Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. I I c, a fraternal non-profit association| rainian Ш у Vol. LV No.50 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. DECEMBER 13,1987 25 cents Dissidents detained in Lviv Over 1,000 demonstrate in D.C. on day of Gorbachev's arrival en route to IV!0SCOW seminar by 01ena Stercho Hendler After opening remarks by Mr. Wasy­ MOSCOW - While Soviet leader pate in the international human rights lyk, who noted that several hundred Mikhail Gorbachev met with President seminar, sponsored by the unofficial WASHINGTON - More than 1,000 Afghan refugees and freedom fighters Ronald Reagan at a Washington sum­ Press Club Glasnost, the meeting's Ukrainians participated in a stirring were actively participating in the pro­ mit on December 8, local authorities in organizer, Lev Timofeyev, told Western and highly publicized rally and march ceedings, Rep. Coughhn led off the list two Soviet cities moved to disrupt an reporters on December 8. on Monday, December 7, protesting of speakers. He opened his speech by unofficial seminar on humanitarian The three Ukrainians, Vyacheslav Soviet policies in Ukraine. The rally, referring to the impending arms accord affairs set to begin on Human Rights Chornovil, Mykhailo Horyn and Ivan which was held in Lafayette Park — in to be signed by the United States and Day, December 10, in the Soviet capi­ He1, were detained on board a Moscow­ full view of the White House - oc­ the Soviet Union and emphasizing that tal, according to the seminar's organi­ bound train in the western Ukrainian curred only hours before Soviet leader an arms agreement was not enough to zers. city of Lviv and charged with narcotics Mikhail Gorbachev arrived on Ameri­ create a better relationship with the Four former political prisoners, possession. Paruir Airikian, an Arme­ can soil. Soviet Union without concomittant including three Ukrainians and one nian dissident, was arrested at the Four congressmen — Reps. Law­ political freedom in Ukraine and else­ Armenian, were arrested for possession airport in Lviv on the same charge, rence Coughlin (R-Pa.), Benjamin where behind the Iron Curtain. of drugs en route to Moscow to partici­ (Continued on page 3) Oilman (R-N.Y.), Steny Hoyer (D- Pointing to the much-trumpeted Md.) and Donald "Buzz" Lukens (R- changes of the Soviet policy of glasnost, Metropolitan Mstyslav appeals forRomaniuks Ohio) addressed the crowd, along with Rep. Coughlin said, "Those changes, Dr. Nina Strokata Karavansky, Sviato- however welcome, are inadequate. We SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. - The Rev. Romaniuk, 61, a Ukrainian slav Karavansky and several speakers cannot be satisfied with such changes so Metropolitan Mstyslav, leader of the Orthodox priest and former political representing Afghan and Ethiopian long as thousands of political prisoners Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the prisoner, had expressed a desire to freedom fighters. The rally and highly remain in the gulag, when the free U.S.A, and Diaspora, has written to emigrate to Canada in an appeal ad­ charged march were covered by scores practice of religion remains proscribed, President Ronald Reagan asking his dressed to Ukrainian Canadians, and of reporters from local, national and when the diverse cultures of the various help in securing the emigration of the especially to the Ukrainian Orthodox international television, radio and print peoples of the Soviet Union are threa­ Rev. Vasyl Romaniuk and his son, community there. media. tened with extinction, and when past Taras. In a letter dated October 22, the Rev. The rally, which was chaired by truths continue to be hidden by artificial labyrinths, sad rationalizations and Romaniuk explained that both he and Ulana Mazurkevich, head of the Ukrai­ tired lies." Ukrainian intellectuals his 21-year-old son are being harassed nian Human Rights Committee of by the authorities and cannot lead Philadelphia, and Myron W. Wasylyk, Rep. Coughlin then noted that "10 of form independent group normal lives. The Rev. Romaniuk is a director of the Ukrainian National the 16 prisoners of conscience im­ resident of Kosiv, a village in the Ivano~ Information Service of the Ukrainian prisoned in the barbaric prison regime to promote culture Frankivske 0blast of Ukraine. Congress Committee of America, was of the Perm special-regimen labor camp opened with a rousing rendition of 36-1 are Ukrainian. Four of those sons "I feel conscience-bound to respect­ of Ukraine — Vasyl Stus, Valeriy by Bohdan Nahayllo "God Bless America." fully request your intercession in behalf Marchenko, 01es Tykhy and Yuriy of the Very Rev. Father Vasyl Roma­ News has recently reached the West Rally participants, most of whom Lytvyn — have succumbed to the niuk, a Ukrainian Orthodox priest, and carried colorful placards of dramatic ruthlessness of this camp in recent about the formation of an unofficial his son, Taras," wrote Metropolitan group of independently minded mem­ bundles of black balloons, were led in years." Mstyslav in his December 4 letter to the