THE MOUNTAIN TIMES You can't depend on a horse Who are ya jivin · with that to gather the' news. cosmik debris? -Mark Twain columhia jr college -Frank Zappa i::::::: ::::::a:: :::::z: ::::0:::::: ::::c:::::::: :::cc ::::c:::::::: :::a: ::::a: ::::ci:::: ::::cs:: ~ Columbia, Ca. Vol. IX, No. 10 -5C >C #C #C :,e >< >e >e ::::::c:::: :::::a:::: ::::a:: .. Bennett Friedman highlights Jazz Festival concerts by Kennedy Rosenberg The third annual CJC Jazz and Big Band will be the guest In addition to the clinics the Festival will be held on three artists Friday and Saturday. guest artists and their groups will consecutive days, May 4, 5 and 6. present public concerts each This year 24 high school and evening at 8. junior high school jazz. bands will All three performances will appear. They will not compete for be held at Carkeet Park on the prizes, but will be rated by a Columbia College campus. In panel of judges. case of incJement weather, the The first day of the festival concerts will be moved to the (Thursday, May 3) will be de­ Sonora High School auditorium. voted to vocal jazz groups. The General admission tickets are S3. Bemaea Fdechnan ad Ida qalntet and big bud wUI be the pNt utWa second and third days will be for Jaz Fesdval m oallltday and Satmday, May 5 ad 6. devQted solely to instrumental jazz bands. River festival Several bands from Tuol­ umne Counfy will l>e appearing. this Saturday Among them are the Sonora High Candidates sought. School Jan- Band, the Sonora Citizens to Preserve the -Elementary School Big Band and Tuolumne River are planning two the Tw:ain Harte Elementary spring events. for student election Schoo1 Swing Clio1r. The first is a River Festival Crafts Fair to be held at the Tuol­ by John Schmid Ending the schedule each day at 4:15 p.m. will be a clinic umne City park on Saturday, conducted by guest artists. April 29. Craftsman will present Student government elec­ (3) A Communications Com­ their wares, and representatives tions will be held on Wednesday mittee headed by the elected Thursday's will be conducted KIiby Shaw wD1 be pest cffnktua by Kirby Shaw, the vocal jazz of the environmental group will and Thursday, May 17 and 18. secretary wltic,h will help com­ and conduct the CoDeae of tbe sell "S~ve the tlivct" 'I-shuts. Officers to be chosen are municate important information director of the College of the Sis­ Slsklyoas Vocal Juz Ememble kiyous. Mime shows, clowns, aad re­ president, vice-president, secre­ to the students and community. fur • pabJk concert 'Ihanday, freshments also are planned. Bennett Friedman's Quintet tary_and treasurer. Candij}atesfor - These committees are made May 4. Proceeds will g{) tow!M the president and vice-president will up of volunteers. Any interested campaign to keep the Tuolumne run as a team. Tenn of office will student is urged to vofunteer. and Stanislaus Rivers in their be from September, 1978 to Ju:ne Campaigning is encouraged Nature tours set natural state. 1979. for those interested in running for by Jacly Craddock The second event will be a Qualifications for candidacy student govemmc;nt offices, with Planning What Next conference include: just a few common-sense limita- Nature tours in the Stanis- Geology will be the subject of on May 26 in Vallecito. The event 1) Candidates must have- at tions. Jaus River canyon will be conduc- a tour at 10 a.m. on May '6. James will include a potluck dinner, least one quarter of attendanee at Posrers may be lised. but ted in April and May by the Kindle, guide. is 1.earn.iQg Skills square dancing and a d'iscussion Columbia. should be displayed o.n.ly in· Environmental Outreach organi­ director at Columbia College. .He of the political status of the Stan­ 2) Candidates must be a full. approptiate _places. Posters zation. also bolds a degree in geology. islaus River. time student carrying a nrlnimum should not be displayed on build- The nature tours for students His telep ltone number is 532- Persons interested in joining of 12 units, and ings but may be placed on a and other interested persons will 6155. Save the -River may obtain infor­ 3) The student must be in number of bulletin boards -a.round be led by volunteers. On May 13, Roger McGee­ mation by writing Save the River, good academic standing with an the campus. The first of the series, a wild.