Id Fashioned Sale Days - Today - Tomorrow - Saturday THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Neuxpaper In Union County YEAR—No. 47 Kntered an Second Class Mutter Poet Office. Westfteld, N " Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1956 Every Thursday laygrounds Hold Town 3 Day Town-wide Cites Need For Program To •uoit, Horseshoe Events Sales Event Gets Benefit People Of World Board Revokes Underway Today "What is needed today is a bold Photo Wins Contest new program to benefit the people Market Permit lop Honors Go Named Aide For of the world, not the leaders," Merchants Offer Walter Copp, professor of history at Montclair State Teachers Col- o Winners From Semi-Annual GOP Conference lege, told the Rotary Club at it- Special Bargains luncheon meeting Tuesday in tit Decision Made »lumbus, Grant YMCA. Old Fashioned Bargain Sale Will Lead Local "Leaders come and go but 11.»- Days, the big semi-annual three Membership Drive people are always there," he nut- After Hearing On fter three days of competition day townwide sale event, sponsor- id. playground quoit and horse- ed by Westfield merchants, opened Mrs. Bette Schafer, Union Speaking on the topic, "U. S. Citizens' Appeal )e tournament heads announced this morning and continues tomor- Role in World Affairs," Mr. Co| p year's winners. Ralph Mann Jounty executive chairman of the row and Saturday. Republican Conference of New told the club that "in 72 hours we Columbus playground took first The sale, which is sponsored by an be any place in the world. Tn The building permit granted the ice honors in horseshoes while Jersey, this week announced the the Retail Trades Division of the appointment of Mrs! Frank H day we are the leaders of tli' Giand Union Co. for a supermar- -hard Birchall of Washington Chamber of Commerce, offers a world." The area in the headlim •< ket at 219-233 Elm street was re- ,k second and Marty Howarth, Betz Jr., 1121 Lawrence avenue, wide selection of merchandise of- as finance chairman in Westfield today is the Middle East, he said voked by the Board of Adjust Roosevelt clinched third place, fering buyers quality items at bar- and added that "we have tried to ment after a late-hour session last doubles it was .again Ralph for the conference. Thursday. As of yesterday there gain prices. CHARLES H. BROWER As chairman, Mrs. Betz wil- prevent the Soviet Union from nn teamed up with Roland The committee said participating moving in since 1947. We have had been no announced decision by ith taking home the, horseshoe direct a canvass of every Repub- the company to appeal the decision. stores are so varied that excep- 'ican. and Independent home in ried to extend NATO by includ' ublcs championship. Washing- tional values are offered in every Named to New ng Turkey." The board's action reversed 's combination of Dennis Burke Westfield aimed at gaining new Building Inspector Bernard Jann line of retail merchandise. It is an members for the Republican Con- He warned against being "bul- who issued the permit June 14 d Richard Birchall took second opportunity for area residents to ied into a false sense of security jce while Ralph Donofri and Rutgers Board ference. The membership drive is after plans submitted by the com- obtain, practically at their door- expected to start earlv in Septem- by lack of headlines concerning pany complied" with the town's mnis Thome of Jefferson play- step, greater variety, greater se- iund placed third. This year's ber. Asia" and noted that "problems building code. The appeal for set- lections and greater value for their Announcement of Mrs. Beta's re still there, Red China and For- ting aside the permit was Sled ./ii quoit champion is Bob Ven- shopping dollar, it was noted. Trustees Select rella of Grant Playground de- appointment followed the first mosa for instance." June 28 by Charles A. Held Jr. »ting Richard Birchall of Wash- Advertisements of participating Charles Brower meeting of the Union County di- Japan, in order to exist, will 9f Plainfield, attorney for the [ton and Ralph Donofri of Jef- stores appear throughout this issue vision of the Republican Confer- have to trade and export, accord- Westfield Residents Association, and it is suggested that shoppers Charles H. Brower of 409 Wood- ence at Elizabeth's Wlnfield Scott ng to the speaker, "In the long Dr. Spragg To ion who took third place hon- ThB board announced its deci- In doubles it was again Bob read them all and make up their and avenue has been named a Hotel. un," he explained, "the solution shopping lists from them. member of the new Board of Gov- dll be the opening up of other sion at 2 a.m. Friday after a four- turella, paired with Mark The meeting was highlighted by hour public hearing and a two- ey bringing home