Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society, [email protected] 480-387-5355 NOTE: the index includes two citation formats. The format for Volumes 1-5 is: volume (issue): page number(s) The format for Volumes 6 -54 is: volume: page number(s) K Ka-ah-te-ney (Apache warrior) 42:102 Kabotie, Fred, autobiography of, reviewed 19:429-30 Kachina and the Cross: Indians and Spaniards in the Early Southwest, by Carroll L. Riley, reviewed 42:110-11 Kachina and the White Man: The Influences of White Culture on the Hopi Kachina Cult, by Frederick J. Dockstader, reviewed 28:314-16 Kachina dances 30:441 Kachina Dolls: The Art of Hopi Carvers, by Helga Teiwes, reviewed 34:327-28 Kachina Heights Ski Area See Arizona Snowbowl Kachina Peaks Wilderness 47:184 Kadota Fig Cannery 32:277 Kadota fig industry 33:280 Kaedine (Apache Leader) 27:80, 90 n. 4 Kaemlein, Wilma, book coedited by, reviewed 28:202-4 1 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society, [email protected] 480-387-5355 Kaestle, Carl 46:100 Ka-e-ten-a See Kayetenna Kah-a-mana (Hopi Indian) 52:27 n. 16 Kahlenberg, Mary Hunt, book coauthored by, reviewed 19:335-37 Kahn, Ava F., book edited by, reviewed 45:325-26 Kaibab 54:360 Kaibab Estates 39:172 Kaibab Limestone 17:24-25, 47 Kaibab Lodge 54:372; See also V.T. Ranch Hotel Kaibab Lumber Company 44:382 Kaibab National Forest 29:75, 76; 43:41-64, 216; 44:5; 50:213; 51:365; 54:360, 368 Kaibab Plateau 19:362, 379-80; 40:417; 41:11; 45:5; 51:151 nn. 87 and 88; 54:7; 55:455, 465-66, 468 nn. 18 and 20; See also Buckskin Mountains article on 54:355-74 photo of 54:25 Kaibab Reflection, by Merrill Mahaffey (painting) 54:cover-Winter issue 2 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society, [email protected] 480-387-5355 Kaibab Suspension Bridge 52:34, 36 Kai, John 10:253 Kailihao, MaeMae See Jones, MaeMae (Kailihao) Kaitah See Kayitah Kaja, David 27:88 Kaka (Papago Village) 22:12 Kale, Howard 50:347 Kale, Howard, Jr. 50:352-53 Kales and Lewis, (Bankers), Phoenix 18:304-5; 22:353, 360, 361; 23:143, 151 Kales, Martin W. 18:304-5; 22:349, 352-53, 357-58, 360-63; 23:142-43, 151, 153; 28:23; 42:156, 159 portrait 22:359 Kalil, Frank 53:308 Kalish, Philip A., book review by 13:73-74 Kallischer, Nathan and S. 18:306 Kalman, Bela, book coauthored by, reviewed 29:221-22 Kalt, William D., III 53:190 article by 45:357-74; 47:131-54 biographical note on 45:357; 47:131 3 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society, [email protected] 480-387-5355 book by, reviewed 51:376-77 Kaltenborn, H. V. 54:312 Kamehameha III 55:392 Kamloops, British Columbia, Archie McIntosh married at 7:108 Kammen, Carol, book by, reviewed 38:97-98 Kamp, Richard 54:237, 248, 252-56 Kampmeier, Mr. (at Keams Canyon) 45:42 Kanab Canyon, Utah 28:32, 34 Dellenbaugh painting of 28:37 Kanab Creek 28:60 Kanab Stake 54:362 Kanab, Utah 6:13, 16, 18; 13:91; 19:387-88, 390; 28:56, 58, 59, 67 n. 24; 41:425; 43:47; 44:381; 45:10; 51:152 n. 94, 153 n. 117; 54:2, 7, 10-11, 19-20, 30 n. 17, 356, 360-62, 366, 368, 370-72, 373 n. 10, 380, 384; 55:456 photo of supply camp at 28:57 Kanab Wash 54:366 Kanarian, Charles 30:227 n. 25 Kane, Benjamin 21:28-30, 37 4 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society, [email protected] 480-387-5355 photo 21:37 Kane Creek 44:387 Kane County, Utah 51:137 Kane, Elizabeth Wood, book by, reviewed 16:308-9 Kane, Harry Hubbell 44:177 Kane, Jim 36:16, 60, 61, 62-63; 45:245, 263 n. 24 Kane, Jim (novel character) 15:402-3; 21:28 Kane, Jimmy 45:263 n. 24 Kane, Mary Gardner 46:267 n. 13 Kane, Minnie Armell Bond 12:24, 47 n. 32 Kane, Randy, article by 19:297-314 Kane Springs, California 9:237 Kane, Thomas L. 13:85, 106 n. 9; 16:308-9; 39:156 Kane, William Henry “Jim” 12:24, 47 n. 32, 112-15, 117, 121-22, 143 n. 7 photo of 12:25 Kane, Woodbury 41:325 photo of 36:279-80 Kang, Louie 36:67 K’ang, Yu-Wei 21:310 n. 27 Kania, John 54:418 n. 14 5 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society, [email protected] 480-387-5355 Kaniksu National Forest 41:128 Kankainen, Kathy, book edited by, reviewed 36:315-16 Kanoa See Canoa Kanosh, Utah 47:156 Kansas 26:375, 416; 45:377, 381, 394 n. 28; 46:317; 47:283; 48:324, 344; 49:58 n. 12, 138, 371; 50:132, 181 n. 7, 317, 322; 52:18; 53:152, 165; 54:268-69, 275, 289 n. 7; 55:28, 269 Kansas City, Missouri 45:237; 46:208, 209; 49:45 n. 5, 97, 213; 50:322, 331, 341; 52:232; 54:116, 324 Kansas City Star 