- hee, a local naturalist who P.O. Box 1434, Twain Harte, aven.ge of "C,., or better. Students in the P.ast have set flower expedition, was led by teaches extension courses at California, 95383. Students interested in run­ up booths at strateg,c places_, 00 Blaine Rogers, Columbia. College Stanislaus State College, will ning fm effice must file candidacy the campus. Flyers are a relative- biology teacher on April 22. guide a tour. for those interested Home stretch petitions at the -student govem­ ly inexpensive venture and can be Photographers will tour the in natural history. The tour will ment office no lat~r: than noon very effective. Parrott's Ferry area on Sunday, otiginate at the Parrott's Ferry May 3. The student activitie office bridge at 9 a.m. Contact McGee­ to Alaska Campaigning benefits both April 30 at 2 p.m. Byron Rud­ by Mlclaael T. Putnam is located behind the career the eandidate ana the voter. For helm, owner of the F:Stop hee for further information. center, adjacent to the cafeteria.. The final tour, called "Trea­ the candidate it affords exposure Camera Shop in Sonora, will lead Alaska Awareness Work­ In ad.d.ifu>n to the eJective to the voters, and a level of recog- the tour. The tour will meet at1he sure Hu.nt" will feature local his­ offices students may serve on torical sites on May 21 at 1 p.m. shops p~g six films con­ -nmon he or she w-0uld not oth~t- Parrott's Ferry bridge. Phone cerning the wildlife, human heri­ three standing committees: (1) a wise obtain. 532-8465 for further information. Roger Newman, -environmental Student Affairs Committee which For the voter, a campaign studies t:eacber at Oakland's tage and proposed national parks and wildlife refuges in Alaska are will work with students and the can serve as an excellent bazo.. A tour of the New Melones Merrit <;:ollege will lead the tour. college ~n to help meter: to gauge the energy level Dam is set for Monday, ~y 1. Participants will meet at the being offered on campus. Presentations were sched­ plan and carry ollt student pro­ and organizational ability of the John Bogacki, public relations Melones Recreation Area on jects and to solve their pro~lems; candid.at~. Hopefully, tbis will employee for the project, will act Highway 49. For additional infor­ uled yesterday (Wednesday) and today (Thursday) in room 620 (2) A Finance Committee result in the selec;tion of the best as guide. Those interested should m.a.don call 532-8067. headed by the ele~ed treasurer andidate for the office sought. meet at the dam site at 1 p.m. Sign-up sheets are posted in from noon to 2 p.m. At 7 p.m. tonight Dave and which is responsible f-or the Students who do not choose Bogacki may be reached at the cafeteria on the Environ­ raising and allocating of funds; to run themselves are urged to 984-5248. mental Outreach bulletin board. Phil Walter, Alaskan trekkers and back another student for office. (Alaska to Mexico trail) will lec­ ture and show slides on the cur­ This program would be an rent legislative and ecological sit­ Expansion for senior program extension of current college uation in Alaska concdning the classes designed to fit community proposed conversion of large To provide services to all As temporary program dev­ community. Input from a com­ needs. An adult physical fitness wilderness areas into "multiple segments of the community, eloper, she will help determine munity advisory committee will program started a year ago. This use" land. Columbia Collegels seeking more who will benefit from such a pro­ be sought in determinin2 the class is held at the Columbia In such a conversion, the senior citizen involvement. gram, what courses should be content of the program, ac­ National Guard Armory and now land would be made available for To do this, Fran Cullen, available aad the most convenient cording to Dale Bratten, dean of serves about 80 students. use by logging, mining and other director of student activities, location. instruction. Cullen's classes, Search for industrial interests. counselor and instructor, was Should the program, still in The coordinator and advisory Self and Interpersonal Growth, Time is of the essence. Leg­ chosen to tour other college cam­ its planning stages, be adopted, a committee will be representatives are ~resently being taught by islation is pending but the dead­ puses to investigate their senior full-time coordinator will act as a of the 6,000 to 10,000 semi-retired E'r:ank Russell and Arlene Gior­ line for Congressional action is citizen J>rograrns. Cf:)~tact person for th_e ~ent . or retired ~idents in. Tuolumne dano, respectively. this year. Page2 Mountain Times April 27, 1978 Wheelchair workshop Spot-Lite this Thursday by Mlcbael T. Putnam How does it feel to get confident and safe when pushing Ed.Uor.'a .Note: around Columbia College in a a chair. Though It may have been for­ wheeJchair? With more handicapped stu­ .gotten, last Iall the Moantaln.
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