Ï.--V WEATHER FORECAST. ♦ WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT Fur It hours endln* 4 pm.. Tlllilr Plavlwwf— A Sight iti Veatee.- VtcWla *o.l viole* y — KMIml» rvWue- Tht Story Without a NA *«4». floe and very dry lor several «"otinnU»—“Tbe Tenth Woman.*' CüIftl TM See Hawk " ' VOL. 66 NO. 100 VICTORIA. B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1925 -16 PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS ===== r PRESIDENT 48.3 Per Cent of Votes Cast in Germany Given New Leader AVIATOR IN COURT POUCE MEASURES LIBERAL ffIN Vancouver. April 27.—Charged with FOR MAY DAY IN driving te the énurmon danger aa^a FRANCE PLANNED result of a collision between hie au­ tomobile and a car driven by W. Polling Led to Fights in City of Berlin Mouldcy, Port Coquitlam, at the cor­ CONSIDERED Perl*. April 27.—Tb* French ner of Cerdero gnd Nelson Streets on Cabinet to-day drew up measures ft** the- preservation of order on the evening of April 22. Flight -Lieut. Mhjr Day; with epeolal reference A. L. Morfee, Royal Canadian Air SAYS ELECTION IN HINDENBURG’S te the proclaimed intention of the Force, attached to the Jericho Beach GREAT TRIUMPH Communiste to stage a manifes­ station as adjutant, appeared in GERMANY MENACE; SUCCESS PLEASES HINDENBURG GIVEN tation on that day. police court to-day and was re Government Overcome Heavy roanded until to-morrow. JAMES W. GERARD H0HENZ0LLERN Opposition Majority Vote of 14,639,399 VOTES Doom. April 27—Two automobiles Last Election bringing high officers from Germany TIDE OF CANADIANS ON WAY arrived at 8 o'clock this morning with R. H. Rooley, Conservative the news of the election of Von Hln- IN GERMAN CONTEST denburg as President of Germany, Leader, Failed to Speak in and went dlrecno the chateau of HOE FROM Hi GROWS AND Wilhelm Hohenzollern. former Kaiser Chief Centre of Riding of Germany, over which Hohensollern Wilhelm Marx, Candidate of Republican Bloc, Re­ flags fly. Ottawa, April 27.—The Liberal Hohensollern and his entourage ceived 13,752,440 Votes for Presidency of BepobHc; victory. in Grind Forks-GreenFo - OUTWARD MOVEMENT DECLINES were overjoyed at the news and great d greatly improves the posi­ animation reigned at the chateau. Thaelmann, Communist, Was Given 1,931,591 tion of the Government in the Later In the day one of the auto­ B.C. Legislature. Premier Oliver mobiles started on the return trip to Votes; Hindenburg’s Supporters in Minority in deelarsd te-day in dieeuaeing by- By Times Staff EepreaenUtiv* Germany. election neu It. Reichstag. ' “I am delplighted with the ver- Ottawa, April 27—The tide of Canadians returning to their diet of thei electors." Mr. Oliver country from the United States, after being attracted there-for » told The Tim* correspondent. Berlin. April 27—Field Marshal von Iiindenburg** “front “Net only do* it shew that the a abort period, ia,swelling into large proportions. This is-indi­ people prefer the Government's cated by immigration figures which have just been compiled here LT.-COL W. H. COY porch” campaign, conducted from hia home in Hanover, he* been work to the policies and the works of the Opposition, but it and which tell the other side of the Conservatives" gloomy story successful and next week he will be inducted into office as the al* adds te the administrative about the depopulation of this country. first popularly-elected President of Germany. The first President, security in our Province. It is Not only is the movement from the United States to Canada nouer • good thing for a country the late Friedrich Ebert, wa* named by the National Amembly to have a Government which growing but the movement from Canada to the United States is look» a dear working majority declining substantially. In this way the Immigration balance be­ Was Honorary Colonel of 50th immediately after the revolution which established the repehBe, and the new alignment of the hot Ton Hindenhurg waa rhoaen by direct vote of the people. Hoe* as a result of our victory, tween the two countries is showing a decided tcpdfcney.to Gordon Highlanders I am sure, ia fer tbe benefit of Uw right istelf. : “ Hanning as the choice of the Nationalist-Conservative Bloc, Province a» a whole. The elec­ la 1922, 182.MS Canadians entered New* has reached the city of consisting of the partiks of the United Right, he received 14,- tors' verdict is what I expected. New York, AprilA 27.