46:373 n. 26 Kansas-Nebraska Bill 24:250, 251 Kansas Pacific Railroad 9:177; 39:289, 290, 293, 294, 296, 297, 298 survey of route, map of III(4)between 27-28 Kansas Pacific Railroad Survey 9:177 Kansas Penitentiary 40:388 Kansas-Sinaloa Investment Company 16:4, 6-7, 26 Kansas Territorial Supreme Court 54:268 Kanseah, Arylis 30:329; 32:126, 135, 141, 146 photos of 32:134, 147 6 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society, [email protected] 480-387-5355 Kanseah, Berle 30:329; 32:126, 135, 146 photo of 32:134 Kanseah, Jasper 27:89, 90 n. 13, 100, 102; 32:135, 149 photos of 30:329, 335 Kanseah, Kathleen 32:126 photo of 32:150 Kanseah, Lida 32:126 photo of 32:148 Kanseah, Lynette 32:126, 138, 151 Kanst Gallery 43:13 Kant, Candace C. 53:158 book by, reviewed 25:321-22 Kantner, John 53:161 Kantz, Paul 46:361 Kaplan, Lillian 45:175 Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority 54:316 Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority 54:316 Kappes, Leo C. F. 48:170 Karahalios, Louis 36:335 Karam, Nasib 36:75 7 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society, [email protected] 480-387-5355 Karlstrom, Karl 17:27, 35; 48:401 n. 33 Karnee: A Paiute Narrative, by Lalla Scott, reviewed 34:352 Karnes, Harry J. II(4)7 Karns, Harry 15:101; 16:195-97 Karp, Gene 45:147, 148, 150 Kartchner Caverns: How Two Cavers Discovered and Saved One of the Wonders of the Natural World, by Neil Miller, reviewed 50:198-99 Kartchner, Kenner C. 47:265, 266, 269 n. 4, 271 n. 28 autobiography of, reviewed 33:339-40 letter from 7:143-45 Kartchner, Lafayette 47:252, 261, 264, 269 n. 4, 271 n. 23 photo of 47:265 Kartchner, Margaret 54:19 Kartchner, Orin 47:264 Kartchner, William Decatur 24:156, 157, 159, 160 Kartus, Sidney 35:383, 384 Kasai, Alice, essay by, noted 18:374 8 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society, [email protected] 480-387-5355 Kashitani, J. A. 38:17 Kas-ki-yeh, Chihuahua (Apache village) 27:36 Kasper, Shirl, book by, reviewed 36:93-95 Kastetter, Jim 25:422 Kastner, Charles B., book by, reviewed 49:301-2 Kastner, Ed A., photo of 13:45 Kasulaitis, Mary Noon, article by 47:31-56 article by, reviewed 46:93 biographical note on 47:31 Katanski, Amelia V., book by, reviewed 47:397-98 Katcher, Leo 33:22 Kateah See Kayitah Kater, James and Peggy 18:382 “Kate Thomson Cory: Artist in Hopiland,” by Tricia Loscher 43:1-40 Katz, Friedrich, book by, reviewed 41:115-16 Katz, Marcus 23:119 Katz, William Loren, book by, reviewed 13:132-33 Katzenstein, Bill, photo of 13:172 Katzenstein, Samuel (postmaster at Charleston) 7:17; 54:334 9 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society, [email protected] 480-387-5355 mentioned 7:19 photo of 34:164 Kauffman, Christopher 39:278 Kauffman, Polly Welts, book by, reviewed 38:308-10; 48:108 Kaufman, Judah Aaron 29:306 Kautz, August V. 8:225; 12:256; 16:46, 156; 17:286, 291-92; 20:437; 23:127-28; 29:152; 31:291; 50:44; 51:245 and John P. Clum IV(2)12, 13; V(3)53, 54, 55, 56 article about, listed 27:179 article on IV(4)54 photo of IV(4)55 Kautz, Fannie, photo of 51:245 Kavanagh, Thomas W., book by, reviewed 39:434-35 Kavelychidom Piipaash Indians See Cocomaricopa Indians Kavortkson (Papago village) 35:148, 152 Kawaika-a 46:247 n. 44 Kawano, Kenji, book by, reviewed 33:433-34 Kaxwaan (Cocomaricopa settlement) 54:423, 428 n. 5 Kaxwin (Cocomaricopa settlement) 54:423 Kay Copper Company 25:11, 12 10 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society, [email protected] 480-387-5355 Kay, Jane 54:250 Kayenta, Arizona 17:46; 39:307, 313, 320; 40:418, 420; 41:43; 48:26; 53:156; 54:10, 142 hospital, photo of 41:39 Kayentenna (Chiricahua Apache) 30:321, 330 Kayitah (Apache scout) IV(1)6; 27:53, 58, 74, 76, 78, 89; 32:149; 35:212; 45:336 photo of 27:85 Kayman, Allan 53:389 Kay, Margarita A., book review by 32:118-19 book reviewed by 44:324-26 Kaytennae (Apache warrior) 32:129, 132, 138 Kaywaykla, James 16:158; 42:98, 102 book on recollections of, reviewed 12:145-46 recollections, noted 18:116 reminiscences of, noted 15:73; 16:215 Kay, Will 25:139, 141 KAZM radio station, Sedona 35:389 Keam, Thomas Varker 8:227; 13:276; 21:372, 384; 26:250, 251; 30:420, 425-27; 33:354; 45:42; 46:206, 215-20, 222, 227, 11 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society, [email protected] 480-387-5355 228, 231, 232, 234, 235, 237, 244 n.
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