h1le others play fnsbee 3 Joanne Mason and Ann Wagoner en JOY the chance for a pnvate conver$a lion 13 I 'The Best Is Yet To Come' "Where's Charlie?", a mus1cal comedy set m England m the late 1800s. h1ghhghted Homecom1ng ac· t1v1t1es for the 1978·79 academ1c year O.rected by R1 ck Tyler. assis· tant professor of speech and drama. and Ken Forsyth. ass1tant profes· sor of mus1c. the production com· bmed the trad1t1onal com1c dev1ce of m1staken 1dent1ty w1th ongmal cho· reography and mus1c by a large cho· rus. The Homecom1ng parade brought the day's actiVIties to the attention of Ma1n Street shoppers and bus1· ness persons. ent1c1ng them w1th the theme of "The Best 1s Yet to Come ... Other actiVIties. mclud1ng the Sports Fan Sandw1ch supper and numerous alumn1 reumons. surrounded the Homecom1ng football game - a battle between the Bulldogs and the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes .· 14 1 Lynda Atherton and Bnan Cordel are crowned k•ng and queen dunng halft1me feshvlttes 2 K1m Royer ahas Bulldog. watches the game 3 The cheerleaders and mascot parade down E\Jcltd street 4 Knsten Goodfellow and Jeff Cr•st were voted homecom•ng attendants 5 Alan Gumm and Melody Sweeney were also homecom· tng atendants 6 Becky Ba•le Intently watches the act1on on the fteld 7 The sophomore class exh•btts ItS fru•ts of labor dunng the pa­ rade I 1 l 15 Many Enjoy Live Band Homecommg weekend 1s one of several t1mes durmg the year when students danced to the mus1c of a hve band. The cafe lena was decorated for the occas1on w1th green plants. a fountam and crepe paper A 50's Dance. the Christmas Formal and Prom also featured hve bands. 1 Sandy Lang moves w1th the rhythm of the mus•c 2 St.Jrb•rd. from Lancoln Nebr per· formed at the Homecom,ng Dance 3 Many students turned out and ap­ peared to en,oy the danre 1& Talent Shines Homecommg weekend was a t1me for talent of all ktnd and the " N1ght of Stars" was a reflect1on of th1s tal­ ent. Groups and 1nd1v1duals present­ ed both senous and humorous acts to an aud1ence of students. relat1ves and fnends The acts were well re­ Ceived and at the end of the even1ng the 1udges chose the wmners l Member$ of StuCo demonstr ate the r bal3nc•ng abd ty as they form a four layer pyramid 2 M Ke 8.1ker Dana~ rec•tes a senous read ng 3 A group of Fanny resid~n t s ~ow the•r wide range of talems 17 Curtain Goes Up On Varied Season A Children's theater production and a com­ bined mus1cal effort w1th the McPherson Theater Guild were two new add1t1ons to the regular dra­ ma fare Under the d1rect1on of Prof R1 ck Tyler. the drama department presented " Allee m Won­ derland, " a spec1alty for younger aud1ences. and worked w1th the local theater gUild on " The WIZ­ ard Of Oz" wh1ch starred McPherson College freshman Patt1 Lusk of Rocky Ford. Colo The drama season opened 1n the L1ttle Theater w1th a student-directed product1on of Samuel Beckett's " Wa1tmg for Godot" wh1 ch was direct­ ed by semor drama mator Debra Stong of Ankeny. Iowa. " Where's Chalrey? " added a humorous and mus1cal touch to homecommg and featured Jeff Gumm. Jr . McPherson. m the lead role " The World of Carl Sandburg" was the first production of the second semester and revolved around the wntmgs adn WittiCISms of Carl Sand­ burg. " The Lady from Max1m's," a French bed­ room farce. was performed dunng the Reg1onal Youth Conference of the Church of the Brethren ~TEO .' 18 1 led by Pa\lle lusk the mem~rs ttf the c J~t of Tt'll~ W nrd of Ot enterta•n parade watchers as the)' parl•c•pate 1n M< Phe-rsor ~ annual All, Schools Day Parade 2 Grace Dester fr, add'i ye.:tro; 10 R1Ck P1tton fr lS !.he prepare<» h•m for h1S role '" 'Where's Charley' 3 l1sa lrle. fr .