the ribbons Thii phots by H. Evani Hemiath John Scott.jcommittee chairman, ernors which will control opera- a discussion of plans for the mem- new markets for Japan. Africa Preach Sunday took firit place in the weekly reports that "the merchants of tion of Rutgers, New Jersey's s a whole area of colonialism; hour executive session. The jur- Grant. Losing a close match bership drive by Mrs. Schafer and ? isdiction of the board in acting on Fred Bass and Ralph Donofri photofraphy contnt conducted Westfield are going all out to state university. His appointment William R. Darragh, executive di- rench possessions want independ Will Be~Guest at the Weitfield playgrounds. bring to their customers the great- was made by the existing Board mce." the appeal was questioned by Ad- efferson. rector of the State Republican dison C. Ely, the attorney repre- est sales days in history. Special of Trustees which selected five di- Conference. The professor told club mem- At Union Service >espite some more rainy wea- emphasis is being placed on qual- rectors from its number. In addi- bers that "Western Europe is senting the town of Westfield in on the playgrounds, the total ity and both summer and fall se- tion to six nominations made by Darragh, in his address, pointe our advance base and we may be The Rev. Dr. Howard E. Spragg tho absence of Town Attorney nation has reached 2,869 Area Scouts lections are available. Months of Governor Meyner there will be two out that the state conference's called on to make concessions to if 234 West Dudley avenue, gen- Robert S. Snevily. Irvine B. John- daily attendance has a grand non-voting members — the state program will give "good citizens iral secretary for administration stone Jr., Westfield attorney ap- planning and preparation are need- these countries to maintain them. pearing for Dr. Leland Davis, one of 30,049 at the end of the ed to co-ordinate the program." commissioner of education, Dr. an opportunity to serve in the in Latin America is a tremendous if the Board of Home Missions of week of an eight-week pro- Attend Gamp Frederick N. Raubinger, and the terests of good government." h e Congregational Christian of the owners of tho proposed mar- Mrs. Audrey Wilson, secretary contrast between great masses of ket site, also raised doubt as to of the Westfield Chamber of Com- president of the university, Dr. In the past, Darragh continued, illiterate peoples ruled by dictator- Churches, will be guest preacher i playground Softball play, the Lewis Webster Jones, making "people haven!t been given the at 9:30 a.m. union services Sun- the board's jurisdiction in the mat- merce, reports that 69 merchants ships founded on powder kegs and ter. Mr. Reid maintained that un- stand in the following or- Awards Presented total of 13 members. opportunity to understand the is- Communists lurking in tho back day in First Baptist Church. are participating this year, by far sues—to realize the value of thoi A graduate of Tufts College, der the statute persons "aggrieved [: McKinJey, first; Jefferson, sec- At Honor Campfire the largest number ever to take ground. by a decision of the building' in- , and Columbus, third, -follow- Mr. Brower is executive vice personal franchise, the vote." "The two most critical areas o: Medford, Mass., class of 1938 part. Shoppers are advised to president of Batten, Barton, Durs- This year's membership drivi summa cum lnudii, Dr. Sprag'g re spector" have the right to appeal J by Wilson, Roosevelt, Grant, Three Boy Scout troops have look for the "Old Fashioned Bar- the world which to a great exten to the board. Icoln, and Washington. In the tine and Osborn, New York adver- by. the Republican Conference, determine our move today are In ceived his theological training at been attending Camp Watchung gain Days" signs in the windows. tising agency. He is a former Darragh said, is being undertake Union Theological Seminary, New fseball league, Grant School and Mr. Scott has been assisted by dia and the Soviet Union. Indi; More than 50 persons attended tfiniey Schol , .tied for ftrst at Glen Gardner during the past member of the Westfteld Board of to rekindle, on the grassroots lei York and Chicago Theological the hearing. Several voiced oppo- re week, C. Elden HOOB, district four Herman Farber, Alex Rosenthal, Education and trustee of the is probably the strongest suppor •ci with.thiW- ' ^ WiJ.- el', "a vital sense of individual ri er of democracy in Asia. Indi Seminary. He also holds a doctor sition to the .proposed market. No camping-chairman, announced to- Arthur Schargel and W,. L.t Pik N<w-Jersey Society for Crippled sponsibillty In governmeht »nd * of divinity degree from Yankton one spoke in favor of the plan.
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