NTFP Conference Proceedings The Industry of Wildcrafting, Gathering, and Harvesting of NTFPs: An Insider’s Perspective1 Barb Letchworth2 THE INDUSTRY potential for profit in growing or harvesting herbs, new wildcrafters and growers are con- The natural products industry has been under- stantly trying their hand at harvesting, only to going a tremendous amount of change in the find that it is not as easy as it seems. Clearly, if past few years. Large corporations including it were that easy, many more growers and pharmaceutical companies, food and drug harvesters would already be involved with store chains, and even department stores have herbs. This leaves an opportunity for those who been adding medicinal herbs to their offerings. are truly interested in being successful in the We can find anything from naturally raw bulk herb industry—those creative people who can herbs, to standardized extracts, to time-re- “invent” equipment and maintain a sensitivity leased formulations. Everyone has seen some to ethics and quality issues, and who have a variation of the commercial that depicts a man drive to give customers what they require. standing in the middle of a parking lot looking very confused because he cannot remember One issue that has continually frustrated where the car is parked. A package of ginkgo anyone entering the NTFP market has been the capsules is shown, and the man happily finds absence of well-established general information his car. This level of advertising has obviously sources similar to those available for true helped the industry by encouraging potential commodities, such as corn or soy beans. There consumers to try herbs as a possible long-term is no single reliable report for price informa- solution to health concerns. However, as tion, and most buyers who follow market demand has generally maintained an upward trends closely do not publish price lists be- trend, it has ultimately been a roller-coaster cause price information is confidential, volatile, ride. Supply and demand generally do not go and quality-sensitive. The NTFP industry has hand in hand. Growers and wildcrafters can yet to reach a level of sophistication necessary seldom react as quickly as the consumer, and to develop a common base of information. As a may take a year or two to catch up. By this result, growers and gatherers are left attempt- time, the consumer may have already gone on ing to find more creative ways to learn about to something else. This can make it especially the market. Networking is one of the best ways difficult for anyone in the initial stages of to learn and begin to understand the variety of working with herbs and getting into the herb price and quality structures. Books and the industry. Internet are helpful, but are only a first step. Prices vary significantly and most listings Because of the increased interest on the part rarely clarify whether prices are for raw mate- of the consumer, and because of the perceived rial or packaged products, or what level of quality is required for specific price points. This can potentially lead growers to undervalue an herb that is for sale. 1 Wildcrafting is the harvesting of wild plants in ways that will help increase a specific For example, one grower was asked to quote plant population and its health. The terms the price for several different crops he was wildcrafters, gatherers, and harvesters are about to plant. He had quoted $3.00 per pound used interchangeably. For more information on for each herb. As we started to discuss indi- ethical wildcrafting, contact the author. vidual items, he began to see that for some 2 Commodity Manager, Frontier Natural herbs the price was too low for him to even Products Cooperative, 3021 78th Street, P.O. break even, yet for other herbs the price was so Box 299, Norway, Iowa 52318, USA; Phone: high that he could not be competitive. 319-227-7996 ext. 1223; e-mail: [email protected]. 128 The domestic market is, on its own, difficult to If a potential customer has written specifica- monitor, and factoring in overseas markets and tions for a product, growers or gatherers can competition complicates it further. Growers use them as a guide for harvesting. Any infor- from other areas of the world are becoming mation that can be passed from the customer increasingly competitive, and more countries to the gatherer can be useful; the more you are making certified organics more available. know about their needs, the easier it will be to Part of the challenge has been to find ways of supply them. For example, some companies are competing with countries where the cost of concerned about color variation within a living is lower and where lifestyles are more specific lot or shipment. Obviously, there will spartan. Alternately, part of the opportunity is be some color variation because each herb is in finding ways of being better than the compe- an item from nature. But if a company requires tition and adding value without adding signifi- that a root color range from light brown to cant cost of equipment and buildings. One beige, but part of the harvest is very dark major area of opportunity is still in providing brown, it could be subject to rejection. The herbs that are certified organic. Buyers are grower or harvester may need to sort through increasingly searching for herbs that are and select color ranges to meet a customer’s harvested in both ethical and sustainable specific requirements. manners. Organic certification is a very good way to address this important consumer Some companies test for constituent levels, oil concern. I will explain this more fully later content, color, flavor, aroma, dirt, wrong plant when I address future niche opportunities. parts, salmonella, E. coli, and they may require botanical names (genus and species verifica- The experience that my company, The Frontier tion). Depending on the end use of herbs, some Natural Products Cooperative, has developed in companies may not place importance on spe- working with growers and gatherers has come cific characteristics, while others may test for from years of listening to our customers, everything. This can be risky, and successful growers, gatherers, herbalists, environmental- growers and gatherers maintain more than one ists, and scientists, in addition to those within customer so that if they cannot satisfy the the herb and world communities. To meet requirements of one customer, they can sell the consumer concerns, we require ethical materials to another. If customers ask for wildcrafting forms to be completed by gather- lemon balm, or any other herb, it is important ers, although we also rely on conversations and to know whether they require leaf only, leaf and visits with growers and gatherers to determine flower only, flower only, or the entire herb. The authenticity. Our visits allow us to assess amount of selection, cleaning, or selective whether or not harvesters are truly concerned harvesting that will need to be done must all be and understand ethical issues around harvest- calculated into the cost of production and ing, or whether the forms have simply become ultimately into the grower’s selling price. a process for marketing organic and ethically harvested products. Several forms and sets of Other requirements can include representative guidelines exist and are available for gatherers. preshipment samples for testing, different Some are more useful than others in helping levels of cleanliness, i.e., dirt and debris. Some train wildcrafters. The guidelines and question- customers will want fresh herbs, others will naires offered by United Plant Savers and by need them dried to very specific levels of mois- Rocky Mountain Herbalist Coalition are useful ture content. Knowing as much as possible and have been utilized by many companies that about what a customer requires will make a purchase herbs from gatherers. Learning these grower or gatherer more successful in making guidelines and following them will help new- an initial sale and will further the relationship comers to the field in selling herbs. in becoming a trusted long-term supplier. There is, clearly, some responsibility on the Within the industry, another major key element part of the buyer to ensure that growers and is understanding that not all customers desire gatherers obtain as much information as the same thing. Expectations for quality and possible. If a buyer cannot provide specific supply vary among buyers. Recognizing that information, serious problems may arise from not all customers want the same level of qual- misunderstandings of what is required. If there ity, or be willing to pay for it, is very important. are no specifications, it would be wise to, at the very least, obtain this fact in writing. 129 NTFP Conference Proceedings GAINING THE EDGE an attempt to specifically add more controls. Rather, it is a method of ensuring future har- The importance of finding a niche cannot be vests while gaining the opportunity for gather- underestimated. Working closely with a buyer ers to take advantage of the premium for might help a gatherer focus in a specific direc- organic certification. There are also broader tion, yet does not provide flexibility within an benefits built into the certification process, as area of potential opportunity. gatherers can assist with plant population counts, observe reactions of populations to With herbs that are wildcrafted, there is in- harvesting practices, and contribute to the creasing concern voiced by consumers and definition of optimal sustainable population native peoples that areas are being overhar- levels. Making connections with groups who vested. One area of potential, then, is to re- are already studying plant populations and spond to this concern through certified organic practices can also be beneficial on a much ethically wildcrafted herbs.
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