singing by Halya Porytko and her Rep. Coughlin emphasized that U- bers of the Ukrainian creative intelli­ President Reagan. gentsia. Calling itself the Ukrainian Ukrainian Club Singers from St. Basil's krainian Americans understood the "We are prepared to accept him and Academy in Fox Chase, Pa. (Continued on page 16) Association of Independent Creative his son into our hearts, to embrace them Intelligentsia (UANTI), its aim is to and to provide that which is required for promote the development of Ukrainian their moral, spiritual and material culture outside Ukraine's official cul­ welfare," he added. tural structures. The association's inaugural declara­ The metropolitan also noted the tion is signed by 14 well-known Ukrai­ upcoming summit meeting between nian dissenters, who include poets, President Reagan and General Secre­ writers and artists, the majority of tary Mikhail Gorbachev, and cautioned whom are also former political priso­ the president that "any compromises ners. They are for the most part victims suggested by the Soviet Union... are of crackdowns on Ukrainian national made for the primary purpose of insur­ assertiveness in 1965 and 1972-1973. ing its own interests and not that of the The UANTI appears to have been free wor1d." The summit sessions "will founded sometime at the beginning of be days which test the very moral fiber October, that is before the series of of America, and the principles of recent attacks in the Soviet Ukrainian freedom, justice and equality for which press on nationally minded intellectuals our country stands," wrote Metropoli­ engaged in unofficial cultural and social tan Mstyslav. activity. "Therefore, 1 beseech and implore It is the second "informal" group to Almighty God to guide your every step, have been established in Ukraine by to be with you and to strengthen you in Ukrainian dissenters concerned with your resolve, for the task set before you injecting glasnost and "democratiza­ will most certainly determine the future of not only America ... but the future of tion'' into Ukraine's cultural and all God-fearing and freedom-loving public life — the first being the Ukrai­ people everywhere," he pointed out. nian Culturoiogical Club, which was organized in Kiev at the beginning of The full itxX of Metropolitan Msty~ August, Slav's letter follows. (Conlinued on page 3) (Contimied on page 4) Ukrainians demonstrate in Lafayette Park. (For more photos, see page 9.) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13,1987 No. 50 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIBT REALITY Congressmen appeal for Gajauskas WASHINGTON - A total of I08 tion of "Gulag Archipelago." "Infofmal" patriotic Byelorussian groups congressmen have appealed to Soviet The signers of the letter note that Mr. leader Mikhail Gorbachev to release Gajauskas suffers from various medical hoi(I politicai demonstration in Minsl( from internal exile a Lithuanian pri­ ailments, including high blood pressure soner of conscience who has spent 35 and ulcers, and that he spent two months by Bohdan Nahaylo .seems rather unusual in a Soviet news­ years in Soviet prisons and labor camps. in a hospital last year after being The Byelorussian daily Sovetskaya paper: "What about the Georgians then, In a November 24 letter, the legisla­ stabbed by a criminal prisoner. Belorussiya for November 17 has re­ who suffered far more in those dark tors also urge Mr. Gorbachev to allow Even while in prison, Mr. Gajauskas vealed that at least 200 nationally years? And the Ukrainians and Rus­ 6I-year old Ba1ys Gajauskas to emi­ has resisted efforts to silence him. In minded Byelorussians took part in an sians? Who has added up their losses?" grate with his wife and daughter to the 1977, before his trial, he joined the open-air public meeting in Minsk on The author goes on to argue that to call United States, where he has relatives, Lithuanian Helsinki Monitoring November 1 that turned into a political StaIin's policies genocidal is a "gross The letter says that Mr. Gajauskas, Group. The Soviets revoked his visiting demonstration. perversion of history." It is ridiculous, jailed by both the Nazis and, later, the rights because he spoke out against The gathering was organized by he claims, to think that Stalin, "despite Soviets for resisting their occupations efforts by labor camp officials to block young people belonging to two "infor- all the complexities of his personality ... of his country, is currently serving the religious observances and promoted the таГ' patriotic associations and drew consciously conducted a policy aimed at llth year of a I5-year sentence for idea of unity among prisoners of diverse well-known members of the Byelorus­ the annihilation of his own people." disseminating anti-Soviet literature and ethnic backgrounds. sian creative intelligentsia. Mr. Maisenya also criticizes the providing material assistance to the 1n addition, he has smuggled political Among other things, participants contents of an appeal that was read out families of political prisoners.
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