-md Kyle Rob•nson. •;r s.trup,,f.IC 1n thiS 5C"ene from • WJ•t•ng for Godot • 4 Harold Bnscoe, soph M.1ry Beth Snyder sr md P.Jthe Lust... fr t.1ke part 1n the mus•cal farce. ·where's Ch.)rley' • I Kyle Robtnson sr • Jnd LIS<~ Ide fr g1'Ve Jo.Jn Cunn1ck sr a l1tt1e ~upport 1n Wa t1ng for Go dot · 2 Ga1l Ensman,Jr ;)nd Prot ken For~yth p.'lrt c• pate 1n the McPherson The,JHe Gu•ld's produc t1on of ·Godspelt 3 Jeff Gumm. J' and Pat11t lusk fr stl;:ue a tender moment m Where·s Ch.arlry' 4 These young women spreJd the li\lest gos~p '" a powder room scene from WF:lcre s Char ley'' 21 S.A.B. Sponsers Food-Filled Nights P1zza N1ghts and Sundae N1ghts were two events sponsered by the Student ActiVIties Board that were enJoyed by students several t1mes each semester For a small charge students could fill up on the1r custom-bu1ll. deluxe p1zzas and sundaes Usually g1ven dunng the m1ddle of the week these nghts pro­ VIded a break from the rout1ne and a chance to catch up on the latest news w1th fnends 1 Doug Gayer, Buhler KS. and Aaron Gragg. Quenemo KS know how they l•ke the1r p•zzas and P•le 1t on 2 Memo Zavala Rocky Ford. CO and Norman Grosbach Enders, NE anx•ously look over the tray to f•nd the•r p•uas 3 Denny Porter. Qu•nter. KS chooses from the many toppmgs avad able for mak•ng h1s p•zza 4 M•ke Beach Waukesha. WI , Joe Ke1r . Brookv1lle KS and Scotty Foust RO<ky OK . enJOy all the mouth watenng good·e~ before them to bu•ld the•r •te cream sundaes Roller Disco Comes To Mac Roller skatong. a grow1ng nat1onal fad. was also enjoyed by Mac students at Student Ac tivities Board sponsored skat1ng n1ghts Nov1ces and experts alike donned skates and rolled along w1th the beat of the mus1c. An occa­ Sional sp1ll here and there kept skaters on the1r toes. but a good t1me was en­ JOyed by all ) P.trn Q;~;ley Hutch n~on KS. and Jont Redmond Qutnter KS put on thetr skates and get ready to JOIO the others 2 Chert Mtller McPher· ~on KS . Ktrk Htggtns Albuquerque, NM und Kay Ann Porter. Qu•nter. KS. are a part of th•s skat•ng Tracy Ikenberry Qu•nter KS Oav•d Moll­ hagen lorra•ne KS. and lynda • Munch· Atherton. Ma•ze. KS. work on ba! mce dunng a reverse ~k.ate song 4 lynda Munch Atherton Ma•1e KS and Tom Ct~st McPher· son KS t.tke a tumble. but manage to get up 'aughmg 5 Tom Neher Qumter KS and leda Gard New· ton KS help Scotty Foust RocKy OK as he f•nds f't. s feet on skates 1S Students Enjoy Warm Weather As warm weather returned. SAGA Food Servoce helped stu­ dents overcome sprong fever by govong a pocnoc at Lakesode Park. Musocal entertaonment was pro­ voded by the college stage band and Opus. An "all you can eat" spread whoch oncluded froed chock­ en and strawberry shortcake was offered and a fun evenong out­ doors remonded everyone sum­ mer was near. .' lb .· 1 Anne Ward l.ncoln NE catches. Guy Bourke New York. NY at an awkw<Jrd moment 2 K•m E•Sele l•ntoln NE. and Tern Enos. Manon KS enJOY each oth~r, company dunng the concert 3 Tracy Ikenberry Qu•nter KS Carrg Holman MtPherson KS and Jeff Cnst Qu•nter KS. go back tor seconds 4 Brenda Brenr'leman. Rocky Ford CO lyt1da Munch Atherton Ma•ze KS. Pam Oxley Hutch•nson. KS Rob Bowman. Pa~nee Rock KS and Bon~ n e K•ng. Pamona KS glad tor a break from study ng hav•ng tun at the park I.A. Sponsers Olympiad The first annual lndustroal Arts Olympiad was held durong the sprmg and p1tted floors from the d1fferent dorms com­ petmg m not-so-trad1t1ona l olympiC events. Us1ng marsh­ mellows, pop bottles. baseball bats and to1let paper. the teams fought the1r way through many tough battled The day was considered a suc­ cess and the second annual Olympmd will surely be looked forward to .' 28 1 Pam Tucker, McPherson, KS.
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