Physics Letters A 319 (2003) 406–412 www.elsevier.com/locate/pla Formation of soliton trains in Bose–Einstein condensates as a nonlinear Fresnel diffraction of matter waves A.M. Kamchatnov a,∗,A.Gammalb,c, F.Kh. Abdullaev d,R.A.Kraenkele a Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk 142190, Moscow region, Russia b Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo, C.P. 66318, 05315-970 São Paulo, Brazil c Department of Physics and Astronomy and Rice Quantum Institute, Rice University, Houston, TX 77251, USA d Physical-Technical Institute, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, G. Mavlyanov str. 2-b, 70084 Tashkent-84, Uzbekistan e Instituto de Física Teórica, Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Rua Pamplona 145, 01405-900 São Paulo, Brazil Received 6 October 2003; accepted 14 October 2003 Communicated by V.M. Agranovich Abstract The problem of generation of atomic soliton trains in elongated Bose–Einstein condensates is considered in framework of Whitham theory of modulations of nonlinear waves. Complete analytical solution is presented for the case when the initial density distribution has sharp enough boundaries. In this case the process of soliton train formation can be viewed as a nonlinear Fresnel diffraction of matter waves. Theoretical predictions are compared with results of numerical simulations of one- and three-dimensional Gross–Pitaevskii equation and with experimental data on formation of Bose–Einstein bright solitons in cigar- shaped traps. 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Realization of Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) mation of bright soliton trains in nonlinear wave sys- [1–3] has created new active field of research of quan- tems is often explained as a result of modulational in- tum macroscopical behavior of matter. Among most stability, where selection of the most unstable mode is spectacular evidences of such macroscopic behavior a result of interplay of interference and nonlinear ef- one can mention formation of interference fringes be- fects (see, e.g., [9,10]). Such interconnection of inter- tween two condensates [4] and creation of dark [5,6] ference and soliton phenomena is demonstrated most and bright [7,8] solitons. The interference phenom- spectacularly in formation of solitons in vicinity of a enon is usually considered in framework of a linear sharp edge of density distribution. In this case, at lin- wave theory, whereas solitons are treated as a nonlin- ear stage of evolution the linear diffraction provides ear wave effect. At the same time, basically, these two an initial modulation of the wave and further com- phenomena have much in common. For example, for- bined action of interference and nonlinear effects leads to formation of soliton trains. Without nonlinear ef- fects, such kind of time evolution of a sharp wave front * Corresponding author. would be a temporal counterpart of usual spatial Fres- E-mail address: [email protected] (A.M. Kamchatnov). nel diffraction and therefore soliton train formation at 0375-9601/$ – see front matter 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2003.10.050 A.M. Kamchatnov et al. / Physics Letters A 319 (2003) 406–412 407 the sharp front of nonlinear wave can be called a non- where linear Fresnel diffraction. 2 g 2h¯ as h¯ Similar formation of oscillatory structures at sharp = = ⊥ = g1D 2 2 ,a , (3) wave front or after wave breaking in modulationally 2πa⊥ maa⊥ maω⊥ stable systems described by the Korteweg–de Vries that is the transversal degrees of freedom are frozen. equation is well known as a “dissipationless shock It is well known (see, e.g., [10]) that a homogeneous wave” (see, e.g., [10]). Its theoretical description is 2 distribution with linear density n0 =|Ψ | = const given [11,12] in framework of Whitham theory of non- described by (2) with negative g1D (as < 0) is unstable linear wave modulations [13], where the oscillatory with respect to self-modulation with increment of structure is presented as a modulated nonlinear peri- instability equal in our present notation to odic wave which parameters change little in one wave- ¯ length and one period. Then slow evolution of the pa- hK 2 Γ = 8|as|n0 − (a⊥K) , (4) rameters of the wave is governed by Whitham equa- 2maa⊥ tions obtained by averaging of initial nonlinear wave where K is a wavenumber of small periodic modula- equations over fast oscillations of the wave. Applica- tion. The most unstable mode has the wavenumber tion of this method to modulationally unstable systems has been given for important particular case of soliton Kmax = 2 |as|n0 /a⊥ (5) train formation at the sharp front of a long step-like and the corresponding increment