—The el* the death of William II. Coy. 639,-799 vote*, or 48.3 per cent of the total valid ballot* cut in ^nrho^new^Gfind Forked- Green- the United States. This iron* tien of -Marshal von Hin * of man and will be e*distmct go«n dropped last year to 1BM98- What JOINS CABINET denburg ae President____________ ef Germany^ former well-known resident of yesterday’s election. He obtained a plurality ef 886,759 ever hia TriqpaifcT4*" "7 for Legislature/* Is more significant. however, Is ihe • i»_lV>t9ri* and honorary colonel of downward tendency of this movement ut old coumn th> epinlen af­ date of*ihe Republican Bloc, who reoervad 13,7*1?,Ufl eotm, Bail, fermer United nmnStatee wcTBiif, Tthe 30th Gordon Highlander», FlELD-MARSHAL HÏNDENBURG They said It with ballots In Grand towards the end of last year. In Fork» on Saturday and the way they EARL OF BALFOUR dor te Germany. who passed away in Redlands, President -sleet ef Germany Thaelmann, Communist, trailing with 1.931,591. amid it waa aa pleasing to the Hon. January, 1I2< 18.898 Canadfc Mr. Gerord to-day ehaaaeter- California, on April 22. William Sloan, who had charge of the crossed the boundary to the United ieed the election * » flat de- UNWILLING PARTNER caepaign for the Government, a* it States. By December of laet year clarstion by the German people The late IJeut.-CoI. Coy was a The women’s votes and the heavy a# a return to militarism and was disappointing to R. H. Pooler. the movement had dropped to 11,181. native of New Brunswick ami turnout of former "stay-at-hemes* Conservative leader. monarchism. ELECTION PROVES SENTIMENT OF are believed to have been rirapnn I*atest official returns show that D. The December movement. Incidental Prominent Qormmne here, how­ first eatne West in the early (lays •ible for Hindoo berg's victory over McPherson. Government candidate, Jy, was a drop of about 800 from the ever, saw in the oleetiow hop* In hi. capacity of traveling auditor •ech. a seasoned peHttcal cam­ carried the Grand Forks-Greenwood movement In the previous month. it far a united peaceful nation. for the O.P.R. White visiting Kt.sk* paigner ae Dr. Marx. The latter riding in the by-election by a ma­ But not all these Canadians • re toon in that capacity he was im GERMANS TO WORLD, STATE FRENCH failed, however, to arouse enthus­ jority of slaty over the Conservative mained la the United States by any pressed by Ihe possibilities of dm! iasm in the ranks of the Démocratie oppositionist. Dr. Kingston. The vote means. Many of them stayed away opment In that district and resigning Party, which war but an unwilling from home only for a short time. and. his position, settled In the town, vaa: McPherson. Iff; Kingston. S«M. *• Paris, April 27—That von Iiindenburg s election to the Ger­ partner In the so-cniled Weimar HEAVILY LIBERAL | In addition, during the eleven months LEAGUE MUST opening one of the first real estate coalition. Dr. Marx’s txis office*. With shrewd Judgment and ending February. 1926. when records JLr $ man presidency may prove beneficial if it open* the eyes of the freely admit anti-Catholic feeMng The Conservatives, us expected, of this phase of the situation were foresight he purchased farm, binds in polled heavily in Grand Forks. In the newly-opened Goose Lake distri. t world to the real sentiment of the German people was the opinion set strongly against their candidate. first kept. 41,000 Canadian* returned The Reichstag will meet next Greenwood the former constituency to their own country after an ab­ and us a result of hi* venture made of the Hon. J. D. Maclean, the HAVE SUPPORT expressed to-day in official circles here; where the result of yes­ Tuesday and von Iiindenburg; if he sence in the United States of six considerable money He took an ac­ liberals won by nearly two to one. terday's polling caused no surprise. follows established coelom. wfM months or longer. ' wk tive part in the public and civic life Most of the other outside points went The most satisfactory)- point re­ of Saskatoon and was one of Its most In the same quarter it was said Ihe heavy vote cast by the have the Republican oath ateta- heavily Liberal. vealed by the figures covering the prominent citizens. istered to him some time during the The TJtmral victory makes the return of Canadians, however. I» that SAYS FOSTER In 1912 he moved to Victoria and women for the field marshal pas deemed the npost significant week by the Socialist President of standing of the partie* In th* Lsgts* récent - months have whown a big in- entered the real estate business here. feature of Ihe election. The men, it was Relieved, had voted the Reichstag. Paul Loebe. in the future as follows: liberal*. 21: Inde­ < reus* in their nuihber. Thus the to­ He made a number of investments in for either Marx or von Iiindenburg in the greater part for party prewenee of a Parliament in which pendent Liberal. 1; Conservative», 17; ut I number returning Jumped from Drive For Members in League real estate and for a time resided on he has more opponents than sup* Jnbor, 1: Provinc ials, 1.
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