is equal to initial pulse [14–17]. Here we shall consider by this method formation of solitons in BEC with negative Γmax = 4|as|n0ω⊥. (6) scattering length (attractive interaction of atoms). ∼ | | We suppose that condensate is confined in a very This means that after time 1/( as n0ω⊥) the homo- geneous condensate splits into separate solitons (dif- elongated cigar-shaped trap whose axial frequency ωz fraction fringes) and each soliton (diffraction fringe) is much less than the radial frequency ω⊥.Inthefirst ∼ approximation we can neglect the axial trap potential contains about Ns n0/Kmax atoms. If in 3D GP 2 ∼ and suppose that condensate is contained in a cylindri- equation (1) the nonlinear energy gNs Kmax/a⊥ gn /a2 in each solitons is much less than the kinetic cal trap (ωz = 0) and its initial density distribution has 0 ⊥ 2 2 a rectangular form. Evolution of BEC is governed by energy in the transverse direction, ∼ h¯ /maa⊥,then three-dimensional (3D) Gross–Pitaevskii (GP) equa- the transverse motion is reduced to the ground state tion oscillations and the 3D condensate wave function can = = be√ factorized into ψ φ0(x, y)Ψ (z, t),whereφ0 −1 2 2 2 2 ( πa⊥) exp[−(x +y )/(2a⊥)] is the ground state h¯ 1 2 2 2 2 ihψ¯ t =− ∆ψ + maω⊥ x + y ψ + g|ψ| ψ, wave function of transverse motion, and Ψ(z,t)obeys 2ma 2 (1) to the effective 1D nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equa- tion (2). Thus, the condition of applicability of 1D for the condensate wave function ψ, where we use equation (2) for description of solitons formation is 2 standard notation g = 4πh¯ as/ma for the effective | | nonlinear coupling constant, as < 0isthes-wave scat- n0 as 1, (7) tering length, andψ is normalized on the number of which means that the instability wavelength ∼ 1/K | |2 = max particles in BEC, ψ dr N. For analytical treat- is much greater than the transverse radius a⊥ of BEC. ment of nonlinear Fresnel diffraction it is important If (7) is not satisfied, then the transverse motion has to to determine conditions when the 3D equation (1) can be taken into account which may lead to collapse of be reduced to its one-dimensional (1D) approximation BEC inside each separate soliton. Therefore we shall (see, e.g., [18]) confine ourselves to the BEC described by the 1D NLS equation under supposition that the initial distribution 2 h¯ 2 2 satisfies the condition (7). ihΨ¯ t =− Ψzz + g1D|Ψ | Ψ, |Ψ | dz = N, 2ma To simplify formulae in the analytic theory, we (2) transform (2) to dimensionless variables τ = 408 A.M. Kamchatnov et al. / Physics Letters A 319 (2003) 406–412 √ 2 2(|as|n0) ω⊥t, ζ = 2|as|n0z/a⊥, Ψ = 2|as| n0u,so where sn(x, m) is the Jacobi elliptic function, that (2) takes the form θ = ζ − Vτ, V =−2(α + β), (11) + + | |2 = 2 2 iuτ uζζ 2 u u 0, (8) m = 4γδ/ (α − β) + (γ + δ) , (12) and u is normalized to the effective length L of the parameters α and γ are determined by the initial the condensate |u|2 dζ = L/a⊥ measured in units condition (9), and β and δ are slow functions of ζ of a⊥. We are interested in the process of formation and τ . Their evolution is governed by the Whitham of solitons (nonlinear Fresnel diffraction fringes) at equation the sharp boundary of initially rectangular distribution. ∂(β + iδ) ∂(β + iδ) Since this process takes place symmetrically at both + v(β,δ) = 0, (13) sides of the rectangular distribution, we can confine ∂τ ∂ζ ourselves to the study of only one boundary. This where Whitham velocity v(β,δ) isgivenbythe limitation remains correct until the nonlinear waves expression propagating inside the condensate collide in its center. If the initial distribution is long enough, this time v(β,δ) is much greater than the time of solitons formation. =−2(α + β) Thus, we consider the initial distribution in the form 4δ[γ − δ + i(β − α)]K − , − − + [ − + + ] γ exp(−2iαζ), for ζ<0, (β α)(K E) i (δ γ)K (δ γ)E u(ζ, 0) = (9) 0, for ζ>0, (14) K = K(m) and E = E(m) being the complete elliptic where γ is the height of initial step-like distribution integrals of the first and second kind, respectively. and α characterizes the initial homogeneous phase. Since our initial condition (9) does not contain any The problem of this kind has already been consid- parameters with dimension of length, the parameters ered in some other problems of nonlinear physics β and δ can only depend on the self-similar variable [10,14–17] and we shall present here only the main ξ = ζ/τ. Then Eq. (13) has the solution results. Due to dispersion effects described by the second ζ/τ = ξ = v(β,δ) (15) term in Eq. (8), the sharp front transforms into slightly modulated wave which describes usual Fresnel dif- with v(β,δ) given by (14).
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